20 Good Comebacks for Someone Who Says You Have Bad Grades

Good Comebacks for Someone Who Says You Have Bad Grades

Maybe you’re one of those students who struggle with their grades in school. That alone can be overwhelming, and you don’t need someone who gloats about it around you.

Having bad grades doesn’t mean you’re dull, it just means there’s something you’re not doing right. So, if someone tells you that you’ve got a bad grade, it can sting deeply. 

In such situations, it can be difficult to reply, let alone come up with a sharp retort. But, you don’t have to worry. We’re here to help you.

Fortunately, in this article, I’ll be discussing the best comebacks for someone who comments on your bad grades. So, when next they come to you, you’ll have something quick to say rather than let their words get to you.

20 Good Comebacks for Someone Who Says You Have Bad Grades

Some of the things to say to someone who says you have bad grades include:

“You sound excited! But, news flash! You’re still trash,” “And your good grades in stupidity are impressive,” and “Is that supposed to make me feel bad?”

Here are 20 good retorts for someone who comments on your poor grades:

  1. A bad grade is better than a bad character
  2. Yes, I know. But it doesn’t define me
  3. I can work on that, but you seem to be cursed with a bad spirit 
  4. If you think you’re better, then you need to check in with the psychiatrist
  5. You’re not half as smart as you think
  6. Thank you for taking the time to bring this information to my doorstep. Your generosity won’t be forgotten
  7. You sound excited! But, news flash! You’re still trash
  8. And so?
  9. Telling me is not enough, you might want to go to the news stations and announce to the whole world your lameness
  10. Are you gloating? I guess you think that that makes you better, but that’s the world’s biggest lie
  11. And your good grades in stupidity are impressive
  12. If foolishness were a disease, you’d die with the condition 
  13. How you think you can belittle me with your condescension needs to be studied in school
  14. Is that supposed to make me feel bad?
  15. Why are you telling me what I know? Are you that jobless?
  16. Alright, here’s a good piece of advice for you. Consider adding “stupidity” and “pride” to your list of skills in your curriculum vitae 
  17. Go brush your teeth, you smell
  18. You should’ve at least taken your time to dress well before coming with your breaking news
  19. Now I see that someone can be intelligent and dumb at the same time
  20. I admire your courage in being the messenger of bad news. It’s groundbreaking

A Bad Grade Is Better Than a Bad Character

“A bad grade is better than a bad character” is a simple reply yet a powerful jab for someone who comments on your poor grade.

Sometimes calmly acknowledging your attacker’s words rather than defending yourself is the best form of attack.

This comeback acknowledges your poor grade, but it shows them that they’re worse than you.

With this reply, you’ll be able to prove to them that a person’s character is more important than good grades.

Yes, I Know. But It Doesn’t Define Me 

“Yes, I know. But it doesn’t define me” is another smart reply to yield to your attacker’s words.

Just like the above, this reply acknowledges your poor grade, but it proves to them that you’re bigger than that.

Also, it’s a confident reply that shows them that they’ve failed to corner you. It’ll rip the smirk off their face.

I Can Work on That, But You Seem to Be Cursed with a Bad Spirit 

“I can work on that, but you seem to be cursed with a bad spirit” is a clever response that quickly flips the table against them.

When someone says you have bad grades, this reply accepts their remark. Also, it further lets them know that it isn’t a big deal because you can work on getting better.

However, telling them that they’re cursed with a bad spirit is a way of telling them that they’re much worse than you.

If You Think You’re Better, Then You Need to Check in with the Psychiatrist 

When someone comments on your poor grades, they’re probably trying to prove that they’re better. 

But, with this sharp retort, you’ll quickly make a fool out of them. 

Also, this reply is a wonderful comeback that helps you strike first and hard before they can. It’s like snatching the weapon from their hands and using it on them; it’ll hurt more. 

You’re Not Half as Smart as You Think 

Another quick reply that can help you disarm someone who says you have bad grades is, “You’re not half as smart as you think.”

This one is another fantastic comeback that uses their intention against them. Since they think they must be smarter, this reply is all they need to have a rethink about that.

  • You’re not half as smart as you think, so get off your high horse
  • You’re not half as smart as you think. You better set your thoughts straight 

Thank You for Taking the Time to Bring This Information to My Doorstep. Your Generosity Won’t Be Forgotten 

A little bit of sarcasm can do a lot to ridicule someone who thinks they’re better by commenting on your poor grades.

This reply appreciates them for telling you about your grades. Giving this response will certainly take them by surprise, as they won’t be expecting such a reaction.

It’s such a powerful reply that’ll leave them feeling foolish.

  • You’re really generous to bring such information to my house. It’s heartwarming
  • I’m glad you consider me very important to leave your house to mine with this information 

You Sound Excited! But, News Flash! You’re Still Trash

Good Comebacks for Someone Who Says You Have Bad Grades

If you want to sound savage with a bit of sassiness, “You sound excited! But, news flash! You’re still trash” is the perfect clapback for you.

This one will wipe the condescension off their face. Also, with this reply, you’ll be able to prove to them that they’ve failed in hurting you.

Moreover, calling them trash will hit hard, and make them wish they never came for you.

  • Wipe that smile off your face, you’re still trash

And So?

“And so?” is another simple yet powerful response you can use to deal with someone who ridicules you for your poor performance.

This response will take them by surprise because they’d be expecting you to be hurt.

However, showing that you don’t care will get to them.

  • And so? Do you have the power to change the grades?
  • And so? What’s new about bad grades?

Telling Me Is Not Enough, You Might Want to Go to the News Stations and Announce to the Whole World Your Lameness

This one is another hefty response that’ll slap hard.

When someone comments on your poor grades to hurt you, this reply will turn the situation around.

First, it implies that they’re foolish for thinking that they should tell you about it. Then it further ridicules them by calling them lame. 

Also, suggesting they go to news stations to make more announcements will sting hard. Saying this in front of others will cause some good laughs.

  • Why not go to the radio station with this news, they’ll be so happy to hear it
  • You should go to more news stations, the whole world needs to know about this high-level stupidity 

Are You Gloating? I Guess You Think That That Makes You Better, but That’s the World’s Biggest Lie 

This punchline is another perfect way to handle someone who tries to hurt you with their comment on your grades.

It’s a wonderful comeback that flips the table quickly against them, letting them know that you’re way better than them.

And Your Good Grades in Stupidity Are Impressive

“And your good grades in stupidity are impressive” is a hilarious way to deal with someone who says you have bad grades.

This is the perfect way to call them stupid. Since they think they can comment about your bad grades, let them know you’ve got something to say about their good grades too.

Also, it’ll surely leave them in a corner, struggling for what to say in reply.

  • And I celebrate your high grade in stupidity
  • I can see you’re doing well in your denseness. Keep it up 

If Foolishness Were a Disease, You’d Die with the Condition 

“If foolishness were a disease, you’d die with the condition” is another smart reply for someone who says you have bad grades.

This reply attacks them harshly, letting them know that you too can sting. It ridicules them by implying they’ll remain foolish forever.

How You Think You Can Belittle Me with Your Condescension Needs to be Studied in School 

This is another clever comeback that’s suitable for someone who tries to belittle you.

When someone comments on your grades to hurt you, this reply will defeat them.

It’s a sarcastic reply that’ll make a fool out of them. Also, it’s a confident reply that’ll leave them feeling less confident. 

Is That Supposed to Make Me Feel Bad?

A perfect question to ask someone who says you have bad grades is, “Is that supposed to make me feel bad?”

As I’ve already established, if someone comments on your poor grade, they’re mostly hoping to make you feel bad.

So, with this question, you’ll not only show them that they’ve failed, you’ll make them appear foolish.

  • Is that supposed to make me feel bad? I’m sorry, it isn’t working
  • Is that supposed to make me feel bad? I guess you need to try again 

Why Are You Telling Me What I Know? Are You That Jobless?

This question is another powerful comeback for someone who says you have bad grades.

First, it lets them know that telling you the obvious only makes them foolish. Then, it ridicules them for having the time for such things.

Also, calling them jobless will hit hard.

Alright, Here’s a Good Piece of Advice for You. Consider Adding “Stupidity” and “Pride” to Your List of Skills in Your Curriculum Vitae 

This reply here is an excellent clapback for someone who comments on your poor grades.

It’s something you can say calmly like you’ll do when advising someone. First, “alright” shows you acknowledge and understand their comment.

Then giving them the advice will greatly embarrass them and make them wish they’d shut up instead.

Go Brush Your Teeth, You Smell 

Good Comebacks for Someone Who Says You Have Bad Grades

“Go brush your teeth, you smell” is a witty and savage response you can use to disarm someone who comments on your bad grades.

This reply completely ignores their statement and makes the conversation about them.

Asking them to go brush their teeth, implies that a bad smell is worse than bad grades.

  • Go brush your teeth, you smell, that’s worse than a bad grade
  • Go brush your teeth, you smell. Then you can return and speak to me

You Should’ve at Least Taken Your time to Dress Well Before Coming with Your Breaking News 

This response is another excellent way to deal with someone who speaks about your bad grades.

Just like the above, it rudely dismisses their statement and takes over the conversation.

Commenting on their appearance implies that they’re not fit to speak to you. It’s something you can say calmly to sting them more deeply.

Now I See That Someone Can Be Intelligent and Dumb at the Same Time

“Now I see that someone can be intelligent and dumb at the same time” is another smooth way to ridicule someone who says you have bad grades.

This one will work for someone who has good grades. It’s a smart reply that lets them know that good grades are not everything.

Also, it’s the perfect way to insult effortlessly.

  • You’ve proven to me that, intelligence doesn’t mean you can’t be dumb 

I Admire Your Courage in Being the Messenger of Bad News. It’s Groundbreaking

Here’s another sarcastic response that’ll work for someone who says you have bad grades.

It humors them by acknowledging that they’ve indeed brought bad news to you. Also, you can make it more interesting by appearing genuinely grateful.


When someone comments on your poor grades, rather than feel bad, give them a sharp response that’ll flip the tables against them.

If you don’t know where to start, start with this article. Feel free to use the above comebacks to deal with someone who tries to hurt you because of your bad grades.


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