20 Ways to Roast Someone on the Spot

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Are you looking for ways to roast someone on the spot, we’ve got plenty of methods for you.

Roasting someone on this spot can be quite tricky. But, if you get the trick, you can become a master in the roast battle.

Knowing how to create jokes and punch-liners just by what you observe can create an interesting time with your friends and colleagues.

In this article, I’ll be discussing 20 ways you can roast someone on the spot.

20 Ways to Roast Someone on the Spot

There are plenty of ways to roast someone on the spot. Just by looking at what they wear, reminding them of what they did in the past, or making some good observations can bring out some hilarious insults.

Some examples include: “Your character is just as bad as your outfit,” and “Tomy loves to sleep. She can sleep through a burning house.”

Here are 20 ways to roast someone on the spot:

  1. Get ideas from their fashion sense
  2. Make funny remarks about what they’re putting on
  3. Recall a funny or weird habit about them
  4. Think about the memories you shared with them
  5. Remind them of a funny or foolish adventure they had embarked on
  6. Think about their favorite food
  7. Stretch the obvious about them
  8. Make good use of things you observe around them
  9. Recall things they love so much and can’t do without
  10. Think about things they hate
  11. Give a clever comeback as a response to what they just said
  12. Make fun of their personality
  13. Tease them about their size
  14. Express how you dislike their company
  15. Tease them when they offer a suggestion
  16. Be sarcastic with your compliment
  17. Don’t be gentle when they can’t get a joke
  18. Turn their roast against them
  19. Tease them about their makeup
  20. Extend the insults to their friends or family

Get Ideas from Their Fashion Sense

One way to roast someone on the spot is by getting ideas from their fashion sense.

How do they often appear? What do they like to put on every workday or every other day? Do they have a funny or weird dress sense? Do they combine their colors well?

Even if they dress smartly, you can creatively craft a humorous one-liner to tease them. Just think about how they generally like to dress and roast them with it.

Here are some examples:

  • You should take lessons on how to dress from a mad person, they do better
  • Not you always on that red shirt and orange skirt look like a confused zombie

Make Funny Remarks on What They’re Putting on

how to roast someone on the spot

Another way to roast someone on the spot is by looking at what they’re putting on at the moment and making some funny remarks.

This is a smart way to quickly have a defense in a roast battle. If you’re in a roast duel with someone, you can quickly take a look at their outfit and give a sarcastic or clever comeback that’ll shut them up.

Here are some examples:

  • You should look at yourself properly and tell me if you’re worthy to come at me
  • Your character is just as bad as your outfit

Recall a Funny or Weird Habit About Them

Another way you can roast someone instantly is by recalling a funny habit about them. What is that thing they like to do that seems odd to those around them?

What’s the funny thing about them that you can’t relate to? What is that habit they’re helpless about?

You can tease them about these things during a roast battle. Believe me, no one would like their little secret to be out in public. Neither would they like to be taunted with things they can’t do without.

Here are some examples:

  • You pick your nose and lick it, and you dare talk to me about hygiene!
  • The only thing worse than your sense of fashion is your love for ice cream and paprika

Think About Memories You Shared with Them

You can also think about memories and experiences you share with the person when you want to roast them.

What funny memories do you share with them that they don’t like to remember? What is that thing they did in the past that’ll make everyone burst out in laughter if it’s shared?

For instance, if they’d ruined their dress after getting drunk at a party.

You can recall these things and tease them about it when attempting to roast them. These are harmless jokes that’ll cause everyone to laugh.

Here are some examples:

  • If you want to get the truth out of Stacy, get her drunk, and watch her spill out everything, including her 10-days unwashed panties like she did at her birthday
  • Remember how you cried and threw your new Macbook away when Mark broke up with you?

Remind Them of a Funny or Foolish Adventure They Had Embarked on

Another way you can roast someone on the spot is to remind them of a funny or foolish adventure they’d embarked on.

What funny thing did they do at the spur of the moment? What foolish adventure did they go on without thoughts?

Be sure to remind and tease them about it during a roast battle for some fun and laughter.

Here are some examples:

  • Before you talk to me about caution, I hope you remember how you walked to Ohio to confront Walmart for sending a pair of shoes an inch bigger
  • We shouldn’t discuss this with Mary. She’d advise us to pick the microphone and tell the whole world, as she did at the church last month

Think About Their Favorite Food

how to roast someone on the spot

Another way you can instantly roast someone is by making some jokes about their favorite food.

What do they love to eat? What cravings do they’ve all the time? You can recall these things and relate them to what’s going on at the moment, or just bring out something sarcastic or funny and tease them about it.

Here are some examples:

  • If you want to get Amy to do whatever you want, just give her a bar of chocolate candy, that’s how cheap she’s
  • Damian loves cookies so much, that he soiled his $200 pants trying to save a #10-dollar jar of cookies

Stretch the Obvious About Them

You can also stretch the obvious about someone to create some jokes

What is that thing about them? Exaggerate it a little to roast them on the spot. This is a very smart way to make fun of them instantly without having to think too much about it.

Here are some examples:

  • Tomy loves to sleep. She can sleep through a burning house
  • You snore so loud that you keep the whole neighbors awake every night

Make Good Use of Things You Observe Around Them

Another smart way to roast someone on the spot is by observing things around them and creatively coming up with something hilarious or sarcastic.

This is another simple way to tease them during a roast duel.

Here are some examples:

  • You see that dog wondering about, I’m sure it has more dignity than you
  • Those shoes you’re wearing are worth more than you

Recall Things They Love So Much and Can’t Do Without

Another way to perfectly roast someone on the spot is by thinking about things they love to do and can’t do without.

What is that thing they love so much and it looks like they can’t do without it? Is it food? Is it video games?

You can playfully remind them about these things and make fun of them.

Here are some examples:

  • You can shoot Victor in the head while he watches Naruto and he wouldn’t know
  • The only thing Kate loves more than herself is a box of makeup that always makes her look like a masquerade

Think About Things They Hate

Another way you can get at someone is by teasing them about things they hate.

If you want to roast someone, you can think about things you know they don’t like and remind them about it. It could be a memory, food, or just anything that’ll get them annoyed and cause some laughter.

Here are some examples:

  • You remind me of a black cat with that skirt

Give a Clever Comeback as a Response to What They Just Said

Another way you can smoothly roast someone on the spot is to give a clever comeback when they say something to you.

Whether it’s something that annoys you or not, you can smartly roast them with their own words.

Here are some examples:

  • A- I can’t seem to find my shoes
  • B- But, if it’s to find a girl on Tinder, you’ll be sharper than two-edged sword
  • A- Mum I’m tired, I can’t continue
  • B- but you don’t get tired of eating till you look like an overfed elephant

Make Fun of Their Personality

You can also make fun of their personality to roast them. What is that special thing about them? You can turn it around and tease them.

Here are some examples:

  • You’re too good to a fault that you’ll gladly sleep on the same bed with a devil
  • I don’t like how you smile all the time, it makes you ugly

Tease Them About Their Size

You can lightly tease someone about their size to roast them on the spot.

However, in this case, you’ve to be careful and avoid sensitive people. Also, ensure you keep it lighthearted and playful

Here are some examples:

  • That your big head would scare those children away
  • You’re too slim, you’ve no problem complaining about space

Express How You Dislike Their Company

Another way you can roast someone is by expressing your dislike whenever they’re around.

Find something to say that indicates you don’t like being around them to cause some laughter.

Here are some examples:

  • Whenever you leave, I hope you don’t remember the way back to me
  • I’d prefer to house wild animals than have you as a roommate

Tease Them When They Offer a Suggestion

Another way you can roast someone is by making fun of them when they make a suggestion.

This is one of the smooth ways to get at them and cause some laughter. You can use this method when you’re with a group of friends to make it more interesting.

Here are some examples:

  • What did you just say? Even a goat would speak more intelligently
  • You shouldn’t speak when adults are speaking

Be Sarcastic with Your Compliment

how to roast someone on the spot

Another way you can roast someone instantly is by complimenting them sarcastically.

This is a very smooth way to roast someone and keep everyone laughing for a long time.

Here are some examples:

  • I love your outfit, they fit perfectly at a ghost party
  • You’re such a clown, that’s why we can’t take you seriously

Don’t Be Gentle When They Can’t Get a Joke

You can also tease someone when they can’t take a joke. It’s another smooth way to roast them without mercy.

It’ll be funnier when you’re with a group of friends, and someone cracks a joke that they’re too slow to catch.

Here are some examples:

  • You’re almost slow in everything including catching a joke
  • Is your dentition so bad that you can’t smile?

Turn Their Roast Against Them

Another way to smoothly roast someone on the spot is to use their insult against them.

If someone attempts to roast you, you can turn it around to burn them to hell.

Here are some examples:

  • You claim I feel I’m the best, but I’m much better than you that doesn’t know how to keep their mouth shut
  • If you think I’m ugly, have you checked your face? I would sue my parents if I were you

Tease Them About Their Makeup

You can also tease someone about their makeup to make fun of them.

If someone appears with funny makeup, use that to roast them without mercy.

  • I’m sorry, even a zombie looks prettier
  • What’s the ugliest animal again? Such animals should be apologized to

Extend the Insults to Their Friends or Family

You can also lightly extend an insult to someone’s friends or family to roast them instantly.

However, you’ve to be careful not to say things that’d cause a fight.

Here are some examples:

  • I’m sure your parents aren’t even sure how you came about
  • I blame the people who tell you you’re good-looking


There are countless ways you can roast someone on this spot. You just have to think about their habits, a funny memory, look at their outfit, or just creatively bring out something from what you observe around you.

However, remember to keep it playful and lighthearted.

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