25 Best Comebacks for a Condescending Person

Best Comebacks For a Condescending Person

If you find yourself needing to respond to a condescending person, then this article is for you. I have garnered clever and light-hearted comebacks to use for a condescending person. These comebacks

are not only quick and witty, but they also flip the tables on the person who is being condescending. It takes their insult and turns it back on them, often in a way that makes them look foolish.

Ready? Let’s Dive in!

Table of Contents

List of 25 Best Comebacks for a Condescending Person

  1. Oh! I didn’t realize I needed to teach you how to talk before engaging you in one.
  2. If I wanted to hear from an idiot, I’d watch your Snapchat story.
  3. I may be quiet, but that doesn’t mean I’m not judging you.
  4. Do you ever wonder how different things would be if you weren’t such a jerk?
  5. I’m sorry, I don’t speak condescension. Can you repeat that in a respectful tone?
  6. I would agree with you, but we would both be stupid
  7. You have the mental capacity of a rock, not that I am saying you are stupid.
  8. I see the trash took itself out today.
  9. Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were an expert on my life and how I should live it.
  10. I’m not sure what’s worse, your attitude or your lack of self-awareness.
  11. If you are uncouth because you feed half your family, you still can’t sort my bills for a week and survive.
  12. If I wanted a lesson in arrogance, I’d ask you for advice.
  13. You must be a parking ticket because you’ve got ‘fine’ written all over you.
  14. Sorry, my middle finger likes to greet you first.
  15. I would love to challenge you to a wit-war, but it appears you arrived unprepared
  16. I’m impressed by the lengths you go to make yourself look like a fool.
  17. Congratulations, you’ve reached the level of annoying that even I can’t ignore.
  18. I’d explain it to you, but I don’t have any crayons.
  19. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were the designated spokesperson for the Department of Stating the Obvious.
  20. I’m not sure where you got your confidence from, but I hope you kept the receipt.
  21. Your sense of self-importance is truly awe-inspiring.
  22. I’d rather walk alone than follow a path with someone as condescending as you.
  23. Wow, you’re really good at telling other people how to live their lives. Have you considered a career in being a know-it-all?
  24. Excuse me; I did not see where I asked for your thoughts.
  25. If your attitude was as good as your delusions of grandeur, you might actually be impressive.

1. Oh! I didn’t realize I needed to teach you how to talk before engaging you in one.

When someone condescendingly talks to you, they talk down on you and act in a way that implies that they are better than you.

If someone condescendingly talks to you, this comeback is a good one to use; quick, sharp, and portrays to them that you are not to be talked down to.

2. If I wanted to hear from an idiot, I’d watch your Snapchat story.

If someone is looking down at you and trying to devalue you through how they talk, then a sharp retort is paramount to give to them, one that will make them look foolish in the process of demeaning you.

This comeback is a very good response to throw them into momentary silence.

3. I may be quiet, but that doesn’t mean I’m not judging you.

Another great way to flaw a condescending person is to give them your silence but if they still push you to the wall with the foul words they utter, then this comeback should be used for them.

By using this comeback, you prove to them that you are more sensible and mature than they are, therefore you can’t be haggling words with them.

4. Do you ever wonder how different things would be if you weren’t such a jerk?

Other times a condescending person can be so disrespectful in their tone, mannerisms, words, and actions, and they really can be annoying with it.

You might want to give them a hot zinger this time around; the roast above is a suitable one to use for them to leave them stricken.

Don’t forget to look at them directly when saying this comeback. This will portray you as a confident person.

5. I’m sorry, I don’t speak condescension. Can you repeat that in a respectful tone?

Best Comebacks For a Condescending Person

Depict yourself as the bigger and more sensible person here by using this comeback. When someone speaks condescendingly, they want you to feel less of yourself but you shouldn’t give them that chance to make you feel inferior.

Charging them that they should speak in a respectful tone when conversing with you portrays you as a bigger person and someone they shouldn’t dare disrespect. If they didn’t know before, now they know.

6. I would agree with you, but we would both be stupid

Here is a witty response to use for a condescending person putting his personalized ideas as a general one.

It is an intelligent way of telling them they Are stupid without saying it outrightly. You shouldn’t hesitate to use this response if you wish to expose their folly.

7. You have the mental capacity of a rock, not that I am saying you are stupid.

If you want to disperse a condescending person, the best response for them is a witty and stinging statement.

Above is a typical example of a witty and stinging statement to use to get back at them. This is more effective than going physical on them.

8. I see the trash took itself out today.

This comment is more effective than punching the mouth of someone trying to disrespect you. Use this comment as a good comeback for someone who tries to bring you down with words.

Also, this astute statement points to the fact that you are not going to get the insult to get to you because you are far better than them.

9. Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were an expert on my life and how I should live it.

Another swift comeback to use for a condescending person trying to talk rudely at you, and also forcing their opinions on you without permission.

By using this comeback, you are putting a leash on them and telling them point-blank that you are not to be ruled dictated to.

10. I’m not sure what’s worse, your attitude or your lack of self-awareness.

Wait for a condescending person to conclude their speech then throw this provoking question at them. It is a way of also making them the object of ridicule and showing them you are better at belittling people than they are.

11. If you are uncouth because you feed half your family, you still can’t sort my bills for a week and survive.

If a condescending person discredits you or addresses you rudely publicly, tell them they are not the ones who pay your bills or feed you so they should address you with respect.

Use this comeback to set them straight and set boundaries between you and the uncouth person. This is enough message to pass to them that you are in no way in their caucus.

12. If I wanted a lesson in arrogance, I’d ask you for advice.

Another crafty comeback to use for a condescending person that will hit them at the right spot. By using this statement, you are highlighting their bad behavior and creatively shunning them at the same time. 

Another thing is you are indirectly shifting the focus of jest from you to them.

13. You must be a parking ticket because you’ve got ‘fine’ written all over you.

“You must be a parking ticket because you’ve got ‘fine’ written all over you” is another creative comeback to make a condescending person look foolish. This is a clear savage that will definitely burn them. 

So, the next time someone condescendingly talks to you, give them this creative response.

14. Sorry, my middle finger likes to greet you first.

This is a cruel and sassy comeback for a condescending person. I don’t know how tough such a person can be but I’m certain this comeback will get to them.

This is quite enough to make them stop their ego and stop condescendingly relating to you. 

15. I’d love to engage in a battle of wits, but I see you came unarmed.

Show them they do not match your level when it comes to being sassy or rude. This will instantly humble them and make them come back to their senses that you are not to be joked with in any way.

16. I’m impressed by the lengths you go to make yourself look like a fool.

Most times all you need to do to a condescending person who feels they are better than you is to make them see their folly and how stupid they are in trying to bring people down with their cruel criticism.

When you give them a taste of their poison, they will have no choice but to embrace silence.

17. Congratulations, you’ve reached the level of annoying that even I can’t ignore.

Use this response to overcome their attempt to make fun of you. You are implying that you are the more mature and sensible person with this response, reinforcing the idea that you are superior to them at making people laugh and pulling comebacks.

The more you portray them as unworthy of you and as ineffectual with their insult, the more it will sting them.

18. I’d explain it to you, but I don’t have any crayons.

Another sarcastic response to someone who is being condescending is, “I would explain it to you, but I do not have any crayons.” Although you are not directly insulting them, it is a clever way to make fun of their ignorance.

19. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were the designated spokesperson for the Department of Stating the Obvious.

Best Comebacks For a Condescending Person

Here is a funny response to give when someone is very condescending. Smirk and say “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were the designated spokesperson for the Department of Stating the Obvious”. Trust me they will get the pun intended to scorn them.

20. I’m not sure where you got your confidence from, but I hope you kept the receipt.

Upon arriving at your colleague’s place, he attempts to demonstrate his roasting prowess on you. Take pleasure in their gullible actions, but do not forget to remind them that you are in charge.

By answering this way, you cut their wings (if they are beginning to have any) and give them a taste of your comeback power.

21. Your sense of self-importance is truly awe-inspiring.

Here’s another vicious answer that will make them feel ashamed. It is a brilliant and sarcastic comeback that shows you as too important for their feeble attempt to make fun of you. 

The best way to make this comeback is to give them a direct look, smile, and say the roast above.

22. I’d rather walk alone than follow a path with someone as condescending as you.

This is just another attempt to silence the critic painfully. That is just a fancy way of saying, ‘You are not important to me, so keep your crazy. 

23. Wow, you’re really good at telling other people how to live their lives. Have you considered a career in being a know-it-all?

If you know of a condescending person who talks down at everyone, including those other than them, they treat them as inferior; then you consider roasting them with this punchline.   

Playfully framing their negativity as an accomplishment highlights the absurdity of their constant rudeness.

24.  Excuse me; I did not see where I asked for your thoughts.

Savagely, shun a condescending person who brings unsolicited criticism on others’ choices or actions with this clever roast. By this comeback, you put them in their respective places while implying that their opinions aren’t welcomed in the first instance.

25. If your attitude was as good as your delusions of grandeur, you might actually be impressive.

 Use this comeback to flip the tables on the person who is being condescending. It’s saying that their attitude is not as good as they think it is, and that their delusions of grandeur are not based in reality.

It’s a way of showing that the person is not as impressive or intelligent as they think they are.

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