Companies Roasting Each Other On Social Media —The Best We’ve Seen!

Big companies usually avoid openly criticizing each other. But times are changing. With the rapid adoption of social media footprints, these companies end up roasting each other.  We don’t know who runs these social media pages, but sometimes they have fun poking fun at other brands.  This can either go really severe or be quite… Continue reading Companies Roasting Each Other On Social Media —The Best We’ve Seen!

Companies Hilariously Roasting People On Social Media — The Best We’ve Seen

For a while, I’ve noticed that Wendy’s and PornHub are known for being really good at teasing people online. But recently, I found out that other brands are just as good at it, especially on X (formerly Twitter). I think the people who run these social media accounts deserve a raise because they’re so good… Continue reading Companies Hilariously Roasting People On Social Media — The Best We’ve Seen

20 Big Nostrils Memes

I wouldn’t want to exaggerate but sometimes it takes a text and an image to describe how huge a person’s nose is, and that’s the reason why I will be sharing with you, hilarious memes about big nostrils.  You could perhaps tag anyone you know that has big nostrils to these memes all for the… Continue reading 20 Big Nostrils Memes