20 Best Comebacks to “You Smelt It, You Dealt It”

Best Comebacks to You Smelt It You Dealt It

“You smelt it, you dealt” is an informal expression used as a retort when someone passes gas, blaming the first person to acknowledge the smell.

This is an old expression that has several variations. For instance, “Whoever detected it, ejected it,” “Whoever observed it, served it,” and several more.

Additionally, it can be used informally to say that a person complaining about a problem is the source.

So, if you need the best comebacks for someone who gives this retort when you raise a concern or call attention to a smell, you’re in the best place.

In this article, I’ll be discussing the best comebacks to “You smelt it, you dealt it.”

20 Best Comebacks to “You Smelt It, You Dealt It

There are numerous ways you can reply to “You smelt it, you dealt it.” Usually, this statement calls for laughter, as people around will make fun of you as the culprit.

However, with good comebacks, you can always have the last word. Some examples include: “How old are you again?”, “You sound like a child, grow up,” and “Look for something else to say.”

Here are some interesting comebacks to “You smelt it, you dealt it”:

  1. How old are you again?
  2. That’s no longer funny
  3. That’s the usual comeback from the culprit.
  4. It’s old-fashioned, wake up
  5. Oh, shut up!
  6. Look for something else to say
  7. That’s what they all say
  8. Whoever sang the rhyme committed the crime
  9. Whoever said the rap did the crap
  10. It no longer makes any sense
  11. You sound like a child, grow up
  12. That’s dumb
  13. You sound like it’s your gas
  14. Thank you for displaying your immaturity
  15. Is that supposed to be funny?
  16. Are you always this foolish, or is today a special day?
  17. Chill, there was no need for that
  18. I thought you were bad, but I’m seeing you’re much worse
  19. Is that as far as you can reason?
  20. Is that you covering up your sins?

How Old Are You Again?

“How old are you again? is one of the best comebacks when someone says, “You smelt it, you dealt it” after you raise a concern.

This is an appropriate response that shows that they lack maturity. Asking them their age implies that you did not expect such a response from them.

Also, this response helps you turn the situation around, leaving them at the receiving end. It’s a condescending remark that helps you ridicule them.

  • How old are you again? Remind me
  • How old are you again? Sounds like what a toddler would say

That’s no Longer Funny 

Best Comebacks to You Smelt It You Dealt It

“That’s no longer funny” is another befitting response for someone who says, “You smelt it, you dealt it.”

As I’ve already established, ”you smelt it, you dealt it,” is often used humorously to blame someone who complains about an issue or speaks first when someone farts.

So, you can give this comeback to show that you don’t find their response funny. Also, it’s a smart way to make fun of them, especially if there are people around. It shows that they’ve failed in making you the object of ridicule.

  • That’s no longer funny, you should’ve tried a better retort
  • That’s no longer funny. Look for original comebacks 

That’s the Usual Comeback from the Culprit

“That’s the usual comeback from the culprit.” Is another thing to say when someone says, “You smelt it, you dealt it” after you acknowledge a foul smell.

It’s a clever response that allows you to make them the scapegoat. First, their response attempts to make you the scapegoat, but with this comeback, you’ll be able to keep them on the receiving end.

Also, it directly accuses them of being responsible for the smell.

  • That’s the usual comeback from the culprit. Thank you for revealing yourself
  • That’s the usual comeback from the culprit. It’s so easy to get you

It’s Old-Fashioned, Wake Up 

“It’s old-fashioned, wake up” is another sharp response when someone responds with, “You smelt it, you dealt it” after you raise a concern.

This is a savage response that attacks their grammatical style. It allows you to shift focus to their choice of words, rather than on the issue on the ground.

Also, it’s a smart response that shows you’re unfazed by their accusation.

  • It’s old-fashioned, wake up and stop speaking like our forefathers
  • It’s old-fashioned, wake up, and own up 

Oh, Shut Up!

A sharp response for someone who accuses you of causing a problem is, “Oh, shut up!” 

I like this response because it doesn’t give room for their embarrassment to overwhelm you. With this reply, you’re immediately attacking them for their response.

Also, it shows that you think their reply doesn’t make sense or doesn’t for the situation. Additionally, it expresses your annoyance at them.

  • Oh, shut up! and think before you speak
  • Oh, shut up! You’re just being a nuisance 

Look for Something Else to Say

“Look for something else to say” is another great comeback to use. 

It’s a smart comeback that provides a safety net against someone who says something embarrassing to you. 

So, it’ll work well when someone says, “You smelt it, you dealt it,” letting them know that the expression is overused.

Also, it lets them know that their response did not get the desired effect. 

  • Look for something else to say. Aren’t you following the latest trends?
  • Look for something else to say. This one no longer holds meaning 

That’s What They All Say 

“That’s what they all say” is another great way to push the blame on someone who tries to pin something on you.

It’s a perfect comeback for, “you smelt it, you dealt it,” letting them believe you’re aware of what they’re trying to do.

Also, it turns the table around and pushes the blame on them, as it implies that they’re the guilty ones. It’s a classic reply that accuses them of speaking from guilt.

Whoever Sang the Rhyme Committed the Crime 

“Whoever sang the rhyme committed the crime” is another classic response for someone who says, “You smelt it, you dealt it.”

This one is a hilarious reply that returns their accusation to them. I like this comeback, as it matches their energy.

Since they’re the first to use the expression, “you smelt it, you dealt it,” which is a rhyme, your response accuses them of committing the crime.

Also, it mocks them for giving themselves out.

Whoever Said the Rap Did the Crap

“Whoever said the rap did the crap” is another wonderful comeback for “you smelt it, you dealt it.”

Just like the above, it’s a hilarious reply that turns the situation around in your favor. It tells them that they’ve just given the same out, for being the first to give such a response.

  • Whoever said the rap did the crap. It’s all over you
  • Whoever said the rap did the crap. You just gave yourself away

It No Longer Makes Any Sense 

“It no longer makes any sense” is another fantastic comeback for someone who says, “You smelt it, you dealt it.” 

This is another savage punchline that focuses the attention on them. First, it’s an intelligent response that shows that you’re unfazed by their trickery.

Also, it displays your irritation at their choice of expression. Additionally, it lets them know that they’ve failed to get their desired result, which is to embarrass you.

  • It no longer makes any sense. Maybe if you weren’t so dumb, you’d make better sense
  • It no longer makes any sense. Update your vocabulary 

You Sound Like a Child, Grow Up 

“You sound like a child, grow up” is another smart response for someone who says, “You smelt it, you dealt it” after a complaint from you.

This response is another classic one that attacks their sense of reasoning. With this response, you sound like the adult, while making them the child. 

Also, it shows your disappointment, letting them know you expected better from them. Moreover, adding that they should grow up makes it more embarrassing.

  • You sound like a child, grow up. You can meet me for lessons on how adults behave
  • You sound like a child, grow up. Then you’ll know the right response in every situation 

That’s Dumb

“That’s dumb” is a simple response to give someone who says, “You smelt it, you dealt it.”

This one is a simple yet powerful response they won’t see coming. Usually, they’d be expecting that they get you embarrassed with their comment, and probably laughter if there are others around.

However, with this reply, you’ll quickly take charge of the situation, putting them at the center of the embarrassment. It tells them that their line doesn’t make any sense. 

  • That’s dumb. Try harder next time
  • That’s dumb, maybe you should meet me for 

You Sound Like It’s Your Gas

“You sound like it’s your gas” is another creative comeback for when someone says, “You smelt it, you dealt it.“

This one is a counterattack that accuses them of being responsible for farting. The beautiful thing about this response is that it immediately returns the insult to them, making them the object of ridicule.

Also, it’ll work well in the presence of others. It’ll teach them to not be too quick in using that line.

  • You sound like it’s your gas. Are you sure you aren’t the one?
  • You sound like it’s your gas. You better confess to your crime

Thank You for Displaying Your Immaturity

Best Comebacks to You Smelt It You Dealt It

“Thank you for displaying your immaturity” is another intelligent response for someone who says, “You smelt it, you dealt it.”

This great response immediately makes the conversation about them. It’s a smart comeback that ridicules them for being immature with their response.

Moreover, appreciating them for being immature is a sarcastic reply that’ll put them in their place.

  • Thank you for displaying your immaturity. It’s interesting to know your kind of person
  • Thank you for displaying your immaturity, even though it’s boring 

Is That Supposed to Be Funny?

“Is that supposed to be funny?” is another thing to say to someone who says, “You smelt it, you dealt it.”

This is an excellent comeback that attacks their sense of reasoning and humor. Asking them if their reply was supposed to be funny implies that they’ve failed to make fun of you.

Are You Always This Foolish, or Is Today a Special Day?

“Are you always this foolish, or is today a special day?” shows them the brutal side of you.

This is an interesting comeback that’ll take the fun out of them. With this response, you imply that their response displays foolishness.

Chill, There Was no Need for That 

“Chill, there was no need for that” is another simple yet smart response for someone who says, “You smelt it, you dealt it.”

This is a classic response that tells them that their response was unnecessary. It’ll work well when you’re the culprit. Also, whether or not you’re the culprit, you can always respond with this statement. 

I Thought You Were Bad, but I See You’re Much Worse 

“I thought you were bad, but I see you’re much worse” is another perfect response for someone who blames you for something, with “you smelt it, you dealt it.”

This great response shows your disappointment in them. It tells them that with their response, they’ve proven that they’re much worse than you thought.

Is That as Far as You Can Reason?

“Is that as far as you can reason?” is another smooth reply that questions the reasoning of someone who says, “You smelt it, you dealt it” after a complaint from you.

This reply expresses your disappointment in their response, letting them know they’d have done better. Also, it implies that their reasoning is shallow.

  • Is that as far as you can reason? You should do better
  • Is that as far as you can reason? It’s too shallow

Is That You Covering Up Your Sins?

Best Comebacks to You Smelt It You Dealt It

“Is that you covering up your sins?” is another smooth way to push the blame on someone trying to accuse you of something.

Some people are fond of using attacks to hide their sins, so before you accuse them, they’ve already laid the accusation at your feet.

So, if someone responds with, “You smelt it, you dealt it,” after you lay a complaint, this response accuses them of trying to hide their crime. Also, it’s a clever way to shift focus to them.


It can be embarrassing when someone says, “You smelt it, you dealt it,” to blame you for letting out gas or for being the cause of a problem after making a complaint.

However, you don’t have to allow the embarrassment to get to you. With your response, you can have the upper hand and disarm them. Fortunately, this article has all you need for good comebacks to “You smelt it, you dealt it.”

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