20 Best Comebacks to “Who Put 50p in You?”

Best Comebacks to Who Put 50p in You

Have you been in a situation where you share your thoughts on what’s going on and someone says, “Who put 50p in you?”

This expression is a British slang that’s used to regard someone’s comment as unnecessary, or unwanted. Just like saying, “Who asked?”

People often use this expression to answer trolls or someone who wouldn’t mind their business. Its variant is “Who put 20p in you?”

So, if someone uses this expression on you, how do you respond? In moments like this, it might be difficult to come up with a quick response to unarm them.

But, you don’t have to worry. This article is for quick and witty comebacks to “Who put 50p in you?”

20 Best Comebacks to “Who Put 50p in You?”

There are numerous answers to provide someone who rudely replies to you with “Who put 50p in you?”

Some of the clapbacks to give include: “Definitely not you, you’re not worth a cent,” “Someone who obviously puts his money in the right place,” and “Do you have to announce your dumbness everywhere you go?”

Below are 20 good comebacks to “Who put 50p in you?”:

  1. Why should you care about that?
  2. Definitely not you, you’re not worth a cent
  3. It must be your pops, he knows my worth
  4. If you don’t need my opinion, you can become deaf
  5. A broke person shouldn’t worry about that
  6. What is it to you?
  7. Someone who obviously puts his money in the right place
  8. You shouldn’t worry about that, but that clown outfit of yours
  9. If you can’t handle a simple conversation, maybe it’s time you left
  10. Oh sorry, I didn’t know you needed to pay for my opinion first 
  11. That’s high-class information, so sit down
  12. You won’t know if you keep talking
  13. You should ignore certain things if they don’t make any sense to you
  14. Is the money too small? Do you want to add another one?
  15. Your question is so irrelevant
  16. Do you have to announce your dumbness everywhere you go?
  17. If I were you, I’d think first before speaking
  18. Who invited you here?
  19. That question should be directed to you
  20. Thank you for an inconsequential question, we’ll visit it when we’re done with important things 

Why Should You Care About That?

“Why should you care about that?” is a great comeback to “Who put 50p in you?”

This is a snappy reply that matches their rude comment. Instead of trying to understand why they should say that or worry about an answer for them, this reply will return the question to them.

Since they think they can ask you who asked you to speak, then you can also ask them why they should care about why you speak.

Also, it’s a smart reply that shows them that they’re not qualified to question you.

  • Why should you care about that? Who are you?
  • Why should you care about that? Don’t you have better things to worry about?

Definitely Not You, You’re Not Worth a Cent

Best Comebacks to Who Put 50p in You

“Definitely not you, you’re not worth a cent” is one of the perfect responses to someone who says, “who put 50p on you after you make a statement.”

Sometimes you just need to show someone that you can be savage as much as they are.

If someone thinks your comment is unnecessary by asking “Who put 50p on you, you can take the question literally by providing this answer.

It tells them that they can’t be the one, implying that they’re too poor for that. In addition, it’s just a funny way of saying that they’re nothing compared to you.

It Must Be Your Pops, He Knows My Worth 

“It must be your pops, he knows my worth” is another literal answer to provide someone who asks “Who put 50p on you?”

This response humors them by providing an answer they wouldn’t see coming. Also, it’s a confident reply that shows you’re not intimidated by their question.

Moreover, saying it’s their father provides something people can laugh about. 

  • It must be your pops, he knows my worth, so can I go on now?
  • It must be your pops, he knows my worth, which you’re blind to

If You Don’t Need My Opinion, You Can Become Deaf

“If you don’t need my opinion, you can become deaf” is another thing to say to someone who says your opinion is irrelevant.

This comeback returns their rude energy, letting them know they can’t stop you from speaking your mind.

Also, it’s a smooth way to return the embarrassment to them. 

  • If you don’t need my opinion, you can become deaf. I know a fast way to do that
  • If you don’t need my opinion, you can become deaf and help yourself 

A Broke Person Shouldn’t Worry About That 

“A broke person shouldn’t worry about that” is another suitable answer to provide someone who says “Who put 50p on you?” to say that your comment is unwanted.

This response takes their question literally, and gives them an answer that’ll take them by surprise.

Also, it’s a smart way to call them broke and ridicule them by implying that it isn’t their concern.

What Is It to You?

“What is it to you?” is another sharp response to provide someone who questions you speaking during a conversation.

This is a perfect way to stand your ground and show them that you’re not intimidated by their rudeness.

Also, it returns the question to them, asking them how it’s their business whether you speak or not. 

Someone Who Obviously Puts His Money in the Right Place

“Someone who obviously puts his money in the right place” is another snappy comeback to provide someone who says, “Who put 50p on you?”

This one is another clever response that tells them you know your worth. It’s a literal reply that shows them that you’ve got every right to speak.

Also, it’s a great reminder that there will always be people who value what you say.

  • Someone who obviously puts his money in the right place, so you should sit down and speak when spoken to
  • Someone who obviously puts his money in the right place, which shouldn’t be your concern 

You Shouldn’t Worry About That, But That Clown Outfit of Yours 

“You shouldn’t worry about that, but that clown outfit of yours” is a hilarious answer to provide someone who asks who put 50p on you during a discussion.

This one allows you to shift attention from you to them. For instance, if someone shoots you this question during a gathering, it’s sure going to get people’s eyes on you.

But, with this response, you’ll be able to make them the center of attention and embarrassment. It’s a smart way to remind them that you can’t be intimidated while ridiculing them for their appearance.

If You Can’t Handle a Simple Conversation, Maybe It’s Time You Left 

Best Comebacks to Who Put 50p in You

Fire back with, “If you can’t handle a simple conversation, maybe it’s time you left” when someone hits you with “Who put 50p in you?” after you make a statement.

This one is a perfect reply to disregard and dismiss them. It’s something you should say and go back to what you were saying if they had interrupted you.

  • If you can’t handle a simple conversation, maybe it’s time you left, and stop interrupting me
  • If you can’t handle a simple conversation, maybe it’s time you left. You were not invited anyway 

Oh Sorry, I Didn’t Know You Needed to Pay for My Opinion First 

“Oh sorry, I didn’t know you needed to pay for my opinion first” is another classic answer to provide someone who says, “Who put 50p in you?”

This kind of reply puts off their rudeness with pride. First, it shows that you’ll always lend your opinion irrespective of what they feel. 

Also, it boasts confidence in what you’re saying, implying that you know what you’re doing. It’s a good comeback to shut them up.

  • Oh sorry, I didn’t know you needed to pay for my opinion first. Don’t worry, I give my value for free
  • Oh sorry, I didn’t know you needed to pay for my opinion first. Keep your money, okay? It’s not worth it

That’s High-class Information, So Sit Down

“That’s high-class information, so sit down” is another sharp retort to fire back at someone who asks why you’re speaking during a discussion.

This classic response is a perfect way to diss them and put them in their place.

Also, this great one-liner attacks the authority they think they have to question you. It’s a smart way to tell them that they’re not worth your answer.

  • That’s high-class information, so sit down and stop making a fool of yourself
  • That’s high-class information, so sit down or get the hell out 

You Won’t Know if You Keep Talking 

“You won’t know if you keep talking” is another fantastic way to respond to someone who wishes to know who asked you to speak.

If after you make a statement, and someone challenges you with, “Who put 50p in you?”, this reply will throw them off balance.

It’s just a smart way to tell them that they talk a lot and out of turn. Also, you can dismiss them with this response.

  • You won’t know if you keep talking, so shut the fvck up
  • You won’t know if you keep talking like a talking machine 

You Should Ignore Some Certain Things if They Don’t Make Any Sense to You 

“You should ignore certain things if they don’t make any sense to you” is a classic reply to someone who thinks they can question your right to speak.

This response ridicules them for their lack of understanding. Use this response to let them know that there are certain things they can’t understand at the level they are.

Is the Money Too Small? Do You Want to Add Another One?

“Is the money too small? Do you want to add another one?” is a funny question to ask someone who says “Who put 50p in you?”

This one is another silly reply that feigns ignorance of their words and takes it literally. It’s a clever way to shut them up.

Your Question Is so Irrelevant

“Your question is so irrelevant” is a great answer to match the energy of someone who calls your comment irrelevant.

It’s just serving their insult back to them on a platter of gold. 

  • Your question is so irrelevant, just like you
  • Your question is so irrelevant, so sit down

Do You Have to Announce Your Dumbness Everywhere You Go?

“Do you have to announce your dumbness everywhere you go?” is a sassy question to throw at someone who challenges you for speaking.

This one calls them dumb in the most embarrassing of ways.

  • Do you have to announce your dumbness everywhere you go? It’s embarrassing
  • Do you have to announce your dumbness everywhere you go? I’m tired 

If I Were You, I’d Think First Before Speaking 

Best Comebacks to Who Put 50p in You

“If I were you, I’d think first before speaking” is another good clapback to attack someone who challenges you for speaking.

This one insults them for speaking out of turn. It’s a smooth way to call them foolish.

Who Invited You Here?

A good question to throw at someone who says “Who put 50p in you?” is, “Who invited you here?” 

If they think your comments are unnecessary, then you should start by asking them who invited them. Who knows, they might not have an answer for that.

  • Who invited you here? Both of you are very foolish
  • Who invited you here? You must have missed your way 

That Question Should Be Directed to You 

“That question should be directed to you” returns the question to someone who asks why you should lend your opinion during a conversation.

This means that if they think you shouldn’t speak, then they shouldn’t ask.

  • That question should be directed to you, and I want you to answer it
  • That question should be directed to you. I want to see you make a fool more out of yourself 

Thank You for an Inconsequential Question, We’ll visit It When We’re Done with Important Things 

“Thank you for an inconsequential question, we’ll visit it when we’re done with important things” is the perfect comeback to shut up someone who questions your right to speak.

It tells them that their question is irrelevant. Also, it treats them as unimportant too.

Parting Notes

There are a lot of people who always aim to prove that they’re better than everyone. 

You’ll always find such people around you. If you meet anyone who uses the expression, “Who put 50p in you?” to question your right to speak, you don’t have to let them shut you up.

Use the comebacks in this article to put them in their place. Also, remember you can create yours.

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