20 Best Comebacks When Someone is Shipping You to a Guy

Best Comebacks When Someone is Shipping You to a Guy

It can be annoying when someone imagines you being together romantically with a guy who you wouldn’t even consider.

They are deciding who you should date without asking you first, which can be uncomfortable or annoying.

So, how do you reply in this situation? This is the time to be rude.

You have to say something to make them understand you’re not interested. 

In this article, you’ll learn 20 different sassy comebacks you can say to someone when they begin to ship you to a guy.

Key Takeaways

  • What does it mean when someone says they ship you with someone? — It means they think you and another person would be a good couple together, even when you don’t feel anything for the person.


  • How do you respond to someone shipping you? — Clarify your feelings if you’re not interested in the pairing they suggest.


  • Good comebacks when someone is shipping you to a guy — You can say something as simple as “No, stop that!” to be assertive. 

Continue reading to learn different ways you can reply when someone tries to ship you to a guy, especially when you don’t share a feeling with the guy in question. 

List of the Best Comebacks for When Someone is Shipping You to a Guy

I have used some of these comebacks in the past, and I’m happy with how they rescued me from the awkward situation of being shipped with a guy. Here are the best 20 I’ve heard so far:

1. No! I’ll handle my own love life.

Best Comebacks When Someone is Shipping You to a Guy

“No! I’ll handle my own love life” is one of the sassiest comebacks you can say to someone who tries to ship you with a guy. 

This statement has an assertive tone. It will show that you’re not saying things joking.

You can use this comeback if you want the person to see the seriousness in your refusal to pair with the guy in question. Alternatively, you can put this statement in any of these ways:

  • Leave my love life to you.
  • What makes you think you’re in the place to dictate my love life?

2. I’m not a parcel, so let’s skip the shipping, shall we?

Another fantastic comeback to say when someone tries to pair you with a guy you don’t like is, “I’m not a parcel, so let’s skip the shipping, shall we?”

I like to use reply because it’s funny but, at the same time, definitive. 

Even when you’re dismissing someone’s suggestion to your relationship, there’s no arm in doing that with style and wit. If it’s too hard to remember, here are alternative lines to use but convey the same message:

  • You don’t get to ship me just like that. I’m not a parcel. 
  • You’re so bad at dropshipping that all you now do is ship girls to boys, huh?

3. Did I tell you I was looking for a matchmaker?

You can easily demotivate someone from doing something when you let them know their efforts are unsolicited. 

This is why I think asking the person, “Did I tell you I was looking for a matchmaker?” 

Let the person know you didn’t ask for their help to find a partner, and their effort to match you to a guy is totally needless and annoying. 

4. I’ll pass on the matchmaking service, but feel free to swipe left.

When someone is shipping you to a guy, and you want to reply funnily, you could say, “I’ll pass on the matchmaking service, but feel free to swipe left.”

This comeback is more exciting and different from other suggestions because it plays on the Tinder feature idea where you swipe left on someone if you aren’t interested in them romantically. 

The same thing applies in real life. Only the person trying to match you both will feel the heat, too. 

Too harsh? Try these alternatives:

  • I’d literally swipe left on both you and the guy 
  • Me and him? Ugh! Next, please. 

5. You’re so fake; you don’t even believe in allowing relationships to happen naturally

Best Comebacks When Someone is Shipping You to a Guy

Another intelligent way to carpet someone who tries to matchmake you with a guy you don’t like is to tell them, “You’re so fake; you don’t even believe in allowing relationships to happen naturally.”

For some stubborn people, you’d literally have to insult them or get on their nerves with hurtful words before they can change their ways. 

So if the person keeps shipping you to a guy and you have, at several times, rejected, then this reply could be the final straw to end the situation. 

  • Is this how you ship other people into their relationship? Says so much about yours. 
  • You are so fake; nothing natural is in your dictionary anymore.

6. I think I’ll stick to choosing my romantic disasters, thank you very much.

You can give an exciting comeback to someone trying to ship you with a guy when you say, “I think I’ll stick to choosing my romantic disasters; thank you very much.”

However, I have to warn you that using this line will require seriousness in your tone. 

You can’t tell the person this comeback and still give the demeanor that you’re okay with their attitude of matchmaking you with other guys. 

It has to stop because you’re no longer getting comfortable with it. 

You can even say it these ways:

  • Hard pass, thanks. 
  • If you have such a good eye for partners, why haven’t you got one for yourself?

7. I’m good at swiping left on unsolicited relationship advice, thanks.

From the Tinder online dating and matchmaking platform, swiping left on someone means that you’re interested in them.

So when you say, “I’m good at swiping left on unsolicited relationship advice, thanks,” it’s a creative comeback that means their advice or effort to match you with the guy is unwanted. 

People tend to adjust when they perceive that you don’t appreciate or need their gesture. And that’s exactly what you want— let them stop shipping to a guy. 

8. I’m not interested in a package deal, but thanks for the offer.

“I’m not interested in a package deal, but thanks for the offer” is a creative comeback to give when someone tries to ship you with a guy, especially if you don’t like the guy.

When you give this reply, it shows that you are totally turned off by the idea of being in a relationship with the person being suggested. 

Use this response to dead the idea immediately. 

  • I’m only interested in something natural
  • I don’t need you to orchestrate any love for me

9. I’m not a package to be shipped, thanks

If you’re looking for a polite yet sassy way to respond when someone continuously attempts to matchmake you with a guy, simply tell the person, “I’m not a package to be shipped, thanks.”

Sometimes, you don’t need to add wit or humor when addressing the issue. It pays to be blunt and open about your discomfort in being pushed into a relationship with someone you’re not even sure of. 

After all, when there’s a fallout, it’s still these same “shippers” that will be the gossipers of the matter.

  • I’m not a package. Why shipping me with him?
  • Get a job at FedEx or something if you’re that passionate about shipping

10. Let’s focus on something else besides my relationship status, okay?

Best Comebacks When Someone is Shipping You to a Guy

In the past, when a colleague of mine tried to ship me with a guy I detest so much, all I had to do was tell the colleague, “Let’s focus on something else besides my relationship status, okay?”

Since then, she hasn’t attempted any matchmaking superhero nonsense. 

The reason I think this comeback works so well is that it allows you to drastically shift the focus of the discussion from your love life to something else. 

So, as many times the person brings up the suggestion of being with the guy, you can always say this comeback, and it never goes out of style or loses its effects. 

Alternatively, you can say:

  • Of all the important things to talk about this morning, why did you choose to talk about this? Shame.

11. That’s why people ride you over — always offering help unsolicited.

The easiest way to roast someone with a comeback when they always try to ship you with a guy is to tell them, “That’s why people ride you over — always offering help unsolicited.”

Yes, this is a rude one that is sure to make them feel hurt. But that’s the goal. 

If they took the liberty to do what they want without respecting your decision and the performance of your love life, then there’s no reason for you to hold back when trying to put them in their place or call them to order. 

If it’s too long for you to remember, try any of these alternatives:

  • This attitude of shipping people with guys is why you have a rough love life. 
  • When will you change? You probably won’t until you experience natural love for yourself

12. I’m not impressed, but this says much about your poor judgment

Another comeback you can give when someone consistently attempts to match with a guy is, “I’m not impressed, but this says much about your poor judgment.”

First, you dismiss the idea of having anything romantic with the guy being suggested. Second, you turn the situation around to make it about them.

Someone who has good judgment will know who or what is good for you. 

13. I’m disappointed to see that you’d endorse ingenuine relationships.

Not everyone believes in the idea of matchmaking, especially when you’re only trying to force a bond that’s not there. 

So if someone tries to ship you with a guy and you don’t like the attempt, simply tell the person, “I’m disappointed to see that you’d endorse ingenuine relationships.”

You rip them of that social validation. This immediately makes them stop making the recommendation.

14. I’m not up for being part of your matchmaking scheme

“I’m not up for being part of your matchmaking scheme” is a creative and lively way to respond or come back when someone is shipping you with a guy. 

The main idea of this line is that you call out the ingenuity of shipping people with others and make it look like a romance scam. 

  • Don’t assume I’ll welcome your idea
  • I’m not interested in whatever you have going on in your head about me and that guy.

15. Let’s leave my dating choices to me.

Best Comebacks When Someone is Shipping You to a Guy

A statement (command, really) as simple as “Let’s leave my dating choices to me” can do the trick when you’re trying to reply to someone who is trying to ship you with a guy. 

I haven’t personally used this line, but I have seen it being recommended in short TikTok videos about unsolicited matchmaking, and I think it makes sense. 

You don’t need all the words in the world to let someone know you’re serious about a matter. All it takes is your frown and stern voice. 

  • Don’t peddle into my love life affairs 
  • Last time I checked, I didn’t hire you to find me a partner.

16. I’ve got my dating app called ‘Not Interested.’, care to join?

Do you want a Sacarstic comeback for someone who is shipping you with a guy? Try telling the person, “I’ve got my dating app called ‘Not Interested.’ Care to join?”

This immediately sets the idea that:

1. You’re not interested in whosoever they imagine you with.

2. You’ve ridiculed their suggestion, so they tend not to do it again. 

This line is best delivered for a situation where there are enough friends around to laugh at it. It makes the effect stronger on the person. 

17. I’m guessing you were shipped to your guy as well. Shame.

If the person doesn’t stop suggesting and pushing you to a guy even after you’ve resisted persistently, you can diss them and see if that will cause them to give up. 

Alternatively, you can put it like this:

  • I’m not surprised. Your relationship is based on the wrong pairing, too. 
  • You’re just a product of misguided matchmaking. So I’m not surprised with what you’re doing. 

18. I’ll take a hard pass on the relationship assembly line, thanks.

People say, “I’ll pass,” when they are not interested in stuff. But for this situation, you can take it a notch higher and say, ” I’ll take a hard pass on the relationship assembly line, thanks.”

I like the way this reply sounds when you say it. It sounds funny and lively. So, the person may not take you seriously. Just know that this reply is best suited in a light-hearted case. 

  • I’ll pass. This one doesn’t interest me. 
  • Get something important doing that, trying to link me up with that trash.

19. No, stop that!

Sometimes, to diss someone who keeps shipping you with a guy, all you need to say is, “No, stop that!”

It’s assertive and direct. That’s exactly what you want if you want to move forward without your friend continuing to pressure you into considering a guy. 

  • Don’t you make such assumptions or moves on me again!
  • I don’t appreciate what you did. Let it stop. 

Comebacks like this one aren’t said with a smile on their face. 

20. I prefer to decide who I’m interested in.

“I prefer to decide who I’m interested in” remains one of the simplest yet effective comebacks to use when someone is shipping you with a guy. 

It is not suitable to ship people without their consent or if they’re uncomfortable.

So, using this reply is an effective way to remind the person to respect your feelings and your boundaries.

What If They Don’t Stop With The Pairing? 

If someone keeps trying to pair you with a guy, be clear about your feelings. 

Explain it’s tough to be with someone you don’t like. Tell them honestly to stop. 

If it continues, consider using any of the rude comebacks in this post to shut them up and dead the idea. 

I hope this post helps. 


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