20 Funny Roasts for Someone on Discord 

Funny Roasts for Someone on Discord

If you’re on Discord, you’ll agree with me that it is an interesting place to chat and have fun with people from all over the world. 

Discord is a video, voice, and text chat app that connects people from all over the world to discuss their interests and hobbies.

But, what’s more fun than harmless jokes once in a while? If you use this app, and you’d like to spice things up a little with some good roast lines, this article is for you.

In this blog post, I’ll be discussing some good roast one-liners for someone on Discord. Whether they hit you first, or you want to strike first, these hilarious insults will serve you well.

20 Roasts for Someone on Discord 

There are plenty of ways to tease someone on Discord. 

Whether you’re video chatting or texting, you can use some very good punchlines to make your conversation more interesting. Also, using these savage comments at the right time is important.

For example, you can tease them with what you observe about their appearance or with how they discuss with you. 

Some examples include: “You don’t have to worry, I’m into pretty girls only,” “It’s so easy to talk with you, your low understanding makes things interesting,” and “Remind me when your bedtime is again.”

Below are 20 amusing roasts for someone on Discord:

  1. Chatting with you reminds me why I should avoid hell
  2. Seeing your face reminds me why I should always give thanks
  3. You don’t have to worry, I’m into pretty girls only
  4. I find it hard to discuss with you because I’m afraid I’ll have to explain every line
  5. It’s so easy to talk with you, your low understanding makes things interesting
  6. You should mind the way you talk to me, I keep your type at home
  7. The fact that you are allowed to use this app doesn’t make you less stupid
  8. I understand that mad people also roam the internet
  9. You look like you just stepped out of a mental institution 
  10. Did you forget to wash up today?
  11. You should wash your mouth thoroughly, it always spits nonsense
  12. Whenever I’m bored, I come here to listen to your nonsense
  13. Your parents must have been living happily until they had you
  14. Your chats are as boring as your face
  15. Remind me when your bedtime is again
  16. Hearing you speak reminds me that idiots are also allowed in here
  17. I can bet your parents don’t like you too
  18. Do you always leave your brain somewhere whenever you come here?
  19. I’m sorry, I keep forgetting I’m talking to a child 
  20. You’re so ugly, you will scare the toilet away

Chatting with You Reminds Me Why I Should Avoid Hell

Funny Roasts for Someone on Discord

One of the funny ways to roast someone on Discord is with this crazy one-liner, “Chatting with you reminds me why I should avoid hell.”

This is a savage comment that implies that you don’t enjoy chatting with them. In fact, it exaggerates how pained or irritated you feel chatting with them. 

Also, it’s a funny way of telling them that chatting with them is equivalent to being in hell.

  • After going through this conversation with you, I have no business in hell again 
  • I’m always reminded to ensure I don’t end up with another devil after you 

Seeing Your Face Reminds Me Why I Should Always Give Thanks 

“Seeing your face reminds me why I should always give thanks” is another funny thing to say to roast someone on Discord. 

Using this line implies that you’re grateful you don’t have a face like theirs. Also, this remark can mean several things; which can keep them wondering what you mean.

It’s a real one-liner that’ll get their attention during a video chat. 

You Don’t Have to Worry, I’m into Pretty Girls Only 

Another amusing line to make fun of someone on Discord is, “You don’t have to worry, I’m into pretty girls only.” 

This is a suitable line to roast a girl on Discord. Also, using this line will require perfect timing.

For instance, during a conversation and they raise concern about you not being their type, you can give this comeback to put them in their place.

I Find It Hard to discuss with You Because I’m Afraid I’ll Have to Explain Every Line

Another one-liner you can use to roast someone on Discord is, “I find it hard discussing with you because I’m afraid I’ll have to explain every line.” 

This is a sharp comment you can give during texting or video chatting with them. Using this roast line infers that they’re not smart. It’s a savage comeback you can give as a response when they try to insult you.

  • I can’t waste my insult on you, you’re not smart enough to understand me
  • You lack the brains to engage with me

It’s So Easy to Talk with You, Your Low Understanding Makes Things Interesting 

“It’s so easy to talk with you, your low understanding makes things interesting” is another interesting line to use on someone on the Discord app.

This is a hilarious way to call them dumb. Just like the above example, you can use this line while video chatting or texting them. 

Additionally, it’s a sarcastic remark that sounds like you’re complimenting them. But, when they get the joke, it’ll surely get to them.

You Should Mind the Way You Talk to Me, I Keep Your Type at Home

Another sharp one-liner you can use to tease someone is, “You should mind the way you talk to me, I keep your type at home.” 

This is a savage statement that warns them and puts them in their place. It implies that they’re not their type. Also, it’s a befitting roast line that’ll make a comeback difficult.

  • I have your type in the house, show some respect

The Fact That You Are Allowed to Use This App Doesn’t Make You Less Stupid 

“The fact that you are allowed to use this app doesn’t make you less stupid” is another line you can use to make fun of someone on the Discord app.

This is another interesting line that’ll make a mess of them and show them their place. Also, this is a crazy one-liner that’ll get everyone laughing.

I Understand That Mad People Also Roam the Internet 

Another savage remark you can use to roast someone on Discord is, “I understand that mad people also roam the internet.”

This is a fantastic comeback you can give as a response to their insult. For instance, giving this response during a roast duel will show that you’re not moved by their insult.

Also, it’s a classic retort they wouldn’t see coming. It’ll surely blow them up.

  • It’s alright. I understand that retards also use this app 
  • I’m not surprised, I’ve been warned about your types here

You Look Like You Just Stepped Out of a Cage

“You look like you just stepped out of a cage” is another exciting line you can use to make fun of someone on Discord.

This is a savage remark that’ll get to them and make a comeback difficult. Also, this one-liner compares them to an animal or prisoner.

It’ll work during a video chat after assessing their appearance.

  • Wow! You look like you were just released from jail
  • Why do you look like you’ve been in chains?

Did You Forget to Wash Up Today?

Funny Roasts for Someone on Discord

Another ridiculous question to pose to someone is, “Did you forget to wash up today?” 

This is a great roast line you can use to roast someone while conversing on the Discord app. Also, this question will work immediately after they come online to talk with you. 

Throwing this question at them can keep them off balance, as it implies that they’re unkempt. Believe me, they wouldn’t see this bomb coming. 

  • It doesn’t seem like you’ve washed today. Please go and do so before you talk to me
  • I’m sorry I don’t talk to dirty people 

You Should Wash Your Mouth Thoroughly, It Always Spits Nonsense

Another hilarious one-liner you can use to roast someone on Discord is, “You should wash your mouth thoroughly, it always spits nonsense.”

This is an appropriate defense line during a roast duel. Giving this comeback will show that you’re the king of roast. Also, it implies that their insult didn’t get to you.

Additionally, this remark can work to make fun of them after they make an opinion.

Whenever I’m Bored, I Come Here to listen to Your Nonsense 

“Whenever I’m bored, I come here to listen to your nonsense” is another thing to say to make fun of someone on Discord.

This is another savage one-liner that’ll take them unawares. Also, it’s a smooth way to insult them. It’s a sarcastic comment that’ll surely sting.

  • You’re so full of jargon that I’m never bored
  • I’m amazed you never run out of nonsense to say 

Your Parents Must Have Been Living Happily Until They Had You

“Your parents must have been living happily until they had you” is another crazy thing to say to deal with someone on Discord.

This is a classic roast line that implies that they cause their parents unhappiness. If you want to get at someone you’re battling on a roast duel on Discord, this is a befitting comeback to shut them up.

  • I bet your parents regret not aborting you
  • Your parents must hate you because you bring so much sadness wherever you are

Your Chats Are as Boring as Your Face 

Funny Roasts for Someone on Discord

Another thing to say to tease someone on Discord is, “Your chats are as boring as your face.”

This is another crazy one-liner that’ll get everyone laughing, as it doesn’t only insult their company, but also their appearance.

  • I haven’t met someone as boring and ugly as you are
  • You’re as boring as an onion on a cake

Remind Me When Your Bedtime Is Again.

Another funny question to ask someone on Discord is “Remind me when your bedtime is again”

This is a savage request to make during a conversation with them. Suddenly making this request out of the blue will confuse them until they get the joke. It’s a real punchline to roast them.

In addition, it’s a funny way to dismiss them when you’re tired of the conversation.

Hearing You Speak Reminds Me That Idiots Are Also Allowed in Here

“Hearing you speak reminds me that idiots are also allowed in here” is another thing to say to someone on Discord to roast them.

Using this line on them will surely burn, as it directly calls them idiots. It’ll work during voice or video chats with them.

  • When you speak you sound like an idiot
  • I never knew I’d meet some fool here, but you’ve proven me wrong 

I Can Bet Your Parents Don’t Like You too

“I can bet your parents don’t like you too” is another hilarious and annoying comment to make to insult someone on Discord.

This is a sharp statement you can give during a roast battle to shut them up, as it implies that their parents don’t like them the same way you don’t like them.

Do You Always Leave Your Brain Somewhere Whenever You Come Here?

Another silly question to pose to someone you want to roast is, “Do you always leave your brain somewhere whenever you come here?”

This is a befitting roast line for someone on Discord. Also, this question implies that they don’t make sense. It’s a direct way of calling them dumb.

  • You always chat like you don’t log in with your brains
  • I’m sorry, where are your brains?

I’m Sorry, I Keep Forgetting I’m Talking to a Child 

“I’m sorry, I keep forgetting I’m talking to a child” is another statement you can use to roast someone while discussing on Discord.

This statement will work adequately when they don’t understand what you said to them. For instance, if they ask you to explain your statement, you can give this response to tease them.

  • I’m sorry, next time I won’t forget to come down to your level
  • My bad, for a minute I thought you were an adult

You’re So Ugly, You Will Scare the Toilet Away 

“You’re so ugly, you will scare the toilet away” is another funny statement to make while chatting with someone on Discord.

If you’re in a roast duel with them, you can give this line to finish them. It’s a humorous way to describe their appearance.


Conversations on Discord can be fun if you know how to spice things up a bit. And what other way to make things interesting than a good roast battle?

The above articles are examples of funny roasts for someone on Discord. Feel free to use any line as a guide to create yours 


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