20 Best Insults for an Infp

Best Insults for an Infp

Have you met an Infp before? INFP stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.

It’s one of the 16 personality types classified by the  Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

People with this personality type love being alone, they’re creative and are moved by a high-value system they strongly believe in. 

They show interest in helping people and making the world a better place, but they don’t take highly to criticism and are deeply emotional.

So, if you have anyone who fits into this category of people, you might want to tease them.

In this article, I’ll be listing out creative one-liners to insult an Infp. So, when next they get on your nerves, you can have something to say that’ll get to them. 

20 Best Insults for an Infp

There are many things to say to an Infp to annoy them. Among these things include, looking down on their belief system, playing down their efforts, strongly criticizing them, and disrespecting their person, etc.

So some of the things you can say to insult and Infp include: “You’re always sensitive to the wrong things,” “You’re the worst version of your type,” and “Your personality type is not something to be proud of.”

Here are 20 smart insults for an Infp: 

  1. You’re just too emotional without reasoning
  2. You’re always sensitive to the wrong things
  3. Learn to get your head out of the clouds, there’s nothing in there
  4. We can’t trust emotional people 
  5. Your personality is like an auto disorder
  6. You’re always sad, and that will be the death of you
  7. You’re the type that’ll die of loneliness 
  8. It’s cute to see that you think you’re strong
  9. How can you live up to your expectations by always being indoors?
  10. What kills an Infp faster is their belief system
  11. It’s foolish to be more interested in others than yourself 
  12. You’re the worst version of your type
  13. Your visions are blurred, wake up
  14. It’s these little things you ignore that’ll mar you
  15. You’re not a good person
  16. You have no identity, you live in others’ shadow
  17. Why are you always quiet? Don’t you have a tongue?
  18. Your personality type is not something to be proud of
  19. You’re just a weakling
  20. You’re too boring to be with 

You’re Just Too Emotional without Reasoning 

One of the characteristics of an Infp is having strong emotions. 

They’re always affected by what is going on around them. When things aren’t going the way they should be, they’re the ones most affected by them.

However, they hardly speak up and always keep these feelings to themselves. So, one of the ways to insult an Infp is to disregard their feelings.

When eventually they voice out their emotions, “You’re just too emotional without reasoning” is one of the things to say to hurt them. They’ll feel insulted if you think their feelings are unreasonable.

You’re Always Sensitive to the Wrong Things 

Another thing about Infps is their sensitivity. As I’ve already established, these people are emotional, and so are highly sensitive to things other personality types may ignore.

So, one of the ways to insult them is to disregard their sensitivity. “You’re always sensitive to the wrong things” is one of the things to say to get to them.

This line will work when they manage to express how they feel about something. So, instead of paying attention to what they say, attacking them with this line will sting.

  • You’re always sensitive to the wrong things, it’s becoming an annoyance
  • You give feelings to unimportant things, it’s crazy 

Learn to Get Your Head Out of the Clouds, There’s Nothing in There 

“Learn to get your head out of the clouds, there’s nothing in there” is another thing to say to ridicule an Infp.

Another characteristic of an Infp is spending time alone. They also love to ponder on things and devote themselves to things they’re passionate about.

So, one of the ways to attack them is with this line that dismisses their trait. It’ll work when you catch them in deep thought.

We Can’t Trust Emotional People 

“We can’t trust emotional people” is another punchline you can use to dismiss an Infp.

This one is another attack on their emotional trait, implying that you can’t deal with their character. 

Also, this is something you can say to dismiss them when they say something or try to get involved in something. 

  • We can’t trust emotional people. They’ve got a lot of demons they’re fighting
  • We can’t trust emotional people, they never resonate with the world 

Your Personality Is Like an Auto Disorder 

“Your personality is like an auto disorder” is another insulting statement for someone with the Infp personality.

This one insults them for having the personality type, claiming that it’s self-destructive.

Also, it’s something you should say to express your annoyance with them when they do things you don’t appreciate.

  • Your personality is like an auto disorder, you’ll end up destroying yourself
  • Your personality is like an auto disorder that chews you up from the inside 

You’re Always Sad, and That Will Be the Death of You 

“You’re always sad, and that will be the death of you” is another funny way to insult an Infp.

This line makes fun of them because they’re always introverted. It concludes that because they keep to themselves they’re sad.

Moreover, adding that that is what will kill them makes it more hilarious. It’s something you should say when you find them all by themselves.

You’re the Type That’ll Die of Loneliness 

“You’re the type that’ll die of loneliness” is another thing to say to ridicule an Infp.

This one is another way to mock them for always keeping to themselves. It’s something you should say when they ask to be alone to make fun of them.

Also, adding that loneliness will kill them makes it more funny. 

  • You’re the type that’ll die of loneliness. Nobody might find you
  • You’re the type that’ll die of loneliness. It’ll be a shameful death 

It’s Cute to See That You Think You’re Strong

“It’s cute to see that you think you’re strong” is another line you can use to make fun of an Infp.

This one is a sarcastic line that makes fun of them for acting strong and determined.

Also, it’s a classic one-liner that dismisses their efforts, implying that they’re only deceiving themselves. 

  • It’s cute to see that you think you’re strong, keep leaving in that fantasy
  • It’s cute to see that you think you’re strong, I like it

How Can You Live Up to Your Expectations by Always Being Indoors?

“How can you live up to your expectations by always being indoors?” is another way to mock an Infp.

This line makes fun of them and their beliefs. Infps, as I’ve already established are passionate about helping people and making things look better.

However, they’re the type to stay away from social gatherings and do better all by themselves.

So, this punchline insults them for having such passion for helping people yet keeping to themselves. It implies that the two can’t work.

What Kills an Infp Faster Is Their Belief System 

“What kills an Infp faster is their belief system” is another thing to say to mock an Infp.

This one ridicules them and what they believe in. Believe me, this is one of the things that’ll get to an Infp. 

Also, it’s something you can say when they insist on sticking to their rules and values. 

It’s Foolish to Be More Interested in Others Than Yourself 

Best Insults for an Infp

“It’s foolish to be more interested in others than yourself” is another one-liner you can use to insult an Infp.

This one is another downgrading statement that looks down on their qualities.

When someone puts others before themselves, instead of praising them, this statement mocks them, implying that they’re acting foolish.

Although they might not be looking out for praise, making fun of their virtue will sting.

  • It’s foolish to be more interested in others than yourself. There’s no pride in it, stop deceiving yourself
  • It’s foolish to be more interested in others than yourself. I’m sure you already know that 

You’re the Worst Version of Your Type 

“You’re the worst version of your type” is another insulting comment to make about an infp.

First, this one implies that their kinds may not be good. Then, it ridicules them for being the worst of their types. 

It’s a downgrading statement that’ll leave a great sting.

  • You’re the worst version of your type, you shouldn’t exist
  • You’re the worst version of your type. You make the whole Infp clan rotten 

Your Visions Are Blurred, Wake Up 

“Your visions are blurred, wake up” is another comment that disregards the beliefs of an Infp.

This statement looks down on them and what they’re passionate about. It implies that what they believe in is only a fantasy.

Moreover, adding that they should wake up, means that they’re not working with realistic values.

It’s These Little Things You Ignore That’ll Mar You 

Infps are always after the big picture and often disregard little things.

Telling them that the little things they don’t pay attention to are what will destroy them is an insulting statement that’ll sting.

You’re Not a Good Person

“You’re not a good person” is another funny statement to make to insult an Infp.

This one is a simple yet powerful statement that’ll hurt deeply. First, Infps believe they’re good people, and of course they are.

People who are passionate about helping others are good. So, telling them that they’re not good people is a big insult to them.

It’ll work after they do some good deeds to dismiss them.

  • You’re not a good person, stop deceiving yourself
  • You’re not a good person, we all know that 

You Have no Identity

“You have no identity” is another classic line you can use to diss an Infp.

This is a condescending statement that mocks them, implying that they do things just to please others, without having anything they stand for.

Of course, this statement is not true. But hearing this statement from you will surely get to them. 

  • You’re nameless with no identity
  • You have no identity, you’re just existing 

Why Are You Always Quiet? Don’t You Have a Tongue?

Best Insults for an Infp

Another insulting remark to say to an Infp is, “Why are you always quiet? Don’t you have a tongue?” 

This one mocks them for being introverted and always keeping to themselves.

Alsp, asking if they have no tongue is sure to get to them.

Your Personality Type Is Not Something to Be Proud of

“Your personality type is not something to be proud of” is another insulting comment to say to Infps to make fun of them. 

This one insults them for their kind of person, saying they shouldn’t be proud of who they are. It’ll surely slap hard.

You’re Just a Weakling

“You’re just a weakling” is another comment to make to ridicule an Infp.

This statement insults them, calling them weak. Also, it’s something you can say when they exhibit kindness to people.

It disregards their kind act and describes it as an act of weakness. It’ll certainly sting.

  • You’re just a weakling, hiding behind all these kind acts

You’re Too Boring to Be with

Best Insults for an Infp

“You’re too boring to be with” is another hilarious line you can use to mock an Infp.

This is something you can say after spending some time with them. Making this comment after meeting them, or during a conversation with them will surely hit hard.

  • You’re too boring to be with, I pray not to have anything to do with you again
  • You’re too boring to be with, I wonder if you enjoy your own company 


With this article, you have seen that the Infp personality types are one of the good ones. However, just like every other person, they’ve got their weakness.

So, if you want to tease any of them or insult them when they piss you off, you can pick from the examples above.


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