12 Ways to Insult a Weeb

how to insult a weeb

There are several ways to insult a Weeb.

First, a Weeb is a slang word for a non-Japanese who’s so much interested in everything about the Japanese. Such people are also referred to as “weeaboo.”

As I’ve earlier established, having such a person around can be annoying.

So, if you want to give them a piece of your mind and remind them of their place, lines like,  “You don’t look Japanese, you look possessed,” and “You remind me of a lost puppy” will work.

Here are 12 ways to insult a Weeb

  1. You’re such a psycho to think you’ll marry a Japanese and leave this country
  2. Acting like a Japanese won’t make you one of them
  3. You remind me of a lost puppy
  4. Trying more Japanese food every day will only make you lose your sanity
  5. You’ll still be rejected by the Japanese even in your next life
  6. You don’t look Japanese, you look possessed
  7. Okay, you’re visiting a doctor now, I’m sure there’s a sickness for it
  8. Soon you’ll lose your identity
  9. I would have asked you to be yourself, but even that won’t help
  10. You’re just a nameless crazy Japanese lover
  11. You’re not as bad as I thought, you’re much worse
  12. You’re like the silent letters in words

You’re Such a Psycho to Think You’ll Marry a Japanese and Leave This Country

“You’re such a psycho to think you’ll marry a Japanese and leave this country” is one of the ways to insult someone who’s insanely obsessed with everything about the Japanese.

This insult is suitable for someone who’s concerned about getting married to a Japanese person, so they can leave the country.

Having to deal with someone who only talks about how they’ll get a Japanese man or woman to love and marry them can be frustrating.

Also, such people can do anything just to ensure they get what they want. Therefore, you can insult them with this line just to express your irritation, or to remind them how far-fetched their plans are.

Here are some examples:

  • Stop dreaming, no Japanese will look at you twice
  • You’re delusional, a Japanese can’t love someone who doesn’t think with their brain

Acting Like a Japanese Won’t Make You One of Them

“Acting like a Japanese won’t make you one of them” is another thing to say to a Weeb to remind them of their place.

This is a suitable insult for someone who does like the Japanese. For instance, if they dress like them, imitate their accent, or try to live like an average Japanese person.

So, reminding them that they’ll always remain who they are irrespective of their efforts to look like the Japanese will surely get to them.

It’s something you can say to vent your annoyance when they keep acting in such a way around you.

Here are some examples:

  • Acting like a Japanese won’t make you one of them, it only makes you an idiot
  • Even with all you do, you look more stupid than something close to a Japanese

You Remind Me of a Lost Puppy

how to insult a weeb

Another way to insult someone who’s obsessed with the Japanese way of life is, “You remind me of a lost puppy.”

This is a powerful line that implies they are confused and silly. While it’s a strong statement that can express how irritated you are with their attitude, this statement clearly describes their situation.

First, someone with a sickly interest in the way the Japanese people behave, momentarily forgetting who they are depicts someone silly and annoying.

So, you can use this line to express your displeasure and bring to their notice how being a Weeb makes them appear silly to people.

Here are some examples:

  • You remind me of a lost puppy, and it seems you’ll remain so for a long time
  • You’re just like a stray dog that nobody wants

Trying More Japanese Food Every Day Will Only Make You Lose Your Sanity

“Trying more Japanese food every day will only make you lose your sanity” is another strong statement that’ll surely get to a Weeb.

This is a sharp line you can use to remind someone of their place in the most degrading of ways. Also, it’s a suitable line for someone who tries to perfect his cooking of Japanese dishes.

If all they do is talk and talk about what new Japanese food they’ll try, attempt the dishes, or go crazy trying to be perfect, this is a perfect way to insult them.

Moreover, downplaying someone’s efforts is one of the ways to make them lose their morale or make them saddened. So, this line is definitely what they won’t be expecting.

how to insult a weeb

Here are some examples:

  • Soon you’ll go mad trying to cook a nonsense Japanese meal
  • You’ll never be a better chef until you stop this obsession

You’ll Still Be Rejected by Japanese Even in Your Next Life

Another line that’ll work as an insult to someone with a grave obsession with Japanese culture is, “You’ll still be rejected by Japanese even in your next life.”

This is a funny statement that reminds them that their attempt at looking like a Japanese person is useless.

Also, it’s an appropriate insult for someone who dreams about living in Japan and becoming a citizen. It’ll even be more hilarious if they’ve attempted several times to get a Visa to travel to Japan and failed.

So, you can use this roast line to make fun of them. Also, adding that they can’t get what they want even in their next life will surely get to them.

Here are some examples:

  • You’re only a Weeb and you’ll keep being one. No Japanese will like you
  • Even in your next life, you’ll keep wishing to be like the Japanese but you’ll never become one

You Don’t Look Japanese, You Look Possessed

Another way to make fun of someone who thinks only about everything that relates to the Japanese way of life is, “You don’t look Japanese, you look possessed.”

This is another funny and stinging line that’ll surely get at them. It’s an appropriate insult for someone who keeps attempting to look Japanese: in speech, dress, and the like.

You can say this immediately after they make one of their annoying attempts. For instance, if they like to dress like a Japanese person. So, you can make this remark when they dress up like one.

Believe me, this insult will surely get to them because it doesn’t only downplay their efforts, but saying they look possessed will surely sting.

Here are some examples:

  • Everyone thinks you look like a stupid clown any time you try speaking Japanese
  • Whenever you dress up in these cheap Japanese articles, I see a mad woman

Okay, You’re Visiting a Doctor Now, I’m Sure There’s a Sickness for It

“Okay, you’re visiting a doctor now, I’m sure there’s a sickness for it” is another thing to say to insult a Weeb.

This is a biting remark that implies they’re not okay. If someone has a great interest in the Japanese culture around you, and it’s becoming increasingly annoying daily, you can insult them with these words.

Also, this is a way to express your frustration with their attitude. Moreover, implying that they’re sick will surely get to them.

Here are some examples:

  • I think it’s high time we take you to see a psychiatrist, it’s getting out of hand
  • You should see a doctor before you lose your mind trying to be what you’re not

Soon You’ll Lose Your Identity

how to insult a weeb

“Soon you’ll lose your identity” is another thing you can say to insult a Weeb. This is another classic way to express your irritation at their unhealthy obsession.

Also, while this statement can express how you feel, it’s not far from the truth.

Someone who doesn’t care or appreciate who they are, but is worried about being like another person or race is gradually losing themselves.

So, this is a statement you can use to warn a Weeb while showing your annoyance.

Here are some examples:

  • Soon you’ll lose your identity with no direction but a crazy obsession
  • Soon we will have to find you a homeless people’s home

I Would Have Asked You to Be Yourself, but Even That Won’t Help

“I would have asked you to be yourself, but even that won’t help” is another iconic one-liner that’ll get at someone.

If you want to insult someone who keeps trying to be like a Japanese person, this is one statement you can try.

This is a befitting comeback that implies that trying to be like a Japanese is bad. However, you can’t ask them to be themselves because that also is bad for them.

Usually, people say, “Be yourself” to advise someone trying to be what they’re not. But, in this case, you’re implying that who they are naturally isn’t good for them.

Here are some examples:

  • People who advise you to be yourself don’t like you
  • Just be whatever you want to be, nobody gives a damn

You’re Just a Nameless Crazy Japanese Lover

Another way to insult someone who’s crazy about Japanese culture is with this classic burner, “You’re just a nameless crazy Japanese lover.”

This is a strong statement that’ll surely get to the person. When someone acts like they’re going crazy about the Japanese way of life, this is the right insult to vent your anger.

Calling them nameless and crazy will surely sting.

Here are some examples:

  • Look who’s talking to me! A crazy fellow that’ll never cross the border of this town
  • You should sort yourself out, you’re messed up

You’re Not as Bad as I Thought, You’re Much Worse

“You’re not as bad as I thought, you’re much worse” is another thing you can say to insult a Weeb.

This is another classic one-liner that expresses how much their behavior irritates you. It’s a sarcastic comment that’ll take them unawares because it at first sounds like you’re praising them.

However, ending with “they’re much worse” will surely sting.

Here are some examples:

  • You’re not just bad, you’re worse than the madman on the street
  • If I were to talk to you, I’d risk being identified as an idiot, and that’s too much risk for me

You’re Like the Silent Letters in Words

“You’re like the silent letters in words” is another sharp statement to say to insult someone who acts obsessed with the Japanese way of living.

This is another way to express how fruitless their actions are and to show them how pissed you’re with their attitude.

Here are some examples:

  • You’re like the silent letters in words. People keep you, but you’re very useless
  • You should just disappear, nobody needs your type around


Having to deal with someone who’s crazy about a particular thing in an unhealthy way can be frustrating.

So, if you find yourself around a Weeb, you can do well to ignore them. But, if you want to insult them and hope to bring them closer to reality, the above insults will work appropriately.

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