20 Best Comebacks for “At Least I Have a Dad”

Best Comebacks for At Least I Have a Dad

It hurts when someone tries to make you feel bad because of the absence of your father in your life.

Comments like, “At least I have a dad” are one of such comments that can make you wish you’ve got a father, even if it’s just to spite them.

But, you don’t have to let that get to you. You alone know the reason your father is not there, and you don’t have to give them the satisfaction that they’re better than you with their father around.

So, what is the best way to respond to such a demeaning remark? 

To help you, this article will be treating the best responses to “at least I have a dad.” With good comebacks, you’ll be able to show them that they’re no way better than you.

20 Best Comebacks for “At Least I Have a Dad”

There are numerous things you can say to shut up someone who says “At least I have a dad” to hurt you.

Some examples include: “Okay, anything else worth mentioning?” “That’s sad. He didn’t train you well,” and “Am I supposed to applaud that or what?”

Below are the 20 best comebacks to “At least I have a dad.”

  1. But, I bet he doesn’t know this
  2. Yeah, a drunk who hardly recognizes you
  3. My absent father is better than yours
  4. You should better disown him 
  5. You shouldn’t be proud of a woman beater
  6. And so?
  7. And how’s that our business?
  8. That’s what every normal human has, except you’re just finding out
  9. Okay, anything else worth mentioning?
  10. Am I supposed to applaud that or what?
  11. Everyone has a dad, so what’s new?
  12. I can see that’s your achievement; keeping a man who doesn’t want to be kept
  13. I thank God I’m not you if what you have at home is a dad
  14. When last did you see him?
  15. Your father might not think so
  16. Do you need validation or what?
  17. That doesn’t make you any better than me
  18. What should we do with this vital information?
  19. That’s sad. He didn’t train you well
  20. A very useless one I’m sure 

But, I Bet He Doesn’t Know This 

One of the best comebacks to “At least I have a dad” is “But, I bet he doesn’t know this.”

This is a savage reply that’ll work for someone who says they’ve got a dad to ridicule you for your absent father.

Also, it’s a sharp reply that ridicules them, implying that they only have a father in their name. Also, it’s a perfect reply that’ll work for someone whose parents are having problems. Additionally, it implies that their father might’ve disowned them.

Yeah, a Drunk Who Hardly Recognizes You

“Yeah, a drunk who hardly recognizes you” is another statement to make to someone who mocks you for your absent father by saying, “At least I have a dad.”

This is another savage punchline that mocks them for having a drunk father. So, it’ll work for someone you know whose father is a drunk.

It makes fun of them, letting them know they’re no better than you with a drunk dad.

  • Yeah, a drunk who hardly recognizes you. I wonder what he’d say about that
  • Yeah, a drunk who hardly recognizes you. You’re better off without him

My Absent Father Is Better Than Yours

“My absent father is better than yours” is another thing you can say to someone who says “At least I have a dad” to make fun of you.

This is a classic comeback that disarms them, letting them know that their father not being there doesn’t make them better. Also, it’s a smart way of insulting their father.

  • My absent father is better than yours, so there’s nothing to be proud of
  • My absent father is better than yours, so that makes me better 

You Should Better Disown Him 

“You should better disown him” is another sharp response for someone who says” At least I have a dad” to spite you.

This comeback is a sharp one that tells them that there’s nothing special about them having a dad. Moreover, adding that they should disown him is a hilarious way to call their father useless.

  • You should better disown him. He’s very useless
  • You should better disown him. He’s good as not there

You Shouldn’t Be Proud of a Woman Beater

“You shouldn’t be proud of a woman beater” is another good comeback for someone who says, “At least I have a dad.”

This is a perfect reply that’ll work for someone whom you know their father hits them and their mum. Also, it’s the perfect retort that tells them there’s nothing special about their dad being there.

In fact, it implies that they’re better off without him.

  • You shouldn’t be proud of a woman beater. It doesn’t make any sense

And So?

“And so?” is another appropriate response to give someone who says “At least I have a dad.”

This response tells them that you don’t find anything special about their information. It’s a classic response that mocks them for giving the information in the first place. 

  • And so? Should we kill cows?
  • And so? Is there anything special about yours?

And How’s That Our Business?

Best Comebacks for At Least I Have a Dad

“And how’s that our business?” is another appropriate response for someone who tries to belittle you with, “At least I’ve got a dad.”

If you want to sound sassy, here’s the comeback for you. This question tells them it’s not anyone’s business whether their dad is there or not. It’ll work well with an audience present.

Also, it indicates that you feel there’s nothing special about their father.

  • And how’s that our business? If you don’t have anything worth mentioning, can you just remain quiet
  • And how’s that our business? Or are you just trying to be noisy

That’s What Every Normal Human Has, Except You’re Just Finding Out 

“That’s what every normal human has, except you’re just finding out” is another sharp clapback for someone who announces that they’ve got a dad.

This one tells them that there’s nothing special about their information. It tells them that it’s very unnecessary. Also, the last line ridicules them by suggesting that they may just be finding out about their dad.

Okay, Anything Else Worth Mentioning?

“Okay, anything else worth mentioning?” is another crazy reply you can provide someone who says, “At least I’ve got a dad” to ridicule you.

This is a funny way to disregard their information. It indicates that you find it boring. 

With this line, you’re going to rub the embarrassment on their face, as they won’t see this response coming.

  • Okay, anything else worth mentioning? This one is recycled information
  • Okay, anything else worth mentioning? This one isn’t interesting 

Am I Supposed to Applaud That or What?

“Am I supposed to applaud that or what?” is another sharp response for someone who says, “At least I have a dad.”

This one is a savage response that throws their statement back at them. It tells them in the meanest of ways that their information is very useless. 

Moreover, you can ask this question and wait for an answer, which is likely not going to come.

  • Am I supposed to applaud that or what? I can see you’ve got nothing to say
  • Am I supposed to applaud that or what? Or should we throw a party?

Everyone Has a Dad, So What’s New?

Best Comebacks for At Least I Have a Dad

“Everyone has a dad, so what’s new?” is another befitting response for someone who says, “At least I’ve got a dad” to make fun of you.

This response ridicules them by asking them what’s different about them having a dad. If you want a simple yet witty reply, this one will work well. 

  • Everyone has a dad, so what’s new? Oh! I guess you’re just hearing about him
  • Everyone has a dad, so what’s new? Did you just realize that?

I Can See That’s Your Achievement; Keeping a Man Who Doesn’t Want to Be Kept 

“I can see that’s your achievement; keeping a man who doesn’t want to be kept” is another clapback you can use to ridicule someone who says, “At least I’ve got a dad.”

This response taunts them by implying that they’re trying to feel included by claiming to have a dad.

Since they feel they need to announce that they’ve got a dad, then it’s possible their father doesn’t want them. It’s just a funny way to tease them for sounding like it’s something big to have a dad.

I Thank God I’m Not You if What You Have at Home Is a Dad 

“I thank God I’m not you if what you have at home is a dad” is another crazy line you can use to ridicule someone who says, “At least I’ve got a dad” to make you feel bad.

The beautiful thing about this reply is that it doesn’t only insult them, it also extends the insult to their father, implying that he’s not worth being regarded as a dad.

It’s a perfect way to tell them that you’re okay with your situation, suggesting that theirs is worse.

  • I thank God I’m not you if what you have at home is a dad. You’re just living a lie
  • I thank God I’m not you if what you have at home is a dad. You should be sorry for yourself 

When Last Did You See Him?

Another question you can use to taunt someone who says, “At least I have a dad” is, “When last did you see him?” 

This response is suitable for someone whose father is not always around, probably due to work. It ridicules them, implying that their case isn’t very different from yours.

  • When last did you see him? Are you sure he hasn’t abandoned you guys?
  • When last did you see him? You should better check if he still remembers he has a family 

Your Father Might Not Think So 

“Your father might not think so” is another adequate response for someone who says, “At least I’ve got a dad.”

It’s a savage reply that’ll water down their excitement, as it raises doubts in them. It implies that they might have a dad, while he might not regard them.

Also, it’s just a funny way to caution them that their situation might not always be the same.

  • Your father might not think so. Maybe you should ask him
  • Your father might not think so. Do not be too fast to conclude

Do You Need Validation or What?

“Do you need validation or what?” is another crazy answer to provide someone who says, “At least I’ve got a dad” to scorn you.

This response emphasizes that their information isn’t necessary. Also, it taunts them, implying that they’re likely trying to feel good with their information.

That Doesn’t Make You Any Better Than Me 

Another fantastic way to reply to someone who tries to ridicule you by saying “At least I have a dad” is, “That doesn’t make you any better than me.”

This is a confident response that’ll kill their spirit. It lets them know that without your dad, you’re still greater than them. Moreover, it emphasizes that the presence of their father can’t change that.

  • That doesn’t make you any better than me. It’s high time you realized that
  • That doesn’t make you any better than me, so deal with your poor self-esteem 

What Should We Do with This Vital Information?

Best Comebacks for At Least I Have a Dad

“What should we do with this crucial information? is a sarcastic question that’ll work for someone who feels they need to announce that they’ve got a dad.

This response humors them by referring to their information as important. However, asking them what should be done with it is something they won’t know how to answer.

  • What should we do with this vital information? Cook some noodles?
  • What should we do with this vital information? Change the economy?

That’s Sad. He Didn’t Train You Well

“That’s sad. He didn’t train you well” is another hilarious way to answer someone who says, “At least I’ve got a dad.”

It’s a savage comeback that ridicules them for their rude behavior. Also, it mocks them for having a father who couldn’t train them well.

  • That’s sad. He didn’t train you well. I guess he must be useless then
  • That’s sad. He didn’t train you well. What good is he, then?

A Very Useless One I’m Sure 

“A very useless one I’m sure” is a brutal comeback that’s going to slap hard with someone who says, “At least I have a dad.”

This response is a classic burner that wouldn’t give them a chance to defend themselves. Moreover, the interesting thing about this line is that it acknowledges that they’ve got a father.

With this reply, they’d wish that they never provided the information in the first place.


When someone says, “At least I have a dad” to belittle you because your father is not there, with good comebacks you can have the last word. 

If you don’t want to ignore them but choose to put them in their place, this article has all you need to hit them hard. 


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