20 Clever Insults for a Hypocrite

Clever Insults for a Hypocrite

All humans are prone to hypocrisy. It’s part of the human nature. However, what makes the difference is the ability to control the trait and not make it a habit or a part of you.

No one loves hypocrites. These set of people live a pretentious life. They preach things they don’t do and put up different attitudes on different occasions.

Unfortunately, hypocrites are everywhere. They’re on the internet, workplace, and even within our circles. So, I understand how frustrating it can be having to interact with one every day.

That’s why in this article, I’ll be discussing clever insults for pretentious people. You can use these one-liners to call them out and put them in their place.

20 Clever Insults for a Hypocrite

There are countless ways to deal with hypocrites. With clever punchlines, you can show them their place and keep them far away from you.

Some examples of witty insults include: “Nothing is worse than living with your two faces every day,” “Hypocrites have low self-esteem,” and “I’m not surprised, hypocrisy begins at home.” 

Here are 20 clever one-liners for a hypocrite:

  1. You’re worse than a green snake in a green grass
  2. When they said, “The devil you know is better than the angel you don’t know,” they were actually referring to you
  3. I don’t hate the fact that you’re a hypocrite, I hate the fact that you pretend not to be one
  4. Nothing is worse than living with your two faces every day
  5. The only difference between you and a chameleon is that it’s smarter
  6. You should take lessons from a snake if you want to be better
  7. The worst thing you can do to yourself is tell yourself lies
  8. Hypocrites have low-self esteem 
  9. When you start to love yourself, you won’t bother pretending to be what you’re not
  10. Hypocrites die every day 
  11. How do you cope with your multiple personalities?
  12. You should receive the award for the best liar on earth
  13. You’re the worst person to come across
  14. Living with an animal is better than you, at least they always show their true colors
  15. Your parents must hate you because I’m sure you deceived them to be born
  16. You have displaced the devil to become the world’s greatest deceiver
  17. The only difference between you and the devil is that it’s true to itself
  18. Your deceitfulness is an insult to my intelligence
  19. I’m not surprised, hypocrisy begins at home
  20. You think you’re smart, you’re just a smart idiot 

You’re Worse Than a Green Snake in a Green Grass 

“You’re worse than a green snake in a green grass” is one of the clever things you can say to insult a hypocrite.

This saying, “You’re a green snake in a green grass,” is often used to describe someone who pretends and hides their true colors.

So, comparing them to a green snake in green grass will surely sting. Also, adding that they’re worse will surely get to them. It’ll work for someone who pretends to be your friend.

When They Said, “The Devil You Know Is Better Than the Angel You Don’t Know,” They Were Actually Referring to You 

This is another smart line you can use to insult a hypocrite.

First, the expression, “The devil you know is better than the angel you don’t know” is an African proverb. It explains that it’s better to deal with someone you know, even with their bad attitude, than to deal with someone you don’t know.

Another variation of this saying is, “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.”

So, this classic insult is a clever way to call out a hypocrite. It explains that people will avoid them as pretenders and rather deal with people they see their true colors.

I Don’t Hate the Fact That You’re a Hypocrite, I Hate the Fact That You Pretend Not to Be One 

Another way to ridicule a pretender is with this statement that calls them out for their attitude.

This comment points out that a hypocrite will always be a hypocrite in all situations. Also, it’s a word play that emphasizes that a hypocrite will never accept to be one, even when someone calls them out for pretending.

Nothing Is Worse Than Living with Your Two Faces Every Day

Clever Insults for a Hypocrite

“Nothing is worse than living with your two faces every day” is another iconic one-liner you can use to insult a hypocrite.

This statement calls them out for their pretentious life. Also, describing them as having two faces infers that they keep different identities.

Additionally, it’s a funny and savage way to insult them, as it implies that living with them is worse.

  • I’d rather you die than have to live with your two faces every day
  • Living with you is tantamount to death 

The Only Difference Between You and a Chameleon Is That It’s Smarter 

“The only difference between you and a chameleon is that it’s smarter” is another interesting line you can use to ridicule a hypocrite.

This statement compares them to a chameleon in the most insulting way. Usually, a chameleon is often used to describe someone who pretends because it can change its color. 

So, this comment is a funny comparison that insists that a chameleon is better than them since it’s smarter. Also, it infers that a chameleon is a better hypocrite.

  • You’re just like a chameleon, but it does it better than you
  • You act like a chameleon, but you’re not as smart as it

You Should Take Lessons from a Snake if You Want to Be Better 

“You should take lessons from a snake if you want to be better” is another thing to say to a hypocrite to make fun of them.

This is another iconic punchline that compares them to a snake, emphasizing that a snake is better at deceiving people.

First, a snake is referred to as a cunning animal, because of its deceitful nature. So, this is another hilarious way to jest someone who pretends.

It advises them to take lessons from a snake if they want to become better at hypocrisy.

  • You should just become a snake so that you’ll be the best at pretending
  • Go learn from a snake, so that you’ll be better at deceiving people 

The Worst Thing You Can Do to Yourself Is Tell Yourself Lies

“The worst thing you can do to yourself is tell yourself lies” is another remark to make to someone who pretends.

This statement is a unique one, as it doesn’t only ridicule their behavior, it also serves as a piece of advice for them.

Also, it points out that deceiving themselves is very bad while calling them out for their hypocrisy.

Hypocrites Have Low Self-Esteem

“Hypocrites have low self-esteem” is another comment to ridicule a hypocrite.

This statement makes fun of them by implying that people who pretend, do so because of their low self-esteem. 

Also, it’s something you can say after their hypocritical behavior, or during a conversation with them when they try to justify their actions.

  • Hypocrites have low self-esteem. You wouldn’t want to pretend if you’ve got any self-worth
  • Hypocrites have low self-esteem. Work on yourself and you’ll live true to yourself 

When You Start to Love Yourself, You Won’t Bother Pretending to Be What You’re Not 

“When you start to love yourself, you won’t bother pretending to be what you’re not” is another statement to ridicule a hypocrite.

This statement points out that they don’t love themselves, which is the reason for their hypocrisy.

It’s a smart way to insult them, as it doesn’t only call them out for pretending, it also accuses them of not loving themselves.

  • You’ll stop pretending when you learn to appreciate yourself
  • When you love yourself, you’ll discover you don’t need to pretend 

Hypocrites Die Every Day 

Another thing to say to insult someone who pretends to be what they’re not is, “Hypocrites die every day.”

This is a smart and savage remark that points out how pathetic their situation is. Also, saying that they die every day because of the kind of life they live is a way to warn them of their behavior.

  • Hypocrites die every day. The more you pretend, the more you lose a part of you
  • Hypocrites die every day by living a life that isn’t theirs

How Do You Cope with Your Multiple Personalities?

“How do you cope with your multiple personalities?” is one of the questions to ask a pretender to insult them.

This is a rude question that’ll take them by surprise. Also, this question will work after you notice them deceiving someone. 

Additionally, you can sit them down someday and throw this question at them. They’ll certainly struggle for a response.

You Should Receive the Award for the Best Liar on Earth 

“You should receive the award for the best liar on earth” is another crazy comment to make to a hypocrite.

This statement will work for someone who tells a lot of lies. Also, it’s something you should say as a response to one of their lies. It’ll work well to embarrass them, especially with an audience present.

  • You should receive the award for the best liar on earth. You’ve gotten so good at it
  • You should receive the award for the best liar on earth. You deserve it. You’ve long been in this game

You’re the Worst Person to Come Across

“You’re the worst person to come across” is another rude statement to make to a hypocrite to insult them.

This comment will work as a response to one of their pretentious behaviors. Also, you can make this comment during a conversation with them to express your irritation at their behavior.

Living with an Animal Is Better Than You, at Least They Always Show Their True Colors

“Living with an animal is better than you, at least they always show their true colors” is another smart way to ridicule a hypocrite.

This is a classic punchline that compares them to an animal, pointing out that an animal is better than them. 

Also, it’s a stinging remark that expresses your irritation at their behavior. 

  • It’s better to live with an animal than to stay in the same room with you
  • I should have a dog as a roommate, at least I can predict it

Your Parents Must Hate You Because I’m Sure You Deceived Them to Be Born 

“Your parents must hate you because I’m sure you deceived them to be born” is another thing to say to someone who pretends.

This is an iconic one-liner that’ll surely get to them. Pointing out that their parents must hate them because of their deceitful character, emphasizes how annoying you find their behavior.

You Have Displaced the Devil to Become the World’s Greatest Deceiver

Another classic one-liner that’ll work for a hypocrite is, “You have displaced the devil to become the world’s greatest deceiver.”

This comparison with the devil is another smart way to insult someone who pretends. It’s a savage remark that implies that the devil is no longer the greatest deceiver but them. 

The Only Difference Between You and the Devil Is That It’s True to Itself 

“The only difference between you and the devil is that it’s true to itself” is another interesting line you can use to make fun of a hypocrite.

This is another comparison with the devil that implies it’s better than them since it only deceives others and not itself.

Also, it’s a smart way to call them out for their hypocrisy, pointing out that they’re both deceivers to others and themselves.

Your Deceitfulness Is an Insult to My Intelligence 

“Your deceitfulness is an insult to my intelligence” is another smart way to call out someone for their hypocrisy.

This statement will work for someone who tries to pretend when you can see through them. It tells them that you can see through their lies and deceit. Also, it emphasizes how dumb they are.

I’m Not Surprised, Hypocrisy Begins at Home

“I’m not surprised, hypocrisy begins at home” is another clever way to insult a pretender.

This is a classic one-liner that doesn’t only ridicule them but also their upbringing. It points out that they learned their lifestyle from their house. Also, it’s a crazy line that calls their family hypocrites. 

You Think You’re Smart, You’re Just a Smart Idiot

Clever Insults for a Hypocrite

“You think you’re smart, you’re just a smart idiot” is another insulting comment to make to a hypocrite.

People who pretend and deceive others often think that they’re smart. So, this is a classic punchline you can use to put them in their place. Moreover, calling them a smart idiot makes it funny.


While everyone tends to lie or pretend, hypocrites are people who make it a habit to deceive people, tell lies, have double standards, and are never true to themselves.

Being with such people is nerve-wracking. This article has provided you with ways to deal with such people. Use these clever insults to express your dislike for their attitude and remind them of their place.

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