15 Best Comebacks When Someone Says “Geez”

Best Comebacks When Someone Says Geez

Have you ever been in a situation where someone says something that just rubs you the wrong way?

Or say a monologue as a comment when you expect a full statement. Most times, it could be a snarky comment like “Geez” to something very sensitive.

In moments like these, it can be difficult to come up with a witty response on the spot. But don’t worry, I ‘ve got you covered! I’ve compiled a list of the 15 best comebacks when someone says “Geez”.

This article consists of classic one-liners, savage comebacks, and witty statements to use on the next culprit that says “Geez”. So get ready to put them in their place and show them who’s boss.

15 Best Comebacks When Someone Says Geez

There are plenty of clever and humorous comebacks you can use to respond to someone who says “geez”.

Some clever lines you can use to dismiss them include: ” Did I accidentally step on your spine”, and what crawled into your pants?

Here are 15 Best Comebacks When Someone Says Geez.

  1. You say geez like you are suffering from vocabulary deficiency.
  2. Why are you tilting your mouth sideways like something crawled up your back?
  3. You sound like a faulty generator with the way you say geez constantly.
  4. At least you should learn how to pronounce it better. Now take a deep breath and try that again.
  5. Is that the best you have got?
  6. You better don’t strain your neck.
  7. Did you just invent a new catchphrase?
  8. Oh! I didn’t realize I was that shocking.
  9. Is that your way of saying I’m the boss now?
  10. I must be really impressing you.
  11. Okay, thanks for the award-winning reaction.
  12. Until now, I didn’t realize my presence was that impactful.
  13. I’ll take that as a compliment.
  14. Did someone forget to take their sense of humor today
  15. Is that the sound you make when you try to think?

1. You say geez like you are suffering from vocabulary deficiency.

 Best Comebacks When Someone Says Geez

When someone says “geez” after a full narrative, chances are that they are too awash with information that they don’t remember what to say anymore.

It could also be that they lack ways to express themselves or maybe they are just short of words.

Saying they are suffering from vocabulary deficiency is a downright comeback that will hit them hard.

  • Your vocabulary is so limited that you have to resort to saying ‘Geez’.
  • Without the word ‘Geez’ you could hardly say a complete sentence.

2. Why are you tilting your mouth sideways like something crawled up your back?

Here is quite a burn and a wordy comeback that will make them sweat even in the winter.

This is a humorous way of mocking how they utter the word. It’s a fun and ridiculing way to convey that you are not taking their “Geez” too seriously.

 Make sure you imitate the way they say ‘geez’ when you want to deliver this comeback. This will add a more hilarious effect to the statement.

  • Why are you saying geez like some bug got stuck between your teeth?
  • With the way you say geez, one would think you found a stone in between the words you are about to spew.

3. You sound like a faulty generator with the way you say geez constantly.

Another zinger and got a comeback that will burn them. This is a scorn on their consistent use of the word. It is a playful and light-hearted comeback to poke fun at the person’s reaction and diffuse any tension. 

Additionally, comparing them to a faulty generator buttresses their annoying usage of the word while adding a touch of humor to the comeback.

Mimic them on how they say ‘geez’ non-stop and say:

  • Is your vocabulary stuck on repeat or something? I’ve heard enough ‘Geez’s to last me a lifetime.
  • If you don’t say ‘Geez’ for a second, I might just conclude the word is coming to an end.

4. At least you should learn how to pronounce it better. Now take a deep breath and try that again.

This is a straightforward scorch that will roast them. It is a savage comeback on them when they say ‘geez’ and still can’t pronounce it well; so unlucky they have set themselves up for a snarky comeback.

Go hard on them with this comeback:

  • At least if you want to act sophisticated, you should do it right. Not you acting like a wannabe city boy with the way you say your ‘geez’.
  •  Have seen hoodlums pronounce the word ‘Geez’ better, take a deep breath, and try again.

5. Is that the best you have got?

If someone says geez and you expected more from them, you would agree with me that you will feel disappointed and slightly annoyed.

Express your dissatisfaction with their choice of words using this comeback as a response for them.

With this comment, you are implying that you are unfazed by their reaction and you are not going to take it seriously

  • Oh! That is all you have got? I thought you were intelligent. I thought wrong; my bad.
  • You could do better than being an automated machine programmed to say ‘Geez’.

6. You better don’t strain your neck.

Here is a funny and crafty response to give someone who says ‘geez’. Especially when they are being dramatic when they utter the word.

It’s a lighthearted way to point out their exaggerated reaction and inject some humor into the situation.

Also, this comeback is a spoiler for them, and also a good way to make fun of them.

  • You had better not strangle your neck with the way you talk when you say ‘geez.’
  • More couple Geez from you, and you might have a neck strain from the gesture you make while pronouncing the word.

7. Did you just invent a new catchphrase?

 Best Comebacks When Someone Says Geez

This comeback is apt for someone who wants to bore you with the word ‘geez’. Express your distaste in their usage of the word using this comeback and watch them take caution from using the word next time.

  • What is it with your repetition of this word? Are you just hearing it?
  • I had preferred you wear the same shirt every day than bore me to death with the word ‘Geez’.

8. Oh! I didn’t realize I was that shocking.

Most times, when someone says geez after you said something to them, it might be because they are filled with awe at what you have just said and the best way they could express the way they feel is to exclaim. By using this statement, you are teasing them with your awesomeness.

Also, It’s a humorous way to show that you’re not taking their reaction too seriously.

  • Oh! I didn’t know I was that amazing to have left you dumbfounded.
  • Why are you shocked? By now you should be getting used to my awesomeness.

9. Is that your way of saying I’m the boss now?

Another way to tease someone who just exclaimed geez is “Is that your way of saying I’m the boss now”. This comeback is sassy and playful, poking fun at the person’s reaction when they say “Geez.” 

Also, the response is suitable when you have just hit the point and the effect of those remarkable words is an undeniable reaction from them.

  • Is that your way of appreciating the sense of humor that you lack?
  • Is that your get-away ticket from a constructive explanation In every situation?

10. I must be really impressing you.

” I must be impressing you” is another smart comeback to use when someone says ‘geez’.

This is one of those bossy comebacks that doesn’t seek approval from your opponent before feeding them your established opinion about yourself; whether they are cool with it or not.

  • I’m sure you are dying to ask if I could be your mentor.
  • I know I motivate you a lot, don’t worry there is a lot from where that came from.

11. Okay, thanks for the award-winning reaction.

“Okay, thanks for the award-winning reaction” is another snappy response to use when someone says geez. This is a classic punchline to use to mock them.

  • Okay, that was dramatic. You deserve an award.
  • You deserve an Oscar nomination for such a reaction.

12. Until now, I didn’t realize my presence was that impactful.

“Until now, I didn’t realize my presence was that impactful ” is another smart response to give to someone who says geez. This response creatively shuns them while putting them in their place.

  • How many times did you pray silently to God to make you as eloquent as me?
  • I don’t have to make a noise to get everyone’s attention like you always do. Making sense is a gift I have and you don’t.

13. I’ll take that as a compliment.

If you wish to make fun of the situation, “I’ll take that as a compliment” is a witty response to give to someone who says “Geez”.

Not only will it leave them in a confused state but it will also derive a perplexed reaction from them because they will struggle to comprehend how what they said is taken as a compliment.

  • I assume saying ” geez” is a way of complimenting someone in your village.
  • I heard that saying “geez” is a sign of modern exposure from where you came from.

14. Did someone forget to take their sense of humor today

Throw light shade on their sense of humor using this comeback above. This sentence implies that their choice of word is boring, and lacks some wits. Use this statement to make fun of them.

  • Your vocabulary is so limited. It is making me cringe.
  • Your vocabulary is so stunted. It is making me physically recoil.

15. Is that the sound you make when you try to think

“Is that the sound you make when you try to think” is another savage comeback to use to mock someone who says “geez”.

The comeback makes fun of their lack of expression while insulting them as being dumb in a subtle manner.

  • Is that an excuse for being stupid?
  • Your usage of the word ” geez” shows you lack the intellect to think and construct proper sentences.


The next time someone says “Geez” to you, don’t hesitate to use one of these comebacks.

They’ll help you lighten the mood, inject some humor, and show that you’re not taking their reaction too seriously.

Whether you choose to respond playfully or directly, these comebacks are sure to put a smile on your face and defuse any tension.

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