20 Clever Insults for a Roadman

Clever Insults for a Roadman

The streets of London are where you’ll find more than enough roadmen. You can’t spend some time in London, without catching a little of their phrases and slang.

A roadman is a British slang used to refer to a member of street gangs often involved in dangerous activities, including illegal ones like selling drugs.

Someone who typically acts rough and lives the street life can be referred to as a roadman.

So, if you know anyone of such a nature, whether you’re in London or not, and you need smart insults for them, this article is for you.

In this guide post, I’ll be providing you with a list of clever punchlines you can use to insult a roadman.

20 Clever Insults for a Roadman

There are countless clever ways you can insult a roadman. Whether they’re your friends or not, if they’re street boys or girls, you can use these one-liners to call them out.

For instance, “You’re the type that grows foolish as you age,” “How long do you intend to live on the street?,” and “You’re not different from a street dog.”

Here are 20 clever one-liners for a roadman

  1. You’re just a wasteman
  2. Go find yourself a real job
  3. How long do you intend to live on the street?
  4. You’ve long sold your brains with those drugs
  5. You’re just a road boy, nobody will take you seriously
  6. You no longer look peng, is the street rough on you?
  7. Only babies do the streets, grow up, man
  8. Do you know the difference between a roadman and a roadmap? A roadman is very useful
  9. You’re not different from a street dog
  10. You think being a roadman is a flex, you’re just living a lie
  11. Stop being delusional and acknowledge your foolishness 
  12. Do you know the similarity between you and a madman? You both roam the streets 
  13. What will your children say about you? Oh! You may not even have any
  14. While you’re claiming king of the street, your mates are buying the street
  15. You need to save yourself from you
  16. Your life is just useless. You better gamble it away and make some cash
  17. You’ve long lost touch with reality. I’ll forgive you for that
  18. We all have our bad days. But for you, every day is one
  19. There are roadmen and there are roadmen. One is wise and makes money, the other is foolish 
  20. You’re the type that grows foolish as you age

You’re Just a Wasteman

Clever Insults for a Roadman

One of the things you can say to a roadman that’ll get to him is by insulting them with their slang. One such slang word is “wasteman”.

“Wasteman” is part of the street catchphrase that refers to someone behaving annoyingly or foolishly. 

So, calling a roadman a wasteman is sure to sting. It implies that being a roadman has made him foolish.

  • You’re just a wasteman. The street is wasting you, man
  • You’re nothing but a wasteman. You’re no better than trash 

Go Find Yourself a Real Job 

“Go find yourself a real job” is another thing you can say to a street guy to insult them.

This is a rude statement that implies that they’re jobless. First, these people take pride in their status as street boys and girls. 

They don’t believe they’re jobless because they make money from all sorts of things they engage in both legal and illegal, safe and unsafe.

So, implying that they don’t have a real job is insulting to their pride. It’s sure to sting hard. 

  • Go find yourself a real job and stop roaming the street
  • Go find yourself a real job and stop making street noises 

How Long Do You Intend to Live on the Street?

“How long do you intend to live on the street?” is one of the things to ask a roadman to insult him.

It’s a rude question that ridicules them for spending most of their time on the street. However, while some of these roadmen live on the street, others have real houses.

So, asking them this question is sure to hurt their ego, as it doesn’t only imply that they’ve got no house, it also implies that they’re likely to be in the street for a long time.

You’ve Long Sold Your Brains with Those Drugs

Clever Insults for a Roadman

“You’ve long sold your brains with those drugs” is another smart thing to say to insult a street boy.

This is a classic and savage one-liner that doesn’t only call them out for selling drugs, it also ridicules them by implying that they’ve sold their brains alongside.

Also, it’s a crazy line that directly calls them brainless. It’ll work well during a conversation with them when they act all street and razz.

  • You’ve long sold your brains with those drugs. I’m not surprised 
  • You’ve long sold your brains with those drugs, that’s why you’re talking like a mad person 

You’re Just a Road Boy, Nobody Will Take You Seriously 

“You’re just a road boy, nobody will take you seriously” is another thing to say to make fun of a roadman.

This statement points out the reality of their situation in a demeaning way. It tells them that they shouldn’t take pride in their title as a street boy.

Also, telling them that nobody will take them seriously will surely get to them. 

You no Longer Look Peng, Is the Street Rough on You?

“You no longer look peng, is the street rough on you?” is another smart way to ridicule a street man.

This is another crazy one-liner that uses the roadman slang to insult them. “Peng” is a street catchphrase that describes someone as looking good.

So, telling them that they no longer look peng and asking if the street is rough on them is a funny way to make fun of them. Also, it’s a play on words that’ll certainly sting.

Only Babies Do the Streets, Grow Up, Man 

“Only babies do the streets, grow up, man” is another of a street man.

This statement tells them there’s no prestige in being a roadman. Also, implying that the streets are for babies is a smart insult that’ll hit their egos hard, as it calls them babies

In addition, adding that they should grow up will surely sting.

Do You Know the Difference Between a Roadman and a Roadmap? A Roadman Is Very Useful 

Another clever way to insult roadmen is by comparing them to a roadmap. First, a roadmap is a map used for road travel.

So, this is a funny and savage comparison that tells them that a roadmap is better than them, in that, it’s very useful.

This savage statement is sure to sting, as it implies that they’re useless.

You’re Not Different from a Street Dog

“You’re not different from a street dog” is another interesting line you can use to downgrade a roadman.

This statement is a savage one that calls them a street dog. First, no one will appreciate being called a dog, talk more of being referred to as a street dog.

So, this is a stinging remark that’ll hit hard. Also, it’s a wordplay that’ll greatly embarrass them.

  • You’re not different from a street dog. You both own the street
  • You’re not different from a street dog, roaming the street day and night 

You Think Being a Roadman Is a Flex, You’re Just Living a Lie

“You think being a roadman is a flex, you’re just living a lie” is another clever way to make fun of a roadman.

This statement is another savage punchline that insults them for taking pride as a roadman. Also, adding that they’re living a lie will surely get to them.

Stop Being Delusional and Acknowledge Your Foolishness 

“Stop being delusional and acknowledge your foolishness” is another smart thing to say to insult a street man.

This statement is a savage one that doesn’t only tell them that they’re deceiving themselves, it also calls them foolish.

It’ll work well during a conversation with them when they try to defend their lifestyle.

  • Stop being delusional and acknowledge your foolishness. There’s nothing on the street
  • Stop being delusional and acknowledge your foolishness. It’ll do you more good 

Do You Know the Similarity Between You and a Madman? You Both Roam the Streets 

“Do you know the similarity between you and a madman? You both roam the streets” is another smart way to make fun of a roadman.

This is another hilarious comparison that tells them that they’re not different from a madman. It tells them that since they wander about the street, they’re just like a madman.

What Will Your Children Say About You? Oh! You May Not Even Have Any

Another way to insult a roadman in implying that they’re likely not to have children.

First, asking what their children will say about them is a rude statement that calls them out for their behavior.

Then adding that they might not have any ridicules them further.

While You’re Claiming King of the Street, Your Mates Are Buying the Street 

“While you’re claiming king of the street, your mates are buying the street” is another interesting way to make fun of a roadman.

This statement ridicules them for their pride as a roadman. Also, pointing out their mates are taking over the streets while they claim to be in charge is a hilarious way to look down on them.

You Need to Save Yourself from You

Clever Insults for a Roadman

“You need to save yourself from you” is another thing to say to ridicule a roadman.

This statement points out that they’re a danger themselves. Moreover, telling them that they need to save themselves from themselves is a hilarious way to make fun of them.

  • You need to save yourself from you. You’re a big danger to yourself
  • You need to save yourself from you before it’s too late 

Your Life Is Just Useless. You Better Gamble It Away and Make Some Cash 

“Your life is just useless. You better gamble it away and make some cash” is another clever way to ridicule a street man.

This statement insults them by calling them useless. Also, asking them to gamble away their life for some money implies that nothing good can ever come out of them.

In addition, it insults them for being broke. This punchline will certainly hit hard.

You’ve Long Lost Touch with Reality. I’ll Forgive You for That 

“You’ve long lost touch with reality. I’ll forgive you for that” is another demeaning statement to make to someone who lives the street life.

The statement makes fun of them by calling them delusional. In addition, adding that you’ll forgive them for that makes it more hilarious and insulting.

We All Have Our Bad Days. But for You, Every Day Is One 

“We all have our bad days. But for you, every day is one” is another interesting line that ridicules a roadman.

This statement makes fun of them by implying they’re always having a bad day with their lifestyle.

  • We all have our bad days. But as a roadman, I’m sure it’s bad for you every day
  • For someone who lives on the street, you must be having a lot of bad days

There Are Roadmen and There Are Roadmen. One Is Wise and Makes Money, the Other Is Foolish 

Another smart way to insult a roadman is to compare them with people who build and repair roads.

People who build and repair roads are also called roadmen.

So, this statement ridicules a street boy by implying that while the other type of roadman makes money by working on the street, they keep being foolish.

You’re the Type That Grows Foolish as You Age

“You’re the type that grows foolish as you age” is another insulting statement to say to a roadman.

This statement ridicules them by inferring that they’re foolish and will grow more foolish as they age.

  • You’re the type that grows foolish as you age, you better not age then
  • You’re the type that grows foolish as you age. The best option is to die before then


If you know a roadman, you might want to call them out. This article has all you need to cleverly insult them.

So, when next you want to make fun of your street friend, feel free to refer to this article as a guide.

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