20 Best Insults for a Vegan

Best Insults For a Vegan

Some find it amusing that certain folks don’t consume animal products or by product due to whatever reasons. Well this article contains 20 fully loaded word weapons to open fire on a Vegan. 

It entails the combination of sarcastic statements, rhetorical questions and exaggerated comments to insult a vegan or their lifestyle. 

Perhaps you are familiar or close with people who live this lifestyle or are enthusiast of not eating meat then you could make use of any of these expressions on them.

Being good with insults is all about perfecting creativity which has been able to birth this expressions. 

Now let’s begin with the burning disses!

Table of Contents

List of 20 Best Insults for a Vegan

  1. Just because you don’t eat meat does not make you a superhero of goats. 
  2. I wonder if you’re even healthy considering how much nutritious food you don’t eat because you’re a vegan. 
  3. What’s the relevance of your teeth if you don’t have meat anymore, I suggest you donate it.  
  4. You’re just as feeble as the plants you eat everyday, Vegan lord!
  5. I bet you forgot the meaning of flavor since you started your vegan lifestyle. 
  6. If a vegan is going to be so compassionate to animals not to eat it, who is also going to be compassionate to plants not to eat it? 
  7. Vegans are so amazing, I watch them as I munch on some good old chicken fries. 
  8. Anytime I eat a vegan meal I really understand the importance of eating meat. 
  9. There’s nothing I pity more than the tongue of a vegan, it’s been denied flavor and good taste for years. 
  10. Whenever I see a vegan talking about good food, I liken it to a bald man talking about hair. 
  11. No one admits that being vegan is torture, everyone wants to stick to secretly eating chicken wings at night. 
  12. Being a Vegan does not mean you have to only wear green coloured outfits. 
  13. Vegans talk about greens and vegetables but all they think of is roasted turkey.
  14. The only regret that a vegan has is that they don’t get to eat meat. 
  15. If you’re a fan of variety and a foodie cease from being a vegan. 
  16. Even a little kid knows that eating vegetables suck, so you better stop lying about loving being a vegan.
  17. I would rather shave my head than become a vegan. 
  18. You’re never vibrant, I wouldn’t blame you, you’re a vegan. 
  19. The only thing green in the life of a vegan is his vegetables, the rest of his life is pure black and devastating. 
  20. What makes a person decide to be a vegan is what makes another person decide to be crazy.

Just because you don’t eat meat does not make you a superhero of goats. 

This is a funny expression to crack up a vegan. Being a ‘’superhero of goat”. Is a funny way of ridiculing the impression that vegans have because they do not eat animals, that makes them better than other people. 

This would be a good line to drop on a night out with your friends. 

  • You’re not that great because you don’t eat animals. 
  • The king of saving pigs is here, welcome! 

I wonder if you’re even healthy considering how much nutritious food you don’t eat because you’re a vegan. 

This comment insults a vegan in a lot of ways. It attacks the whole essence of being a vegan by implying that they lack nutrition because of the amount of food they have to avoid eating. 

No vegan wants to be insulted in such a manner which makes this expression a clever insult. 

  • You eat so many vegetables but I doubt you have the right nutrients. 
  • You don’t have nutrition in you, all you eat is vegetables. 

What’s the relevance of your teeth if you don’t eat meat anymore, I suggest you donate it.  

This statement is insulting to a vegan because it implies that they don’t need teeth because they don’t take meat. 

Perhaps if you have friends that are vegans you could use a statement like this to tease them a little bit which could make them uncomfortable. 

  • Your teeth are useless if you’re no longer eating meat, donate it. 
  • I think you should donate some parts of your teeth since you no longer eat meat. 

You’re just as feeble as the plants you eat everyday, Vegan lord!

This kind of expression is truly insulting because a vegan does something that they love so much in a negative way. 

It suggests that a vegan is as weak as a vegetable which could make them mad and upset. If you’re aiming for a punchline, then you could make use of this sentence. 

  • You’re even weaker than the vegetables that you eat. 
  • You eat like a weakling, you are just like the vegetables you eat. 

I bet you forgot the meaning of flavor since you started your vegan lifestyle. 

Another hilarious expression is this one because it exaggerates how a vegan does not eat food with lots of flavor by saying that the individual forgot what flavor means. 

It’s a nice expression that you could use on your colleagues at work that are vegans to see their reaction. 

  • You don’t know what flavor means anymore, you’re a vegan. 
  • You’ve become flavorless since the day you decided to be a vegan. 

If a vegan is going to be so compassionate to animals not to eat it, who is also going to be compassionate to plants not to eat it? 

Best Insults For a Vegan

 This is an insult to a vegan because it disregards the fundamental ethical reasons behind veganism. 

Vegans abstain from consuming animal products due to concerns about animal welfare, environmental and sometimes health reasons.

Suggesting that they should extend this compassion to plants overlooks the key differences between plants and animals. 

  • Since you’re so compassionate why don’t you not eat plants at all? 
  • You claim to be a compassionate person, plants wouldn’t agree with you on that. 

Vegans are so amazing, I watch them as I munch on some good old chicken fries. 

This is an hilarious one-liner insult to a vegan. It takes the whole essence of the initial compliment and shoves it in the mud. 

“Munching on chicken” while admiring vegan is a funny contrast which ridicules the vegan by saying that they are not that great and the individual is satisfied with living a nonvegan lifestyle. 

  • Vegans are so amazing but I am good with chicken. 
  • What can I do? The chickens won’t let me go, vegan isn’t my style. 

Anytime I eat a vegan meal I really understand the importance of eating meat. 

This is a funny expression that could do the trick of insulting a vegan quite well. 

Eating vegetables and then fully understanding the importance of eating meat makes the entirety of being a vegan completely useless. 

  • Anytime I eat a salad I realize how good meat is. 
  • Salad has always been so good until I tasted meat. 

There’s nothing I pity more than the tongue of a vegan, it’s been denied flavor and good taste for years. 

It’s nice to Insult a person in an hilarious manner, the inclusion of symbols could help in coming up with many good expressions. 

A vegans tongue lacking flavor is one of the funny ways to Insult a vegan by implying that they don’t eat tasty food. 

  • Your tongue must be super excited the day it will taste something flavourful. 
  • I can’t stand how a vegans tongue has to suffer this much. 

Whenever I see a vegan talking about good food, I liken it to a bald man talking about hair. 

An expression like this could get a crowd to laugh hysterically as it is absolutely ridiculous for a vegan. 

Likening vegans talking about good food to a bald man talking about hair clearly indicates that they don’t know what they are talking about or not vast in that area. 

  • You’re talking about good food as a vegan? I don’t want to hear it. 
  • If you want to listen to bad advice, let a vegan educate you about good food. 

No one admits that being vegan is torture, everyone wants to stick to secretly eating chicken wings at night. 

Best Insults For a Vegan

This comment insults a vegan in an hilarious way that interpretes that the sincerity of vegan keeping up with their lifestyle is questionable. 

The right comic tone and context could make this expression burn a vegan more. 

  • Everyone eats chicken at night and then comes out in the morning talking about vegetables. 
  • Vegetarians are so good at eating wings at night, it’s a secret. 

Being a Vegan does not mean you have to only wear green coloured outfits. 

This statement would be best effective on a vegan that’s also into fashion or putting together outfits. 

It exaggerates the person’s strict idea of being a vegan that it also reflects in their way of dressing, it’s a comment that could hurt a vegan fashionista a little. 

  • You wear green everyday, you might be mistaken for a vegetable one day. 
  • You are so obsessed with wearing green, you’re a vegan not a vegetable. 

Vegans talk about greens and vegetables but all they think of is roasted turkey.

This is a funny way of questioning the true character and beliefs of a vegan, it’s like saying that their true character is all a lie. 

Eating roasted turkey is a funny way of saying that vegans could actually enjoy meat but try not to admit it. 

  • You’re thinking about fried chicken but as a vegan that’s a crime. 
  • You can’t be thinking about chicken and talking about being a vegan. 

The only regret that a vegan has is that they don’t get to eat meat. 

Best Insults For a Vegan

Vegans are folks who choose not to eat animals or byproducts of animals which makes this sentence insulting, because it literally means that they regret being vegan, and that they have made a big mistake. 

It’s a kind of line that could make a vegan flip tables anytime. 

  • You don’t eat meat, no wonder you live in constant regret. 
  • You don’t have to eat vegetables only anymore, I know you regret it. 

If you’re a fan of variety and a foodie, cease from being a vegan. 

This expression makes being vegan look less fun and limiting to food which is an insult to a vegan. 

It’s advice that suggests that being a foodie or loving good food means to keep off from being vegan which could hurt a vegan. 

  • I am a fan of variety in food so being a vegan is not for me. 
  • I don’t think being vegan allows you to eat good food, what a pity. 

Even a little kid knows that eating vegetables suck, so you better stop lying about loving being a vegan.

This statement insults a vegan directly by insinuating that being vegan purely sucks and that’s a basic fact that everybody knows including little kids. 

Perhaps you have friends that are vegan this would be a good line to diss them a little bit. 

  • You can’t be serious about loving life as a vegan, even infants would know you’re lying. 
  • You seem to be lying about loving your lifestyle as a vegan, it’s easy to tell. 

I would rather shave my head than become a vegan. 

This expression exaggerates the extreme at which the person would not want to be a vegan. 

Shaving off someone’s head rather than being a vegan could indicate how miserable it feels being a vegan. 

  • I would rather allow myself to be bald than deny myself of meat. 
  • People who don’t eat meat must feel light headed often. 

You’re never vibrant, I wouldn’t blame you, you’re a vegan. 

This expression interpretes that vegans aren’t vibrant or cheerful which could get a vegan mad. 

A line like this could interpret that vegans are gloomy people and they don’t smile due to their lifestyle. 

  • You’re not happy at all lately, well you’re a vegan so I understand. 
  • I hope you become happier, or better still quit being vegan. 

The only thing green in the life of a vegan is his vegetables, the rest of his life is pure black and devastating. 

This insult attacks not only the lifestyle of a vegan but the entirety of their being by suggesting that the rest of their life is pure black and devastating. 

It’s an hilarious yet insulting comment that could be thrown to your vegan friends or family on a Saturday night. 

  • Your life is definitely not green like the salad you constantly eat. 
  • You eat a lot of green food yet your life is so dark. 

What makes a person decide to be a vegan is what makes another person decide to be crazy.

This is a funny statement that interprets that a vegan decision to be vegan is something that could make another crazy which is very insulting. 

Remember that when insulting a vegan, the right comic tone and context could help in making the insult more effective. 

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