20 Best Comebacks to Say When Someone Says “You Shouldn’t Act Like That

Best Comebacks to Say When Someone Says You Shouldn't Act Like That

Some people feel they must have a say in everything, including telling you how to behave and how not to.

These kinds of people can be annoying to deal with, and sometimes the best way to deal with them is to ignore them.

However, a good comeback can also do the trick. So, if someone tells you not to act a certain way, how do you respond to that?

If you’re wondering how to respond to such a comment, you’re in the right place. In this article, I’ll be taking you through various comebacks you can give to someone who says, “You shouldn’t act like that.”

20 Best Comebacks to Say When Someone Says “You Shouldn’t Act Like That”

There are countless retorts you can give to someone who tries to dictate how you should act. 

Some examples include: “Thank you. But, I can act the way I want,” “Hey Google! You seem to know it all.

But how come you don’t know when not to be stupid?” and “Thank you for your very elaborate technique on how to act, I’ll come to it after I’m done with mine.”

Here are 20 good comebacks for someone who says you shouldn’t act like that 

  1. Who are you to tell me what to do?
  2. When you get the power to stop me you can come back 
  3. Thank you. But, I can act the way I want
  4. You should lend your opinion when it’s asked
  5. So, tell me, how should I act? 
  6. Thank you, Mr. Know-all. But, I’m very much capable of knowing how to act
  7. Thank you for your very elaborate technique on how to act, I’ll come to it after I’m done with mine
  8. I appreciate your candid advice on my acting capability. Any other thing you’d like to add?
  9. Receiving advice from you is like seeking help from a blind man
  10. Okay, thank you. You can now swallow your suggestions, I don’t need them
  11. Hey Google! You seem to know it all. But how come you don’t know when not to be stupid?
  12. Since you know it all, advise yourself to shut your mouth sometimes
  13. That’s unnecessary since you don’t even know how to act
  14. If you knew how to act, you wouldn’t lend unsolicited advice 
  15. Why not do you and I do me?
  16. You’ve got no right to tell an adult how to act
  17. Thank you. But, I prefer to stick to my own better pattern
  18. Don’t you think I’d have asked if I needed your opinion?
  19. Alright. But I’ll act that way
  20. Says who?

Who Are You to Tell Me What to Do?

Best Comebacks to Say When Someone Says You Shouldn't Act Like That

“Who are you to tell me what to do?” is one of the best retorts for someone who asks you not to behave a certain way.

This response questions them on what right they’ve got to tell you want to do. It’s a great reply that doesn’t only show them your confidence, it also questions the authority they’ve got in your life.

Also, it’s a smart way to remind them of their place. It’ll work for someone who isn’t a loved one or an authority.

When You Get the Power to Stop Me You Can Come Back 

“When you get the power to stop me you can come back” is another perfect response when someone says you shouldn’t act like that.

It’s a savage reply that first lets them know that they’ve got no right to tell you what to do. Also, it’s a humorous way to mock them, letting them know that they don’t have any power or authority over you.

In addition, asking them to come back when they’ve got the power will further embarrass them.

  • When you get the power to stop me you can come back, I might just be waiting
  • When you get the power to stop me you can come back and try again 

Thank You. But, I Can Act the Way I Want 

“Thank you. But, I can act the way I want” is another thing to say to someone who asks you not to act a certain way.

This reply will work for a colleague at work or anywhere. It’s a great response that boldly tells them that you’re capable of doing what you want without disrespecting them.

You Should Lend Your Opinion When It’s Asked 

“You should lend your opinion when it’s asked” is another good comeback for someone who says you shouldn’t act like that.

It’s a smart reply that tells them that their opinion is not necessary. Also, it’ll work for someone fond of giving unsolicited advice.

It’s a sharp retort you should give and go on to ignore them.

  • You should lend your opinion when it’s asked. That shows maturity
  • You should lend your opinion when it’s asked and avoid butting into someone’s else business 

So, Tell Me, How Should I Act? 

Another clever clapback for someone who tries to dictate your actions is, “So, tell me, how should I act?” 

It’s a sarcastic response that humors them, making them think you’re ready to listen to them. However, with your tone and mannerisms, they won’t miss the mockery.

  • So, tell me, how should I act? Mr. Know-it-all
  • So, tell me, how should I act? I’d like the learn from the master of trades

Thank You, Mr. Know-all. But, I’m Very Much Capable of Knowing How to Act 

Another great retort for someone who tells you how to act is, “Thank your Mr. Know all. But, I’m very much capable of knowing how to act.”

This is an assertive reply that shows your confidence in your capabilities. Also, it’s a savage reply that ridicules them for acting like a know-all.

  • Thank you, Mr. Know-all. But, I’m very much capable of knowing how to act, so I don’t need to hear from you
  • Thank you, Mr. Know-all. But, I’m very much capable of knowing how to act, so keep your opinions to yourself 

Thank You for Your Very Elaborate Technique on How to Act, I’ll Come to It After I’m Done with Mine

Another clever response when someone tells you how to act is, “Thank you for your very elaborate technique on how to act, I’ll come to it after I’m done with mine.” 

It’s another sarcastic reply you can give to humor them. It’ll work after you listen to what they’ve got to say. 

Also, insisting that you’ll do yours before going for theirs is a smart way to let them know that they’ve just wasted their time telling you what to do.

I Appreciate Your Candid Advice on My Acting Capability. Any Other Things You’d Like to Add?

Another wonderful clapback for when someone says “You shouldn’t act like that” is “I appreciate your candid advice on my acting capability. Any other thing you’d like to add?”

This is another sarcastic response that humors them, implying that you’re genuinely grateful for their input.

However, with your tone, they should be able to tell that you’re mocking them.

Receiving Advice from You Is Like Seeking Help from a Blind Man 

“Receiving advice from you is like seeking help from a blind man” is another crazy reply to give someone who attempts to dictate your actions.

It’s a smooth comeback to hit them with and then go on continuing your business.

Also, it’s a savage reply that not only lets them know that you’re not listening to them, but also ridicules them for being unfit to guide you.

  • Receiving advice from you is like seeking help from a blind man, and I wouldn’t like to fall
  • Receiving advice from you is like seeking help from a blind man, who’s yet to lead himself 

Okay, Thank You. You Can Now Swallow Your Suggestions, I Don’t Need Them 

“Okay, thank you. You can now swallow your suggestions, I don’t need them” is another sharp thing to say to someone who says you should act their way.

It’s a funny and savage reply that first appreciates them for trying to advise you. However, asking that they swallow back their suggestions is like returning their advice to them.

It’s a hilarious way to reject their suggestions in their face.

Hey Google! You Seem to Know It All. But How Come You Don’t Know When Not to Be Stupid?

“Hey Google! You seem to know it all. But how come you don’t know when not to be stupid?” is another fantastic way to shut up someone who tries to tell you what you should do.

This response will work for a know-all, who has a say in everything. It’s an embarrassing statement that ridicules them by calling them Google.

Also, it’s a clever way to call them stupid.

Since You Know It All, Advise Yourself to Shut Your Mouth Sometimes 

“Since you know it all, advise yourself to shut your mouth sometimes” is another sharp response for someone who asks you to do things their way.

It’s a classic insult that’ll work for someone who talks a lot, providing inputs when not needed. Also, it lets them know that they need advice on how to act.

That’s Unnecessary Since You Don’t Even Know How to Act 

“That’s unnecessary since you don’t even know how to act” is another great way to shut up someone who tries to tell you what to do.

It’s a smart comeback that tells them they’re the ones who don’t know how to behave by trying to tell you what you should do.

  • That’s unnecessary since you don’t even know how to act. You should learn first
  • That’s unnecessary since you don’t even know how to act properly. When you know, to can find me

If You Knew How to Act, You Wouldn’t Lend Unsolicited Advice 

Another befitting reply for someone who says you shouldn’t act like that is, “If you knew how to act, you wouldn’t lend unsolicited advice.”

It’s a clever response that lets them know that you don’t need their advice while letting them know that they’re the ones who aren’t acting properly.

Why Not Do You and I Do Me?

Best Comebacks to Say When Someone Says You Shouldn't Act Like That

Another appropriate question for someone who asks you to do things their way is, “Why not do you and I do me?” 

It’s a simple reply that assertively tells them that you’re good with your ways, while they’re free to do their way.

You’ve Got No Right to Tell an Adult How to Act

“You’ve got no right to tell an adult how to act” is another simple way to ignore the advice someone gives you on how to act.

It reminds them of their place in your life, letting them know that they’ve got no right to dictate for you. 

  • You do realize you’ve got no right to tell a grown adult how to act? You need advice more
  • You do realize you’ve got no right to tell a grown adult how to act? You need lectures on how to behave 

Thank You. But, I Prefer to Stick to My Own Better Pattern

“Thank you. But, I prefer to stick to my own better pattern” is another simple yet assertive reply for someone who tells you how to behave.

Also, it’s a sarcastic response that ridicules their opinion, letting them know that they haven’t given you a better option.

  • Thank you. But, I prefer to stick to my own better pattern. You can stick to your useless style
  • Thank you. But, I prefer to stick to my pattern for my sanity 

Don’t You Think I’d Have Asked if I Needed Your Opinion?

Another smart clapback for someone who tries to dictate your actions is, “Don’t you think I’d have asked if I needed your opinion?” 

This response will shut them up, by letting them know that their opinion is not needed.

But I’ll Act That Way 

“Alright. But I’ll act that way” is another smooth comeback for someone who says you shouldn’t act that way.

It’s a simple reply that acknowledges their statement while letting them know you’ll do what you want to do. Also, it’s a smart way of letting them know that they’ve got no right to dictate for you.

Says Who?

Best Comebacks to Say When Someone Says You Shouldn't Act Like That

Another sharp comeback is, “Says who?” 

This response is a classic one that ridicules their person, reminding them of their place. Also, it questions their right to tell you what to do.


When someone tries to tell you what to do, you can remind them of their place with great replies that’ll shut them up.

With this article, you’ve got all you need to deal with a know-it-all who tries to dictate how you should behave. Feel free to use them appropriately.

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