20 Best Comebacks for Being Called a Dishwasher 

Best Comebacks for Being Called a Dishwasher 

Are you the one who wash the dishes in your home, or do wash dishes for a living? Have you been insulted for that? Have you ever been called a dishwasher?

There are many reasons why someone would call you a dishwasher. They might call you that to ridicule you if it’s your job. Also, they might refer to you as a dishwasher to look down on.

Whatever their reason and irrespective of anyone’s status, no one should be called a dishwasher. 

In this article, I’ll be providing good comebacks you can use to respond to someone who calls you a dishwasher.

They’re good savage and witty punchlines that’ll show them that you’re bigger than them.

20 Best Comebacks for Being Called a Dishwasher

If someone calls you a dishwasher, there are countless ways to respond to them. Good comebacks will disarm them and show them their place.

Some examples include: “I can see you’re yet to do something about your stupidity,” “Well, I’ve got a job. Go and find yourself one,” and “Yet I’ve got your boyfriend in my DM.”

Below are the 20 best comebacks for being called a dishwasher:

  1. At least I’m useful, but I can’t say the same for you
  2. Well, I’ve got a job. Go and find yourself one
  3. Well, I’m not mannerless like you
  4. Yeah, I’m a dishwasher, and now what?
  5. I don’t only wash dishes, I wash dirty people like you
  6. Yet I’ve got your boyfriend in my DM
  7. Being a dishwasher is better than being a complete jerk
  8. Good thing I’m not you
  9. Well, I pay my bill. I’m not like you who sleep their way through every bill
  10. I may be a dishwasher but you’re stupid
  11. Well, it’s legal. So, what?
  12. That doesn’t hurt. Try again when you’re smarter
  13. You sound bitter. Are you jealous?
  14. You’re handicapped that’s why you think that is an insult
  15. Now that you’re just finding out, what should we do?
  16. Are you trying to mock me? You’ve just failed
  17. I can see you’re yet to do something about your stupidity
  18. I won’t give you the satisfaction of a response, it’s belittling of me
  19. No wonder your parents denied you. You’re a total brat
  20. You’re just a spoilt thing who doesn’t know the importance of a dishwasher 

At Least I’m Useful, But I Can’t Say the Same for You 

“At least I’m useful, but I can’t say the same for you” is one of the best comebacks for being called a dishwasher.

This is a smart statement that shows your confidence and pride in what you do. Also, it’s the perfect way to tell them that since you’re useful you don’t care about their insult.

In addition, it calls them useless.

  • A dishwasher is useful, but a rude person isn’t
  • Since I’m useful, there’s no problem. You should try to become useful 

Well, I’ve Got a Job. Go and Find Yourself One 

A great response that challenges someone who calls you a dishwasher is, “Well, I’ve got a job. Go and find yourself one” 

This is an interesting line that tells them you don’t mind their insult since you’re not jobless. Also, it calls them jobless, advising them to find a job for themselves.

Well, I’m Not Mannerless Like You 

“Well, I’m not mannerless like you” is another smart thing to say to someone who calls you a dishwasher.

This statement insults them for being mannerless while letting them know that you don’t mind being a dishwasher. Also, it tells them that being a dishwasher is better than being without manners.

  • Well, I’m not mannerless like you, and that’s something
  • Well, I’m not mannerless like you, which makes me better 

Yeah, I’m a Dishwasher, and Now What?

“Yeah, I’m a dishwasher, and now what?” is another confident reply you can give to someone who calls you a dishwasher.

This statement tells them clearly that you’re proud of what you are. In addition, it asks them what the big deal about being a dishwasher is.

It’ll surely leave them clueless on how to respond.

  • Yeah, I’m a dishwasher, and now what? You’ve got something more to say?
  • Yeah, I’m a dishwasher, do you have a problem with that?

I Don’t Only Wash Dishes, I Wash Dirty People Like You 

Best Comebacks for Being Called a Dishwasher 

“I don’t only wash dishes, I wash dirty people like you” is another crazy reply to give someone who calls you a dishwasher.

This is a smart response that turns the table around, making them the object of ridicule. First, it shows your pride in what you do. Also, it insults them by calling them dirty.

  • I also offer services to dirty people. You can come when you’re ready
  • I wash all kinds of dirty things including you 

Yet I’ve Got Your Boyfriend in My DM

“Yet I’ve got your boyfriend in my DM” is another befitting response for someone who looks down on you.

This statement will work as a great comeback for someone who calls you a dishwasher. If they use the expression to describe as you nothing, use this reply to tell them that you’re something.

Moreover, telling them you’ve got their partner in your DM is a crazy way to rub their insult on their face.

  • Yet I’ve got your boyfriend in my DM, how about that?
  • I may be nothing, yet your boyfriend is after me. I guess you’re the one beneath me 

Being a Dishwasher Is Better Than Being a Complete Jerk

Another smart response for being called a dishwasher is, “Being a dishwasher is better than being a complete jerk.”

This is a perfect clapback that calls them a jerk. Also, it lets them know that you’re not bothered about their insult, letting them know they’re worse since they’re a jerk.

Good Thing I’m Not You 

Another fantastic comeback for someone who thinks they’re better than you is, “Good thing I’m not you.”

If someone calls you a dishwasher to belittle you, this response shows them your self-worth.

It confidently tells them that whatever they think of you, you’ll always be better than them. Also, it’s a smart way to tell them that being them is not an option.

  • Good thing I’m not you. So, I’ve got peace of mind
  • Good thing I’m not you. You’re the worst thing to happen to humanity 

Well, I Pay My Bill. I’m Not Like You That Sleep Their Way Through Every Bill 

“Well, I pay my bill. I’m not like you that sleep their way through every bill” is a snappy comeback for someone who looks down on you.

If someone calls you dishwasher to claim that you’re beneath them, use this response to show them their place.

It tells them that being a dishwasher and making your money is great. Also, implying that they sleep around to sort their bills is a classic insult that’ll hurt their pride.

I May Be a Dishwasher but You’re Stupid 

“I may be a dishwasher but you’re stupid” is a clever response you can use to disarm someone who calls you a dishwasher to insult you.

This is a sharp response that calls them stupid. Also, it’s a great way to tell them that you don’t mind their words, letting them know being stupid is worse.

  • I may be a dishwasher but you’re stupid. Now, which is worse?
  • I may be a dishwasher but you’re stupid, and that makes you nothing to me

Well, It’s Legal. So, What?

Another great reply that tells someone that their insult did not hurt you is, “Well, it’s legal. So, what?” 

This is a perfect comeback for someone who calls you a dishwasher. Also, it’s a great way to let them know that you’re proud of what you do since it’s legal. 

Additionally, this reply tells them to mind their business.

  • Well, it’s legal. So, what? You’ve got a problem with legal business?
  • Well, it’s legal. So, what? Do you want to arrest me?

That Doesn’t Hurt. Try Again When You’re Smarter 

Best Comebacks for Being Called a Dishwasher 

Another interesting way to disarm someone who insults you is with his great response, “That doesn’t hurt. Try again when you’re smarter.”

This sharp comeback tells them that they have failed to hurt you with their comment. In addition, it’s a clever way to call them dumb.

Moreover, asking them to return when they’re smarter will further embarrass them. 

  • That doesn’t hurt. Try again when you’re smarter and have learned some new words
  • That doesn’t hurt. You should come back when you have developed some smart brains 

You Sound Bitter. Are You Jealous?

“You sound bitter. Are you jealous?” is another clever thing to say to someone who insults you. 

If someone calls you a dishwasher, this response ignores their insult and focuses on them. Also, accusing them of being bitter is a smart way to embarrass them.

Additionally, asking if they’re jealous will certainly sting.

  • You sound bitter. Are you jealous? I really hope you heal
  • You sound bitter. Are you jealous? Maybe you need therapy 

You’re Handicapped That’s Why You Think That Is an Insult

“You’re handicapped that’s why you think that is an insult” is another clever comeback that’ll disarm someone who tries to insult you.

If someone calls you a dishwasher, use this reply to tell them that they’re not smart enough to know that the insult can’t work on you.

It’ll work well if you wash dishes a lot. Also, it tells them that they’ve failed in ridiculing you.

Now That You’re Just Finding Out, What Should We Do?

“Now that you’re just finding out, what should we do?” is another good comeback for someone who calls you a dishwasher.

This is another smart reply that tells them that they’ve failed to embarrass or hurt you. Also, it pushes the embarrassment on them by making them the focus of the conversation.

In addition, asking them what should be done is a funny way to get back at them.

  • Now that you’re just finding out, what should we do? Do you want a selfie?
  • Now that you’re just finding out, what should we do? Do you want us to celebrate?

Are You Trying to Mock Me? You’ve Just Failed 

Another thing to say to someone who looks down on you is, “Are you trying to mock me? You’ve just failed.”

This is a great response that’ll work for someone who calls you a dishwasher. It tells them that their insult has failed to hurt you.

Also, it’s a smart way to ridicule them.

I Can See You’re Yet to Do Something About Your Stupidity 

Best Comebacks for Being Called a Dishwasher 

“I can see you’re yet to do something about your stupidity” is another way to handle someone who looks down on you.

This smart reply doesn’t only call them stupid, it implies that they’ve been stupid. In addition, saying that they’re yet to do something about it is a hilarious way to embarrass them.

  • I can see you’re yet to do something about your stupidity. For how long will you continue
  • I can see you’re yet to do something about your stupidity. If you continue like this, you’ll end up in trouble someday 

I Won’t Give You the Satisfaction of a Response, It’s Belittling of Me

Another clever reply to give someone who calls you a dishwasher is, “I won’t give you the satisfaction of a response, it’s belittling of me.”

This is a sharp way to both insult and dismiss them. It tells them that they’re not your class, so engaging with them is below you.

Also, making this statement and going on to ignore them will work well to greatly embarrass them.

No Wonder Your Parents Denied You 

“No wonder your parents denied you” is another perfect way to handle someone who insults you.

This response will work for someone who calls you a dishwasher. It returns the insult to them in a crazy way. In addition, mentioning their parents will surely sting.

You’re a Complete Brat

“You’re a complete brat” is another smart reply for someone who calls you a dishwasher.

It’s a perfect comeback that turns the tables and feeds them with embarrassment. Also, it tells them that you’re not someone to mess with. 

You’re Just a Spoilt Thing Who Doesn’t Know the Importance of a Dishwasher 

“You’re just a spoilt thing who doesn’t know the importance of a dishwasher” is another response you can use to outsmart someone who calls you a dishwasher.

This response insults them by implying that they don’t know what a dishwasher is.

Also, it tells them that if they did, they wouldn’t use it as an insult. It’s a smart way to return their insult.

Final Thoughts

Being called a dishwasher is embarrassing, whether, you wash dishes as a job or not.

However, if someone calls you a dishwasher, you can choose to stay unaffected by their insult.

With great comebacks, you can return the insult to them while showing them that they’ve failed to get at you. So, feel free to use the above article for great comebacks.



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