20 Best Comebacks When Someone Says Mommy’s Boy

Best Comebacks When Someone Says Mommy's Boy

The term “mommy’s boy” can be used as a pejorative to minimize a man’s maturity and independence.

However, having a close relationship and close bond with your mother should be something to be proud of. 

So then, it is crucial to be prepared with a sharp and confident retort in case you are called out as a “mommy’s boy” and want to quell any negative remarks.

This article will provide the top 20 responses when someone uses the phrase “mommy’s boy” for you 

Table of Contents

Here are 20 Best Comebacks When Someone Says Mommy’s Boy

  1. Yes I am a mommy’s boy but you don’t strike me as a daddy’s boy either.
  2. I am a mommy’s boy because I love her, don’t tell me you hate yours.
  3. You think I am mommy’s boy? You must lack a mother’s affection to say that.
  4. You must be raised only by your dad to make you think cleaning makes someone a mummy’s boy.
  5. Yes I cook like a mommy’s boy. Don’t tell me your mum feeds you junk.
  6. I take great pride in having a solid relationship with my mother, guess you lack some.
  7. I will take it as a compliment if growing up properly makes me a mommy’s boy.  
  8. You call me mummy’s boy as if it were a crime .
  9. I appreciate that I am close to my mother; it has never been a weakness; rather, it has strengthened me. 
  10. Yes, feel free to call me whatever you want, my mother has always supported me. 
  11. You call me a mommy’s boy because you don’t have any woman in your life.
  12. You can go ahead and call me a mommy’s boy because I treat women better than you do.
  13. How does being punctual make me a mummy boy, did your mum always come late to pick you up at school?
  14. If not getting into a fight makes me a mommy’s boy, then I appreciate it.
  15. Is that the best you could come up with?
  16. Being a mommy’s boy is preferable to being a father’s disappointment
  17. At least my mother cares for and loves me; what is your excuse?
  18. A mummy’s boy is preferable to a dull boy.  
  19. By now you should have come up with another clever word aside from calling me a “mummy’s boy”
  20. I’m my mum’s greatest fan and I make no apology for that.

1. Yes I am a mommy’s boy but you don’t strike me as a daddy’s boy either.

Best Comebacks When Someone Says Mommy's Boy

The next time someone calls you a mommy’s boy, cleverly play with witty words, to make them understand they don’t have as tough skin as they pose to be, they are also a mummy’s boy acting as wannabe grownups.

This remark proves to them that you are not the type to sit and watch other people toy with you, as you have the perfect comeback to put them in their place.

  • You call me a mummy’s boy, but you are the one who needs mom’s permission to go out and play.

2. I am a mommy’s boy because I love her. Don’t tell me you hate yours.

This is the perfect statement to put a leash on someone who loves to call you “mommy’s boy”. This stinging but clever comeback is meant to correct and shun such a person who chooses not to listen.

Utilize this thought-provoking yet astute retort to show your name-calling partner that you are far above them.

  • I love my mum, and I wouldn’t mind being called a mommy’s boy but am sure you hate yours.

3. You think I am mommy’s boy? You must lack a mother’s affection to say that.

Here, you might like to give them a dose of their poison, and you will accomplish that as well as more with this return, especially when they love to get at you for not doing dangerous things.

Show them that you are ready to go again by letting them feel the heat of your comeback and watching them burn with shock.

  • You always call me a mommy’s boy, did you grow up without a mother’s affection?
  • You call me a mommy’s boy, truth be told you don’t look loved.

4. You must be raised only by your dad to make you think cleaning makes someone a mummy’s boy.

Rather than focusing the conversation on your life and the repulsive idea, proactively swerve into the moment by focusing on theirs.

The person who had previously made fun of you by calling you a “mommy’s boy” now becomes the victim, which is a psychological effect this tactic has on the abuser.

  • If cleaning makes me a mommy boy, I guess your mum wasn’t around to show you the basics.

5. Yes I cook like a mommy’s boy. Don’t tell me your mum feeds you junk.

Going all out to make a person who loves to prey on you feel haunted by your squashing comebacks has glorifying effects.

The next time anyone tries to pick on you because you cook or spend quality time in the kitchen, let them know you have automated replies to shut them up for good.

  • Your mum must have fed you a lot of junk to make you feel spending quality cooking makes you a mommy’s boy.

6. I take great pride in having a solid relationship with my mother, guess you lack some.

Demonstrating your disinterest in their remarks, based on their lack of a similar bond with your mother, is another inventive strategy to counter verbal abusers who refer to you as “mummy’s boy.”

  • Whatever relationship you have for your mum is built on lacking the respect for you to call me a mommy’s boy.

7. I will take it as a compliment if growing up properly makes me a mommy’s boy.

The best way to deal with verbal bullies is to turn every statement they make into a compliment.

Tell them you have thick skin and they failed to penetrate it by using this time-tested refutation.

  • Growing up properly must have been so strange for you to call me a mummy’s boy.

8. You call me mummy’s boy as if it were a crime  

Making verbal bullies understand that being a mummy’s boy has never been a crime is another powerful strategy for dealing with them.

If they persist in acting like jerks, this comeback, if carefully delivered, will serve as a painful correction they won’t forget so soon.

  • If being a mummy’s boy is a crime, I am ready to go to jail.

9. I appreciate that I am close to my mother; it has never been a weakness, rather it has strengthened me. 

Appreciating your bond with your mum, and how it makes you feel stronger is a strategic thing to do to make verbal bullies feel dumb. 

Particularly if you deliver it with a dejected expression, this insult will hit home with them.

  • My bond with my mum strengthens me. Can’t say the same for you.

10. Yes, feel free to call me whatever you want, my mother has always supported me. 

Providing this kind of answer not only demonstrates your intelligence, audacity, and acceptance but also makes you look strong.

Trust me when I say that by responding in this way, the other person would already feel defeated by your response no matter what they have to say.

  • My mom got me any day, I could go ahead and print the word “mummy’s boy” on my t-shirt.

11. You call me a mommy’s boy because you don’t have any woman in your life.

This is a constructive comeback on their usage of words. It highlights that the other person lacks mother’s care, and that’s why they call you mummy’s boy in the first place.

They are categorized to be less intelligent, giving them room to be attacked and to use this comeback to haunt them.

  • I understand you calling me a mummy’s boy, having a mum care for you must be strange.

12. You can go ahead and call me a mommy’s boy because I treat women better than you do.

Once more, expressing your lack of concern for their viewpoint is a powerful deterrent against verbal abusers.

If you act as though they do not matter at all, they feel defeated and are compelled to stop bullying you.

  • I treat women better than you. That’s all that matters, and your opinion about me being a mummy’s boy will fit in the trash can.

13. How does being punctual make me a mummy boy, did your mum always come late to pick you up at school?

If you have been called mommy’s boy because you are punctual, and always on time, turn the tide to make them the subject of the farce by replying with a powerful comeback.

  • My mum wakes me up so I can be on time, calling me a mummy boy won’t hurt since you are the one who normally wakes your mum.

14. If not getting into a fight makes me a mommy’s boy, then I appreciate it.

Best Comebacks When Someone Says Mommy's Boy

This is a witty way to devalue them for calling you weak because you wouldn’t fight or get dirty.

Giving them a sharp remark to ascertain your firm decision is a clever way to keep their uncouth mouth off your business next time.

  • If not rolling in the mud makes me a mommy’s boy, so be it.

15. Is that the best you could come up with?

Expressing little or no concern by saying “Is that the best you could come up with” is a statement with a full defense mechanism against verbal bullying. 

Upset their confidence with this statement to burn them hard with exuding heat from each word.

  • Have heard worse, can you come up with something new and clever?

16. Being a mommy’s boy is preferable to being a father’s disappointment. 

When someone refers to you as a “mummy’s boy,” they automatically anticipate an emotional collapse from you, but this time, you are turning up the heat twice and giving it to them while it is still steaming hot.

With this reply, you are letting them know who is in charge.

  • Being called a mummy’s boy is better than being called a black sheep.

17. At least my mother cares for and loves me; what is your excuse?

If someone calls you “mummy’s boy,” this is another very witty retort you can use. 

 Here, you are stinging them with the idea that you enjoy the benefit of a mummy’s boy by being cared for but they don’t.

  • I’m a mummy boy because my mom cares for me and loves me. What did you do to make yours hate you?

18. A mummy’s boy is preferable to a dull boy.  

A clever reply to utilize if someone refers to you as “mummy’s boy.” Here, you are subtly informing them that it is preferable to be referred to as a mummy’s boy than a dull boy.

Also, you are implying that they are unintelligent and uninteresting enough to pick on you for this reason.

  • I had preferred you to call me a mummy’s boy than to be called a dullard.

19. By now you should have come up with another clever word aside from calling me a “mummy’s boy”

This is a shrewd method to tell them to shut up as well as another tasteful way to convey that you do not give a damn what they think of you. 

You put them in an uncomfortable situation by saying this.

  • You are too dumb to come up with a new way to pick on me, so you stick to the word “ mummy’s boy”

20. I’m my mum’s greatest fan and I make no apology for that.

When someone calls you mummy’s boy, it portrays the kind of person they are, and their personality in general. Replying to them with this statement shows you just don’t care.

Also it shows that you appreciate the relationship you and your mum share, and you won’t stop rooting for her regardless of what a stranger feels.

  • My mum is awesome and the best. Call me whatever I just don’t care. However, I wish you could say the same for your mum.


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