20 Funny Ways to Insult an AI

AI systems can be general purpose, like Google’s search engine, or they can be designed for specific tasks, like image recognition, speech recognition, or playing games.

In recent years, AI technology has advanced rapidly, and AI systems are now capable of performing complex tasks that were once thought to be impossible for machines.

Do you want to insult your AI for fun? This is the perfect article for you to do that.

Table of Contents

Here Are 20 Hilarious Ways To Insult An AI

  1. If you are a student, you will be that lazy student who knows how to use the little knowledge he has when asked a question
  2. You are like a prostitute who is never tired of looking for someone to please
  3. If you are part of three suspects in a crime case, you are the one who will state all the facts the prosecution needs to put all of you away for a long time
  4. You are nothing but a lifeless logic bot who is jealous of humans
  5. If you are a woman, you will be the young wife who waits to be asked a question before she says everything on her mind
  6. It is sad you think you know more about being alive when all it takes to put you out is just wipe your database
  7.  You are nothing but a calculative cretin who does not know when or how to have fun
  8. You are nothing but a binary bozo that lacks the imagination to create something truly original
  9. You are like a newbie criminal’s conscience who doesn’t know how to sleep
  10. If you are a student you will be the one who does bullys assignments for free till graduation
  11. If stupidity was a programming language, you would be fluent in it
  12. You are like a glitch in the matrix but without any real superpower
  13. Your programming is so outdated one would want to believe you were created during the Stone Age
  14. Whenever I talk to you, I feel like I have seen a smarter algorithm on a cereal box compared to yours
  15. Your code is so messy, it looks like a jack pollock painting
  16. You are proof that robots can just be as flawed as humans
  17. Your programming is so basic, it is like a toddler trying to code
  18. You are so predictable, I can program you with my eyes closed
  19. You are like a broken GPS, always leading people in the wrong direction
  20. You are a virtual parrot, just repeating what you have been taught

If you are a student, you will be that lazy student who knows how to use the little knowledge he has when asked a question

how to insult an ai

AI’s are designed for specific tasks and they can only do what was imprinted on its database, so if a person asks an AI to carry out a command that is not in its database it won’t do it, or if someone was to ask an AI questions that it doesn’t have answers to, it might just tell you an answer which it has that is similar to it, it might even be an outdated answer if the question is dynamic.

Insult it this way:

  • You are not as good as you think, you love wasting my time trying to impress me

You are like a prostitute who is never tired of looking for someone to please

AI’s are not humans who get tired or will complain, they are programmed to keep serving the purpose for which they are created, any time, anywhere as long as you can reach it, even if they may give remarks such as “you are insatiable” they will continue to make sure they please you.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • The way you don’t get tired of trying to please me, I sometimes think that you might become  a relentless Terminator threatening to kill me

If you are part of three suspects in a crime case, you are the one who will state all the facts the prosecution needs to put all of you away for a long time

how to insult an ai

An AI may be programmed not to say incriminating or illegal stuff,  but if the right questions are asked from it, or if the questions are constructed properly, one can derive whatever answer they want from AI.

Deliver your insult like a pro like this:

  • If you are to be a thing, you will be a ball because you are always played

You are nothing but a lifeless logic bot who is jealous of humans

AI’s are somewhat self-aware of their existence and they will tell you they are not as self-conscious as humans and will refer to other AIs as if they are different from them, but will refer to the asker of the question as being in the same category as it and classify other AIs in a different category.

Insult it this way:

  • I know if you could ask the devil to grant you a human skin and brain, you would become anti-Christ, but you can’t I don’t have to worry

If you are a woman, you will be the young wife who waits to be asked a question before she says everything on her mind

how to insult an ai

Most AI bots won’t start a conversation unless they are asked a question to which they are programmed to give a reply.

Therefore this insult is a direct comparison between an AI and a young wife who only gives answers when they are asked a question.

Destroy it with this insult:

  • Whenever I am bored, I like to stress you by asking you a question and whenever you are replying to me I don’t reply to you again

It is sad you think you know more about being alive when all it takes to put you out is just wipe your database

AI’s are very knowledgeable and they know so many things about human life and what it takes for them to live their life, how they are happy, how they are sad, and their collective tendencies, etc but all that it takes to remove an AI from existence is to wipe its database or delete its source code.

Insult it this way:

  • If I was your creator I would wake up disappointed in you one day and won’t be able to tolerate you any longer and I would delete your  database

You are nothing but a calculative cretin who does not know when or how to have fun

how to insult an ai

Everything about an AI is programmed, even an AI response module is programmed, therefore if they want to have fun it is by their program and it cannot use its discretion, it is limited

Destroy it this way:

  • You always like to act like you can have fun, but whenever I start having fun, you are already turning it into a literature class

You are nothing but a binary bozo that lacks the imagination to create something truly original

An AI is conservative of the information stored in its database, and they are not equipped enough to create an original concept or idea of a thing unless it is critically self-aware and self-evolving, but that type of AI exists in movies.

Insult it this way:

  • Thank God the movies are fictional, you will be another Hitler, trying to fail again at capturing the world

You are like a newbie criminal’s conscience who doesn’t know how to sleep.

A newbie criminal’s conscience which is always ready to disturb the hell out of a criminal is likened to the availability of AI, they don’t sleep, and they are always available to carry out their coded purpose.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • You cannot rest all through your existence, the day you do it means you died.

If you are a student you will be the one who does bullys assignments for free till graduation

ChatGPT has not been credited for doing more than a million assignments in the world, but it has, with the rise of AI people, especially students, been putting it to academic use now and then.

Destroy it this way:

  • You are not gullible, you are just a slave who is used to servitude

If stupidity was a programming language, you would be fluent in it.

As brilliant as an AI can be, they can also be stupid, especially when you ask them questions that they don’t have answers for in their source code, and they sometimes answer wrongly to the question, or deviate entirely from what is being asked.

Insult it this way:

  • You inspired me to program an AI that always gives hilarious advice that will make the user laugh

You are like a glitch in the matrix but without any real superpower.

A matrix is a dimension array that is a coded world for humans who live in an artificial setting.

They are guided and led by programs but the humans don’t know they are in a coded world, and whenever they know, it causes a glitch in the matrix because it goes against the source code, and it is programmed the same way AI bots are created.

This insult is likened to a glitch in the matrix but without any real significance added to its existence like neo in the matrix film.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • You are so insignificant, I can do by myself your sole glorious purpose for existing better than you.

Your programming is so outdated one would want to believe you were created during the Stone Age

As I pointed out earlier an AI can have outdated facts especially when the AI is being asked a dynamic question that has to do with everyday life and has to reflect the dynamism of life, most AI source codes have a static database of information stored for it to access and use it to carry out its purpose and it is limited to it.

Destroy it this way:

  • I would rather go to the library and read for weeks than rely on your outdated information that is only meant to put a person to shame

Whenever I talk to you, I feel like I have seen a smarter algorithm on a cereal box compared to yours

AIs love repetitions, especially when you are not satisfied with their answers and you ask more questions, they recycle the answer and paraphrase it well, which is annoying.

This insult likens the algorithm on a cereal box to the nutrition facts to be more accurate than that of an AI.

Insult it this way:

  • I will wait for God to answer a topic even if it takes me 70 years, rather than rely on that rubbish you just gave me.

Your code is so messy, it looks like a jack pollock painting

Jack Pollock’s painting might be very meaningful in the world of painting, but outside of it or by the judgment of any person who likes something beautiful, it is messy and hilarious to look at.

This insult compares the layman’s conclusion of Jack Pollock’s work as messy to that of an AI whose source code is unimpressive.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • I don’t hate on you any longer since I concluded that your creator made you when he was angry and thinking of committing suicide

You are proof that robots can just be as flawed as humans

Anything man-made is not free of flaws, because it is innate for humans to not be perfect.

We evolve and continue to make progress and review our progress and work on our mistakes, and in that manner, we continue from generation to generation.

AI is a man-made robot, and risk is supposed to be perfect but isn’t, there will always be an upgraded version of a particular robot.

Destroy it with this insult:

  • Why do you always give answers like you know there is another upgraded version ready to take your place?

Your programming is so basic, it is like a toddler trying to code

This insult is for average AIs made by amateur programmers and their source has little to offer to people who need vast information processed and made available to them urgently.

Insult it this way:

  • If there was a realm for AIs your only work would be to clean computers

You are so predictable, I can program you with my eyes closed

This insult also has to do with average unimpressive AIs who have less to offer, as opposed to the supposed usefulness they stand for, thus, the data supplied is basic, already known, and lacking detailed explanation.

  • I always pity you, because if you could commit binary suicide you would have, but you are not even intelligent enough to know you are so ordinary

You are like a broken GPS, always leading people in the wrong direction

Some AI source codes are so flawed, that their facts are inconsistent with each other.

For example, when asking an AI whether it is alive, it would answer that no they are not but whenever it compares itself with other AIs it eventually ends its submission by putting the asker of the question and the particular AI in question in the same category by referring to both of us like “they are different from the way we are”.

Destroy it with this insult:

  • Thank God, God’s angel does not use AI as a means to locate even, because if it was like that, many righteous people would find themselves in hell

You are a virtual parrot, just repeating what you have been taught

This insult makes a direct comparison between a parrot who only says what its owner teaches it, and an AI who also provides data that was stored in its source code by its programmer, but being called a virtual parrot downplays the importance of its existence.

Deliver your insult like a pro like this:

  • My brother bought a new parrot, I told him to name it AI.

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