60 Clever Insults for a Backstabber

Clever Insults for a Backstabber

Having to deal with a backstabber can be one of the most frustrating tasks there is. A backstabber is a hypocrite who makes it their duty to hurt people with the lies and rumors they spread.

There are countless reasons why people backstab one another. However, these reasons don’t eliminate the cruelty in the act.

If you have to deal with a backstabber, then you better prepare beforehand to disarm them. 

In this article, I’ll be showing you great lines you can use to insult and disarm someone who talks maliciously at your back.

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60 Clever Insults for a Backstabber

Below are 60 smart one-liners for a backstabber:

You’re just a hopeless coward, waiting for my back to be turned before you strike

A backstabber is a coward since they can’t speak in your presence. This great one-liner will remind them of their place.

I’m not bothered because you’re mean. But the fact that you pretend to be good is a very bad sign

If you know your enemies you’re on the safe side. But, a pretender is worse than an enemy. Tell these words to the backstabber to ridicule them.

You’re just a spineless being that can’t stand in my face

Use this classic punchline to tell them how much of a coward they are.

You must be very good at hide and seek. How come I never saw your true colors?

Use this sarcastic line to make fun of them. It’s a crazy line that shows your surprise at discovering who they truly are.

I’m sorry I made you a backstabber, I shouldn’t have turned my back

This is another sarcastic line that you can use to mock them on discovering their true color. Apologizing for their actions will surely sting.

My bad. I made the mistake of trusting you

Clever Insults for a Backstabber

Another hilarious and sarcastic line you can use to make fun of them when confronting them. 

I can see you find happiness in hurting people

Use this line to point out their evil character. It’ll work well in the presence of others.

How sick are you to find happiness in people’s pain

This smooth one-liner will call them out for their evil ways. Also, making this remark in front of others will sting more.

You’re only good at backstabbing, nothing else

Use this line to let them know that they lack skills except backstabbing. It’ll work well when they make a mistake in what they’re doing.

How come you never use your brain for anything good?

This is another iconic punchline that accuses them of always thinking up evil. It’ll work well after you catch them in their backstabbing act.

Your hypocrisy will surprise the hypocrites

This is a classic one-liner that emphasizes how good of a hypocrite they are. It’ll work to ridicule them once you discover their deceptive nature.

You’re not even smart enough to sharpen your knife first

This is a play on words you can use to make fun of them by implying that they’re not smart backstabbers. Also, it shows them that their malicious ways have failed to hurt you.

Now, I can see that nothing good can come out of you 

This brilliant line insults them by implying that they’re beyond help. Concluding that nothing good can come out of them will certainly hurt.

Well, I’m not bothered because you’ll always be behind me

This beautiful line tells them that whatever they do behind you doesn’t move you. After all, they’re behind you.

How come your bad energy activates whenever our backs are turned?

This funny line ridicules them by calling them out for their pretentious nature.

I can see your strength lies on my back

Another hilarious and sarcastic line you can use to make fun of their character. Also, stating that their strength is on your back shows them their place.

You’re better off cutting off your mouth

This line points out their gossip nature by stating that cutting off their mouth is best to stop their evil ways. It’ll surely embarrass them.

You must have hurt your knife while stabbing me, I pray it never heals

This is a classic insult that ridicules them for failing to ruin your reputation with their actions. Also, adding that their knife never heals makes it hilarious.

A snake should come to you for some lessons

This classic punchline emphasizes how very good they are at backstabbing. Stating that a snake should learn from them is funny to insult them for their skill at ruining people.

Even the devil will be surprised at your skills

Clever Insults for a Backstabber

This crazy line also emphasizes how very good they are at backstabbing. Also, comparing them to the devil by making the devil appear less evil will certainly sting.

If you spent all your energy you used in backstabbing to till the ground, you wouldn’t look this hungry

This brilliant one-liner makes fun of them for looking hungry while insulting them for their evil character.

If you’re going to run your mouth, at least run it well

This is another clever punchline that ridicules them for being bad in their skills. Also, it’s a funny way to let them know that they failed to get at you.

Do you want more knives? You seem to be very jobless 

A hilarious pun you can use to make fun of them. It implies that they lack a job which is why they go about talking behind people.

Be careful, you might just die by the sword

Clever Insults for a Backstabber

This is a brilliant line that both ridicules and warns them. It’ll work while confronting them.

I see self-hate is eating you up

This simple and classic one-liner insults them by implying that they hate themselves and that’s why they backstab.

You suffer from chronic jealousy

This simple line calls them out for their actions in a demeaning way. Saying they suffer from chronic jealousy emphasizes how bad their situation is.

You’re not even very good at it, maybe you should take some lessons

Another hilarious line that mocks them for failing to succeed at bringing you down.

You can have your knife back now. Remember to clean up your mess next time

Another funny way to mock them for doing a bad job. It clearly tells them they failed to get you.

Wow! I thought you only talked behind backs, how courageous!

This clever punchline will insult them when they make a sentence in your presence. It’s a smart way to tell them you know their true color. Also, it’ll work well during a group discussion after they contribute.

Aren’t you making a mistake? You should wait for my back to be turned before you speak

Another smart way to ridicule them is when they contribute to a discussion with friends.

You’ve got two faces, yet none is worth looking at

A sharp punchline that ridicules their hypocrisy. Also, it’s a funny play on words that tells them they mean nothing to you.

Is your makeup finished? I can suddenly see your different looks

A smart line that tells them you’ve caught up with their hypocrisy.

What makes you think a snake makes it in life?

Another smart way to insult them for their hypocrisy. Moreover, calling them a snake will surely hurt.

Being a snake did not satisfy you, you instead chose to be a cunning one

Another hilarious and clever way to ridicule them for their backstabbing act.

You must be sleeping with one eye closed. Am I wrong?

Use this one-liner to make fun of them. It implies that they end up restless after trying to ruin people.

You’re worse than an evil spirit, at least they come with a warning label

Another crazy and hilarious line that’ll get to them. Use this classic punchline to ridicule them for their hypocrisy. Moreover, stating that they’re worse than an evil spirit will surely sting.

You’re worse than a nightmare, at least they only haunt you at night

Another hilarious comparison that emphasizes how evil they are. It states that having a nightmare can’t be compared to them.

If you were happy, you wouldn’t be malicious

A smart way to call them out for their malicious character. It states that their unhappiness is the reason.

How much did the devil buy your soul?

Another smart and hilarious way to taunt them for their malicious ways. It tells them that they’ve sold their soul to the devil to emphasize how evil they are.

Are you that broke, that you had to sell your conscience?

Another brilliant punchline that ridicules them for their bad ways. It’s a play on words you can use to call them out.

Snakes are poisonous, especially the human species

Another smart line that refers to them as a snake. It tells them how evil they are.

Being a loser has made you cruel, how come I never saw it?

Another smart line that calls them a loser and also insults them for being a backstabber.

Did I ignore you too much? Is that why you stabbed my back?

This classic insult ridicules them for feeling ignored by you, which probably led them to their evil act.

If only you wear your cruelty like a gown, it’d have been less embarrassing

Another clever way to call them out for their hypocrisy. It’ll work well when you catch up on their ways.

You must be very clueless to think you can hurt me

Another smart line you can use to taunt them for failing to get you.

From what I can see, you’re more hurt than me

Use this remark to make fun of them by implying that they ended up hurting themselves more than they hurt you.

Go fix yourself and you’ll be alright

This simple expression is a sarcastic one-liner that sounds like you care. However, it’s just a smart way to tell them that they’ve got a problem that needs attention.

You sound restless, I pray you never find peace

A brilliant line you can use to express your feelings. It’ll also ridicule them.

I hope you’re aware that there’s no peace for the wicked

Another sharp line you can use to call them out once you discover their true colors.

What if nobody turns their back anymore, how will you survive?

Another funny way to insult them is by implying that they’re only good at functioning behind people.

Your attempt at destroying my image is hilarious

A humorous way to make fun of them for failing to hurt you.

A damaged person can’t damage me. I’m not bothered

Use this classic and clever one-liner to insult them by implying that they’re already damaged, so they can’t hurt you.

The more you try, the more you hurt the hand holding the knife

This smart statement ridicules them by telling them that they can never bring you down with their words. But rather, they’ll keep hurting themselves.

You’re just a failure. It’s very clear now

This brilliant one-liner makes fun of them as a failure.

Do you know why I won’t mind you? Because I’m always ahead of you

This beautiful response shows your confidence while ridiculing them for failing to get you because you’re always ahead.

I won’t pay attention to someone one step close to their grave

This iconic punchline insults them by stating that they’re close to dying and so can’t do anything. It’s just a funny way to ridicule their uselessness.

I hope you choke on your own medicine

A smart way to wish them what they wish you.

I’m more worried about you. You seem to be losing it

A very brilliant way to turn the table around. It ridicules them by implying that they’re getting crazy.

What gives you the boldness to act foolishly?

Another funny way to mock them for failing to get you. Also, calling them foolish will surely sting.

A hypocrite like you has no future, so I’m not bothered 

Clever Insults for a Backstabber

This statement tells them you’re not bothered by what they do since they can never be better than you.

Wrapping Up 

There are plenty of ways you can face a backstabber without getting physical. Once you know who they truly are, you can make use of any of these clever punchlines to insult them.

Also, you can use them anytime, especially when they’re not expecting to call them out.

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