20 Proper Insults for Someone Who Talks Too Much

Proper Insults for Someone Who Talks Too Much

People who talk too much do so without caution and annoyingly go on and on without knowing when to pause or stop.

This can be an annoying sight especially if the only thing you could do when in a conversation with them is to listen to their superfluous flow of words.

That even makes it less of a conversation than a monologue because you haven’t been given the chance to air your view, which is what a verbose person does.

Chances are you have taken their excesses to the brim and all you desire to do now is to shut them up but in a creative and sassy way.

Then this article you stumbled on is highly recommended for you, if you are looking for adequate insults for someone who talks too much.

They include sassy remarks, witty insults, deep sarcasm, and hot quips which you can use to clap back at a loquacious person.

Keep reading to find out!

Table of Contents

20 Proper Insults for Someone Who Talks Too Much

  1. I didn’t realize we were attending the “Excessive Verbal Diarrhea” convention today.
  2. Did you major in Chatterbox Studies, or did you just stumble upon it naturally?
  3. Your words are like a never-ending tap of nonsense. Can you please find the off switch?
  4. I’m amazed at how your mouth can keep up with the speed of your brain… or lack thereof.
  5. Congratulations! You’ve managed to turn speaking into an Olympic sport. Too bad you’re the only participant.
  6. I’ve heard that listening is an art, but you seem to have mastered the art of not shutting up.
  7. If silence is golden, you must be an exception to that saying.
  8. You have such an impressive collection of words. Shame they don’t come with an “edit” button.
  9. You talk too much that you have run out of sensible utterances
  10. Your voice is like a mosquito in my ear, except less enjoyable and irritating.
  11. Are you auditioning for a role in a talking marathon? Because I think you’ve got it in the bag.
  12.  I’m amazed by your ability to use so many words to say absolutely nothing of value.
  13. If talking was an Olympic sport, you’d win the gold medal for the “Marathon Mundane Monologues.
  14. Your words are like a never-ending game of Scrabble, except none of them make any sense.
  15.  I see you’ve taken up the noble cause of single-handedly keeping the dictionary in business.
  16. If we could harness your verbal energy, we could power a small village for a year.
  17. Do you have a permit for all the verbal pollution you’re spewing?
  18. I didn’t realize we were having a “Who Can Say the Most Pointless Things” contest. And yet, here you are, winning.
  19.  Your voice is like a broken record, except the record is stuck on the most annoying song ever.
  20. I’ve always believed in the power of words, but you’re testing my faith.

1. I didn’t realize we were attending the “Excessive Verbal Diarrhea” convention today.

 Proper Insults for Someone Who Talks Too Much

To start with insults to shun them, you might need more than a surface insult.

More effectively, is the creative insult that will convey your discontent with them, and possibly cut them off that talking spree.

By using this phrase, you are sarcastically classifying them as someone with a disorder which is verbal diarrhea, and that is why they can’t stop words running down from their mouth.

  • I think you have logorrhea; your excessive and incoherent talkativeness affirms it. You had better see a doctor soon before you talk your way into doom. 

2. Did you major in Chatterbox Studies, or did you just stumble upon it naturally?

This rhetorical question uses a name-calling strategy to insult a garrulous person, and wittingly create a chance to make them stop momentarily.

Also, with this rhetorical question you are creatively calling them a motor mouth or someone who has a talk disorder.

  • The only outstanding gift you got from heaven is your unwelded mouth. 

3. Your words are like a never-ending tap of nonsense. Can you please find the off switch?

You might wish to make a loquacious person stop abruptly, and however much you have tried doing that they seem to not give a heck about you.

The perfect switch for them is to use the above phrase to insult them and watch the insult hit them so hard that they will have no options to pause and reflect.

Make sure you are loud and harsh. That even hits them better.

  •  You spill so much nonsense from your mouth to the extent that you give a discount to whoever wants to listen.

4. I’m amazed at how your mouth can keep up with the speed of your brain… or lack thereof.

When you sit with a garrulous person for a long time, it comes to a point where they run out of words and start spilling nonsense. It is annoying that they still keep blabbing without the common sense to keep shut. 

The above phrase will be very effective in shutting them down because the intensity of this insult is all they need to save themselves from this prolix- unduly prolonged use of excessive words.

  • It’s a shame your brain can’t keep up with the way your mouth runs.  Maybe try using a little of that energy for critical thinking.

5. Congratulations! You’ve managed to turn speaking into an Olympic sport. Too bad you’re the only participant.

 Proper Insults for Someone Who Talks Too Much

Perhaps a loquacious person just paused for a while from their prolonged use of redundant words, use this insult to clap back at them sharply.

This portrays your inactiveness in what was meant to be a dialogue and your loss of interest as a result.

A talkative person needs to be reminded that it’s not all about them all the time, and the fact that they can talk doesn’t mean chances shouldn’t be given to other parties. The phrase above is perfect for this agenda.  

6. I’ve heard that listening is an art, but you seem to have mastered the art of not shutting up.

Talkatives have a problem and it’s that they don’t know when to keep quiet, and it is a very terrible act to think of.

Most people avoid people who talk too much because they assume them to be dumb, with no sensible thing coming out of their utterances. 

Let out your frustration on a chatterbox using this insult which can also do the task of sealing their lips. This statement suggests your irritation with their excessive chit-chat.

  • You do have a problem, and it is that you don’t know when to keep shut.

7. If silence is golden, you must be an exception to that saying.

Another savage line you can use to properly shut up someone who takes too much is ” If silence is golden, you must be an exception to that saying”.

This insult implies that they talk so much that they hardly have time to be sober and think about their life.

  • If your life depended on you keeping silent, you would be dead by now.

8. You have such an impressive collection of words. Shame they don’t come with an “edit” button.

The above insult will work magic and slam hard on your colleague who is verbose. It is a creative way of telling them that you are tired of listening to their rubbish talks.

9. You talk too much that you have run out of sensible utterances.

There is a belief that people who talk excessively run out of meaningful words which is 100% true because I have had an encounter with a talkative and I got fed up because they were already running out of meaningful things to say.

By using this insult, you are relaying to them that they have no sensible thing to say anymore and it’s high they stop before they get disgraced publicly.

  • You talk so much, it’s like you’ve emptied your reservoir of sensible things to say.

10. Your voice is like a mosquito in my ear, except less enjoyable and irritating.

Give a loquacious person a hard blow using this insult. By using this phrase on them, you are conveying your irritation towards their talking disorder which would definitely hurt them and force them to stop talking.

  • Your voice is a steady stream of irritation in my ears.

11. Are you auditioning for a role in a talking marathon? Because I think you’ve got it in the bag.

Here is another creative statement to scold a blabbermouth and to let them know they talk too much in case they pretend to know they do.

This statement exaggerates to explain the unmatched energy they exert in talking and sarcastically suggests that if talking were a race they would emerge as the winner.

12. I’m amazed by your ability to use so many words to say absolutely nothing of value.

Use this phrase above to step on talkative toes. When a chatterbox goes for hours talking, they get to a point where every other thing they say is nonsensical things.

If they don’t have the intuition to know when to keep quiet, then do them the little favor of reminding them to seal their mouth by using this insult above.

  • I’m in awe at how many words come from your mouth yet they are of no value.

13. If talking was an Olympic sport, you’d win the gold medal for the “Marathon Mundane Monologues.

Another expression to convey your distaste for their loquacious attribute. If you need a perfect balance between insult and family ties.

Therefore, this statement can be used to insult your cousin or brother who talks too much. It also uses exaggeration to emphasize their excessive use of words.

  • You’ve got a real shot at the gold medal in the “Marathon Mundane Monologues” event if talking ever makes it to the Olympics.

14. Your words are like a never-ending game of Scrabble, except none of them make any sense.

Another hit-the-mark insult you can use to bruise the ego of someone who talks too much is “Your words are like a never-ending game of Scrabble, except none of them make any sense.”

This statement is very funny and effective in making them lose their confidence in chit-chat.

  • You have a storage full of senseless words.

15. I see you’ve taken up the noble cause of single-handedly keeping the dictionary in business.

 Proper Insults for Someone Who Talks Too Much

Saying they talk too much such that even the dictionary can’t match up with their superfluous flow of words is a witty way to insult a motormouth in a way that they will feel ashamed.

Sometimes, the only thing a talkative needs to stop being one is an apt insult that will reset their brain.

16. If we could harness your verbal energy, we could power a small village for a year.

This is a clever way to tell a talkative that they expend their energy in frivolous talks when they can use it for other productive things.

It exerts a comic dominance to also buttress their unproductiveness and further suggests that if they have nothing meaningful to consume their energy on, they should use it to power a village for a year.

It is a witty insult to rebuke them for their excessive use of words.

  • With the amount you talk about, we could give Elon Musk a run for his money in the renewable energy market.

17. Do you have a permit for all the verbal pollution you’re spewing?

Give a talkative a hot jab using this statement. By this statement, you are implying that they are full of trash and are not meant to be allowed to talk in public.

  • Do you have a permit for all the trash you are dumping in this conversation?

18. I didn’t realize we were having a “Who Can Say the Most Pointless Things” contest. And yet, here you are, winning.

Assuming you are being constantly interrupted by a talkative every time you need to pass an important message, use this remark to send them to the island of silence. 

  • You deserve to be given the award of best in saying “the most pointless things”

19. Your voice is like a broken record, except the record is stuck on the most annoying song ever.

Express the resentment you feel towards their loquaciousness with this response. This statement likens people who talk too much to a broken record to achieve a stinging effect on them.

  • You are sounding like a broken record that endlessly repeats the same irritating tune.

20. I’ve always believed in the power of words, but you’re really testing my faith.

Get under the skin of a verbose human with this statement. This statement expresses your disappointment towards them for being someone who says a lot of unnecessary things.

You can use this statement to guilt trip them, that is if they have a conscience.

  • I’ve always believed in the power of words, but not after I met you.

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