20 Baddie Comebacks For “Go Away”

Baddie Comebacks for Go Away

There are thousands of words and phrases that could set a person off and one of them is “go away”, it’s all shades of disrespectful, this is why you need a brilliant comeback for someone who says these words to you and why this article comes in handy. 

Regardless of how it’s being said, leave,  get out, if you are in a situation that you need to make a hot comeback, then selecting any of the 20 baddie expressions that I have listed for you would be a smart move.

It is certain that at the end of the day, what’s going to ‘go away’, is their ego. 

Make sure to read down to the last sentence to get the best comebacks that you could use personally or share. 

List of 20 Baddie Comebacks for “Go Away”

  1. The only person leaving this room is you. 
  2. wasn’t intending on remaining in a place where jealousy reigns
  3. I wouldn’t want to stay with a lunatic anyways
  4. Just like your self esteem, I will go away. 
  5. If I leave this place, it’s as good as dead. 
  6. You’re here again, of course leaving is my number one priority. 
  7. I will gladly leave, just like all your exes. 
  8. Make me! I would be pleased to see you try. 
  9. You don’t have to let me know, it’s natural for a person to want to do that, when with you. 
  10. At least if your pimples refuse to leave I will have to leave. 
  11. I would like to be anywhere but here. 
  12. You can’t tell me what to do, I do what pleases me. 
  13. That’s the same way I feel anytime I notice your presence. 
  14. I didn’t realize I ordered a side of annoyance with my day.
  15. You’re the one always flocking around me, so you should go away. 
  16. You’re giving off a real ‘stay away’ vibe. It’s not shocking. 
  17. Please, save your energy. You’re wasting your breath here.
  18. I brought life into the room, watch, as I will take it back as I exit. 
  19. Watch me leave the room in style my dear. 
  20. Of course you want me to go away, I am taking the spotlight from you. 

The only person leaving this room is you. 

People who tell other people to go away definitely need a hot comeback to set the record straight. 

An expression like this asserts the speaker’s authority or dominance in the situation, implying that the accuser is the one who should leave. The one who said it should leave and that’s final. 

  • I am not leaving this room, you are. 
  • I would love to leave this room but only after you. 

wasn’t intending on remaining in a place where jealousy reigns. 

Baddie Comebacks for Go Away

Jealousy could be part of what would make a person request for you to leave and it’s important to point that out. 

In this expression it dismisses the accuser’s request by implying that their presence is associated with negative emotions or toxicity.

  • I wouldn’t want to stay in a room where someone who is envious of me resides. 
  • I will do it for my sake, I wouldn’t want to die from the jealousy that reeks in this room. 

I wouldn’t want to stay with a lunatic anyways

This is definitely a baddie comeback for when someone tells you to go away.  Why would you want to stay where they are in the first place? 

 It is a  dismissal of the accuser as mentally unstable or irrational, implying that their request is unreasonable. You could share this fun line with your friends at work. 

  • I wouldn’t want to stay with a lunatic, so thank you for the favor. 
  • I will gladly let myself out, I don’t want to be mistaken for a lunatic like you. 

Just like your self esteem, I will go away. 

Baddie Comebacks for Go Away

Guess who is feeling the burn after delivering this baddie statement, it’s definitely not you. 

This is a funny comeback that insults the accuser’s self-esteem while also asserting the speaker’s intention to leave, implying that the accuser’s request is insignificant.

  • Your self esteem left you so watch me leave like it. 
  • I will exit this room just like your self esteem exited from your life. 

If I leave this place, it’s as good as dead. 

A brilliant way to make yourself look cool even after being told to go away is the use of this expression. 

It is an expression that suggests that the speaker’s presence is vital or essential to the situation, implying that the accuser’s request is unwarranted or impractical. A good use of comic tone would make this comeback a banger. 

  • This place will suddenly begin to lose life once I step out of the room. 
  • I don’t think that you know that it’s my presence that’s making this party enjoyable. 

You’re here again, of course leaving is my number one priority. 

Baddie Comebacks for Go Away

Do you want to turn the tables around someone who tells you to go away? Then choose to make use of this statement as a comeback. 

It completely crushes the accuser’s request as predictable or unimportant, implying that the speaker has no intention of complying. 

  • You’re here so it’s very obvious that I would leave, I don’t want to catch a disease. 
  • I am already on my way, I am very cautious of catching an infection from you. 

I will gladly leave, just like all your exes. 

This would be more effective on someone you are familiar with and are quite informed of their love life to make this comeback more hurtful. 

It humorously implies that the accuser’s relationships end poorly or are characterized by the departure of their partners, meaning that the speaker is following suit.

  • I am certainly going to leave like all your exes did when they discovered what a loser you are. 
  • You are such a loser and I will just like your exes left you. 

Make me! I would be pleased to see you try. 

If you don’t want to leave the room and still keep your dignity and class intact, this would be the line that you are looking for. 

This defiant comeback challenges the accuser’s authority or ability to compel the speaker to leave, implying that the speaker will not comply willingly.

  • I would like to see you try, you will definitely live to regret it. 
  • Make me leave! Not even a thousand security could get me out of here. 

You don’t have to let me know, it’s natural for a person to want to do that, when with you. 

Everything about this comeback screams baddie because it’s creative and insulting at the same time. 

A statement like this ridicules the accuser’s request as unnecessary or obvious, implying that the speaker’s departure is inevitable.

Leaving the room with willingness and gladness would make the comeback even more effective. 

  • You are not a person a reasonable person would want to be with so I am glad to go away. 
  • I would rather go away than stay with you and risk my sanity. 

At least if your pimples refuse to leave I will have to leave. 

In this case, we are going after the accuser’s pimples, you could incorporate whatever works for you, what’s important is that it ends up being funny. 

This humorous comeback compares the accuser’s unwanted presence to pimples, implying that the speaker will leave if the accuser’s pimples refuse to leave. 

  • Your pimple on your face refuses to leave so you are telling me to go away, tell your pimples to go away. 
  • I need to seriously go away, if your pimples don’t understand it, I do. 

I would like to be anywhere but here. 

If you’re aiming to make a straightforward comeback and still remain classy, this would be a suitable line to use. 

This straightforward statement expresses the speaker’s desire to leave the current situation, implying that the accuser’s presence is unwelcome.

I would recommend that you share this amongst your friends that might be interested. 

  • I would rather be in hell than where you are.  
  • You are literally the reason why this place feels like air, so I will gladly leave.  

You can’t tell me what to do, I do what pleases me. 

Just because someone tells you to go away does not mean that it must be obeyed, you can serve a hot comeback reminding them of that. 

This defiant response rejects the accuser’s authority or control over the speaker’s actions, implying that the speaker will not comply with their request.

  • I do whatever the hell I want and you are not going to make me do it. 
  • I am not doing anything that you tell me to do, get it through your bloody skull. 

That’s the same way I feel anytime I notice your presence. 

Baddie Comebacks for Go Away

If someone tells you to go away, one of the best options is to remind them of how you want them to reciprocate that action anytime they see you. 

It is a sarcastic comeback expression that turns down the accuser’s request by implying that their presence is unwelcome or unpleasant to the speaker. 

  • definitely feel like telling you that anytime I see you too. 
  • I was just thinking about saying the same thing to you too. 

I didn’t realize I ordered a side of annoyance with my day.

Perhaps you have annoying friends that often say these words to you whether in a playful or serious context, this comeback has your back any day. 

This humorous response shuns the accuser’s presence as annoying or unwelcome, implying that the speaker would prefer to be without them.

  • My day is usually stressful because you are always around, telling me to go away is a blessing. 
  • I will definitely leave, I don’t ever want to be stuck with you. 

You’re the one always flocking around me, so you should go away. 

Sometimes people who say the word ‘go away’ are usually the ones flocking around other people only to be rude to them at the end of the day. 

In this expression, there’s a deflection of the accuser’s request by pointing out their own behavior, implying that they are the one who should leave.

  • You should be the one to go away, you’re always flocking around me. 
  • You’re the one always invading my space so please leave. 

You’re giving off a real ‘stay away’ vibe. It’s not shocking.

This sarcastic comeback disses the accuser’s request by suggesting that their demeanor or behavior is off-putting, implying that the speaker has no intention of complying. 

A statement like this could be used on your colleagues at work that screams ‘go away’ everytime

  • You are not the type of person people would want to stay with anyways
  • I don’t mind at all, I get to be free from an ass like you. 

Please, save your energy. You’re wasting your breath here.

If you have no intention of going anywhere then this expression helps to declare that thought as a baddie comeback line. 

This is a dismissive response that implies that the accuser’s request is futile or unnecessary, suggesting that the speaker has no intention of leaving.

  • I hope you don’t stress your vocal cords because I am not leaving here. 
  • The sooner you stop talking the better you understand I am not leaving here. 

I brought life into the room, watch, as I will take it back as I exit. 

This dramatic statement asserts the speaker’s importance or influence in the situation, implying that their departure will have a significant impact, in this case ‘ bring life.’

Share this line with your friends and family members that might be interested. 

  • I brought life into this death room so I am taking it back as life. 
  • Without me here, it would be a disaster. 

Watch me leave in style my dear. 

This confident statement depicts that the speaker will leave in a manner that draws attention or admiration, dismissing the accuser’s request as insignificant.

What speaks louder than confidence is even more confidence. 

  • I will certainly leave in style, my dear. 
  • Of course I will leave but only in style. 

Of course you want me to go away, I am taking the spotlight from you. 

Someone might want you to go away because you’re dimming their light which shows the level of their insecurity. 

The sarcastic comeback shuts down the accuser’s request by suggesting that they are envious of the speaker’s presence or attention. 

  • The spotlight is on me so I get why you want me to go away.
  • I will go away because I want you to have some attention. 



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