20 Good Comebacks for Someone Talking Behind Your Back

Good Comebacks for Someone Talking Behind Your Back

People who talk behind your back are often out to slander you. Many of them are malicious, making it a duty to speak ill of you.

Having to deal with such people can be frustrating. While it’s good to ignore them, a good comeback can also solve the issue, especially if they keep spreading ill about you.

So, if you need good comebacks for someone who talks behind your back, this article is for you.

In this article, I’ll be discussing the best clapbacks to give you the upper hand when dealing with backstabbers.

20 Good Comebacks for Someone Talking Behind Your Back

The best response to someone who talks behind your back should show them that you’re not easily put off by their actions.

Some good lines include: “Keep talking behind me while I move forward,” “I guess you’re not just senseless, you’re jobless too,” and “A good advice for you; Cut your mouth before it ruins you.”

Below are 20 good comebacks for someone talking behind your back: 

  1. Keep talking behind me while I move forward
  2. Those who talk behind people’s backs are always behind
  3. You can never grow with this attitude
  4. Don’t you have the courage to face me?
  5. Grow some balls and talk to my face
  6. News flash! I don’t care
  7. My back must be your harbor of inspiration
  8. You’ve got nothing to say to me, continue speaking to my back
  9. I can’t tolerate your face, I’m sure my back can
  10. Oh good! It shows I’m some celebrity you adore
  11. I guess you’re not just senseless, you’re jobless too
  12. Hold on! Let me turn my back first
  13. I lack the patience to hold conversations with people who only talk behind my back
  14. A good advice for you; Cut your mouth before it ruins you
  15. Snakes aren’t just malicious, they’re repulsive to look at
  16. Is this how much my back interests you?
  17. Oh didn’t you get the memo? We’re no longer friends
  18. Wait, if you’re here, who’s preparing the gossip you’ll have when my back is turned?
  19. I hope karma hits you before I do
  20. Get behind me, Satan!

Keep Talking Behind Me While I Move Forward

“Keep talking behind me while I move forward” is a good response to someone who talks behind your back.

First, this response shows you’re not bothered by their actions. It’s the perfect way to reply to someone who intends to bring you down by spreading rumors about you.

Also, it’s a clever way to show them that their action is only hurting them. Telling them that you keep moving forward while they talk behind your back means that they’ll remain behind you. 

Those Who Talk Behind People’s Backs Are Always Behind 

“Those who talk behind people’s backs are always behind” is another clever way to reply to someone who talks behind your back.

If you want to show them that their actions don’t affect you in any way, this is the perfect response for them. Also, with this comeback, you let them know that they’ve made themselves lesser than you with their actions.

It’s the perfect comment to make with your head raised high.

  • Those who talk behind people’s backs are always behind. They can never go far because they always seek to be behind others 
  • Guess what? You’ll always be behind those you talk about behind their back

You Can Never Grow with This Attitude 

Sometimes the best way to deal with backstabbers is to sound caring while insulting them.

People who talk behind others may just need the right words to change. And “You can never grow with this attitude” is the perfect line that’ll double as a piece of advice and a big jab.

Telling them that they can never grow with their attitude can get them to have a rethink. However, it’s a smart way to ridicule them that’ll get to them.

  • You can never grow with this attitude. That’s a reality
  • You can never grow with this attitude unless you change 

Don’t You Have the Courage to Face Me?

“Don’t you have the courage to face me?” is a challenging reply for someone who talks behind your back.

If you want to confront them, this is the perfect question to throw at them. It’s a powerful jab that ridicules them for lacking courage.

Also, it challenges them to say all they’ve been saying behind you to your face. 

  • Don’t you have the courage to face me? Of course not, you only get your tongue once my back is turned

Grow Some Balls and Talk to My Face

“Grow some balls and talk to my face” is another challenging comeback for someone who talks behind your back.

Just like the above, this one mocks them for only talking behind your back. Asking them to grow some balls rubs their fear on their face. 

If you’re prepared for a banter with them, this is the perfect comeback that gives room for them.

  • Grow some balls and talk to my face. Stop being a spineless cow
  • Grow some balls and talk to my face, except you’re a weakling 

News Flash! I Don’t Care 

“News flash! I don’t care” does the job of disregarding them and showing that you’re unbothered.

When someone talks behind you, they want to make you a bad person to others, but you should show them that it doesn’t bother you.

Getting to the stage of being unaffected by what others think about you is one of the qualities of someone with high self-esteem. 

So, with this comeback you’ll be taking the power off a backstabber, proving to them that you’re way bigger than them.

My Back Must Be Your Harbor of Inspiration

If you want to sound uninterested and sarcastic, “My back must be your harbor of inspiration” is the perfect clapback for someone who talks behind your back.

This one shows that you’re unfazed by their actions. It’s a great way to engage them in a conversation, letting them know you’re more interested in knowing why your back inspires them.

Also, it’s a sarcastic response that mocks them for always saying things only when your back is turned.

  • My back must be your harbor of inspiration, it’s really interesting. Can you share more on how that part of my body inspires you
  • My back must be your harbor of inspiration. I didn’t know I had such a powerful part in my body 

You’ve Got Nothing to Say to Me, Continue Speaking to My Back

“You’ve got nothing to say to me, continue speaking to my back” is another sharp retort for someone talking behind your back.

This is a smooth comeback that’ll greatly embarrass them. It’ll work to dismiss them when they try to have a conversation with you.

Also, it’ll let them know you’ve discovered their true character. You should ignore them after this statement, probably turning your back will make it more interesting  

I Can’t Tolerate Your Face, I’m Sure My Back Can 

“I can’t tolerate your face, I’m sure my back can” is another dismissive reply for someone who talks behind your back.

This is the perfect way to express your feelings about them. Just like the above, it’ll work when they try to talk to you. 

Oh Good! It Shows I’m Some Celebrity You Adore 

“Oh good! It shows I’m some celebrity you adore” is another fantastic way to show someone talking behind you that their actions don’t affect you.

It’s a humorous reply that’ll turn the table, giving you the upper hand. If they think they can hurt you by talking behind you, this response shows they’ve only made themselves lesser than you.

Also, it’s something you can say casually and go on to ignore them.

  • You must adore me so much that’s why you’re always gossiping about me

I Guess You’re Not Just Senseless, You’re Jobless Too

If you want to sound savage, “I guess you’re not just senseless, you’re jobless too” is the comeback for you.

This one insults them by calling them senseless and jobless. It’ll certainly sting hard, as it implies that you’ve always thought them to be senseless.

Also, it’ll show that you don’t care about what they do behind your back. It’s a smart way to dismiss them.

Hold on! Let Me Turn My Back First 

Good Comebacks for Someone Talking Behind Your Back

“Hold on! Let me turn my back first” is another hilarious way to deal with someone who talks behind your back.

It’s a smooth way to dismiss them when they try to speak with you. Also, giving this reply in front of an audience will greatly embarrass them.

With this response, you’ll show them that you’ve discovered who they truly are. The funny thing about this comeback is that they’re not likely to understand your actions.

I Lack the Patience to Hold Conversations with People Who Only Talk Behind My Back 

“I lack the patience to hold conversations with people who only talk behind my back” is another smooth way to deal with people who talk behind your back.

This response shows you’re not ready to listen to them. What I like about this punchline is that you can politely give this response, which will sting more.

It’s the perfect way to ignore them. 

  • Oh, I’m sorry. I lack the patience to hold conversations with people who only talk behind my back
  • I lack the patience to hold conversations with people who only talk behind my back. It’s not my style

A Good Advice for You; Cut Your Mouth Before It Ruins You

“A good advice for you; Cut your mouth before it ruins you” is a fantastic clapback for someone who talks behind your back.

This is what you say when you lack the patience to be polite. It’s a hilarious reply that also serves as a piece of advice for them. 

Snakes Aren’t Just Malicious, They’re Repulsive to Look at

“Snakes aren’t just malicious, they’re repulsive to look at” is an excellent way to handle a backstabber.

It’s a harsh response that shows them how irritating you feel about them. Calling them a snake will certainly sting, then adding that looking at them disgusts you takes the pain deeper.

Is This How Much My Back Interests You?

Another interesting comeback for someone who talks behind your back is, “Is this how much my back interests you?”

This is a sarcastic response that mocks them for always waiting for your back to be turned before speaking about you. Also, it’s a cool way to show that you’re unfazed by their actions.

Oh Didn’t You Get the Memo? We’re no Longer Friends 

“Oh didn’t you get the memo? We’re no longer friends” is the perfect response for a friend who talks behind your back.

It’s a direct way to end your friendship with them. Also, giving this clapback dismissively will slap hard.

Wait, if You’re Here, Who’s Preparing the Gossip You’ll Have When My Back Is Turned?

This punchline is another smooth way to deal with someone who talks behind your back. 

It’s a cruel response you can use to show them you’ve known their true color. Also, it’ll work well in the presence of people to greatly ridicule them.

I Hope Karma Hits You Before I Do

“I hope karma hits you before I do” is an excellent retort you can use on someone who talks behind your comeback.

With this reply, they’ll know better than to pretend to be friends with you 

Get Behind Me, Satan!

Good Comebacks for Someone Talking Behind Your Back

“Get behind me Satan!” is a hilarious reply for someone who talks behind your back.

This response shows your lack of interest in speaking with them. It’s the perfect way to shut them up in front of people when they try to speak with you.

Moreover, asking them to get behind you is just the perfect clapback that reminds them of their place. Calling them Satan will slap hard.

  • Get behind me, Satan! After all, that’s the only place you can speak
  • Get behind me, Satan! That’s where you belong 

Final Verdict

When someone talks behind your back, these comebacks are one of the ways you can handle them.

If you don’t want to ignore them, these replies will work well to disarm them. Feel free to use these examples when suitable.


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