20 Missing Teeth Insults

Missing Teeth Insults

Do you need insults for someone with missing teeth? Missing teeth can occur due to genetic conditions, tooth decay, gum disease, and an injury.

This often leads to gaps, and it can also affect speech and eating.

While teasing someone about their missing teeth can be fun, you should know making fun of people because of their physical condition can hurt.

So, you should be careful with the words you say and who you say them to. And if you don’t know how to go about it, you don’t have to worry.

Fortunately, in this article, we’ll be looking at insults for people with missing teeth. So, if you want to tease a friend with missing teeth or ridicule someone pissing you off, this article has got you covered. 

20 Missing Teeth Insults

Some of the things to say to insult someone with missing teeth include:

“Hello, excuse me, do you work with GAP stores?” “You should’ve paid more attention to your math class, you’d have easily found the missing number,” and “I don’t understand what you’re saying, it must be your missing teeth.”

Here are 20 smart insults for someone with missing teeth:

  1. Hello, excuse me, do you work with GAP stores?
  2. You should smile with care, that gap is ugly
  3. Your smile is pretty, but it’s missing something
  4. How can we help?
  5. With your condition, you shouldn’t be quick to talk
  6. You should learn to identify with your peers
  7. You bear a close resemblance to a cat
  8. You should’ve paid more attention to your math class, you’d have easily found the missing number
  9. You look like a toothless bear
  10. A toothless vampire is prettier than you
  11. Have you lost your brain like you lost your teeth?
  12. Can you give us a toothless grin?
  13. Your missing teeth are quite distracting
  14. Are you writing an essay with your teeth, why are they double-spaced?
  15. Did you sell your teeth because you’re broke?
  16. I don’t understand what you’re saying, it must be your missing teeth 
  17. You should fill in your gaps before you talk to me
  18. I don’t talk to incomplete people 
  19. You should become a gardener, you’ll be good at filling holes 
  20. Your gap would’ve been pretty if you had a pretty face

Hello, Excuse Me, Do You Work with GAP Stores?

A question you can ask someone with missing teeth to insult them is, “Hello, excuse me, do you work with GAP stores?” 

This is a silly question you can throw to them out of the blue when you notice the missing teeth. For instance, if during a discussion you notice a gap, you can interrupt them with this question.

It’s a pun teaser they’re surely going to relate to. Also, it should leave your audience in stitches.

  • Those gaps in your dentition show you must be working with GAP stores 
  • You must be a brand ambassador for GAP

You Should Smile with Care, That Gap Is Ugly 

“You should smile with care, that gap is ugly” is another perfect punchline you can use to insult someone with missing teeth.

This is a harsh statement that’ll sting deeply, as it doesn’t just call their gap ugly, it also warns them about smiling.

Having a missing tooth might already be making smiling an effort for them, so telling them to smile with care is going to sting more. You should be careful whom you use this line on.

  • If I were you, I wouldn’t smile carelessly. No one likes seeing your ugly gap

Your Smile Is Pretty, but It’s Missing Something 

“Your smile is pretty, but it’s missing something” is a hilarious way to insult someone with a gap.

This one is a sarcastic comment to make after a smile from them. First, complimenting them about their smile is probably going to make them smile more.

However, adding that it’s missing something will wipe the smile off their face. 

  • Your smile is beautiful but incomplete 

How Can We Help?

“How can we help?” is a strange question to ask someone with missing teeth.

Suddenly asking someone how you can help is going to take them by surprise. But, when they ask what you mean, you can then give a reply that’ll hit hard.

You can ask this question when you notice their missing teeth for the first time, either during a conversation with them or not.

  • A- How can we help?
  • B- what do you mean?
  • A- I’m wondering if you need help finding your missing tooth

With Your Condition, You Shouldn’t Be Quick to Talk

“With your condition, you shouldn’t be quick to talk” is another interesting way to ridicule someone with missing teeth.

This comment is insulting because it makes fun of their condition while shaming them about speaking.

It’s something you can say as a response when they speak out of turn. So, it’ll work with someone who lends their opinion where it’s not needed, or a talkative person. It’s a smart way to dismiss them.

  • You should close your mouth more often, no one likes seeing your incomplete set of teeth or listening to your unsolicited opinion 
  • I thought your condition should have helped you become a more quiet person 

You Should Learn to Identify with Your Peers

“You should learn to identify with your peers” is another clever way to disregard someone with missing teeth.

It’s a cruel statement to make when they speak to you or hang around you. Also, it’s embarrassing, as it discriminates against them, implying that they’re not part of you or your group because of their missing teeth.

  • You should learn to identify with your peers. There are many of you out there, even in the animal kingdom 

You Bear Close Resemblance to a Cat

Missing Teeth Insults

“You bear a close resemblance to a cat” is another funny remark to make about someone with missing teeth.

This is an insulting comparison that’s going to slap hard, as they’re not going to be expecting it.

It’ll work as a comment after a smile from them, or when you notice the missing teeth for the first time.

  • Wow! For a moment I thought you were a cat with your smile
  • Your missing teeth make you look more like a cat 

You Should’ve Paid More Attention to Your Math Class, You’d Have Easily Find the Missing Number 

This is another crazy comment to make about someone with missing teeth.

It’s a classic insult you can say in passing during a conversation with them. In addition, it’s a funny statement to make when you notice their missing teeth.

This punchline can also pass as a way to make fun of them for lacking knowledge in math.

  • If only you’d paid attention to your math class, fixing those missing teeth wouldn’t be a problem 

You Look Like a Toothless Bear 

“You look like a toothless bear” is another insulting comment you can use to ridicule someone with missing teeth.

This line will work adequately after a smile from them, or as a comment after a statement from them.

Moreover, calmly making this remark will make it more embarrassing, as it’ll come out as a genuine observation

  • You look like a toothless bear, I just noticed it when you smiled
  • You’ll pass for a toothless bear with those missing teeth 

A Toothless Vampire Is Prettier Than You 

“A toothless vampire is prettier than you” is another classic line you can make as an observation about someone with missing teeth.

This is a hilarious insult that’s both going to sting and throw an audience into hysteria.

First, comparing them to a toothless vampire is something that’s going to slap hard. Then saying that it’s prettier makes it worse.

  • You can’t even stand close to a toothless vampire
  • Comparing you to a toothless vampire is insulting to the vampire

Have You Lost Your Brain Like You Lost Your Teeth?

“Have you lost your brain like you lost your teeth?” is another thing to ask someone with missing teeth.

This is an embarrassing and insulting question to ask them, as it doesn’t only mock them for their missing teeth, it also implies that they’re brainless. 

In addition, this is a question you can ask them when they misbehave to scold them or express your frustration.

  • I can see you must have a missing brain too
  • Have you added your brain to the list of things missing in your life?

Can You Give Us a Toothless Grin?

Another embarrassing question to ask someone with missing teeth is, “Can you give us a toothless grin?”

This is a crazy request you can ask of them in the presence of people to ridicule them. It’ll certainly leave a sick burn.

  • Can you give us a toothless grin? We love seeing those gaps 

Your Missing Teeth Are Quite Distracting 

“Your missing teeth are quite distracting” is another remark to make about someone with missing teeth.

This punchline can work as a calm observation when they speak or smile. It’s going to hit hard, as it’s something you can say sincerely.

Also, you can use it to dismiss someone you don’t want to speak to.

  • Your missing teeth are quite distracting, maybe you shouldn’t speak for now
  • Your missing teeth are quite distracting. Can you consider not smiling?

Are You Writing an Essay with Your Teeth, Why Are They Double-spaced?

“Are you writing an essay with your teeth, why are they double-spaced?” is another silly question to throw at someone with missing teeth.

This line is a funny question that’s going to throw people around in fits of laughter. It’s a play on words that compares their gap to the double space in essay writing.

  • You should consider writing an essay with your teeth, it’s already double-spaced 

Did You Sell Your Teeth Because You’re Broke?

“Did you sell your teeth because you’re broke?” is another ridiculous question to ask someone with missing teeth.

This is a double one-liner that ridicules them for their missing teeth and also insults them by implying that they’re broke.

Moreover, implying that they sold their teeth because they needed money is a perfect way to call them dumb.

  • I won’t put it past you, you must have sold those teeth because you were broke. That’s how dumb you are

I Don’t Understand What You’re Saying, It Must Be Your Missing Teeth 

“I don’t understand what you’re saying, it must be your missing teeth” is another hilarious way to make fun of someone with missing teeth.

This line will work after they make a statement to ridicule them. Also, you can use it to dismiss them if you don’t want to talk with them.

  • I don’t understand what you’re saying, it must be your missing teeth. You should rest from speaking for some time
  • Stop talking, for now, your missing teeth are making you unclear 

You Should Fill in Your Gaps Before You Talk to Me 

“You should fill in your gaps before you talk to me” is another insulting way to dismiss someone with missing teeth.

It’ll work when they try to speak to you to shut them up. You should use it with someone you don’t want to talk to, or someone who talks a lot.

  • You should fill in your gaps before you make any comment here

I Don’t Talk to Incomplete People 

“I don’t talk to incomplete people” is another crazy statement to make to someone with missing teeth.

This is a clever way to shut them up when they attempt to speak to you. Using this punchline is very embarrassing, as it doesn’t just mock them for their missing teeth, it also ridicules them by calling them incomplete.

Also, it’s the perfect insult for someone you hate. However, you can playfully tease your friends with this line when you don’t want to talk to them.

  • Go away, I don’t talk to incomplete people 
  • I don’t talk to incomplete people, so don’t speak to me

You Should Become a Gardener, You’ll Be Good at Filling Holes 

“You should become a gardener, you’ll be good at filling holes” is another hilarious way to attack someone with missing teeth.

This line makes fun of their gap by comparing it to holes. Moreover, saying they become a gardener will cause some good laughs.

It’s something you can say after you notice their missing teeth, or as a way to disregard their opinion.

  • You should become a gardener, you’ll be good at filling holes, rather than being here with us

Your Gap Would’ve Been Pretty if You Had a Pretty Face

Missing Teeth Insults

“Your gap would’ve been pretty if you had a pretty face” is another comical thing to say to make fun of someone with missing teeth.

This is another double one-liner that attacks their missing teeth and also ridicules them by calling them ugly.

It’s a smart insult you can give in one go. It’ll certainly leave them wondering what hit them.

  • Your ugly face makes your missing teeth unattractive 


With this article, you can easily insult someone with missing teeth. 

So, when next you need some witty jabs for your friends with missing teeth, feel free to use any of these examples.

However, ensure you keep it light and playful.


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