20 Funny Roasts for a Vikings Fan

Funny Roasts for a Vikings Fan

In Minnesota, there are Vikings. No, not the Vikings in the movies. But these ones are as viciously passionate as the ones you’ve seen in films. 


If you know what that word means it means you’re a certified fan of the NFL team called the Minnesota Vikings. 

This roast article is dedicated to the fans of this great football team. Here we have curated 20 Funny roasts to battle a Vikings fan with. 

Dig in. 

20 Funny Roasts for a Vikings Fan 

1. Why is the Vikings fan at the game with an beer mug?

Because they heard the chant, “Skal!” 

Vikings fans aren’t necessarily beer lovers. This roast plays on the idea that this particular fan is one who would go to a game with a beer mug. And the reason is the Vikings age old chant: Skal. 

This word is to the Swedes or vikings of old what toast is to the English. 

This Vikings fan heard it and believed it was about to go down so he whipped out his beer mug. 

  • Why is the Vikings fan at the game with an beer mug?

Its Skal word. He thought it’s time for beer.

  • Why is the Vikings fan at the game with an beer mug?

He must be thirsty for beer. He heard Skal, not skol. 

2. How do Vikings fans keep warm during football games?

They sit close to the heaters and pretend they’re raiding!

Vikings were known for their raids in colder climates, so this joke humorously imagines fans huddling near heaters in the stadium, pretending they’re on a raiding mission to stay warm.

  • If you see Vikings fans huddled together in the stadium, what does it mean?

They’re trying to keep warm, like old times. 

  • How do Vikings fans keep warm during football games?

They pretend they’re raiding and sit close to the heaters. 

3. Why don’t Vikings fans ever get lost while out camping?

Because good luck getting lost when you’re wearing a horned helmet!

Vikings are often depicted wearing horned helmets in popular culture, but historically this isn’t accurate.

This joke pokes fun at the impracticality of getting lost while wearing such a distinctive and conspicuous accessory. If you’re familiar with this fan base you’d have seen this regalia. 

  • Vikings fan never gets lost while camping?

No they don’t. Not with that horned helmet and the face paint. 

  • Why don’t Vikings fans ever get lost while out camping?

Because good luck getting lost when you’re wearing a horned helmet!

4. How many Vikings fans does it take to mend a bursted drain?

None, they’re too busy trying to change their team’s luck!

This joke plays on the idea that Vikings fans are perpetually hopeful for their team’s success but are often disappointed, implying that they’re preoccupied with trying to change their team’s fortunes rather than mundane task of plugging a bursted pipe.

Use this roast for a Vikings fan who’s suffering from depression after losing a game. 

  • How many Vikings fans does it take to mend a bursted drain?

Bursted pipe? Hell with that, they lost their game! 

  • How many Vikings fans does it take to mend a bursted drain?

Bursted pipes can wait. They’ve not won a game in three lifetimes. 

5. Why did the Vikings fan bring an ax to the game?

In case their team needs to cut their way to victory this time. 

This joke humorously suggests that the Vikings team often finds themselves in difficult situations, metaphorically represented as a forest of woods, and the fan is prepared to help them out of it with his ax.

Also, this plays on the perception that Vikings are brutish. 

  • Why did the Vikings fan bring an ax to the game?

In case their team needs to cut their way to victory this time. 

  • Why did the Vikings fan bring an ax to the game?

This game is crucial, the fan will do whatever it takes to help his team win. 

6. What’s a Vikings fan’s favorite type of music?

Funny Roasts for a Vikings Fan


This joke combines the term “hardcore” with Norse mythology, poking fun at the idea that Vikings fans would have a preference for music inspired by their team’s cultural heritage.

Use this roast after a Vikings game while celebrating at a pub. 

  • What’s a Vikings fan’s favorite type of music?

Norse-core, of course! 

  • What’s a Vikings fan’s favorite type of music?

Have you heard the new album by Viking Mac, titled Norse-core? 

7. Why did the Vikings fan refuse to play cards?

Because they heard there were too many “sacks” in the deck!

In football terminology, a sack occurs when a defensive player tackles the quarterback behind the line of scrimmage.

This roast humorously suggests that Vikings fans would be wary of playing cards if they thought there were too many references to sacks, which are often a sore spot for their team.

  • Why did the Vikings fan refuse to play cards?

They’re afraid of too many sacks in the deck.

8. Why is the Vikings fan at the game with a map?

To help them navigate through the highs and lows of being a fan!

This roast plays on the emotional rollercoaster experienced by sports fans, suggesting that Vikings fans need a map to navigate the ups and downs of supporting their team through victories and defeats. 

Say this roast as though only Vikings fans do this. And if they’ve not won any game for a long time, this roast is timely. 

  • Why is the Vikings fan at the game with a map?

To help them navigate through the highs and lows of being a fan!

  • Why is the Vikings fan at the game with a map?

They need it to plow through all the losses they’ll have this season. 

9. What did the Vikings fan say to the pessimist?

Quit being so negative, we’re used to having a longship sail against us!

This roast acknowledges the long history of Vikings facing adversity, implying that Vikings fans are accustomed to overcoming challenges and should remain optimistic despite pessimistic attitudes.

This roast is also a salute to the resilience of the Vikings fans. They stick to their team through all the losses. 

  • What did the Vikings fan say to the pessimist?

Quit being so negative, we’re used to having a longship sail against us!

10. Whats the Vikings fan doing with a dictionary at the game?

He’s looking up the meaning of “super-bowl”!

This joke plays on the fact that the Minnesota Vikings have never won a Super Bowl, suggesting that a Vikings fan would need to consult a dictionary to understand the concept of winning the championship game.

This roast is going to leave sore effect on the Vikings fan. We hope you’ll be safe after using this one.

  • Whats the Vikings fan doing with a dictionary at the game?

He’s looking up the meaning of “super-bowl”!

  • Whats the Vikings fan doing with a dictionary at the game?

The idea of winning the Superbowl is so out of touch the fan needs to check what it means.

11. What does the Vikings fan have against a GPS?

They prefer navigating through uncharted territories, just like their team on the field!

This roast plays on the adventurous spirit associated with Vikings, implying that Vikings fans would rather embrace the uncertainty of navigating without a GPS, similar to how their team approaches challenges on the football field.

This is another one to use at the end of a lost game. 

  • What does the Vikings fan have against a GPS?

Like their team, he prefers uncharted terrains. 

  • What does the Vikings fan have against a GPS?

He’s a Vikings fan. Uncharted terrains are their forte. 

12. How do Vikings fans cheer up after a loss?

They go pillaging for discounts at the team store!

In Viking history, pillaging refers to the act of raiding and plundering for goods.

This funny roast suggests that after a disappointing loss, Vikings fans console themselves by hunting for discounted merchandise at the team store. We have no proof that they do this.

This is a roast, so it has to be true anyway. 

  • How do Vikings fans cheer up after a loss?

They go pillaging for discounts at the team store!

  • How do Vikings fans cheer up after a loss?

They turn the team store into a battle ground for discounts. 

13. Why does the Vikings fan have a life jacket at the game?

Because they heard the team’s performance could make them feel like they’re sinking!

This joke humorously suggests that Vikings fans anticipate their team’s performance might be so disappointing that they’d feel like they’re sinking, hence the need for a life jacket as a precaution.

You can even go further by suggesting that the fan sweats so much at the disappointment that he almost drowns in it. Hence, the life jacket. 

  • Why does the Vikings fan have a life jacket at the game?

Because they heard the team’s performance could make them feel like they’re sinking!

  • Why does the Vikings fan have a life jacket at the game?

He was drowning in his own sweat from disappointment that he needs the jacket to keep afloat. 

14. What do Vikings fans call a successful season?

Funny Roasts for a Vikings Fan

A conquest of the playoffs!

This roast plays on the historical connotation of Vikings as conquerors, implying that for Vikings fans, a successful season would involve their team triumphantly advancing through the playoffs.

This roast should be the last on your routine to bring a small smile on the Vikings Fan’s face. 

  • What do Vikings fans call a successful season?

A conquest of the playoffs!

15. Why did the Vikings fan bring a shield to the game?

To protect themselves from the onslaught of opposing fans’ taunts!

In Viking warfare, shields were essential for protection against enemy attacks.

This funny roast suggests that Vikings fans would need a shield to defend themselves from the verbal jabs and taunts of opposing fans during the game.

And what else could they need, they’re Vikings after all. Hopefully, they don’t have their knives and axes with them. 

  • Why did the Vikings fan bring a shield to the game?

To protect themselves from the onslaught of opposing fans’ taunts!

16. What’s a Vikings fan’s favorite dessert?

Touchdown turnovers!

In football, a turnover occurs when one team loses possession of the ball to the opposing team.

This roast humorously suggests that Vikings fans might find solace in sweet treats like turnovers, even if they come at the expense of their team scoring touchdowns.

  • What’s a Vikings fan’s favorite dessert?

Touchdown turnovers!

17. Why did the Vikings fan become a meteorologist?

Because they’re used to predicting storms in the playoffs!

This joke plays on the notion that Vikings fans are accustomed to their team’s postseason struggles, suggesting that they might become skilled at predicting metaphorical storms (i.e., losses) during playoff games.

  • Why did the Vikings fan become a meteorologist?

So he can predict storms in the playoffs. 

18. How do Vikings fans decorate their homes?

With banners that say “Skol, but also be prepared for disappointment!”

“Skol” is a traditional Viking cheer, and it’s often associated with the Minnesota Vikings.

This roast suggests that while Vikings fans celebrate their team’s heritage with Skol banners, they also acknowledge the likelihood of disappointment. With this roast we give the Viking fan some props. 

  • How do Vikings fans decorate their homes?

With banners that say “Skol, but also be prepared for disappointment!”

  • How do Vikings fans decorate their homes?

They have banners that declare, “Skol! Not afraid of disappointment!” 

19. Why does the Vikings fan have a binoculars at the game?

To search for their team’s success on the horizon!

This joke humorously implies that Vikings fans might feel like they need a binoculars to spot their team’s success.

This means that it’s a distant and elusive goal. Use this roast at a time you’re sure the Vikings fan is having a good time to avoid the backlash.

  • Why does the Vikings fan have a binoculars at the game?

To search for their team’s success on the horizon!

20. What’s a Vikings fan’s favorite movie genre?


This funny roast combines the term “Norse” with “comedy,” suggesting that Vikings fans would enjoy comedic movies inspired by Norse mythology or themes related to their team’s heritage. 

  • What’s a Vikings fan’s favorite movie genre?


Final Thoughts

Funny Roasts for a Vikings Fan

When using this roasts, keep the atmosphere friendly and respectful. We are talking about the Vikings here, not any other fan base.

It’s best to let the fan know this roasts are meant to bolster his or her spirit. After the loss of their game, of course. 


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