20 Savage Comebacks When Someone Calls You Brainless

Savage Comebacks When Someone Calls You Brainless

If someone calls you brainless, you have got different ways to react to that scathing remark.

You can choose to be angry, stay hurt, be speechless, or remain silent and forever hold your peace.

However, nothing from the aforementioned reactions hits better than a great comeback for your detractor.

In case you find it difficult to come up with piercing responses as comebacks, relax, I got you covered.

In this article, I’ll be providing you with the best comebacks that are too good to be stumbled upon anywhere.

These comebacks have been written in such a way that when delivered, will beat your opponent flawlessly and make you have the last laugh.

Table of Contents

Below are 20 Savage comebacks when someone calls you Brainless.

  1. The word brainless fits you more, and it will look good on you as an alias.
  2. You called me brainless, but we all know your brain went on strike.
  3. I hope you know you have a vacuum for a head before you call me brainless.
  4. Might I remind you also that having no brain got you this far in life, congratulations. 
  5. If brains were sold for free, you still wouldn’t have one.
  6. You sold your brain for the right to say trash.
  7. The more you age, the less you feel the need to make use of your brain.
  8.  I may be brainless but at least I’m not a failure like you are.
  9. Even with my brainless state, you still can’t compete with my level of intelligence.
  10. I heard you sold your brain to afford the courage to abuse those who didn’t. 
  11. You are so brainless your words are always off-target.
  12. Now I know why a brainless person like me feels at home around you, it’s because we are the same.
  13.  You would have made it far in life if I was the one thinking for you.
  14. When others develop brains in babies, you develop an extra stomach for food.
  15. Having such a big head with no brain should be added to the seven wonders of the world.
  16. You actively talk all day with your brain on a holiday.
  17. The only time your brain works is when you don’t talk or keep mute.
  18.  Whatever occupies that head is just Pringles, not a single composition of sense.
  19. You inspire the word ” Beauty without Brains.
  20. The reason you felt I was brainless was because you forgot what it feels like to have a brain.

1. The word brainless fits you more, and it will look good on you as an alias.

 Savage Comebacks When Someone Calls You Brainless

Okay, this is a good start to show your opponent the stuff you are made of.

Your opponent just called you brainless in a roast banter and then he is having his shoulders high like he has said the most biting insult ever.

Deflate his shoulders and ego by this savage come back and watch him get burnt by the heat of the words.

  • If I call you brainless you should be happy, because that is what you are naturally.

2. You called me brainless, but we all know your brain went on strike.

You know your opponent won’t rest until he has the last laugh but don’t fret because this classic comeback will reveal to anyone who the main boss is; which is undoubtedly you. 

Now all you have to do is to double the heat of the comebacks, which you can achieve using these savage lines of comebacks.

Saying their brains are on strike is a creative way of calling them brainless and making them the focus of scorn.

  • We all know your brain left that thick skull of yours since it doesn’t get to function.

3. I hope you know you have a vacuum for a head before you call me brainless.

Your opponent is trying harder to match up with you but you aren’t going to give them that breathing space to think of a good roast.

Like a flash of lightning, strike them with this stellar remark and leave them stricken.

With this insult, you are not only implying that they are empty upstairs but you are also staging them for a public mockery. Bang! Innit? 

  • I’m sure it is so quiet up there and empty, you can only call me brainless since you know what it feels like.

4. Might I remind you also that having no brain got you this far in life, congratulations. 

Your opponent won’t get tired of trying to humiliate or hurt you with derogatory words so increase 4x your comeback wits.

When they call you brainless, don’t disagree with their opinion rather draw a psychological effect from their words to use on them.

Nothing stings hard like making them feel a little bit relaxed before hitting them with scathing words. This won’t only ridicule them in front of everyone, it will also make them feel defeated.

  • You wouldn’t be here today if you had a brain, now I know why you decided to be brainless.

5. If brains were sold for free, you still wouldn’t have one.

Okay, your comebacks are getting a little bit too serious and the crowd just wants some teeth-revealing comebacks, here is one for them.

Put up your opponent for a 10-minute object of ridicule. I’m very sure lessons have been learned not to toy with their master. 

This savage comeback is certain to give them a long-lasting feeling of embarrassment and a reminder not to ever cross you.

6. You sold your brain for the right to say trash.

If they still haven’t learnt their lesson then here is another savage response to use for them.

I bet they will be too weak to recover from the bites of this comeback. And if they still haven’t learned their lesson, relax, there are more comebacks to teach them more lessons.

  • You are free to say trash, it is understandable for someone who doesn’t have a brain.

7. The more you age, the less you feel the need to make use of your brain.

Okay, so your opponent just bounced back from the torrents of insults you have bathed him with, and then he is feeling renewed with energy; well give them this energy-draining comeback above.

Good for them, if they can withstand the heat. It will position them for a bigger comeback to come.

Saying that the more they increase in age the more their brain depreciates is a calculated comeback that is capable of crushing them.

  • At what age did you decide your brain is of no use in carrying out everyday activities?

8. I may be brainless but at least I’m not a failure like you are.

If they are still displaying some kind of Superman strength for you, you might need to remind them of their shortcomings.

Nothing hits better than using their circumstances to insult them but don’t feel bad about it. They started first. 

It is more apt if they’ve failed in so many aspects of life. This comeback is capable of making them boil with revenge but don’t be intimidated by their empty threats.

  • I might be brainless but still, I’m sure you look up to becoming me someday.

9. Even in my brainless state, you still can’t compete with my level of intelligence.

Tell them they still can’t compete with you in your brainless state, to keep them mute momentarily.

If this doesn’t work wonders on keeping them shut, then the next comeback will do more than keep them quiet.

  • Even in my brainless state, every word I say will take you days to comprehend.

10. I heard you sold your brain to afford the courage to abuse those who didn’t. 

This is a perfect comeback to make them numb for a while.

Telling them they sold their brain to afford the courage to abuse you is a perfect way to hurt their pride, and put them in their place.

In addition, it shows that they have failed to demean you with their words.

  • At first, you act all brainy enough to blow your cover as being brave and brainless 

11. You are so brainless your words are always off-target.

Creatively insult them using this comeback. By saying this response, you are laughing contemptuously at their effort at trying to get at you.

Also, you are implying that even with their doubled effort to hurt you, they still don’t get the right approach to doing that. 

  • Assuming you have a brain, it doesn’t work, everything you say has no meaning.

12. Now I know why a brainless person like me feels at home around you, it’s because we are the same.

Another comeback that hits differently is when you try to deceive them by conceding to their opinion about you, only for you to turn the table around and make them the focus of scorn.

This approach always hits differently every time you try it. So go ahead and use this remarkable comeback to bash them.

  • If brainless people were to form a clan, you would be our king.

13. You would have made it far in life if I was the one thinking for you.

Give them a snappy retort when they call you brainless. This creatively drags their weaknesses into the limelight to make good fun of them.

It’s a statement that stings so much that they will have to take a break and examine their life for a moment while struggling with the downfall inside.

14. When others develop brains in babies, you develop an extra stomach for food.

Make them know you are not just creative with comebacks, you are also observant while giving a comeback.

By using this statement, you are indicating that not only are they brainless, but they are also gluttonous. Using this roast will attract additional points to you.

  • Since you were a kid, I’m sure your parents stopped asking you questions that involve you using your brain.

15. Having such a big head with no brain should be added to the seven wonders of the world.

Move on to their physical appearance to craft a good comeback for them. Creatively, say that they have big heads with empty brains using this roast.

You can even give them the name “Edward” just to make it more fun.

Trust me when I say, they will feel like undressing because they can’t cope with the heat of this comeback.

  • Your head is too big for you to have a brain the size of a peanut.

16. You actively talk all day with your brain on a holiday.

Here is another sarcastic response to say to them. By using this statement, you are implying that although they have brains, they don’t make use of them.

That is even worse than someone with no brains.

  • Your brain becomes active when you are asleep and vanishes during the day when you need it most.

17. The only time your brain works is when you don’t talk or keep mute.

This great one-liner is a perfect insult for someone who calls you brainless.

By using this expression, you are implying that they have a brain but their brain is faulty. Even more stinging than saying you are brainless.

  • Your brain is scared to have a conversation, and that is why you talk without its permission.

18. Whatever occupies that head is just Pringles, not a single composition of sense.

When someone calls you brainless, sometimes resorting to name-calling is an effective way to drag them into the mud.

However, going creatively makes you more of an intelligent person, which is why you must use the come back to do your payback.

  • You develop a brain when it comes to food matters, and get rid of it when it comes to other life matters.

19. You inspire the word ” Beauty without Brains.

As promised earlier on comebacks that will strip them of their confidence, here is another one.

They might be confident about the fact that they are beautiful, therefore it will be difficult for you to roast them. Prove them wrong with this great comeback above.

  • I was going to compliment your beauty, but you don’t have the brain to understand what I meant.

20. The reason you felt I was brainless was because you forgot what it feels like to have a brain.

Lastly, crush them completely with this classic punchline.

Saying they have forgotten what it feels like to have a brain is a great comeback to prove to them that they are no match to you in this roast banter.

  • The last time you made use of your brain, you couldn’t pronounce the word brain yet.

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