20 Clever Insults for a Simp

Clever Insults for a Simp

In the social media world, the word “simp” has become a popular slang. This word is used to describe someone who’s too submissive to someone for their attention.

It’s usually used to describe men who do anything for a woman and beg for her love and attention with their actions. Also, it’s used in a derogatory manner to troll these men.

This word became popular in late 2019 and early 2020 on social media, particularly on TikTok. It brought about the “Simp Nation” trend among the Gen Zs, which classified perceived weak men as simps.

Additionally, it implies women as cunning sexual objects, who use men as they wish.

So, if you notice anyone with a simp behavior, you might want to call them out.

Fortunately, this article will provide you with clever insults you can use for a simp.

20 Clever Insults for a Simp

While “simp” is often used to classify men who act too submissive to a woman, it can also be used to refer to anyone who acts in such a manner just to get attention.

For instance, someone can act like a simp for their boss to notice them.

Some interesting lines you can use to insult a simp include: “You think you’re great, you’re just some side distraction,” “You’re really special; a special fool,” and “You lack attention. Give yourself some, and you’ll be okay.”

Below are 20 smart lines you can use to insult a simp:

  1. You think you’re great, you’re just some side distraction
  2. The more you keep sipping for that lady, the more you lose worth in her eyes
  3. No one ever loves a simp, they only tolerate you to get you to do more
  4. Stop being dumb. Girls truly love men who can stand up for themselves and say no without feeling bad
  5. You’re really special; a special fool
  6. Simps are weaklings
  7. Simping is not love, it’s begging to be loved 
  8. No one takes a simp seriously, so wake up
  9. Simping and self-worth are two opposite sides of a coin
  10. Do you know why you’re a simp, you lack confidence
  11. If only you could look at yourself more closely, you’d hate yourself too
  12. All simps need help
  13. Do you come from the Simpsons family?
  14. You lack attention. Give yourself some, and you’ll be okay
  15. You’re not in love, you’re blinded by love
  16. Don’t be afraid to seek help before you are completely finished
  17. You’re not different from a stray dog begging for attention 
  18. Even a lost cat has some hope than you
  19. How long will you continue like this?
  20. Do you know the only thing worse than you? Death

You Think You’re Great, You’re Just Some Side Distraction 

“You think you’re great, you’re just some side distraction” is one of the things you can say to insult a simp.

This is a funny and smart one-liner that calls them out for their behavior. It implies that they’re only a distraction that the person they’re simping for keeps by their side for their benefit.

Also, while it’s an insulting comment, it can serve as a piece of advice for them.

The More You Keep Simping for That Lady, the More You Lose Worth in Her Eyes

“The more you keep simping for that lady, the more you lose worth in her eyes” is one of the lines you can use to insult a simp.

This line is appropriate for a man who does everything for a woman to look good in her eyes.

It’s a harsh and stinging remark that reminds him that the more he continues with his behavior, the more the lady disregards him. Additionally, this comment can serve as a warning for him.

No One Ever Loves a Simp, They Only Tolerate You to Get You to Do More 

“No one ever loves a simp, they only tolerate you to get you to do more” is another line you can use to both advise and ridicule a simp.

This is a clever thing to say as a response to one of their many simping behaviors. Also, this line reminds them that nobody loves them, but they only keep them for their benefit.

Additionally, it’s also a way to burst their bubble if they think the person they’re simping for loves them.

Stop Being Dumb. Girls Truly Love Men Who Can Stand Up for Themselves and Say No Without Feeling Bad 

Everybody will appreciate someone who can stand up for themselves and doesn’t do everything to please someone at the expense of their happiness.

But, this is not the case with a simp. A simp is ready to do anything for the person they care about, irrespective of whether they’re getting the attention they want or not, usually at the expense of their happiness.

So, this one-liner is suitable for a man who acts this way with a lady. This line insults him by calling him dumb. It also ridicules him by implying that he can’t stand up for himself.

You’re Really Special; a Special Fool

“You’re really special; a special fool” is another interesting punchline you can use to make fun of a simp.

This is a classic and smart insult, that’ll really sting and embarrass them. Also, you can use this line as a response to one of their foolish behaviors.

For instance, after they get off a phone call with the person, promising to do as they want without considering themselves, you can use this punchline as a comment. it’ll certainly sting.

  • See the way you’re smiling like you’re something special. Yes, you are. You’re a special fool 
  • You think you’re special, right? I agree, you’re a special fool 

Simps Are Weaklings

Another thing to say to make nonsense of someone who does everything for someone just to get their attention is, “Simps are weaklings.”

This is a simple yet savage one-liner that’ll surely hit hard. You can use this line during one of your conversations with them when they try to defend their actions.

Also, you can leave it as a passing comment after a simping action from them. It’ll certainly get to them and leave them weak for a response.

  • Simps are weaklings. They’ve got no balls
  • Simps are weaklings. It’s written all over you 

Simping Is Not Love, It’s Begging to Be Loved

Clever Insults for a Simp

“Simping is not love, it’s begging to be loved” is another smart thing to say to a simp to both insult and advise them.

This line reminds them that their actions are similar to begging for love.

Also, it’s a crazy remark that makes fun of them, rubbing it in their face that they’re only beginning to be loved by the person they’re simping for.

No One Takes a Simp Seriously, So Wake Up 

Another clever and interesting thing you say to someone who’s too submissive to someone is, ‘No one takes a simp seriously, so wake up.”

This line ridicules them by reminding them that with all they do, nobody pays attention to them. Also, adding that they should wake up, implies that they’re yet to get in touch with reality. It’ll surely hit hard.

Simping and Self-worth Are Two Opposite Sides of a Coin

“Simping and self-worth are two opposite sides of a coin” is another witty saying you can make to a simp.

When someone acts like they live their life for someone, you can use this line to insult them 

This iconic punchline calls them out for lacking self-worth. It tells them directly that their actions show that they don’t have any worth for themselves.

Do You Know Why You’re a Simp, You Lack Confidence 

Another smart thing to say to insult a simp is, “Do you know why you’re a simp, you lack confidence.”

This is a classic punchline that’ll work well to ridicule someone who only thinks about a particular person and how to please them. 

It’s a crazy line that tells them that they only behave the way they do because they lack confidence. Also, it’s a strong line that’ll surely shake them.

  • You think you’re doing great, you only lack confidence
  • A confident person can never be a simp. Deal with your fear and watch you change 

If Only You Could Look at Yourself More Closely, You’ll Hate Yourself Too

“If only you could look at yourself more closely, you’ll hate yourself too” is another crazy line you can use to make fun of a simp.

This smart statement will work well during a conversation with them when they try to justify their actions.

It directly tells them that they’re in self-denial. Also, telling them that they’ll hate themselves too if they look more closely points out that people hate them. 

All Simps Need Help

Clever Insults for a Simp

“All simps need help” is another crazy line that reminds a simp how pathetic their situation is.

This line tells them that their behavior shows that they’re not alright, and so they need help.

Also, it’s a clever thing to say as a passing comment when you notice someone acting like a simp. It’ll certainly hit a nerve.

  • All simps need help, probably therapy
  • All simps need help. We should take it easy on them 

Do You Come from the Simpsons Family?

Another question you can use to jest a simp is, “Do you come from the Simpsons family?” 

This line will work adequately as a response to someone’s simping behavior. For instance, if you notice them act like a simp, once they’re done, throw this question at them.

At first, it should take them unawares. But, they’ll eventually get the message, and it’s sure to sting.

  • Do you come from the Simpsons family? You sure act like one
  • Do you come from the Simpsons family? All Simpsons act like you

You Lack Attention. Give Yourself Some, and You’ll Be Okay 

“You lack attention. Give yourself some, and you’ll be okay” is another simple and smart way to insult a simp.

This punchline ridicules them by pointing out that they lack attention, and that’s why they act the way they do to get one. 

Also, it further makes fun of them by adding that they should give themselves some attention.

This is a crazy line that’ll certainly hit a nerve, as it calls them out for denying themselves attention and looking for it elsewhere.

You’re Not in Love, You’re Blinded by Love 

“You’re not in love, you’re blinded by love” is another smart way to insult a simp.

This statement points out that they’re deceiving themselves, thinking that they’re in love. Adding that they’re blinded by love is a classic punchline that’ll hurt.

Don’t Be Afraid to Seek Help Before You Are Completely Finished 

“Don’t be afraid to seek help before you are completely finished” is another interesting way to ridicule a simp.

This punchline implies that they’re close to being a finished person with their attitude. Also, asking them to seek help is a sarcastic way of making fun of them.

You’re Not Different from a Stray Dog Begging for Attention 

Another classic line you can use to finish a simp is, “You’re not different from a stray dog begging for attention.”

This is a savage one-liner that compares them to a stray dog, emphasizing that they’re just like one begging for attention.

Also, it’s a crazy line that rubbishes them, as it implies that they’re lost.

Even a Lost Cat Has Some Hope Than You

Another comparison you can use to insult someone who simps for someone is by comparing them to a lost cat.

This statement, “Even a lost cat has some hope than you” is a savage remark that infers that a lost cat is much better than them.

Saying that it has more hope than them emphasizes how pathetic their situation is.

How Long Will You Continue Like This?

Clever Insults for a Simp

“How long will you continue like this?” is another question to ask a simp to make fun of them.

When you notice someone doing their best to please someone, ask them this question to make them feel bad.

Moreover, asking with a mocking tone or with pity will surely strike a nerve.

  • How long will you continue like this? Till you grow gray?
  • How long will you continue like this? Even in the grave?

Do You Know the Only Thing Worse Than You? Death

Another way to ridicule someone who simps for others is with this statement, “Do you know the only thing worse than you? Death.”

This statement implies that they’re very bad. Saying that it’s only death that is worse than them emphasizes how bad their situation is.

Final Words

Being around someone who does things to please someone can be annoying, especially if they’re too extreme about it. Well, you can see from this article that you can call them out for their behavior.

So, when next you want to insult a simp, feel free to refer to this article for clever insults for a simp.


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