20 Funny Roasts for Someone with Big Eyebrows

Funny Roasts for Someone with Big Eyebrows

Do you know anyone with big eyebrows and you want to roast them? 

Teasing your friends about their physical characteristics can be fun. However, it can also quickly get offensive.

In this article, I’ll be listing out a list of good roast lines for someone with big eyebrows. So, if you need good harmless jokes for them, this article is for you.

20 Roasts for Someone with Big Eyebrows 

There are plenty of ways to roast someone with large eyebrows. However, always remember to choose your words carefully and use the right tone.

Some creative one-liners include: “Your brows remind me to thank God every morning,” “Your eyebrows are too large, the bushes outside must be jealous,” and “Your eyebrows are too big, it scares the hell out of me.”

Here are 20 humorous insults for someone with big eyebrows:

  1. Your eyebrows are too large, the bushes outside must be jealous 
  2. A gorilla looks better than you
  3. Your brows are too bushy, learn to weed them
  4. Your eyebrows are too big, they scare the hell out of me
  5. Your body contradicts itself
  6. Your eyebrows are so large, that makeup won’t help you
  7. Is that a mustache?
  8. Do you have a brow defect?
  9. When was the last time you weeded?
  10. When people say face your fears, they sure must be talking about your eyebrows
  11. Are you on a prison break?
  12. Did you forget to pluck your brows?
  13. I bet your brows get enough raise to feed you
  14. You shouldn’t be in the same room as me 
  15. Your brows remind me to thank God every morning
  16. You would have turned out pretty if God had trimmed your brows a little
  17. You shouldn’t have a saucy attitude and an ugly face too
  18. Your brows remind me that there are bushes that need clearing 
  19. You don’t belong here with us
  20. Your brows are too large, I bet a truck can pass through 

Your Eyebrows Are too Large, the Bushes Outside Must be Jealous 

One of the funny ways to roast someone with big eyebrows is with this line, “Your eyebrows are too large, the bushes outside must be jealous.”

This is a hilarious line that compares their brows with a bush. Moreover, saying the bushes are jealous is a funny way to say that their brows are too large. It’s a one-liner that’ll get everyone laughing.

In addition, this comparison doesn’t only exaggerate the magnitude of their brows, it also implies that it’s bushy, but more bushy than the bush outside.

  • You’ve got more bush than the bush outside
  • I’m not jealous of you, the forests are already envious enough 

A Gorilla Looks Better Than You 

“A gorilla looks better than you” is another sharp line you can use to roast someone with big eyebrows.

While gorillas and other primates don’t have similar brows like humans, comparing someone to a gorilla will surely get to them.

Moreover, saying that a gorilla looks better than them is a real one-liner that’ll sting.

This roast line will work during a roast battle or physical conversation with them, as it implies that you’ve assessed them before drawing that conclusion.

  • Seeing you in broad daylight helps me conclude that a gorilla will make it to the front cover of a magazine before you
  • Those brows keep you far behind a gorilla 

Your Brows Are Too Bushy, Learn to Weed Them 

Another line you can use to insult someone with big eyebrows is, “Your brows are too bushy, learn to weed them.”

This is another funny line that compares their eyebrows to a bush. Also, saying that they’re too bushy implies that they’re unkempt.

Then adding that they should weed them it’s a funny way of asking them to trim their brows. It surely will get everyone laughing.

Your Eyebrows Are Too Big, They Scare the Hell Out of Me

Funny Roasts for Someone with Big Eyebrows

“Your eyebrows are too big, they scare the hell out of me” is another way you can make fun of someone with big eyebrows.

This is another line that exaggerates how large their brows are and draws attention to them. Also, saying that they scare the hell out of you should cause some laughter, as it implies you find it strange.

  • I’m so afraid to look at your face because of your big brows
  • You should hide your face, your eyebrows are monstrous 

Your Body Contradicts Itself

Another thing to say to tease someone with big eyebrows is “Your body contradicts itself.”

This is another amusing way to draw attention to them. Saying that their body contradicts itself suggests that the parts aren’t well arranged.

Also, it’s a sharp roast line that’ll get to them perfectly.

  • Your body contradicts itself. Just look at those brows looking like the Sambisa
  • Your eyebrows look like they don’t belong to the eyes 

Your Eyebrows Are So Large, Makeup Won’t Help You 

“Your eyebrows are so large, makeup won’t help you” is another thing to say to insult someone with large eyebrows.

This is another funny line that’ll get people’s attention. Also, it’s a humorous way of saying that makeup won’t look good on them, or it can also mean that they’re ugly.

The perfect time to use this one-liner is if you notice them making up or wearing makeup.

  • You shouldn’t bother with makeup, those brows make you uglier
  • Makeup can’t save you from looking like a bush monkey 

Is That a Mustache?

Another way to tease someone with large eyebrows is by asking this question, “Is that a mustache?”

This is a ridiculous question they wouldn’t see coming, and one solid way to get their attention. Also, asking this question out of the blue should get everyone laughing.

It’ll work perfectly when they walk into your discussion with your friends, or when you see them for the first time that day.

  • Is that a mustache above your eyes?
  • Oh! When did you start growing a mustache there?

Do You Have a Brow Defect?

“Do you have a brow defect?” is another absurd question to ask someone out of the blue.

It’ll work perfectly with someone who has large eyebrows. Using this line during a roast duel will surely put them in their place.

Also, suddenly asking this question when they make an appearance or during a conversation will take them unawares and get everyone in fits of laughter.

  • Do you have a brow defect because those brows are extra large
  • Those brows are looking oddly big, do you have a birth defect?

When Was the Last Time You Weeded?

Another question to throw at someone you want to roast out of the blue is, “When was the last time you weeded?”

This is another funny way to get people’s attention to them. Moreover, asking them this question will confuse them, as they won’t understand what you mean in the first instance.

But, indicating that you’re referring to their brows will surely sting and get everyone laughing. Also, it implies that they’ve got bushy and unkempt eyebrows.

  • When was the last time you weeded? Those brows are overgrown
  • When was the last time you weeded? Don’t forget to take the trash away too

When People Say Face Your Fears, They Sure Must Be Talking About Your Eyebrows 

“When people say face your fears, they sure must be talking about your eyebrows” is another line you can use to make fun of someone with big eyebrows.

It’s a humorous way of describing their eyebrows.

Also, this is an interesting one-liner that’ll surely cause some amusement. It implies that their eyebrows are something they should be scared about. Additionally, it expresses how strange you find them.

Are You on a Prison Break?

Another funny question to ask someone you want to make fun of is, “Are you on a prison break?” 

This is a befitting question to use to tease someone with big eyebrows. It’s a crazy way to describe their appearance, implying that they look like prisoners.

Asking them this question out of the blue will take them unawares.

  • Are you on a prison break? Because you like you just came out from the prison
  • Why, who released you from jail? 

Did You Forget to Pluck Your Brows?

Another silly question to ask someone is “Did you forget to pluck your brows?” 

This question will work appropriately when you want to make fun of someone with big eyebrows.

Also, you should throw this question at them when you see them for the first time to throw them off balance.

Asking them this question doesn’t only suggest that their brows are too large, it also implies that it’s bushy.

It’s a very interesting and funny way to roast someone with big eyebrows.

  • Oh! You haven’t plucked out your feathers yet
  • You should pluck out your brows before you come for me

I Bet Your Brows Get Enough Raise to Feed You

Another funny way to insult someone who has large eyebrows is with this crazy one-liner, “I bet your brows get enough raise to feed you.”

This is an interesting line that’ll get some attention. Also, this stinging line draws emphasis on how large their brows are.

Additionally, it also mocks them by implying that they can’t feed themselves. It’s a witty two-in-one one-liner that displays your roasting skill and will make a comeback difficult.

You Shouldn’t Be in the Same Room as Me  

“You shouldn’t be in the same room as me” is another thing to say to roast someone with large eyebrows.

This is a sharp comeback you can use as a response during a roast duel. You can use this line by drawing emphasis on their eyebrows, implying that since it’s different and strange, they shouldn’t associate with you.

It’s a playful line you can use to tease them and get everyone laughing.

  • With brows like that, you shouldn’t be talking to me or any human 
  • Go do away with some eyebrows, we have nothing to do with you

Your Brows Remind Me to Thank God Every Morning

Another hilarious line you can use to make fun of someone with large brows is, “Your brows remind me to thank God every morning.”

This is a stinging comeback that’ll work as a response during a roasting duel. Using this punchline implies that you’re grateful that you don’t have brows like them.

Also, it’s a funny way to call attention to their eyebrows and get everyone laughing. 

  • I thank God I look like you in every aspect but your eyebrows 
  • If I had brows like you, I wouldn’t have forgiven my creator

You Would Have Turned Out Pretty if God Had Trimmed Your Brows a Little 

Another interesting line you can use to tease someone with big eyebrows is, “You would have turned out pretty if God had trimmed your brows a little.”

This is a funny way to describe their brows and to stylishly call them ugly. Also, it’s a sarcastic line that sounds empathetic and will surely get to them.

You Shouldn’t Have a Saucy Attitude and an Ugly Face too

“You shouldn’t have a saucy attitude and an ugly face too” is another thing to say to make fun of someone with big eyebrows.

This line will work appropriately for someone rude. You can give this comeback when they display their rude character to shut them up and put them in their place.

Also, it’s a smart way to call them ugly too.

  • Everyone is allowed to have an ugly face, but you shouldn’t have a rude personality too
  • Having ugly big brows and a saucy attitude must be a curse 

Your Brows Remind Me That There Are Bushes That Need Clearing 

“Your brows remind me that there are bushes that need clearing” is another interesting line you can use to tease someone with big eyebrows.

This is a funny line that compares their eyebrows to bushes. Also, it’s a savage comment that draws attention to their big and bushy eyebrows.

You Don’t Belong Here with Us

“You don’t belong here with us” is another line you can use to insult someone with big eyebrows.

This is a stinging remark that implies that they shouldn’t be part of your clique because of their large eyebrows.

  • You don’t belong here with us, your oversized brows are intimidating
  • You don’t belong here with us. Your types live in the bush

Your Brows Are too Large, I Bet a Truck Can Pass Through 

Funny Roasts for Someone with Big Eyebrows

“Your brows are too large, I bet a truck can pass through” is another funny thing to say to make fun of someone with large eyebrows.

This is another line that exaggerates how large their brows are. Also, it’s a hilarious way to describe their eyebrows. It’ll work perfectly as a retort during a roast battle.

Final Words 

Insulting people with big eyebrows is quite easy, but giving hilarious lines can be quite tasky. The above article has provided you with enough funny roasts for someone with big eyebrows.

So, you can start from the above if you need to tease your friend with big eyebrows.


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