20 Good Comebacks When Someone Says Your Dreams Are Small

Good Comebacks When Someone Says Your Dreams Are Small

Everybody has future goals and dreams that they would like to pursue.

Our dreams, which can be anything from professional to personal triumphs are what motivate us to put in a lot of effort and pursue excellence.

However, there will always be those who attempt to downgrade or disregard our dreams simply because they don’t understand the totality of it.

It may be discouraging and leave you feeling unappreciated when someone tries to minimize your aspirations.

Nonetheless, keep in mind that your ambitions are only limited by your passion and willpower to realize them.

Nobody without your permission can define the scope of your dreams or limit your dreams.

For this reason, I have compiled 20 effective comebacks to use when someone tells you your dreams are small. 

Table of Contents

Here Are 20 Good Comebacks When Someone Says You Are Small.

  1. My dreams might look small, but you don’t even have one.
  2. My dreams look small to you, but your opinion doesn’t count. 
  3. I prefer it to your nightmares.
  4. At least I have the strength to dream, all you believe in is a mirage.
  5. If I were to check your dream with a microscope, still I wouldn’t see a strand.
  6. I feel the hate, but when I achieve my dream I will make sure to remember you.
  7. My dream might seem small to you, but it is enough to share with your family. 
  8. I dream in quality, not in quantity.
  9. At least I have the gift to dream and achieve, yours is to dream and sleep on them.
  10. You think my dream is small because you are intellectually myopic.
  11. As little as my dream is, it inspires me. What inspires you?
  12. Everything seems small to you, except food.
  13. That is the same thing that made your dad stick to having just one child.
  14. You think my dream is small, but it is your thinking capacity that is little.
  15. You are welcome to accompany me on my journey to success no matter how modest my dream may be. 
  16. Although they are ideal for me, my dreams are not for everyone.  
  17. Greed is the only reason why you say my dream is small.
  18. Your dreams are so big and problematic as a mountain, mine is small and has value like diamonds.
  19. To you my dream is so small, but if the world was a box my dream wouldn’t fit.
  20. My dream is small to you because you gave up on ambition.

1. My dreams might look small, but you don’t even have one.

 Good Comebacks When Someone Says Your Dreams Are Small

If someone tells you that your dreams are small, the best way to respond is to make a powerful statement that will make them gasp in fear.

To keep them dumbfounded, use the above-mentioned statement as a prompt and effective response.

Make sure you enjoy their shocking reaction when you deliver this comeback.

  • Only dreamers recognize dreams, you are no dreamer so I understand if mine look small to you.

2. My dreams look small to you, but your opinion doesn’t count. 

This comeback is a perfect reply for a person who feels he has an opinion anytime you talk about your dreams. 

This remark uses a defensive strategy to eradicate their attempt to ridicule your dream, by telling them their opinion is not needed and doesn’t matter.

  • In serious matters of life, your opinion has never mattered, and it won’t when it comes to dreams and sizes.

3. But I had preferred it to your nightmares.

Someone is likely jealous of you if they tell you that your dreams are modest. People who are constantly pessimistic are resentful individuals.

But all it takes to set them straight is a good reminder of how very different you are, which is why the comeback mentioned above is the best one.

  • My dreams motivate me no matter how small, but you are stuck with your giant nightmares.

4. At least I have the strength to dream, all you believe in is a mirage.

Absorb their negativity and reflect positivity.

Making a positive statement out of a negative one and teaching the person who is trying to disparage you a lesson is another excellent way to respond to them.

By this, you are implying to them that their insult cannot take away your happiness, which will only make them feel even more hurt.

  • My dream has the chance to grow bigger, the same as your illusion.

5. If I were to check your dream with a microscope, still I wouldn’t see a strand.

Go hard and make them feel the heat of each word.

Remarks to the effect that your dreams are small, and are typically the result of someone trying to undermine your self-esteem or exact revenge on you out of jealousy.

Instead of allowing them to get away with it, use this comeback to expose their hidden insecurity.

  • I agree my dream is small, but yours is so small that we can both agree it doesn’t exist.

6. I feel the hate, but when I achieve my dream I will make sure to remember you.

Another clever thing to say when someone says your dream is too small is “ I feel the hate, but when I achieve my dream I will make sure to remember you”.

You remain unaffected by their insult, as demonstrated by this clever retort and equally scorching their ego. 

  •  As soon as my small dream becomes a big deal, I will try to remember you. 

7. My dream might seem small to you, but it is enough to share with your family. 

The best reply to someone who verbally abuses you is to go dirty by dulling the effect of their insult with flaming comebacks and also serving them a taste of their poison.

If you are hoping to finally stop their verbal abuse, this is the response you should use.

  • My dream might be small, but genetically you and your parents ain’t dreamers.

8. I dream in quality, not in quantity.

If someone says, “Your dreams are so small,” here’s another condescending answer you can give them.

You are giving them the impression that you are not in the same group as them when you respond in this manner, which is demeaning.

  • My dreams are small but of high status.

9. At least I have the gift to dream and achieve, yours is to dream and feed on them.

One of the most effective ways to respond to verbal insults is to stand up for yourself and expose the critic’s true nature, which is a sign of their insecurities.

This statement also means you are better than them, that is why they are not happy and want to devalue your dream.

  • As small as my dream can be, it is still valuable and achievable.

10. You think my dream is small because you are intellectually myopic.

 Good Comebacks When Someone Says Your Dreams Are Small

To effectively dispel a troll, it is best to draw attention to their flaws and make scathing remarks about them.

You are underlining their issue and letting them know that they are the real issue by responding in this way.

  • Your myopic way of seeing things is why you think my dreams are small. 

11. As little as my dream is, it inspires me, what inspires you?

This is a great way to respond when someone tells you that your dreams are small. Tell them in return that they are unfocused and lack ambition. It is a deft way of conveying their confusion and lack of motivation. 

Much of their temporary silence is maintained by this statement.

  • My dreams inspire me, your nightmares do the same.

12. Everything seems small to you, except food.

This is just another attempt to silence the critic painfully. It is a clever way of telling them that nothing seems significant to them if not food.

Specifically, this deft retort will help silence the critic and keep him at bay.

  • Everything seems infinitesimal to you except what goes through the mouth to the stomach.

13. That is the same thing that made your dad stick to having just one child.

Utilize this assertion to brush off their attempt to make you look bad in front of others. This is the ideal statement to change the predator into prey.

After hearing your comeback, the audience knows who to laugh at, certainly not you.

  • Your dad’s dream was smaller than mine, he achieved it based on the number of children he has.

14. You think my dream is small, but it is your thinking capacity that is little.

With this declaration, you are making fun of them while simultaneously spreading their disparaging remarks about you.

Make use of this clever counterattack which will give you the last laugh.

  • You get bored trying to think for a second, making an assumption from your little mind about my dream seem foolish.

15. You are welcome to accompany me on my journey to success, no matter how modest my dream may be. 

Here’s a clever and evocative analogy to counter their criticism and demonstrate the futility of their remarks.

This will undoubtedly make them appear foolish, while ridiculing them to help accomplish the dream they discredited.

  • My dream is enough to keep you all focused and determined as small as it is.

16. Although they are ideal for me, my dreams are not for everyone.  

With this remark, you are pointing out their inability to appreciate the uniqueness of your dream, and also that they can’t relate since dreams are mostly personal.

Make use of this come back to educate them to realign their mindset towards common sense.

  • One day when you have a dream of your own, you will understand no dream is small as long as they are unique and worth risking.

17. Greed is the only reason why you say my dream is small.

When somebody tells you that your dreams are little, this is yet another excellent response to use.

You are implying that the meaning conveyed by the phrase does not apply to you as much as it does to them.

Their pain will intensify as a result of your suggestion that their attempt to minimize your dream was in vain. Also calling them out as greedy people will ridicule them more.

  • Your greed is why you can’t see the uniqueness of my dream but the size.

18. Your dreams are so big and problematic as a mountain, mine is small and has value like diamonds.

When they tell you that your dreams are small, you can respond with an even more sassy response because you know that they are the ones with piles of problems rather than dreams. 

By doing this, you are subtly highlighting their envy of your aspirations and their desire to be in your shoes.

  • You have a dream, the size of a mountain but with zero value.

19. To you my dream is so small, but if the world was a box my dream wouldn’t fit.

To you, my dream is so small, but if the world was a box my dream wouldn’t fit” If someone says your dreams are modest, here’s another way to ignore them.

This is the ideal method to silence your verbally abusive opponents with a potent retort that tells them that although your dream may seem small to them, the world would seem too small for it if it were a box.

  • You lack the zeel to see potential or value in little things.

20. My dream is small to you because you gave up on ambition.

Go above and beyond by using this comment to demonstrate to them that you are a greater person. It is a sly move to draw attention to how unambitious they are, which renders them blind to the significance of your aspirations.

  • My dream looks small to you because you gave up on the ability to see potential and value in little things.

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