20 Best Comebacks for When Someone Says “Go Cry About It”

Best Comebacks for When Someone Says Go Cry About It

People can be cruel, and sometimes they say things just to get a rise out of you. If someone tells you to ‘go cry about it’, it’s easy to feel upset or offended.

But the best reaction to give them instead of getting angry is to fight back with a witty comeback.

I understand it is hard to come up with witty comebacks, and even harder when you are in that spot, facing the heat of the moment. 

No fretting, I have got you covered! In this article, I have prepared 20 great comebacks that you can use when someone tells you to go cry about it. 

These comebacks are designed to make the other person think twice before insulting you again. Also, it is easy to memorize and can be used anywhere.

Keep reading!

Table of Contents

Below are the 20 Best Comebacks for When Someone Says Go Cry About It

  1. Why would I cry when I can laugh at your ridiculousness instead?
  2.  Nah, I prefer using my tears for more valuable things, like watering plants.
  3. Your ‘go cry about it’ comment is just a sign of your immaturity. Maybe you should take a long, hard look in the mirror and try to grow up.
  4. Crying is reserved for sad movies, not for dealing with your ignorance.
  5. Crying? I’ll save my tears for when I’m laughing so hard at your stupidity.
  6. Crying won’t solve anything, but maybe a dictionary can help you with your lack of comebacks.
  7. Cry? No thanks, I prefer to spend my time on more beneficial activities, like ignoring you.
  8. Crying? I’ll leave that to you, the expert in emotional meltdowns.
  9. Crying is for those who care. I don’t care enough about your opinion.
  10. Cry? I’d rather save my tears for people who matter.
  11. Sorry, I’m saving my waterworks for a more deserving audience.
  12. Never. I’m too busy enjoying life to waste tears on your pettiness.
  13. Crying? That’s cute. I’ll just be over here thriving while you dwell in negativity.
  14. Your village people called. They say they wanted their idiots back.
  15. Cry? Sorry, I’m allergic to drama queens like you.
  16. Crying? Nah, I’ll just keep shining while you wallow in your bitterness.
  17. No, but Maybe I’ll consider it when your insults become authentic.
  18. Crying? Thanks for the suggestion, but I’d rather spend my time laughing at your attempts to insult me.
  19. Crying? No need, I’m too busy being fabulous and successful.
  20. Sorry, I prefer to channel my emotions into something more productive, like ignoring you completely.

1. Why would I cry when I can laugh at your ridiculousness instead?

Best Comebacks for When Someone Says Go Cry About It

If someone just told you to go cry about it, they usually expect a sober reaction from such a person. However, prove them wrong and resist showing that weak side of you.

Rather than getting angry, which is part of the reaction they expect from you, show them who the bigger boss is by throwing a shady statement using the expression above.

This clever comeback positions you as a more sensible and mature person, while not failing to ridicule their attempt to bully you.

  • I’m not going to cry but I will laugh at how unoriginal and silly you are.

2.  Nah, I prefer using my tears for more valuable things, like watering plants.

Here is a good dose of humor and sarcasm to downplay the effect of their attempted intimidation.

Saying that you have saved up your tears for something more important like watering plants is the extreme use of sarcasm to devalue their significance(if they believe you have one). 

Also, it will obliterate every form of confidence in them while elevating you to the status of the wit lord or Lord of comebacks. Make sure to use this particular comeback in a word banter. It is a great one to induce laughter.

  • I prefer to use my tears for more precious things like watering my flowers.

3. Your ‘go cry about it’ comment is just a sign of your immaturity. Maybe you should take a long, hard look in the mirror and try to grow up.

Take your comeback game to the next level by not just appearing as someone sensible but also a more mature thinker than they are.

With this witty statement above, you depict the wiser and refined individual in its complete sense.

  • Your ‘go cry about it’ comment is just pathetic. You’re trying to be insulting, but all you’re doing is making yourself look like a whiny baby.

4. Crying is reserved for sad movies, not for dealing with your ignorance.

When someone tells you to go cry about it, the best statement you can give to shut them up in a harsh way is to give them a classic savage response. 

By using this statement, you are also ridiculing their attempt to make a good joke out of it while making them the object of scorn in return.

  • I will save my cry for some tragic movies, or worse still, a heartbreak, not your stupidity.

5. Crying? I’ll save my tears for when I’m laughing so hard at your stupidity.

Here is another savage response to give them that will make them regret ever picking on you in the first place. Go hard and fast on them with this stinging comment.

Creatively highlighting their stupidity and exposing it publicly is a great comeback that will hurt them like fire. 

  • Your words are like a bad comedy routine and you are the punchline.

6. Crying won’t solve anything, but maybe a dictionary can help you with your lack of comebacks.

This is another savage line to use when all your opponent has to say to you is “Go cry about it”. Quoting their lack of creativity in creating a classic comeback is itself a great comeback to use on them. 

  • If you’re going to insult me, at least be more creative than ‘go cry about it.

7. Cry? No thanks, I prefer to spend my time on more beneficial activities, like ignoring you.

The reason most bullies always prey on their victims is because they entertain them out of fear which permits them to keep bullying their prey.

Once they get to know you don’t even consider them as a threat or you don’t regard them as someone important, they will be forced to back down.

By using this witty statement above, you are implying that they have no value to you thus their statements don’t count. 

  • Cry? I don’t even know if you exist or just uttered a statement.

8. Crying? I’ll leave that to you, the expert in emotional meltdowns.

Best Comebacks for When Someone Says Go Cry About It

Use this clever statement to set them straight that you are way beyond being vulnerable.

By using this statement, you are cleverly denouncing their vulnerable perception of you, and outsmarting them by saying they are the ones with low emotional IQ.

  • Crying? I don’t need to take lessons from the master of tantrums.

9. Crying is for those who care. I don’t care enough about your opinion.

Give them a sharp denial using this statement. This statement portrays that you are not interested in what they say or do;  a practical way to say you don’t care about them.

This statement will certainly make them look stupid because the realization that their attempt to make you mad was futile will strike them so hard.

  • You think I care about what you say, let me give you a spoiler: I don’t care!

10. Cry? I’d rather save my tears for people who matter.

Here is another classic comeback to give them that will send them to their hiding place. This statement indicates that you do not even count them worthy, talk more than their words affecting you a pint.

  • You are the least undeserving of my precious tears.

11. Sorry, I’m saving my waterworks for a more deserving audience.

Assuming you are in the midst of a crowd, and someone tries to pull you down with the words “go cry about it”, protect your pride with this savage comeback and in turn make your detractor the object of ridicule.

This statement is suitable for drawing sarcastic laughs from the audience.

  • Thanks for the suggestion, but I’ll save my tears for someone worth crying over. And you don’t make the cut.

12. Never. I’m too busy enjoying life to waste tears on your pettiness.

Categorically speak to them that you are not in for a bout of child play with this comeback.

This statement implies that your tears are too valuable to be wasted on their pettiness. It has a great comeback that will slice through their confidence and make them ashamed.

  • I’m too busy crying over small-minded people like you.

13. Crying? That’s cute. I’ll just be over here thriving while you dwell in negativity.

This is a witty statement to use in catching them off guard and cooking them with their own words.

Agreeing to their statement of going to cry about it leaves them unprepared without the idea of what comes next, until the final blow drops on them which will make them mute for a few moments.

  • Awwwn! Your suggestion to cry is adorable. Meanwhile, I’ll be over here living my best life, while you waste your time being negative.

14. Your village people called. They say they wanted their idiots back.

Here is a direct insult to get back to them in a violent manner. Even though they claim to have the toughest skin, this insult will still pierce through.

  • The moron club called – they’re wondering where their president went.

15. Cry? Sorry, I’m allergic to drama queens like you.

Another effective comeback to give to someone who says go cry about it is to give them a statement that has a perfect balance of cheek and charm while sounding unbothered and cutting down the detractor to a low level.

  • Cry? Sorry, you are the one whose hobby is shedding tears.

16. Crying? Nah, I’ll just keep shining while you wallow in your bitterness 

Use this statement to crush any pride they have while saying “Go cry about it”.

To make it more effective, mimic the words they say ridiculously, and pinpoint that they are only bitter, the major reason they want others to be bitter too.

  • Me, cry? The only sad person here is you and your sad attempt at a comeback.

17. No, but Maybe I’ll consider it when your insults become authentic.

Tell them you have got bulletproof for thicker insults and whatever they have just hurled at you is not going to make you shrink. This is effective in making them feel humiliated and defeated on the spot.

  • I’m not interested in taking any lessons from someone who can’t even come up with an original insult.

18. Crying? Thanks for the suggestion, but I’d rather spend my time laughing at your attempts to insult me.

This statement is another funny and effective way to dismiss their insult and to also spite them in derision. It is sure to be an effective clapback that will bring them down.

  • I’d rather use my time laughing at your feeble attempts to insult me.

19. Crying? No need, I’m too busy being fabulous and successful.

This is another spiteful comment to say to someone who says “Go think about it.

This statement implies that you have productive things that make you outstanding rather than sit with them and engage in frivolous activities that don’t add value to you. 

It is a comment that will make them rethink their life.

  • Nah, I’m too busy chasing my goals.

20. Sorry, I prefer to channel my emotions into something more productive, like ignoring you completely.

Use this statement to take the dying out of their insult and make it seem like a stupid joke emanating from a stupid person. It’s a creative way of calling them irrelevant, and it is sure to make them feel worse. 

  • “I’m flattered you think I should cry, but I have better things to do. Like, anything else.

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