20 Best Roasts for a South African

Best Roasts for a South African

Do you know any South African? I’ve got interesting lines you can use to tease them.

From plateaus, a wide range of wildlife, resorts, and parks, to a rich culture and beautiful people, South Africa, popularly known as the “Rainbow Nation” because of its diverse culture, is one of the largest and most beautiful countries in Africa.

The beauty spans cities like Johannesburg and Cape Town, offering tourists and visitors a site to keep them glued.

If you plan on visiting this country, then you might need ways to make your visit a memorable one. And what other way than using interesting one-liners to roast its people?

This article will provide you with a list of great roast lines you can use to make fun of your South African friend or acquaintance. Just remember to keep it lighthearted.

20 Best Roasts for a South African

Some interesting punchlines include: “Where are the bugs kept in South Africa? Johannesburg,” “South Africans are delusional to think they own the whole of South Africa,” and “South Africa music can make the whole of Africa sleep.”

Below are the 20 best roasts for a South African:

  1. Where are the bugs kept in South Africa? Johannesburg
  2. South Africa is the only rainbow nation where they don’t produce rainbow
  3. What’s the difference between a South African and an African? Things always go south for the former 
  4. Why are South Africans kept in the far end of the South? To keep them from corrupting the rest of Africa
  5. You should never trust a country with three capital cities
  6. South Africans are delusional to think they own the whole of South Africa
  7. South Africans are greedy lots
  8. A rand can’t take me around South Africa
  9. South African music can make the whole of Africa sleep
  10. No wonder you’re from South Africa, your brain is always in the south
  11. When did the African become a scammer? When his origin is traced to South Africa
  12. South Africa must be the laziest country in Africa, they couldn’t find a better name for their country
  13. Amapiano originated in South Africa, but they’re still threatened by it
  14. Sadly, South Africans can’t boast of anything other than that they’re from the South in Africa 
  15. Even South Africans are afraid of the sunny side of the country, it isn’t funny
  16. What do you call a South African train traveler? A Gautrainer
  17. I heard South Africa’s DJs were former chefs, no wonder they mix things up 
  18. Eating a South African dish is like dining with the devil 
  19. What is a South African singer called? A Zulu Mourner 
  20. Bafana Bafana sounds like the name you call an African leopard 

Where Are the Bugs Kept in South Africa? Johannesburg

“Where are the bugs kept in South Africa? Johannesburg” is one of the interesting ways to roast a South African.

Johannesburg is one of the most famous cities in South Africa and the country’s largest city

This roast line is a creative one that plays on the word, “Johannesburg.” It’s a hilarious way to tease a South African, implying that bugs are kept in the country, right in the largest city. It’ll surely cause laughter.

  • Johannesburg must be where South African bugs are kept
  • The largest inhabitants of Johannesburg are bugs

South Africa Is the Only Rainbow Nation Where They Don’t Produce Rainbow 

South Africa is popularly known as “Rainbow Nation.” It’s a term coined by Archbishop Desmond Tutu because of the multicultural diversity

So, this is another hilarious way to tease a South African. It makes fun of the people for calling the country “rainbow nation” when it doesn’t produce rainbows.

What’s the Difference Between a South African and an African? Things Always Go South for the Former 

Another way to roast a South African is with this statement that implies that things always go wrong for them.

This punchline is a pun you can use to ridicule them. It’ll work well during a casual conversation or during a roast battle to poke fun at them.

Also, it’s a hilarious way to insult the country for having things going badly for them.

Why Are South Africans Kept in the Far End of the South? To Keep Them from Corrupting the Rest of Africa

Here’s another way to roast a South African. This roast line focuses on the name and geographical location of their country, using it to tease them.

First, South Africa is the only country in the Southern part of Africa. But because of the name, some people might think it’s the only country in the south of Africa and some even confuse it for a continent.

However, it was named so because it’s geographically located in the most southern part of the continent.

So, the joke here’s on the name and location of the country. It makes fun of them by implying that they’re in the far part of the South because they’re corrupt.

You Should Never Trust a Country with Three Capital Cities

What many of us know is that each country has a capital. However, there are few countries with more than one capital, but South Africa is the only country with three capitals.

So, this roast line, “You should never trust a country with three capital cities” makes jokes about the country for not having a regular one, but three capitals. 

It’s just a way of saying that three capitals make them suspicious.

South Africans Are Delusional to Think They Own the Whole of South Africa

“South Africans are delusional to think they own the whole of South Africa” is another interesting line you can use to make fun of a South African.

This line uses the fact that they’re named like a continent to tease them. It’s something you can say to a proud South African to ridicule them.

To make it more stinging, you can use it during a conversation with them when they speak great about their country.

South Africans Are Greedy Lots

“South Africa are greedy lots” is another thing you can say during a roast duel to ridicule a South African.

Also, this is something you can say during a casual conversation with them. However, you should give your reason why you think they’re greedy if you’re going to use this punchline.

While there are different reasons you might’ve to call South Africans greedy, you can borrow from these below:

  • South Africans are greedy lots. Do you all think having three capital cities makes you bigger than other countries?
  • South Africans are greedy lots. Why should they agree to be called South Africa when they’re not the only country in the South?

A Rand Can’t Take Me Around South Africa

“A rand can’t take me around South Africa” is one of the sure ways to ruffle some feathers in South Africa.

Making fun of a country’s national identity or treasurer can trigger anger in many of its people. So, making fun of the South African currency might get you in trouble with them.

But this is an interesting punchline you can use to tease your South African friend. Moreover, it’s a play on words that’ll cause some laughter rather than anger.

  • A rand can’t take me around South Africa, isn’t that hilarious?
  • Why is it called a Rand if it can’t take you around the town 

South African Music Can Make the Whole of Africa Sleep

Best Roasts for a South African

Throw a playful jab at a South African with this roast line to get them boiling and get your audience in stitches.

One of the traditions the South Africans hold dear is their music. So, this punchline, “South African music can make the whole of Africa sleep” can make them come for you.

It’s a stinging remark that makes fun of the music. Not only does it imply that it’s boring, but it exaggerates how boring it is. Moreover, claiming that it can make the whole of Africa sleep makes it more hilarious.

  • What can send a whole continent to sleep more quickly than a baby? South African Music

No Wonder You’re from South Africa, Your Brain Is Always on the South 

This statement is another roast line that ridicules a South African for its name.

It’s another crazy pun that implies people in South Africa are brainless. You can make it more scorching by using it as a response when they do something incorrectly.

When Did the African Become a Scammer? When His Origin Is Traced to South Africa

Suggesting that a South African is naturally a scammer is another way to roast them.

This line ridicules them by claiming that being a South African makes them a scammer by default. Also, it insults the whole country, which will certainly sting.

  • How do you identify a scammer without stress? If they say they’re a South African 

South Africa Must Be the Laziest Country in Africa, They Couldn’t Find a Better Name for Their Country 

Another way to tease a South African is making fun of the name of the country.

This line ridicules them for choosing a simple name just because they’re the most southern country in Africa. Additionally, calling them lazy makes it more hilarious.

Amapiano Originated in South Africa, But They’re Still Threatened by It

Amapiano is a genre of music that originated in South Africa in 2010 and has quickly spread to other countries, especially Nigeria.

While South African music gave birth to this genre, there have been fights on and off the internet over the originators of the genre between Nigerians and South Africans.

So, this roast line takes a jab at South Africa for feeling the need to defend what’s theirs. Doesn’t it mean that they’re threatened by it?

Sadly, South Africans Can’t Boast of Anything Other Than That They’re from the South in Africa 

This is another classic one-liner you can use to ridicule a South African.

It’ll work well during a roast duel to finish them up, as it implies that they’ve got nothing to show for being a South African other than their name.

Use this line to shut them up, when they start to defend their country.

Even South Africans Are Afraid of the Sunny Side of the Country, It Isn’t Funny 

This one-liner is another hilarious way to tease a South African. South Africa is often referred to as sunny South Africa because it’s a sunny country.

So, you can use this hilarious punny expression to make fun of them. It implies that the sun doesn’t spare the citizens its heat.

Moreover, claiming that South Africans are afraid of the heat makes it more hilarious.

What Do You Call a South African Train Traveler? A Gautrainer

Gautrain is a railway transit system in South Africa connecting Johannesburg and Pretoria and other cities in between. 

So this is a funny way to call someone who uses the train in South Africa. It’ll surely cause some laughter.

I Heard South Africa’s DJs Were Former Chefs, no Wonder They Mix Things Up 

“I heard South Africa’s DJs were former chefs, no wonder they mix things up” is another funny way to attack the South African music culture.

This one goes for the DJs, calling them former chefs. It’s just a humorous way to call them bad DJ players.

  • Your DJs must have worked in a pantry where they roll things haphazardly
  • Was your DJ a former chef? His mixing skills are bad. They might have sacked him 

Eating a South African Dish is Like Dining with the Devil 

Best Roasts for a South African

“Eating a South African dish is like dining with the devil” is another funny way to attack South Africa’s culture.

This one is a joke on their cuisine. Just like many other nations, food is one of the things that’s precious to the people.

So, ridiculing a South African dish is an insult they won’t take lightly. However, you can roast your friend with this line for some good laughs.

Moreover, comparing it with a meal of the devil will give a vivid imagination for them to feed on.

What Is a South African Singer Called? A Zulu Mourner

“What is a South African singer called? A Zulu Mourner” perfectly ridicules not only a South African singer but the whole of South African music.

It’s an interesting way to roast a South African and get your audience in stitches. Calling them a Zulu Mourner is a hilarious insult that ridicules their culture. They’ll come for you with this one.

Bafana Bafana Sounds Like the Name You Call an African Leopard 

“Bafana Bafana sounds like the name you call an African leopard” is another funny thing to say to make fun of a South African.

The South African soccer team is referred to as Bafana Bafana. So, you can use this roast line on a South African soccer player to make fun of them.

Also, it’s a classic burner that’ll surely get to any South African, whether they play football or not.

Wrapping Up

Don’t hesitate to roast your South African friend with these hilarious puns and one-liners.

Remember it’s all for fun. So, when next you visit the Rainbow Nation, make sure to go with a bag of these one-liners for an interesting visit.


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