20 Creepy Things to Say on a Prank Call

Creepy Things to Say on a Prank Call

If you love pulling prank calls on your friend, then our list of creepy things you can say can help you.

Pulling a prank on friends and strangers sounds easy. But, these days many of the things that are said are quite common and people are already used to them.

So, if you want to scare someone on a call, then you’d need to be creative and original to get them on the go. 

Fortunately, this article is all about creepy things to say on a prank call. Whether you want to prank your friend or a stranger, these lines will serve you well.

20 Creepy Things to Say on a Prank Call

There are numerous things to say to scare someone while prank-calling. 

Some of them include: “You were everything last night, when should I expect you again?”, “Once you end this call, that’ll be the end of you,” and “Why is the light off? Aren’t you afraid of the dark?”

Below are 20 creepy things to say on a prank call:

  1. Why did you leave your back door open this morning?
  2. I’m coming to you tonight
  3. Always close your bathroom when you bathe, I can see you
  4. Are we still having a good time tonight?
  5. Go check under your bed, I’ve got something for you 
  6. You shouldn’t have picked up this call
  7. I left something for you at the door
  8. I’ve kept the body where you asked me to
  9. Have you ever seen a ghost before? You might be talking to one
  10. When are you paying what you owe me?
  11. You were everything last night, when should I expect you again?
  12. I’m horny, I want you
  13. I told you, you can never run from me
  14. When can I get the bodies you promised me?
  15. Hello, I’m Annabelle, and I’ll be visiting tonight
  16. You’re the next to die
  17. Once you end this call, that’ll be the end of you
  18. I can smell you from here, I’d like to taste you
  19. I love what you’re putting on
  20. Why is the light off? Aren’t you afraid of the dark?

Why Did You Leave Your Back Door Open This Morning?

“Why did you leave your back door open this morning?” is one of the things to say to someone on a prank call to scare them.

This is a strange question that’ll get them worried, as they wonder what you know.

Even if they’re sure they closed their door, this classic line is sure to make them uncomfortable. In addition, they might worry that they’ve got a stalker on them.

I’m Coming to You Tonight

“I’m coming to you tonight” is one disturbing thing to say to someone on a prank call.

This one needs the right tone to creep them out. Calling a stranger and telling them you’re coming to them that night is certainly going to scare them.

Also, this is eerie because you sound confident, which can only come from someone who knows them. In addition, choosing night time makes it all the scarier.

But, even if they might sound cool and unafraid, this line is enough to make them uncomfortable.

You can try this format: 

  • I’m coming to you tonight, prepare for me
  • I’m coming to you tonight. Don’t bother to lock your doors 

Always Close Your Bathroom When You Bathe, I Can See You 

“Always close your bathroom when you bathe, I can see you” is another creepy thing to say to someone on a prank call.

This is a crazy statement that’ll scare them, leaving them wondering if you’re around them at the moment.

Also, even if they always close their bathroom door, there’s a high chance you’ll creep them out with this line.

They’re likely going to forget about that and worry about a stranger watching them bathe.

Are We Still Having a Good Time Tonight?

Another thing to say to scare someone on a prank call is, “Are we still having a good time tonight?”

This is a funny thing to say that’ll immediately get them uncomfortable.

But, even though it might not scare them outrightly, as they might think it’s a wrong dial, with the right kind of tone, this line is sure to get them worried.

Also, you can keep insisting you called the right number to make it more fun. Sounding like a pervert is not something someone would want to hear from a stranger.

You can try something like:

  • Are we still having a good time tonight? I can’t wait to lick the whole of you
  • Are we still having a good time tonight? You’ll completely love it

Go Check Under Your Bed, I’ve Got Something for You 

“Go check under your bed, I’ve got something for you” is another hilarious thing to say to scare someone on a prank call. 

This is a crazy line that sounds like what you hear in horror movies. And if your target is familiar with these kinds of movies, their first call might be fear.

Also, with the right kind of tone: confident and scary, you should be able to instill fear in them.

You Shouldn’t Have Picked Up This Call

Creepy Things to Say on a Prank Call

Another creepy thing to say on a prank call is, “You shouldn’t have picked up this call.” 

This is a simple but matter-of-fact statement that’ll certainly instill fear in your target.

It implies that they made a mistake picking up the call, and it’ll give them the impression that something bad is about to happen to them. 

Their first reaction is probably to end the call.

I Left Something for You at the Door

Creepy Things to Say on a Prank Call

“I left something for you at the door” is another classic line you can try on a prank call to scare your target. 

This is another strange statement that might not scare them in the first place, as they’re likely to think you called the wrong number. 

However, when you keep insisting, you might just get the right amount of fear in them.

I’ve Kept the Body Where You Asked Me to

“I’ve kept the body where you asked me to” is another crazy line you can use to scare someone on a prank call.

This is a funny line that’s sure to terrify them, getting them wondering who you might be. Also, it’s one of the most frightening statements to make to a stranger to get them very uneasy.

Of course, they should be aware that they were not involved in something like that. But, hearing of a body is enough to scare them, as it implies that they’re connected to murder. 

  • I’ve kept the body where you asked me to. What should I do next, boss?
  • I’ve kept the body where you asked me to. Is it time to chop off the parts?

Have You Ever Seen a Ghost Before? You Might Be Talking to One 

“Have you ever seen a ghost before? You might be talking to one” is another hilarious line you can try on a prank call.

This is a crazy line that is certain to scare your target. Of course, not many believe or are scared of ghosts. However, you might just dial a number that’s certainly scared of them.

Also, the right kind of tone might just be enough to get them disturbed.

When Are You Paying What You Owe Me?

“When are you paying what you owe me?” is another crazy line to try on a prank call.

This is a perfect question to ask your target to get them worried. At first, they’re likely to think you dialed the wrong number. But when you keep insisting, you should be able to creep them out.

  • When are you paying what you owe me? Or do you want me to come for it?
  • When are you paying what you owe me? I’ve given you enough time already 

You Were Everything Last Night, When Should I Expect You Again?

“You were everything last night, when should I expect you again?” is another crazy line that’s enough to creep out a stranger.

Lucky you if you call someone who was alone last night.

At first, they should be convinced you didn’t mean to call them, but when you keep insisting that you were with them, you should be able to get them worried.

I’m Horny, I Want You

“I’m horny, I want you” is another crazy line to try with a stranger on a prank call.

This is a crazy line that’s going to put them off, as it screams perversion. No one would want to know that a total stranger is having sexual thoughts about them.

You can try yours in any of these ways:

  • Hello. I got your number online, I’ve been following you for quite some time now. I’m horny and I want you
  • Hi, your pictures on Facebook got me, and I had to dig out your number. I’m horny, and I want you

I Told You, You Can Never Run from Me 

“I told you, you can never run from me” is another thing to say to someone on a prank call.

This is a frightening statement that gives the impression that you know them. They’re immediately going to think that you’re a stalker or some serial killer out for them.

It’s a great line that’s going to scare anyone. 

When Can I Get the Bodies You Promised Me?

Another terrifying thing to ask a stranger on a prank call is, “when can I get the bodies you promised me?” 

It’s another murder prank that implies that you’re some ritual killer out for bodies. Also, asking them for bodies is surely going to scare them. 

Hello, I’m Annabelle, and I’ll Be Visiting Tonight 

“Hello, I’m Annabelle, and I’ll be visiting tonight” is another scary thing to say on a prank call.

If you watch horror movies, then you might’ve seen the scary film, Annabelle. So, you can try this prank call with a child or teenager you know is scared of movies like this.

Your siblings or friends are your best bet. You just have to use a strange number and tweak your voice a little, so that they don’t recognize you.

You’re the Next to Die 

“You’re the next to die” is another scary thing to say to someone on a prank call.

There are lots of people in this world who are scared of death, so calling a random number might just land you someone scared of death.

Therefore, confidently telling someone on a call that they’re the next to die is surely going to frighten them. 

Once You End this Call, That’ll Be the End of You 

“Once you end this call, that’ll be the end of you” is another hilarious thing to say to scare someone on a prank call.

This is another death prank that might not work with everyone, but chances are that you’ll end up with someone scared of dying.

Also, this statement is quite terrifying, as it assures them that ending the call will kill them. Depending on how patient you are, you might end up with someone unwilling to hang up for a long time.

I Can Smell You from Here, I’d Like to Taste You

“I can smell you from here, I’d like to taste you” is another creepy statement to make to someone on a prank call.

This is eerie, as it gives the impression that you are some kind of pervert or blood-sucking demon. And lucky you if they’re someone who believes in vampires and demons.

And even if they don’t believe in them, this line is enough to make them uncomfortable, as it implies that you’re watching them.

I Love What You’re Putting on

Another disturbing thing to say to a stranger to scare them is, “I love what you’re putting on.”

This is another crazy statement that sounds perverse. Also, it’ll give them the impression that you’re watching them, which is enough to scare them.

Why Is the Light Off? Aren’t You Afraid of the Dark?

Creepy Things to Say on a Prank Call

“Why is the light off? Aren’t you afraid of the dark?” is another crazy question to ask someone on a prank call.

This is another eerie statement that’s bound to scare them, as it implies you’re watching them.

Also, it’ll be more fun if you land someone whose light is off. So, the best shot at this is calling late at night. 

Final Words

Prank calls are one of the ways to have fun and laugh over some bad days. And if you want to sound creepy with your call, then your best bet is great lines that are sure to instill fear or make your target uncomfortable.

This article has provided you with creepy things you can say on a prank call. So feel free to use them appropriately.


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