20 Best Roasts for Naruto Fans

Best Roasts for Naruto Fans

Naruto is unarguably one of the most popular manga series of all time, with lots of fans scattered beyond Japan.

However, not everyone watched or enjoyed the series. If you fall into any of these categories or you don’t appreciate the way fans keep talking and praising the series, maybe it’s time to roast them.

This article brings together the best one-liners to roast a Naruto fan.

So, whether you’re in a roast battle or you want to tease them at any time, you’ll have something to say.

20 Best Roasts for Naruto Fans 

Some of the things you can say to ridicule a Naruto fan include:

“If you were half as smart as Naruto, I’d take you seriously,” “What do you call a 2024 Naruto fan? A progressive dimwit,” and “Being a Naruto fan shows your poor sense of taste, sight, and low intellect.”

Below are 20 interesting one-liners for a Naruto fan:

  1. If you were half as smart as Naruto, I’d take you seriously
  2. Naruto is the worst anime character
  3. Sadly, being a Naruto fan hasn’t improved your sense of reasoning
  4. You’ll find the dumbest people among Naruto fans
  5. Boruto does it better than Naruto
  6. Naruto fans are the worst people to engage with
  7. What do you call a 2024 Naruto fan? A progressive dimwit
  8. Naruto fans are just like blind followers
  9. Even Zaku Abumi has more sense than you
  10. If you were a character in Naruto, you’d be Sakura
  11. Being a fan of something popular doesn’t make you any more special
  12. If there’s one thing you should have learned from Naruto, it’s speed
  13. There’s nothing worse than being a Naruto fan
  14. Being a Naruto fan shows your poor sense of taste, sight, and low intellect 
  15. You’d be a better fan if you paid attention to the real-life lessons rather than screaming like a kid all the time
  16. The difference between you and a kid is that they still have the chance to grow in intelligence 
  17. Whenever I remember you’re a Naruto fan, I intensify my prayers for you
  18. You’re far gone, I wish you healing
  19. A Naruto fan is more helpless than a dying man
  20. If you’re still a Naruto fan at this age, your case is beyond help

If You Were Half as Smart as Naruto, I’d Take You Seriously 

“If you were half as smart as Naruto, I’d take you seriously” is one of the best lines you can use to roast a Naruto fan.

This line is a smart way to make fun of them by feeding them what they like to hear and using it to insult them. 

First, this expression praises Naruto, the main character in the series for being smart, which is something fans would like to hear.

However, this same comment ridicules them by comparing them to Naruto and implying that they’re not as smart as him.

It’s a crazy and hilarious way to get them.

  • Maybe if you’re as smart as Naruto that you’re obsessed about, I’d pay more attention to you

Naruto Is the Worst Anime Character 

One thing fans never appreciate is talking bad about what they love. 

So, this punchline, “Naruto is the worst anime character” is one of the things to say to upset a loyal fan.

In the Anime world, Naruto fans would argue that he’s the best, so hearing something opposite would rile them quickly.

  • Naruto is the worst anime character, just like you’re the worst set of fans

Sadly, Being a Naruto Fan Hasn’t Improved Your Sense of Reasoning 

“Sadly, being a Naruto fan hasn’t improved your sense of reasoning” is another crazy comment to make about a Naruto fan to roast them.

This is an iconic line that focuses on their intelligence without talking down on the anime series.

In fact, it implies that the series is good enough to make them better. However, since it hasn’t, this line insults them for that.

Also, it’s something you can say during a conversation with them as an observation.

  • Sadly, being a Naruto fan hasn’t improved your sense of reasoning, I’m tired of talking with you
  • Sadly, being a Naruto fan hasn’t improved your sense of reasoning. It’s such a waste 

You’ll Find the Dumbest People Among Naruto Fans 

“You’ll find the dumbest people among Naruto fans” is another interesting line you can use to make fun of a Naruto fan.

This line is an insulting generalization that doesn’t just call them dumb, it also extends the insult to other fans.

Also, it’s a smart punchline for a roast duel to corner them. 

  • You’ll find the dumbest people among Naruto fans. I don’t bother with them

Boruto Does It Better Than Naruto

“Boruto does it better than Naruto” is another line a Naruto fan wouldn’t like to hear.

Boruto is a sequel to Naruto. It follows the story of Naruto’s son, Boruto. While the series are part of the same film, they’re still independent stories.

So, people who are die-hard fans of the Naruto character wouldn’t like to hear that his son is better than him, or that the series is better than the Naruto series. It’s a quick way to get a fan riled up.

Naruto Fans Are the Worse People to Engage with

“Naruto fans are the worst people to engage with” is another thing to say to insult a Naruto fan.

There are lots of speculations on the internet that Naruto fans are usually toxic.

So, this is a fantastic punchline that backs up that claim. It’s something you can say to dismiss them when they try to converse with you. 

  • Naruto fans are the worst people to engage with. So, I always avoid them 

What Do You Call a 2024 Naruto Fan? A Progressive Dimwit 

“What do you call a 2024 Naruto fan? A progressive dimwit” is another interesting line you can use to roast a Naruto fan.

Naruto is an old series that first started as manga in 1999, and in 2002, the first episode of the TV series was released.

While the manga series ended in 2014, the TV series ended in 2017. So, this line ridicules them for still being a fan in the year 2024, 7 years after the movie stopped airing.

Moreover, this line implies that they’re already a dimwit for being a fan and a progressive one for still being a fan in the present year.

  • A 2024 Naruto fan must be an evergreen dimwit
  • You must be a loyal dimwit for still being a fan in 2024

Naruto Fans Are Just Like Blind Followers 

“Naruto fans are just like blind followers” is another classic one-liner you can use to ridicule a Naruto fan.

This statement compares them to someone who blindly follows another person without looking at their flaws.

It’s a smart way to say that the Naruto series is bad. So, this statement criticizes them for liking something that isn’t good enough.

  • There’s nothing to like about Naruto, the fans are just blind followers 

Even Zaku Abumi Has More Sense Than You

“Even Zaku Abumi has more sense than you” is another hilarious way to attack a Naruto fan.

Zaku Abumi is one of the characters in the anime series, who’s not liked by many. He’s regarded as one of the dumbest characters in the series.

So, this statement is an interesting way to roast a fan, as it implies that Zaku who’s considered dumb is better than them. Besides, it’s a clever way to insult them when they do something wrong.

  • Even Zaku Abumi has more sense than you, I’m surprised

If You Were a Character in Naruto, You’d Be Sakura

Best Roasts for Naruto Fans

“If you were a character in Naruto, you’d be Sakura” is another thing to say to ridicule a Naruto fan.

Sakura is seen as one of the dumbest characters in the series. Many fans dislike her.

So, this punchline is a hilarious way to insult a Naruto fan, implying that they’re as dumb as she is.

  • If you were a character in Naruto, you’d be Sakura. You act like her, without any thought

Being a Fan of Something Popular Doesn’t Make You Any More Special

Some people like to think that because something is popular, it’s great. As a result,  many people like to identify with it.

So, a great way to ridicule a Naruto fan is by letting them know that there’s nothing special about them.

Telling them that being a Naruto fan doesn’t make them any special to their face is a smart way to douse their ego. Also, it’s a smart way to shut them up when they begin to speak proudly about the series.

  • Just because you’re obsessed with Naruto, don’t think you know more than us
  • Being a fan of something popular doesn’t add to your smartness 

If There’s One Thing You Should Have Learned from Naruto, It’s Speed

“If there’s one thing you should have learned from Naruto, it’s speed” is another thing to say to ridicule a Naruto fan.

One of the many superpowers Naruto has is speed. So, this line will work for someone slow.

It’s a great way to call them out for their sluggishness while ridiculing them for being a fan without learning anything.

  • If there’s one thing you should have learned from Naruto, it’s speed, you’re annoyingly sluggish 

There’s Nothing Worse Than Being a Naruto Fan 

“There’s nothing worse than being a Naruto fan” is another thing to say to ridicule a Naruto fan.

This statement implies that being a Naruto fan is a bad experience. Also, it ridicules them by stating that there’s nothing worse than it.

  • Being a Naruto is the worst thing that can happen to you

Being a Naruto Fan Shows Your Poor Sense of Taste, Sight, and Low Intellect 

“Being a Naruto fan shows your poor sense of taste, sight, and low intellect” is another crazy line you can use to roast a Naruto fan.

This is a real finisher that’s going to leave a sick burn. It ridicules them for being a fan, insulting them for lacking the ability to decipher a good movie.

  • For being a Naruto fan, it already shows your low intelligence 

You’d Be a Better Fan if You Paid Attention to the Real Life Lessons Rather Than Screaming Like a Kid All the Time 

This statement is another smart way to insult a Naruto fan

It mocks them for not picking any lessons from the film, but rather screaming all the time. So, it’ll work for someone who gets too excited when watching the film to scold them.

Moreover, comparing them to a kid would sting.

The Difference Between You and a Kid Is That They Still Have the Chance to Grow in Intelligence

This line is another interesting way to roast a Naruto fan.

It’s a crazy line that mocks them for lacking intelligence. Also, it compares them to a kid, implying that they’re better than them.

  • At least with a kid, we’re sure they’ve got a chance to be intelligent, but with you, it’s a lost cause

Whenever I Remember You’re a Naruto Fan, I Intensify My Prayers for You 

Best Roasts for Naruto Fans

“Whenever I remember you’re a Naruto fan, I intensify my prayers for you” is another hilarious way to make fun of a Naruto fan.

This line is something you can say during a conversation about anime while shaking your head. It’s a smart way to say that they need help.

  • Whenever I remember you’re a Naruto fan, I intensify my prayers for you before you’re finished 

You’re Far Gone, I Wish You Healing

“You’re far gone, I wish you healing” is another funny line you can say to roast a Naruto fan.

It’s another crazy comment you can say while shaking your head for emphasis on how pitiable they are. Also, it’ll work for an obsessed fan.

  • You’re far gone, I wish you healing from whatever possessed you from that series 

A Naruto Fan Is More Helpless Than a Dying Man 

“A Naruto fan is more helpless than a dying man” is another crazy comment to make about a Naruto fan.

It’s another classic insult that emphasizes how bad it is for them to be a fan of the anime.

Saying that a dying man is better than them is just a funny exaggeration you can use to express your annoyance at their obsession.

If You’re Still a Naruto Fan at This Age, Your Case Is Beyond Help

“If you’re still a Naruto fan at this age, your case is beyond help” is something you can say to an adult fan who has loved the movie since childhood.

It mocks them, implying that they should’ve grown past the movie by now. Moreover, describing their situation as beyond help will sting more.


This article has provided you with enough one-liners you can use to roast a Naruto fan.

So, when next you’re pissed off by a Naruto fan, you can use these examples to deal with them. They’re interesting and will cause some good laughs.

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