20 Best Comebacks for When Someone Says They Can’t See You in the Dark

Best Comebacks for When Someone Says They Can't See You in the Dark

Do you wish to get back at someone when they say they can’t see you in the dark but you find it difficult to come up with witty comebacks to shut them up? Then this article is for you. 

Dealing with the comment “I can’t see you in the dark” can be frustrating, but having a few clever comebacks in your back pocket can turn the situation into a lighthearted and humorous exchange.

Whether you want to playfully tease the person or skillfully shut down their comment, having a repertoire of witty responses can help you navigate through these moments with ease.

 So, to help you out, I’ve compiled a list of the 20 best comebacks to use when someone says they can’t see you in the dark. Don’t hesitate to use them if you desire to whip your opponent flawlessly in a word banter.

Here are 20 Best Comebacks for When Someone Says They Can’t See You in the Dark

  1. That’s okay, I can see myself just fine.
  2. It’s not my fault you can’t handle my brilliance.
  3. You need to see a doctor
  4. That’s just my superpower, I’m invisible in the dark.
  5. I’m not a vampire, so I don’t need your invitation to enter the room.
  6. I’m not a cat so I don’t need your flashlight to find my way around.
  7. Guess I’ll have to start carrying glow sticks around so you can see me, huh?
  8. I’m not a ghost, so I guess I already made my presence known.
  9. Maybe you just need to upgrade your night vision goggles.
  10. Don’t worry about not seeing me in the dark, focus on hearing my savage comebacks instead.
  11. If you can’t see me, just follow the sound of my fabulous footsteps in the dark.
  12. No worries, I’ll just wear a neon sign next time so you won’t miss me.
  13. I guess you must be wearing blinders because you are missing out on a lot.
  14. That’s okay, I’ll just bring a flashlight next time so you don’t miss out on all this awesomeness.
  15. Took you how long to figure it out?
  16. Don’t bother. My wit shines brighter than your torchlight in the dark.
  17. Perhaps I’m just too elusive for the naked eye.
  18. That is what your girlfriend said too when we played hide and seek.
  19. Okay, then I could get away even though I hit you with a plank.
  20. Wow, that is hilarious; not your jokes actually but the shape of your head.

1. That’s okay, I can see myself just fine.

 Best Comebacks for When Someone Says They Can't See You in the Dark

When someone says they can’t see you in the dark, they intend to make fun of you but as a smart person, deprive them of the luxury to make you their object of jest. 

Using this comeback as a response will showcase your confidence and wit, and it will also subtly communicate to them that their comment didn’t faze you.

  • That’s your problem, not mine.
  • I can see myself just fine, but you must be a little bit blind.

2. It’s not my fault you can’t handle my brilliance.

Give them a timely response when they say they can’t see you in the dark. This comment cleverly uses their word against them and indirectly makes them the problem while pin-pointing their stupidity.  

With this comment, you are indirectly shifting the focus of jest from you to them.

  • My shine is too bright for your delicate eyes.
  • It’s not my fault you can’t handle my awesomeness.

3. You need to see a doctor

This is a savage that burns. If someone says they can’t see you in the dark, give them a savage response that they need to see a doctor.

By using this statement, you are cleverly insulting them that something is wrong with their vision and that’s the reason they can’t see you.

  • I fear you might be in a delicate situation, you need to see an eye specialist.
  • You should be at the optician’s office first thing tomorrow. I fear someone is about to lose their sight.

4. That’s just my superpower, I’m invisible in the dark.

Another subtle way to shun your critic is by saying “That’s just my superpower, I’m invisible in the dark”.

This response highlights your confidence and abilities, and it serves as a subtle way to remind them that you are not an easy bone to be chewed.

  • Don’t worry, I’ll still be here even if you can’t see me.
  • I’m invisible to only people that aren’t worthy of my presence

5. I’m not a vampire, so I don’t need your invitation to enter the room.

Another time someone says they can’t see you in the dark, just go ahead to turn their comment into jokes about a fictional character.

Doing so will even hurt them the most. With this response, you are injecting a bit of humor into the conversation while asserting your presence. 

  • At least you can hear my voice. I’m fine with that.

6. I’m not a cat so I don’t need your flashlight to find my way around.

Giving them a witty comeback with a touch of sarcasm is another snarky response to show them that you are not one to be trolled.

By this statement, you are sarcastically diffusing the situation while communicating that their response is unnecessary. 

  • Your lack of imagination and vision is affecting your sight.

7. Guess I’ll have to start carrying glow sticks around so you can see me, huh?

This is another effective and sarcastic response to dismiss the insult and creatively put them in their place. This response adds a touch of humor and sarcasm to tease them.

  • Even if I carry glow sticks it is still not going to aid your vision because your mind is in the dark.
  • If I need glow sticks to be seen, then you need glasses to see clearly.

8. I’m not a ghost, so I guess I already made my presence known.

Here is another quip to use when someone says they can’t see you in the dark. This response uses sarcasm to disarm them of their effort to troll you. 

By using this comeback, you are bullying them into silence and rendering them numb.

  • I don’t need to make a ghostly appearance because I’m already making an awesome one.

9. Maybe you just need to upgrade your night vision goggles.

Give them a quick retort that is laced with laid-back levity and hot air to show them that you also have tough skin for their trolling.

Saying that they need to upgrade their night vision goggles is a comeback insult that will defeat them flawlessly.

  • I’m not the problem here, your night vision goggles just can’t handle my brilliance.
  •  You should get a new pair of night vision goggles with prescription lenses, your goggles have expired.

10. Don’t worry about not seeing me in the dark, focus on hearing my savage comebacks instead.

Rise above their attempt to ridicule you using this response.

With this reply, you are implying that you are the bigger and more sensible person, with a reiteration that you do better than them when it comes to roasting people and dishing out comebacks.

Portraying that they are not up to your match and that their insult is ineffective will sting them the more.

  • Don’t bother, my words will burn brighter than any torch and you won’t need to use them to find me.

11. If you can’t see me, just follow the sound of my fabulous footsteps in the dark.

“If you can’t see me, just follow the sound of my fabulous footsteps in the dark” is another sarcastic response to give when someone says they can’t see you in the dark.

It’s a clever way to insult them about their foolishness only that you are not doing it outrightly.

  • Don’t stress it if you can’t see me, you’ll hear me coming.

12. No worries, I’ll just wear a neon sign next time so you won’t miss me.

Here is a funny response to give when someone walks up to tell you that they can’t see you in the dark.

Give a smirk and say “No worries, I’ll just wear a neon sign next time so you won’t miss me”. Trust me they will get the pun intended to scorn them.

13. I guess you must be wearing blinders because you are missing out on a lot.

You just arrived at a colleague’s place, and he tries to test his roast skills on you; laugh at their naive steps while not forgetting to remind them you are the boss.

With this response, you give them a taste of your comeback prowess and cut their wings if they are starting to have one.

  • You need to adjust your night vision settings to keep up with my fabulousness.

14. That’s okay, I’ll just bring a flashlight next time so you don’t miss out on all this awesomeness.

How do you say one is not up to par without saying it literally? Just go ahead to use this comeback the next time someone tries to bring you down with their words.

This automatically sets the record straight that you are not in the same league when it comes to roast fights.

  • Even with a headlight, it still wouldn’t help you see because you don’t have eyes.

15. Took you how long to figure it out?

A sassy comeback to use especially when the guys are all present. This phrase is so brutal and hilarious enough to induce laughter from everyone.

It is a sharp retort that conveys they are the ones with an eye defect so bad that it has affected their sight.

Make it more effective by saying it in full sentences time:

  • Took you how long to figure out that you are blind?
  • Better late than never, right? Or in your case, ‘never’ is really accurate.

16. Don’t bother. My wit shines brighter than your torchlight in the dark.

Here is another savage response to give them that will sting their pride. It is a great comeback that portrays you as someone too big for their weak attempt to make you the subject of ridicule. 

The best way to deliver this comeback is by looking at them eyeball to eyeball, smile and say:

  • Even my retorts are brighter than your flashlight 
  • I may be invisible in the dark but my wit shines brightly enough to blind you.

17. Perhaps I’m just too elusive for the naked eye.

This is a snappy response that will catch them unprepared. Saying they need the foresight to accommodate your light is a very smart way to insult them, and also to tell them they have got low standards.

  • I guess your vision isn’t 20/20 when it comes to seeing my awesomeness.
  • My apologies for being too dazzling for your eyes to handle.

18. That is what your girlfriend said too when we played hide and seek.

 Best Comebacks for When Someone Says They Can't See You in the Dark

This statement is as destructive as one of the Israeli bombs, and is capable of making them wail like a baby or red in the eye, if they claim to be strong.

Just bringing their girlfriend into the conversation will make them go crazy, talk more of implying that you have had an affair with her. 

So if you want to soften a hard guy and step on his toes, use this comeback above and watch his anger spread like wildfire.

  • That is what your girlfriend told me when we were together last night.

19. Okay, then I could get away even though I hit you with a plank.

Tease them with this humorous sentence and watch them confess immediately that they can actually see you. 

This statement will playfully bring them out of their prank for fear of being hit.

  • Since you can’t see me,  I wouldn’t have to apologize when I step on your toes.

20. Wow, that is hilarious; not your jokes actually but the shape of your head.

Turn around the situation to their own disadvantage. One of the most effective comebacks is attacking their physical features.

Getting back at them by making jokes about their head is a crafty comeback that will bite them hard and leave them totally bruised.


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