30 Social Studies Jokes for Teachers

Social Studies Jokes for Teachers

It takes a clever teacher to make learning fun and exciting, that’s why I have decided to be of help to Social Studies teachers specifically, by compiling a list of jokes relating to their field of tutoring to crack up students. 

This article gathers sarcastic, witty and funny remarks about the study of society. How hard can it be to make up a joke about the study of a society that keeps getting messed up as the day passes. 

Now let’s begin! 

Table of Contents

List of 30 Social Studies Jokes for Teachers

  1. As a social studies teacher, I get to mess up my students in the classroom while the society continues the job outside the classroom. 
  2. I really want this party to go well can you help me ‘planet’ 
  3. A geography teacher’s favorite type of candy must be mappy taffy. 
  4. Tomorrow I will be bringing a ladder to school so that we can reason together on a high level. 
  5. Political science teachers are so passionate that they teach like they are campaigning. 
  6. I am a social studies teacher who plans to go round the globe. 
  7. I was so worried that I searched the whole world for you. 
  8. I am a social studies teacher who isn’t sociable, how wonderful! 
  9. Many of you students’ society is on your smartphone. 
  10. Teaching students about society is so fun, we could talk about cotton candy all day. 
  11. Who needs a social studies teacher when everyone here is already being taught by the society. 
  12.  It’s funny how social studies makes society look nice. 
  13. History teachers organize their thoughts in a chronological order, from BC to AC. 
  14. Planet Earth I’m afraid, is no longer for humans, robots have come visiting. 
  15. Teachers used to believe education was the way, now they believe getting a day off is the way. 
  16. Geography teachers map out lesson plans for their students to have excitement in class. 
  17.  Math wasn’t my favorite subject in class, I couldn’t figure out its angle. 
  18. If you love social studies then you must not be very present in the society. 
  19.  As a social studies teacher, my favorite culture is staying at home. 
  20. Social studies teachers love everything about their job, even if it kills their souls. 
  21.  Most history students end up being stuck in the past, history must repeat itself. 
  22. Something is about to pop and it’s not my pimple, it’s a quiz! 
  23. History teachers always go to therapy, they have too many issues with their past!
  24. Social studies teachers make fun out of everything, even our career is a joke. 
  25. The only color an economist knows is black and it is tied to the blackmarket. 
  26. The only system that a social studies teacher knows is the relaxation system. 
  27. When sociology teachers want to settle disputes, they conduct a qualitative interview. 
  28. I can’t help but notice that history teachers love to make their mustaches a legendary bush. 
  29. If you fail in history class then you are doomed, because history will repeat itself. 
  30. Social studies teachers will make good comedians because they know many dirty secrets to spill about the society. 

As a social studies teacher, I get to mess up my students in the classroom while the society continues the job outside the classroom. 

This joke takes a humorous take on the idea that social studies teachers have the power to influence and shape students’ understanding of society within the classroom, but once they step outside, they’re subject to the often messy and unpredictable realities of the world. 

  • Society helps me mess up my students outside of the classroom. 
  • I love teaching my students in the classroom, the society does excellently in teaching them outside. 

I really want this party to go well can you help me ‘planet’ 

This joke uses play on words. “Planet” sounds like “plan it,” so the joke is a pun.

The person is asking for help planning their party but uses the word “planet” instead, creating a lighthearted and clever twist on the request.

  • I love parties, could you help me planet. 
  • Hope you can help me planet? 

A geography teacher’s favorite type of candy must be mappy taffy. 

This is a pun that combines “map” with “taffy” to create “mappy taffy.”

It’s funny because it plays on the idea of geography, which involves maps, and combines it with a common type of candy, taffy.

 So, it’s a humorous nod to the subject matter that a geography teacher might enjoy.

  • Mappy taffy is a geography teacher’s favorite candy. 
  • Geography must have been responsible for making mappy taffy candy. 

Tomorrow I will be bringing a ladder to school so that we can reason together on a high level. 

This is a clever play on words. When someone says they’ll “reason together on a high level,” it typically means they’ll be engaging in deep or intellectual conversation. 

However, by adding the detail of bringing a ladder to school, it adds a literal interpretation to “high level” thinking. 

  • Let us reason together on a high-level, that’s why I brought a ladder. 
  • I have a ladder that we can use to reason on a high-level. 

Political science teachers are so passionate that they teach like they are campaigning. 

Social Studies Jokes for Teachers


This joke plays on the idea that political science teachers are extremely passionate about their subject matter, to the point where they teach with the fervor and enthusiasm of someone campaigning for a political office.

 It’s a humorous exaggeration could be used by social studies teacher to tease teachers related to their field. 

  • I love how political science teachers campaign in class instead of teaching. 
  • Campaigns to political science teachers are the best way to teach. 

I am a social studies teacher who plans to go round the globe. 

As a joke, this statement could be interpreted as a playful exaggeration of the social studies teacher’s passion for their subject.

 It shows that they are so dedicated to understanding the world and its cultures that they plan to literally travel around the globe to gain firsthand experiences to bring back to their classroom. 

  • I am a social studies teacher. I tell people that I want to go round the globe. 
  • I would love to go round the globe which is on my desk. 

I was so worried that I searched the whole world for you. 

This is a funny joke that a social studies teacher could use. It is a funny exaggeration of saying someone is being sought after. 

“The whole world” could mean that the person searched diverse cultural backgrounds just to find a particular person. 

  • I searched the entire universe just to find you. 
  • I am a sociologist who searched the entire planet looking for you. 

I am a social studies teacher who isn’t sociable, how wonderful! 

This is a joke because it’s ironic. A social studies teacher, whose job involves teaching about society and human interactions, is expected to be sociable.

 However, the statement implies that the teacher isn’t sociable, which is unexpected and humorous because it contradicts the typical stereotype of what a social studies teacher is. 

  • A social studies teacher like me is definitely not sociable. 
  • I am not sociable but I am good with teaching social studies. 

Many of you students’ society is on your smartphone. 

This joke highlights the irony that while social studies teachers aim to teach students about society and social interactions, many students spend a significant amount of time on their smartphones, often engaging more with their virtual “society” than with the real world around them. 

  • I repeat, your smartphone isn’t society. 
  • Many of you have zero idea about what interaction is, your smartphone isn’t society. 

Teaching students about society is so fun, we could talk about cotton candy all day. 

Social Studies Jokes for Teachers

This joke is a humorous comparison between the enjoyable topic of cotton candy and the more serious subject of teaching about society.

 It suggests that teaching about society is so engaging and enjoyable for the social studies teacher that it’s as delightful and captivating as talking about cotton candy. 

  • Society is fun to learn about. We can learn about cotton candy all day. 
  • Cotton candy is an interesting topic to learn in social studies. 

Who needs a social studies teacher when everyone here is already being taught by the society. 

This joke is a clever play on the role of a social studies teacher. It suggests that because society influences and teaches individuals so much, there might not be a need for a social studies teacher. 

It’s humorous because it highlights the idea that society itself is a powerful educator, sometimes overshadowing the efforts of formal educators like social studies teachers.

  • Social studies teachers are all over the society, they are even in your home. 
  • The society itself is a social studies teacher. 

It’s funny how social studies makes society look nice. 

This joke pokes fun at the idealized portrayal of society often presented in social studies classes.

Social studies teachers typically teach about topics such as history, culture, and government, which can sometimes present an overly positive view of society. 

The humor lies in the irony that while social studies aims to educate students about society, it omits some of the less pleasant aspects of it.

  • I don’t think it’s the society that I live in that the social studies teacher is talking about. 
  • The social studies teacher paints the society like it’s all colors and rainbow. 

History teachers organize their thoughts in a chronological order, from BC to AC. 

This joke plays on the idea that history teachers organize historical events in chronological order, typically using the terms “BC” (Before Christ) and “AD” (Anno Domini, meaning “in the year of our Lord”). 

However, the joke replaces “AD” with “AC,” humorously suggesting “After Christ,” which is a clever twist. 

  • We are going to arrange the society in chronological order, from good to bad. 
  • I think history teachers love social studies chronologically. 

Planet Earth I’m afraid, is no longer for humans, robots have come visiting. 

 This one-liner joke shows the increasing role of technology and automation in society, which is a topic often discussed in social studies classes. 

By suggesting that “robots have come visiting” and implying that they might eventually replace humans on Earth, the joke humorously highlights the potential societal impacts of technological advancements.

  • Very soon there would be a robot invasion on planet earth. 
  • Imagine being a robot, I would be after you, you use my baby ( smartphone) too much. 

Teachers used to believe education was the way, now they believe getting a day off is the way. 

A joke like this humorously contrasts the traditional belief among teachers that education is paramount with the modern desire for a day off.

 It depicts a shift in priorities, where some teachers may now prioritize having a break over the pursuit of education.

  • Teachers used to believe that education was the way, now they know the way is far from education. 
  • Education is the way to amateur teachers, don’t you agree? 

Geography teachers map out lesson plans for their students to have excitement in class. 

Social Studies Jokes for Teachers

This joke cleverly plays on the dual meanings of “map.” In geography, maps are literal representations of geographical features, while in education, “mapping out” typically refers to planning or organizing.

 So, when it says geography teachers “map out lesson plans,” it’s a humorous play on words, implying that the teacher creates lesson plans that are both structured and exciting, just like a map.

  • Geography students map out everything, they even map out their lunch break. 
  • I love being a social studies teacher, I don’t have to map out my life like a geography teacher. 

Math wasn’t my favorite subject in class, I couldn’t figure out its angle. 

As a social studies teacher, a joke like this could be good while explaining a certain topic concerning a little calculation to make your students laugh. 

‘Not figuring the angle’ of math is a very hilarious way of teasing the topic of angles of shapes in math. 

  • I hate triangle so much, I just can’t figure out the angle to it. 
  • I and circle couldn’t meet up, there wasn’t a corner for that. 

If you love social studies then you must not be very present in the society. 

This joke plays on the stereotype that social studies teachers are so passionate about their subject that they spend a lot of time studying and teaching it, potentially to the point of being less present or engaged in other aspects of society.

 It’s a playful jab at the dedication of social studies to the books and not really present to the reality of it. 

  • Social studies teachers are so out of touch with society. 
  • I know teachers who teach about society do not even live in society. 

 As a social studies teacher, my favorite culture is staying at home. 

You could share this as a joke as it humorously suggests that as a social studies teacher, the individual’s favorite “culture” is not a cultural group or society, but rather the act of staying at home. 

It’s a play on the word “culture,” which can refer to both the customs and traditions of a society and also to personal preferences and habits.

So, in this context, it’s a light-hearted way of poking fun at the idea of someone preferring to stay home rather than exploring different cultures. 

  • Staying at home is my personal culture that I hope you can be interested in too. 
  • There are many cultures but the best one is staying at home. 

Social studies teachers love everything about their job, even if it kills their souls. 

This joke humorously suggests that social studies teachers are so dedicated to their job that they are willing to sacrifice their souls for it.

 It’s a playful exaggeration that highlights the passion that many social studies teachers have for their subject, even if it means enduring challenges or difficulties along the way. 

  • Social studies teachers could do anything to keep their jobs but nothing for society. 
  • The compassion of social studies teachers could raise the dead. 

Most history students end up being stuck in the past, history must repeat itself. 

This is a joke for a social studies teacher because it cleverly plays on the saying “history repeats itself.”

The joke suggests that history students, by studying the past extensively, may become so focused on historical events that they metaphorically become “stuck in the past.” 

The punchline, “history must repeat itself,” is a humorous twist on the original saying, implying that history students might feel compelled to relive historical events.

  • You don’t want to fail history class, history must repeat itself. 
  • History must repeat itself and that’s why you can fail in history class. 

Something is about to pop and it’s not my pimple, it’s a quiz! 

This funny joke humorously uses wordplay to create a light-hearted moment about an upcoming quiz. 

 By contrasting the expectation of something popping (like a pimple) with the surprise of it being a quiz instead, it adds an element of humor and surprise. 

  • Apart from my big pimple, a quiz is about to pop. 
  • I don’t have any interest in popping my pimples but you could get a pop quiz. 

History teachers always go to therapy, they have too many issues with their past!

It humorously suggests that history teachers have so many “issues” with their past, referring both to their personal history and the historical events they teach about, that they need therapy.

The hilarious joke is a playful exaggeration that highlights the intense engagement that history teachers have with their subject matter.

  • Historians are always seeing a therapist about their past. 
  • The past is the reason why historians need a therapist. 

Social studies teachers make fun out of everything, even our career is a joke. 

 This expression plays on the idea that social studies teachers have a knack for finding humor in everything, even their own profession. 

By implying that their career is a joke, it’s a playful self-deprecating comment that acknowledges the lighthearted and humorous approach many social studies teachers take in their classrooms. 

  • Social studies is always about jokes, we even joke about ourselves. 
  • The best thing to joke about as a social studies teacher is about your job. 

The only color an economist knows is black and it is tied to the blackmarket. 

This joke is a playful jab at economists, suggesting that their understanding of color is limited to “black,” which is associated with the black market – an illegal or underground economy. 

It’s a humorous stereotype that highlights the focus of economists on financial matters and the perception that they may overlook other aspects of society.

  • Economists know the color black, only if it is attached to the market. 
  • I love the color black in blackmarket. 

The only system that a social studies teacher knows is the relaxation system. 

 This expression pokes at social studies teachers as experts in the “relaxation system” rather than more conventional systems like economic or political systems. 

It’s a funny exaggeration that contrasts the typically serious topics studied in social studies with the idea of relaxation. The joke pokes fun at the stereotype that social studies teachers have a relaxed demeanor. 

  • Social studies teacher loves to relax. 
  • Relaxed people should be able to teach social studies. 

When sociology teachers want to settle disputes, they conduct a qualitative interview. 

By humorously suggesting that sociology teachers use this method to settle disputes, the joke implies that they prioritize understanding and communication over more traditional conflict-resolution techniques. 

It’s a light-hearted way to highlight the unique approach of sociology. 

  • Everything must be done in a research manner to a sociologist. 
  • Social studies teaches people how to be interviewers. 

I can’t help but notice that history teachers love to make their mustaches a legendary bush. 

This hilarious comment suggests that history teachers often sport large, legendary mustaches, perhaps emulating historical figures known for their impressive facial hair. 

It’s a playful stereotype that pokes fun at the image of the distinguished, wise history teacher with a prominent mustache. 

  • History is what you teach but your mustache has lived history. 
  • What has made history about you is your mustache. 

If you fail in history class then you are doomed, because history will repeat itself. 

A joke like this cleverly plays on the saying “history repeats itself” by applying it to a student failing in a history class.

It means that if a student fails in history, they are doomed to repeat the class or the same mistakes, echoing the idea of history repeating itself. 

It’s a light-hearted way to add humor to the consequences of failing a history class. 

  • History will repeat itself, you must not fail. 
  • In social studies failure is not strange, we fail in society everyday. 

Social studies teachers will make good comedians because they know many dirty secrets to spill about the society.

 A line like this would be hilarious to share as a joke for a social studies teacher.

Social Studies teachers who often are vast in the knowledge of society, would make good comedians because they have access to “dirty secrets” about society.

 It highlights the depth of knowledge social studies teachers possess about societal issues and human behavior. The joke implies that they could use this knowledge to craft humorous commentary, much like comedians do. 

  • I would make a good comedian considering how long I’ve been a social studies teacher. 
  • Social studies teacher are comedians in the making. 


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