20 Clever Insults for Someone with a Lisp

Clever Insults for Someone with a Lisp

Do you know anyone with a lisp and you want to tease them? There’s good news. I’ve got plenty of clever one-liners you can use to insult someone with a lisp.

However, you should know that it isn’t right to tease people about their disability, looks, or inabilities. Teasing people about such things can be very hurtful and lead to something more complicated.

So, if you want to insult anyone with a speech defect, you should be careful whom you choose. Whether as a joke or not, not everyone would be able to handle such teasing.

20 Clever Insults for Someone with a Lisp

If at all you’d tease anyone with a lisp, a friend is the safer option. However, if they’re too sensitive, you might want to tease them about other things. 

Some of the smart punchlines you can use include: “You can’t even speak well, so how do we hear you out?” “cutting off part of your tongue might help,” and “You’re not really bad, you’re much worse.”

Below are 20 smart insults for someone with a lisp:

  1. You not only have a defect in your lips, you’ve got one in your brain
  2. For someone in your condition, you shouldn’t be too quick to speak 
  3. Your real problem is that you talk too much
  4. Can you pronounce statistics?
  5. You can’t even speak well, so how do we hear you out?
  6. You should prove yourself by pronouncing certain words
  7. My problem is with your lips, they’re too big
  8. Cutting off part of your tongue might help
  9. Having a lisp is not the end of the world, it’s just the beginning of your problem 
  10. You guys are the problem we have in our world, always saying what you don’t mean
  11. You’re not really bad, you’re much worse
  12. After meeting you, I can conclude that freedom of speech isn’t a good idea
  13. How can I unhear you?
  14. Whenever you speak, I get a headache trying to understand you
  15. You should speak only once a day to reduce the number of people with migraines
  16. I like having you around me. You know how to make us laugh without any effort
  17. You would have been beautiful but for your lips
  18. I don’t hate you, I just hate the words that come out of your mouth
  19. If you think before you speak, you’ll speak well
  20. The problem started when your parents gave birth to you 

You Not Only Have a Defect in Your Lips, You’ve Got One in Your Brain 

“You not only have a defect in your lips, you’ve got one in your brain” is one of the things to say to insult someone with a lisp.

This is a smart way to throw shade at them. Also, this line will work for someone who misbehaves.

For instance, if they do the opposite of what you ask them, you can use this line to call them out for it. Moreover, referring to their condition is a perfect way to get to them.

For Someone in Your Condition, You Shouldn’t Be Too Quick to Speak

“For someone in your condition, you shouldn’t be too quick to speak” is another smart way to get at someone with a lisp.

This is a classic insult that doesn’t only make fun of their speech defect, it also ridicules them for being quick in speaking.

Also, it’ll work for someone who’s always quick to jump into a discussion. It’s a funny line that implies that their condition should’ve made them a slow speaker.

Your Real Problem Is That You Talk Too Much 

“Your real problem is that you talk too much” is another way you can attack someone with a speech defect.

It’ll work for someone with a lisp who talks a lot. It’s a crazy line that calls them out for being talkative while referring to their condition.

Also, implying that having a lisp is not the real issue but their talking too much will certainly cause a good laugh. 

  • Your real problem is that you talk too much. If you don’t, you won’t have a lot of ‘s’ problem 
  • Your real problem is that you talk too much, burdening us with your funny pronunciation 

Can You Pronounce Statistics?

Clever Insults for Someone with a Lisp

Another question to ask to ridicule someone with a lisp is, “Can you pronounce statistics?”

First, certain words are difficult for people with this kind of speech defect. For instance, words with lots of ‘S’ and ‘T’. 

So, asking them to pronounce such words is a perfect way to make fun of them. Of course, they might not even attempt it because they’ll surely get the joke.

In addition, using this one-liner in front of others is a sure way to get at them.

You Can’t Even Speak Well, So How Do We Hear You Out?

Another thing to say to insult someone with a lisp is, “You can’t even speak well, so how do we hear you out?” 

This statement is something you can say to ridicule them when they make a suggestion or contribute to a discussion. 

It’s a rude statement that doesn’t only ridicule them for their condition, but also let them know that you’re not ready to listen to them. Also, it’s something you say when you want to dismiss them and their opinion.

You Should Prove Yourself by Pronouncing Certain Words 

“You should prove yourself by pronouncing certain words” is another smart way to insult someone with a lisp.

This is a crazy line that makes fun of their speaking difficulty. Since it’s already clear that people with lisp can’t pronounce certain words well, making this request will surely sting.

Also, it’s something you should say when you don’t want to hear them out.

My Problem Is with Your Lips, They’re Too Big 

“My problem is with your lips, they’re too big” is another clever insult for someone with a lisp.

This classic insult ridicules them by pointing out that the real issue is their big lips. It’ll work well when they make a statement.

Instead of emphasizing the funny pronunciation, blaming their lips will surely sting. 

Cutting off Part of Your Tongue Might Help

Clever Insults for Someone with a Lisp

“Cutting off some part of your tongue might help” is another crazy thing to say to insult someone with a lisp.

This is a ridiculous and sarcastic statement that offers a solution to their problem. It’ll work well after a statement from them, especially if they struggle to pronounce words.

Also, it’ll work well for someone who talks a lot.

  • Cutting off part of your tongue might help. At least you don’t get to talk a lot
  • Cutting off part of your tongue might help. Don’t you think so?

Having a Lisp Is Not the End of the World, It’s Just the Beginning of Your Problem 

“Having a lisp is not the end of the world, it’s just the beginning of your problem” is another smart way to insult someone with a lisp.

This is a sarcastic remark that mocks them and their condition. Stating that their condition is not the end of the world sounds like you sympathize with them. 

However, adding the last statement makes fun of their condition. It’ll certainly hit hard.

You Guys Are the Problem We Have in Our World, Always Saying What You Don’t Mean

“You guys are the problem we have in our world, always saying what you don’t mean” is another thing to say to ridicule someone with a lisp.

This statement makes fun of their condition by implying that they’re causing a lot of problems with their mispronunciation of words. 

Also, it’s a funny way to poke fun at them after they make a statement.

You’re Not Really Bad, You’re Much Worse 

“You’re not really bad, you’re much worse” is another statement that you can use to insult someone.

This punchline will work for someone with a lisp. It’s a sarcastic statement that sounds like a compliment. However, the final line is going to hit hard.

Also, it’ll work well after you hear them speak.

  • You’re not really bad, you’re much worse. I see that now
  • The more you talk, the more I see you’re really not bad but worse 

After Meeting You, I Can Conclude That Freedom of Speech Isn’t a Good Idea

“After meeting you, I can conclude that freedom of speech isn’t a good idea” is another smart thing to say to make fun of someone with a lisp.

This is a funny line that ridicules their condition by implying that they shouldn’t be allowed to speak freely. Also, making this observation after a speech from them is sure to get everyone laughing.

How Can I Unhear You?

Another funny thing to ask someone with a lisp is, “How can I unhear you?” 

This question will work after a statement from them. It’s a classic insult that ridicules their condition. Also, it implies that you regretted hearing them speak.

  • How can I unhear you? You just compounded my problem
  • How can I unhear you? You’ve just succeeded in confusing me

Whenever You Speak, I Get a Headache Trying to Understand You

“Whenever you speak, I get a headache trying to understand you” is another clever thing to say to make fun of someone with a lisp.

This is a crazy line that blames them for giving you a headache whenever they speak. Also, stating that you find it difficult to understand what they say makes fun of their condition. 

  • Whenever you speak, I get a headache trying to understand you. I think you shouldn’t speak again
  • Whenever you speak, I get a headache trying to understand you. Why not try sign language?

You Should Speak Only Once a Day to Reduce the Number of People with Migraines

“You should speak only once a day to reduce the number of people with migraines” is another interesting punchline you can use to ridicule someone with a lisp.

This line, just like the above, blames them for causing migraines whenever they speak.

Also, asking them to reduce the number of times they speak to “once a day” is a hilarious way to insult them.

I Like Having You Around Me. You Know How to Make Us Laugh without Any Effort

“I like having you around me. You know how to make us laugh without any effort” is another thing to say to make fun of someone with a lisp.

This line is a sarcastic one that points out that their way of speaking causes people to laugh. Also, saying that you like having them around makes it more hilarious.

You Would Have Been Beautiful but for Your Lips 

Clever Insults for Someone with a Lisp

“You would have been beautiful but for your lips” is another way to insult someone with a lisp.

This is a two-in-one punchline that insults them for their condition, implying that they lack beauty because of it.

Also, saying that their lips are the culprit makes it hilarious.

I Don’t Hate You, I Just Hate the Words That Come Out of Your Mouth 

“I don’t hate you, I just hate the words that come out of your mouth” is another sharp statement that you can use to poke fun at someone with a lisp.

This statement is a sarcastic one that’ll surely hit hard. It states that the words they say are the problem you’ve got with them. 

If You Think Before You Speak, You’ll Speak Well 

“If you think before you speak, you’ll speak well” is another smart thing to say to insult someone with a lisp.

This one-liner doesn’t only ridicule them for their condition, it insults them for speaking without thinking. Also, it’s a funny way to call them dumb.

The Problem Started When Your Parents Gave Birth to You 

“The problem started when your parents gave birth to you” is another crazy thing to say to make fun of someone with a lisp.

This classic punchline will hit very hard, as it blames their parents for their condition.

Also, it’ll work well after they attempt to pronounce some words. Making this comment will tell them you wish their parents hadn’t given birth to them. 

  • The problem started when your parents gave birth to you. They should have just aborted you
  • The problem started when your parents gave birth to you. If they hadn’t we wouldn’t be having this issue now

Final Words 

If you’ve got a friend with a lisp, these punchlines are smart ways you can insult them when they piss you off.

They’re a combination of hilarious and savage one-liners that’ll certainly hit hard. However, ensure they’re not the sensitive type to be on the safer side.


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