20 Funny Roasts for Someone With Crooked Teeth

how to roast someone with a crooked teeth

Having crooked teeth isn’t uncommon. You’re likely to come across someone with misaligned dentition. While it can be fun to tease them about it, be careful not to have too much fun at their expense.

Therefore, if you need a good laugh for someone with crooked teeth, this article is for you.

In this article, I’ll be discussing some funny roasts for someone with crooked teeth. They’re harmless insults and jokes to get everyone laughing.

20 Funny Roasts for Someone with Crooked Teeth

There are various ways to tease someone for their crooked teeth without sounding offensive.

Also, these one-liners can serve as a good defense during a roast duel with them.

Some good roast one-liners include: “You should straighten your teeth or just sell them,” “Brace yourself and get a brace,” and “You might have wronged the tooth fairy.”

Below are 20 funny roasts for someone with crooked teeth

  1. You should straighten your teeth or just sell them
  2. Aren’t you better off without teeth?
  3. You should talk less, it’s not for your type
  4. Mend your ways and your teeth will be mended
  5. Brace yourself and get a brace
  6. Aww! You’ve got a crooked smile
  7. You shouldn’t smile, it’s too ugly
  8. Your teeth are why I think vampires still exist
  9. Take it easy with opening your mouth, it can cause a heart attack
  10. Your teeth are so crooked, they might have come from the devil
  11. Now, I see why you don’t think straight
  12. Your teeth aren’t straight. How could your life be?
  13. Even braces won’t save you
  14. You might have wronged the tooth fairy
  15. Are your teeth at war?
  16. Now, I’ve confirmed how ugly you are
  17. Do you visit a crooked dentist?
  18. Your life must be twisted
  19. Your teeth are so misaligned I’m sure you need a map to find your tongue
  20. Do you eat regular food?

You Should Straighten Your Teeth or Just Sell Them

One of the things you can say to insult someone with crooked teeth is, “You should straighten your teeth or just sell them.”

This is a direct attack on their condition. Also, telling someone with crooked teeth to straighten them or sell them shows that you’re tired of seeing their misaligned dentition.

Moreover, using this roast line with a sharp tone will surely get to them, and get everyone laughing.

Here is another rephrase of this roast:

  • Why not just sell those teeth if they can’t be straightened?

Aren’t You Better Off Without Teeth?

Another way you can tease someone with crooked dentition is by asking, “Aren’t you better off without teeth?”

This is a silly question that should get everyone laughing. Also, knowing fully well that everyone needs teeth, and asking if they wouldn’t be better off without teeth will surely get to them.

It’s a sarcastic question that’ll surely taunt them, as it implies their misaligned teeth are very bad.

See examples of other ways to rephrase the roast:

  • I can imagine you toothless, it won’t be that bad
  • Having no teeth is better than having such disarranged dentition

You Should Talk Less, It’s Not for Your Type

“You should talk less, it’s not for your type” is another classical insult for someone who has a misaligned dentition.

This statement makes a mockery of their condition while attacking them for speaking. It’ll work for someone who likes lending their opinion when they’re not asked.

Also, you can use it to make fun of someone after they’re done speaking. It’ll surely get to them, as it implies that people with their teeth type shouldn’t talk anyhow like others.

See examples of other ways to rephrase the roast:

  • You shouldn’t talk just anyhow with those bad teeth of yours
  • Closing your mouth often should be a priority

Mend Your Ways and Your Teeth Will be Mended

“Mend your ways and your teeth will be mended” is another way to make fun of someone with crooked teeth.

This is a mocking statement that asks them to work on their dentition. Also, this statement suggests that their misaligned teeth are a result of their bad ways.

So, with this one-liner, you’re asking them to mend their ways so that their teeth will be okay.

See examples of other ways to rephrase the roast:

  • If you can mend your ways, I’m sure you’ll have a better dentition
  • Those crooked teeth are a result of your bad behavior

Brace Yourself and Get a Brace

“Brace yourself and get a brace” is another way to tease someone with crooked teeth.

This is another hilarious way of telling them to work on their dentition. Usually, people with crooked teeth use braces as part of the ways to correct their condition.

So, by asking them to brace themselves and get a brace, you’re advising them to correct their teeth. Also, it’s a punny expression they wouldn’t be expecting.

Aww! You’ve Got a Crooked Smile

Another classic and hilarious burner to roast someone is, “Aww! You’ve got a crooked smile.”

This comment will work immediately after a smile from them. Also, it’s a sarcastic remark that sounds like you’re complimenting them.

So, instead of saying they’ve got crooked teeth, you’re saying they’ve got a crooked smile; they’ll surely get the sarcasm.

Here are some examples:

  • Aww! You’ve got a crooked smile. Your teeth are so ugly
  • Wow! I love those crooked teeth and crooked smile

You Shouldn’t Smile, It’s Too Ugly

how to roast someone with a crooked teeth

“You shouldn’t smile, it’s too ugly” is another way to make fun of someone with a crooked dentition.

This is another roast line that directly attacks their misaligned dentition. Asking them not to smile and calling their smile ugly, will surely hurt.

Here are some examples:

  • You shouldn’t smile in public, you’ll scare people away

Your Teeth Are Why I Think Vampire Still Exist

Another way to insult someone with a misaligned dentition is with this classic one-liner, “Your teeth are why I think vampires still exist.”

This is another direct statement that’ll get everyone in fits of laughter. Also, saying their teeth makes you think that vampires still exist and will surely get to them.

It is a funny way of calling them a vampire; it’ll surely hurt.

See an example of another way to rephrase the roast:

  • Seeing your teeth reminds me of a vampire

Take It Easy with Opening Your Mouth, It Can Cause a Heart Attack

“Take it easy with opening your mouth, it can cause a heart attack” is another statement to make to insult someone with crooked teeth.

This is a funny way of advising them not to talk or laugh anyhow. Also, saying that opening their mouth can cause a heart attack is a hilarious exaggeration, that emphasizes how bad their dentition is.

Your Teeth Are So Crooked, They Might Have Come from the Devil

Another way to make fun of someone with crooked teeth is with this classic burner, “Your teeth are so crooked, they might have come from the devil.”

This is another interesting way of roasting them to get everyone in fits of laughter. Also, this statement implies that since their teeth aren’t properly aligned, then it wouldn’t have come from God.

It’s a stinging remark that’ll surely get to them.

Here are some examples:

  • I’m very sure that God doesn’t bless with such crooked teeth
  • So God created you and left your teeth for the devil to create

Now, I See Why You Don’t Think Straight

“Now, I see why you don’t think straight” is another classic way to insult someone who has a crooked dentition.

This statement implies that they don’t think straight because of their crooked dentition. Also, it’s a two-in-one insult that attacks their state of reasoning and their teeth.

Additionally, saying you’ve discovered why they don’t think straight implies they’ve always acted unreasonably. This statement will surely get to them.

Here are some examples:

  • Wow! Finally, I’ve seen your crooked teeth don’t allow you to think straight
  • How would you even think straight when you don’t have a well-aligned dentition?

Your Teeth Aren’t Straight. How Could Your Life Be?

Another sharp insult for someone with a misaligned dentition is, “Your teeth aren’t straight. How could your life be?”

This statement doesn’t only make fun of their crooked teeth, but it also directly insults them, implying they’re not alright.

Also, saying that their life can’t be alright because of their crooked teeth will get deeply to them.

Here are some examples:

  • You can’t be all right when your teeth aren’t
  • Your life reflects your crooked dentition

Even Braces Won’t Save You

how to roast someone with a crooked teeth

Another way to taunt someone with crooked teeth is with this sharp comeback, “Even braces won’t save you.”

This is a classic burner you can use to roast them after they’ve gotten a brace. Saying that the braces won’t save them will surely sting and get everyone laughing.

Also, you can use it to tease someone who has yet to get braces. It implies that their teeth are too bad to be saved.

Here are some examples:

  • Your teeth are too crooked even braces won’t save you
  • Your teeth are too crooked, it’ll damage a brace

You Might Have Wronged the Tooth Fairy

“You might have wronged the tooth fairy” is another thing you can say to make fun of someone who has misaligned teeth.

First, the tooth fairy is a fantasy figure that’s believed to give children teeth.

So, using this roast line implies that the tooth fairy must have given them misaligned teeth because they wronged her.

Here are some examples:

  • You should beg the tooth fairy, she might correct your teeth
  • I’m sure you did something to the tooth fairy to get this kind of teeth

Are Your Teeth at War?

Another funny question to post to someone is, “Are your teeth at war?”

This is a ridiculous question to pose to someone who has crooked teeth to roast them.

Asking them this question suggests that they’ve got misaligned teeth because the teeth are probably at war with one another.

It’s a humorous way of describing their dentition.

Now, I’ve Confirmed How Ugly You Are

“Now, I’ve confirmed how ugly you are” is another thing to say to roast someone with crooked dentition.

This is a funny thing to say, that implies that you’ve always thought they’re ugly.

When someone with misaligned teeth speaks, smiles, or laughs, you can give this response to get everyone laughing, letting them know their teeth have confirmed your suspicion.

Here are some examples:

  • Now, I can boldly say you’re very ugly with those teeth
  • Your teeth just confirmed my suspicion on your ugliness

Do You Visit a Crooked Dentist?

how to roast someone with a crooked teeth

Another silly question to ask someone with crooked teeth is, “Do you visit a crooked dentist?”

Of course, everyone knows there’s nothing like a crooked dentist. So, asking someone with crooked dentition if they visit a crooked dentist is a mocking statement that’ll get to them.

Also, you can ask this question as if you’re curious to know to get everyone laughing.

Here are some examples:

  • Do you visit a regular dentist or a crooked one?
  • I’m sure you must visit a crooked dentist

Your Life Must Be Twisted

“Your life must be twisted” is another thing to say to roast someone with crooked dentition.

This statement is a direct insult that’ll get to them. Using this comeback after they must have spoken or smiled should take them by surprise, as they’re likely not to get the joke.

Also, it’ll work during a roast battle to make fun of their crooked teeth.

Here is another example of how to use this roast:

  • You must be twisted with those twisted teeth

Your Teeth Are So Misaligned I’m Sure You Need a Map to Find Your Tongue

Another classic burner for someone with crooked teeth is, “Your teeth are so misaligned I’m sure you need a map to find your tongue.”

This is another direct attack on their teeth that’ll surely hurt. Also, it’s an amusing way to describe their dentition.

It implies that since their teeth aren’t well arranged, they’ll need help to find their tongue.

Do You Eat Regular Food?

Another ridiculous question to ask someone with crooked dentition is, “Do you eat regular food?”

This is another humorous way to roast them, as it implies that they might eat a different kind of food since their teeth are crooked.

Also, asking this question out of the blue can confuse them and get everyone laughing.

Here are some examples:

  • Do you eat our regular food or something crooked?

Roasting someone with crooked teeth can be quite hurtful to them. However, you can get everyone laughing with these classic and humorous one-liners.

Just ensure you choose the right tone and the right time. Also, don’t forget to refer to the above examples when creating your roast lines.

1 comment

  1. This are such mean comments on someone. These comments aren’t roast but a pure form of belittling someone because they have misaligned teeth. This can hurt their confidence. This is really not funny.

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