20 Best Comebacks for When Someone Calls You Thirsty

Best Comebacks for When Someone Calls You Thirsty

When someone says you’re “thirsty,” it means they see you as someone too eager or desperate, especially for sexual attention or approval.

People often say this on social media when you post a revealing picture of yourself.

It even happens to celebrities a lot (Ariel Winter’s troll in 2018, for example), so you’re not alone. Unfortunately, there are not too many comeback ideas out there to help those who want to respond when called Thirsty.

One thing that always works is to joke about it or just ignore it. But even if you want to diss back, you have to show that the remark doesn’t bother you.

Here are 20 of the best comebacks I’ve heard when someone was called Thirsty and how you can use them in your situation:

Table of Contents

List of the Best 20 Comebacks You Can Say When Called Thirsty

Best Comebacks for When Someone Calls You Thirsty

I have seen this remark being used chiefly on girls, but it happens to guys, too. If you post or act in a sexually appealing way that attracts attention, you can expect some dimwits to start calling you Thirsty.

Here are some clever things you can say in return to put these critics in their place:

1. At least I’m thirsty for success, not validation.

“At least I’m thirsty for success, not validation” is an intelligent way to shut down any attempts to put you down when someone calls you thirsty.

Instead of seeking shallow things like approval from others, you’re all about going after big goals and achievements.

  • I’m all about success, not just seeking approval.
  • I’m thirsty for achievements, not attention.

2. Better thirsty than drowning in mediocrity like you.

If you want to reply in a way that shows you’re not bothered by what they said, you can use this comeback. 

It would imply that you’re so confident, and your desperation isn’t for arousing sexual interest but for bigger goals.

  • I’d rather be thirsty for success than stuck in average like you.
  • Being thirsty for greatness beats settling for mediocrity any day.

3. Thirsty? I prefer the term ‘ambitious,’ but hey, call it what you want

Another intelligent way to reply when someone calls you thirsty is to flip their insult into a compliment.

Instead of letting their words get to you, you’re saying you’re ambitious, which is a positive trait.

My favorite part, ending with “but hey, call it what you want,” shows that you’re not bothered by their opinion. You’re cool with them thinking whatever they want, but you know who you are.

  • Thirsty? No, I’m just thirsty for success, but you can call it what you want!
  • Thirsty? Nope, just fueled by ambition. Label it however you like

4. You’re right, I am thirsty—for success. I can’t say the same for you.

By admitting you’re thirsty for success, you’re proudly acknowledging your drive and ambition.

Then, with the second part, “Can’t say the same for you,” you subtly point out that the person insulting you doesn’t seem to share your ambition. 

So, while you’re focused on your goals, they don’t seem to have that same level of determination.

  • Yeah, I’m thirsty—for success, that is. What about you?

5. Thirsty? No, I’m just allergic to your dry personality.

Best Comebacks for When Someone Calls You Thirsty

When someone calls you thirsty in a derogatory way, you can quickly point out that it’s their personality that’s lacking, not your enthusiasm.

This comeback isn’t all that mean or serious. But it just shows you’re making fun of the criticism, and it didn’t really get to you. 

  •  Thirsty? No, I’m just not feeling your vibe.
  • Thirsty? No, I’m just looking for a better company

6. If being ambitious and driven makes me thirsty, then pour me another glass.

“If being ambitious and driven makes me thirsty, then pour me another glass” is a witty way to turn the insult into a badge of honor.

When someone calls you thirsty, you can use this line to show that you’re not ashamed of your ambition and drive. It also has humor, and that’s one of the critical ingredients of a good comeback

  • If chasing my dreams makes me ‘thirsty,’ then bring on the refill.
  • If being hungry for success makes me ‘thirsty,’ then I’ll keep drinking up

7. My thirst for greatness must really bother you, huh?

With this line, you’re showing confidence in yourself. And by adding “huh?” at the end, you’re kind of asking them if they have anything better to say. 

  • So what if I’m thirsty for success? It’s better than being thirsty for nothing.
  • Yep, I’m thirsty – thirsty for making things happen. What about you?

8. If ambition is thirsty, then consider me a dehydrated overachiever

Give your definition of being thirsty and project it to the person trying to talk wrong about you. In many cases, the person must have said that remark due to how you look or how you’re acting. 

But a line like this as a response will let them know that you’re quick with wit, and they will be speechless on what to say next. 

  • If being eager to succeed is thirsty, then you can call me an ambitious go-getter.
  • If striving for greatness is being thirsty, then I guess I’m a parched overachiever

9. Sorry, I’m too busy chasing dreams to worry about your petty insults.

Another way you can outsmart someone who is trying to call you thirsty is to tell them you’ve got big stuff going on and you don’t have time for their small-minded comments.

It’s a classy way of showing them that no adverse remarks from them can bring you down.

  • I’m too busy aiming for the stars to bother with your little jabs.
  • Sorry, I’m too busy building my empire to sweat your tiny digs.

10. Sorry, I don’t drink from the fountain of mediocrity like you do.

Best Comebacks for When Someone Calls You Thirsty

This comeback starts with a polite “Sorry,” which makes it seem like you’re taking their comment seriously, but with a hint of sarcasm.

But now, calling them out for drinking from the “fountain of mediocrity” is like saying they settle for average or ordinary things. It’s a subtle way of suggesting that they’re not as cool or unique as they might think.

  • Well, I prefer drinking from a different fountain than you do.
  • I’d instead quench my thirst elsewhere, thanks.

11. Thirsty? It’s more like being hungry for achievement while you’re just starving for attention.

When someone calls you “thirsty,” they’re implying you’re desperate for sexual attention. But by saying you’re “hungry for achievement,” you’re turning it around. 

You’re implying that instead of just wanting attention, you’re actually focused on achieving things and making progress in life.

Many people, when called thirsty, would want to say something back, But you’re being clever with this line because it allows you to show that you’re not bothered by their comments and that you have bigger goals in mind.

12. Keep calling me thirsty while I sip on success.

Another way you can diss someone when they call you thirsty is by saying, “Keep calling me thirsty while I sip on success.”

I like the comeback because the words flow nicely, and it sounds like something a confident, witty person would say. It’s the kind of comeback that makes you look good and leaves the other person speechless.

13. Thirsty? I’m just soaking up the opportunity while you’re busy drying out.

One of the great attributes of a good comeback is when you start the response with a cool “Thirsty?” like it’s no big deal. Then, you hit them by saying while they’re struggling, you’re thriving.

This comeback not only shuts down their insult but also makes you look impressive and sharp.

  • Me, thirsty? No, I’m too busy soaking up opportunities while you’re left high and dry.

14. If thirst is the price of ambition, then I’ll gladly pay it.

Usually, someone calling you thirsty intends that they want you to feel embarrassed. But a response like “If being thirsty means I’m ambitious, then I’m okay with that” shows you’re ambitious and willing to work hard for what you want.

Use this line as a clever way to shut down their teasing and show off your confidence.

  • If being thirsty means I’m determined, then I’m cool with it.
  • If thirstiness comes with ambition, count me in

15. Thirsty for what? Definitely not for you.

Best Comebacks for When Someone Calls You Thirsty

When someone calls you “thirsty,” they’re suggesting you’re desperate for intimacy. But when you respond with “Thirsty for what? Definitely not for you,” you imply that their opinion of themselves might be a bit too high.

 This comeback puts them in their place and makes them realize they’re not as important to you as they might think. 

So, instead of them bringing you down, you are the one bringing them down with your reply.

  • Thirsty for what? Certainly not for you.
  • Thirsty? Not even a drop for you.

16. It’s funny how you notice my thirst for success but overlook your thirst for drama.

You can also point out that while they’re focused on criticizing you, they’re actually the ones causing all the trouble just to get your attention.

It’s an intelligent comeback because it turns the tables on them. Instead of feeling wrong about being called “thirsty,” you make them realize they’re the ones being dramatic just to gain words out of your mouth.

  • You see my drive for success, but I miss your love for drama.

17. If you think I’m thirsty now, wait till you see me at the top.

Another intelligent way to reply when someone calls you thirsty is to show you’re confident in your looks or dress sense and not afraid to reveal it. Trust me, any hater you tell this one will be rather impressed.

  • If you think I’m thirsty now, just wait until I reach my goals!
  • You call it thirsty; I call it driven. Watch me shine at the top!

18. Thirsty? No, just fueled by ambition. Can’t relate?

Dismiss their insult right off the bat. Then explain that your actions or appearance that they’ve interpreted to be thirsty are driven by ambition and goals, not by a desperate need for attention or intimacy.

  • No, I’m just chasing dreams. Do you get it?
  • Nope, they are just driven by goals. Understand?

19. Keep calling me thirsty; maybe it’ll distract you from your lack of drive.

“Keep calling me thirsty; maybe it’ll distract you from your lack of drive” will suggest that the person is just saying that to ignore their issues.

You’re implying that they are the ones who need to work on themselves, not you.

Using this line is an intelligent way to handle the situation and show that you’re not easily shaken, especially if it’s on social media it happened.

  • Keep calling me thirsty; maybe you’re just thirsty for a distraction from your own goals.
  • Call me thirsty all you want, but maybe it’s just a reflection of your lack of ambition.

20. Thirsty? No, I’m just staying hydrated with the tears of my haters.

“Thirsty? No, just staying hydrated with the tears of my haters” is the kind of comeback you give when someone calls you thirsty on your Social media post.

It means they are the ones who are Thirsty for your attention, and you’ve done something to that: drink their tears inspired by hate and jealousy about your look.

Context Matters: Being Called Thirsty Vs. Being Called a Thirst trap

Before you choose a comeback to give someone, you need to know when it’s a compliment or an outright criticism.

Being called “thirsty” implies you’re being overly eager or desperate for attention or validation, especially in a romantic or sexual context. It’s pejorative.

On the other hand, a “thirst trap” is simply a deliberate attempt to attract attention, often of a sexual nature, through revealing photos or behavior on social media. 

Both remarks definitely involve seeking attention, but being called “thirsty” carries a negative connotation of desperation, whereas a “thirst trap” can be used in a playful or complimentary way, depending on the situation.

I’ve illustrated the differences between these words in the table below:

Aspect Being called Thirsty Being called a Thirst trap
Meaning Being overly eager or desperate for attention Posting something to attract attention, often by showing off attractiveness or sexiness
Connotation Negative It can be playful, complimentary, or negative
Assumed intention Seeking validation or sexual attention  Seeking attention for validation or amusement 
Done out of desperation Done out of intention
Example Constantly texting someone despite no response Posting a flattering photo on social media with an arousing caption

When someone calls you a “thirst trap,” it can mean two things: they think you’re attractive and charming, or they believe you’re seeking too much attention, especially in a sexual way. 

Some people say it as a friendly compliment, while others use it to criticize. So you have to understand the context before saying something snappy back to them.

But when they specifically use the term “thirsty,” it’s outrightly a harsh remark, and you can reply with sassy comebacks to put them in their place.


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