20 Baddie Comebacks For “Who Smelt it Dealt it”

Baddie Comebacks For Who Smelt it Dealt it

It’s quite unfair how people use this phrase nonchalantly to imply that the person who noticed a problem ( perhaps a fart) is probably the reason for it.

Sometimes, this could be far from the case, which is why there’s a need to serve some baddie comebacks for people who often give this comment. 

In this article, I have set aside a list of 20 baddie comebacks to use for someone who tells you “who smelt it dealt it”, that’s right, the one who says it, should be dealt with. You don’t have to rack your brain on what to say anymore, this article has come to save the day!

Let’s begin! 

List of 20 Baddie Comebacks For Who Smelt it Dealt it

  1. Whoever denied it supplied it.
  2. If it lingered, you’re the bringer.
  3. Congratulations Sherlock, case closed.
  4. That’s cute, pointing fingers. Real mature.
  5. Whoever said it’s the one who spread it.
  6. Keep sniffing, you might find something else to blame me for.
  7. Do you always jump to conclusions, or just when it smells funny?
  8. If only your deductive skills were as impressive as your sense of smell.
  9. Bravo, you’ve uncovered the mystery of the century.
  10. You must have a nose for trouble.
  11. Congratulations, you’ve just won the ‘Jump to Conclusions’ award.
  12. Don’t you ever have wise phrases to say? 
  13. You definitely have a problem to deal with. 
  14. You’re probably the only one that has a damaged nose in the room. 
  15. Whatever you say, I know it’s because of your ignorance. 
  16. I smelt your foolishness but guess who’s dealing with it, not me. 
  17. You have a talent for annoying people, you should get a life. 
  18. What happens when a person’s nose doesn’t work, they try to deal with it. 
  19. Since you’re so good with phrases, why don’t you write a trilogy on it?
  20. Sometimes you should consider thinking before you speak. 

Whoever denied it supplied it.

Baddie Comebacks For Who Smelt it Dealt it

What makes a baddie comeback is the ability to flip the situation in the most creative way and what better way to do that if not to find another popular phrase that counters the accusation. 

The expression playfully suggests that the person who is accusing you is actually the one responsible for the smell, using a common saying to deflect blame.

  • Whoever denied it must have supplied it. 
  • You supplied it because you denied it. 

If it lingered, you’re the bringer.

Another baddie comeback for someone who says “who smelt it dealt it’’ is this fun and intriguing expression. 

This comeback means that the person is responsible for the smell if it has persisted, subtly shifting the blame back to them. Perhaps you find yourself in this scenario, then don’t hesitate to use a phrase like this. 

  • You’re the bringer because it lingered. 
  • It really lingered so I am sure you’re the bringer. 

Congratulations Sherlock, case closed.

‘Sherlock’ is a word that really sets the humor present in the expression as it implies that the person, just like the famous character, is into the supernatural but in this case, his/her powers is used to discover ‘fart’, something of no significance. 

It mocks the accuser’s attempt to solve the “mystery” of the smell, implying that the accusation is trivial.

  • You have closed the case again Sherlock. 
  • Wow! Only Sherlock could have uncovered that mystery. 

That’s cute, pointing fingers. Real mature.

A comeback that would get the accuser off your back is this one right before your eyes, it’s the perfect baddie comeback for when someone says ‘who smelt it dealt it. 

It dismisses the accuser’s behavior as childish and immature, implying that they are being unreasonable. This would do justice to whoever accuses you in any situation especially when the person uses the phrase, ‘’who smelt it dealt it.”

  • You’re so mature, pointing fingers is the first step. 
  • You’re really mature, pointing fingers like a ten year old

Whoever said it’s the one who spread it.

One baddie comeback for “who smelt it dealt it” is definitely this expression as it contains the elements of humor and wit. 

This comeback humorously suggests that the accuser is projecting their own guilt onto the speaker, turning the accusation back on them. You could share this line with your family members or colleagues at work. 

  • You were the one who said it so you spread it. 
  • You were the one who spread it because you said it. 

Keep sniffing, you might find something else to blame me for.

Baddie Comebacks For Who Smelt it Dealt it

What makes this expression a baddie comeback is that it mocks the accusation made and turns it into something ridiculous. 

It sarcastically encourages the accuser to continue searching for reasons to blame the speaker, implying that their accusation is baseless.

  • I encourage you to keep sniffing, you will definitely find something else to say. 
  • You need to keep sniffing, you need more mysteries to unravel. 

Do you always jump to conclusions, or just when it smells funny?

If you want to call someone who accused you, crazy and delusional, this would be the baddie comeback you need. 

The comeback humorously questions the accuser’s tendency to make hasty judgments, implying that they are overreacting to a minor issue.

  • Why do you always jump to conclusions, and can’t jump a low fence? 
  • You seem to jump to conclusions a lot, is it a gift? 

If only your deductive skills were as impressive as your sense of smell.

It’s exciting when a hot comeback disguises itself as a compliment but at the end throws shades at whoever the accuser is. 

 The expresion sarcastically praises the accuser’s sense of smell while subtly criticizing their faulty reasoning, implying that their accusation lacks credibility.

  • Your deductive skills are incredible but your sense of smell, not so much. 
  • You obviously need to get surgery done to your nose. 

Bravo, you’ve uncovered the mystery of the century.

Baddie Comebacks For Who Smelt it Dealt it

‘Mystery of the century’ is a funny use of exaggeration to show the humor in the expression. 

This sarcastic comeback mocks the accuser’s exaggerated reaction to a trivial issue, implying that their accusation is overdramatic.

Perhaps you have friends that often use this phrase, this baddie comeback will come in handy. 

  • You’ve just uncovered the most significant mystery of the world. 
  • Wow! I am impressed with your talent for discovering hard problems. 

You must have a nose for trouble.

A direct comeback always does the job! It’s a simple and yet imperative statement that will certainly keep the accusers and judges away. 

This playful comeback suggests that the accuser is adept at finding problems or faults, humorously acknowledging their tendency to blame others for minor issues. 

  • Your big nose must have been designed to create trouble. 
  • Others use their nose to breathe, but your nose is purely for making trouble. 

Congratulations, you’ve just won the ‘Jump to Conclusions’ award.

Another creative baddie comeback for ‘who smelt it dealt it’, is this expression. It combines the elements of hyperbole and symbolism. 

It sarcastically acknowledges the accuser’s tendency to make unfounded assumptions, implying that their accusation lacks credibility.

  • You’ve just won an award given to people who jump to conclusions a lot. 
  • You deserve an award for how much you jump to foolish conclusions. 

Don’t you ever have wise phrases to say? 

Questions that are asked in a rhetorical way could make a baddie comeback if it is  properly delivered. 

This comeback sarcastically questions the accuser’s intelligence or maturity, implying that their accusation is trivial or foolish. It not only discredits the phrase itself as foolish but also the person who said it which is brilliant. 

  • Why don’t you ever come up with, or say wise phrases? It’s disheartening. 
  • I can’t stand how many dumb things you say in a day. 

You definitely have a problem to deal with. 

This is a brilliant way of making a good comeback for ‘’who smelt it dealt it’ because this expression uses part of the words that make up the phrase but in a countering manner. 

It subtly suggests that the accuser is projecting their own issues onto the speaker, implying that their accusation is unjustified.

  • You definitely have a problem to deal with, don’t you smell it? 
  • I can definitely smell that you have a problem to deal with. 

You’re probably the only one that has a damaged nose in the room. 

Comebacks are meant to be a little sassy and precise which this expression embodies. 

This is an expression that humorously suggests that the accuser’s sense of smell is faulty, thereby undermining their credibility. It’s a comeback that you could while in a gathering of friends or on that annoying sibling of yours. 

  • You should repair your nose, it’s broken. 
  • Your nose needs to be repaired so I understand. 

Whatever you say, I know it’s because of your ignorance. 

Only a genius would give a comeback like this to someone that accuses them by using a dumb phrase. 

This comeback dismisses the accuser’s accusation as a product of their ignorance or misunderstanding, implying that they are misinformed. It’s an intriguing form of humor, remember that comedy is just speaking the truth. 

  • You’re ignorant and that’s why you use phrases like that. 
  • You talk before you think so I understand why you said that. 

I smelt your foolishness but guess who’s dealing with it, not me. 

Another brilliant comeback is this expression as it  humorously suggests that the accuser’s foolishness is the real issue, implying that the speaker is not responsible for it. 

It is a baddie comeback for sure, you can share amongst your friends so that they can use it as well. 

  • You’re still dealing with your foolishness, I can smell it. 
  • The only thing I can smell is your foolishness right now. 

You have a talent for annoying people, you should get a life. 

Baddie Comebacks For Who Smelt it Dealt it

It’s annoying to be unnecessarily accused by someone who thinks that they are smart or funny when truly they are far from it. 

That’s why this expression has been made in a way that it criticizes the accuser’s behavior and suggests that they should focus on more meaningful pursuits, implying that their accusation is petty.

  • You probably should get a life and stop pointing accusing fingers. 
  • I hope you get another hobby that doesn’t require giving your nose a bad reputation. 

What happens when a person’s nose doesn’t work, they try to deal with it. 

This comeback for ‘Who Smelt It Dealt It’ has baddies written all over it. 

This comeback humorously suggests that the accuser’s faulty sense of smell is causing them to blame others, implying that their accusation is baseless. It would be best if you considered the context and the comic tone to properly give this expression more effect. 

  • Your nose is broken and I hope you can deal with that. 
  • Your nose can no longer smell things, deal with it. 

Since you’re so good with phrases, why don’t you write a trilogy on it?

Exaggeration and symbolism are elements that team up to provide you with another baddie comeback. 

It sarcastically praises the accuser’s ability to come up with insults, implying that their accusation is unoriginal or exaggerated.

Gesticulating and the right use of comic tone could be very good to have whole delivering hot baddie comebacks like this. 

  • You are so good with phrases, I hope you write a book on it one day. 
  • You could be a famous author for writing books on foolish phrases. 

Sometimes you should consider thinking before you speak. 

Baddie Comebacks For Who Smelt it Dealt it

Wow! A low blow has been wrapped up in a comeback for someone who tells you, ‘ who smelt it dealt it.’Now you don’t have to worry about what to say because this expression has got you covered. 

This comeback suggests that the accuser’s accusation is thoughtless or impulsive, meaning that they should reconsider their words before making accusations.

  • I think speaking should be done after you properly think and not the other way around. 
  • You make me so upset when you speak, I sincerely doubt that your nose isn’t the only one working, your brain has collapsed too. 








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