20 Funny Roasts for a Lazy Person 

Funny Roasts for a Lazy Person 

Almost everyone gets mad at lazy people.

If you’ve ever been around one, you’ll agree with me that it can be frustrating reminding someone to do their chores or having someone who just leaves things undone.

However, it’s not always bad, as they’re the set of people who do things faster as they always find a shortcut to doing them.

At Roasthow.com, we believe in playfully calling out someone with hilarious roasts that’ll get to them without offending them.

So, in this article, I’ll be discussing a list of humorous punchlines you can use to roast a lazy person.

Table of Contents

20 Funny Roasts for a Lazy Person 

There are plenty of ways to make fun of a lazy person. With these hilarious one-liners, you can call out those friends, colleagues, or siblings who love to avoid tasks.

Some examples include: “Even a snail does things better than you,” “If you were asked to visit the doctor to cure your laziness, you would be too lazy to go,” and “You’re too lazy that you won’t even attend your funeral.”

Below are 20 funny roasts for a lazy person:

  1. Even a snail does things better than you
  2. A lazy person always claims they’re innocent, after all, they did nothing
  3. You’re too lazy even to understand that you’re too lazy
  4. Being too lazy can drive one crazy
  5. If you want to get things done quickly, just give a lazy person
  6. You’re too lazy that even if you won an award for the laziest person, you’ll ask someone to get it
  7. If you were asked to visit the doctor to cure your laziness, you would be too lazy to go
  8. How do you define procrastination? It’s a country filled with lazy people 
  9. You’re too lazy that you won’t even attend your funeral
  10. No one will love to marry a lazy gym instructor, it won’t work out
  11. A lazy person feels the alarm clock is the asunder sent to destroy their marriage to their bed
  12. A lazy person will make a terrible eyewitness. They can’t stand up for themselves
  13. Why did the lazy man choose to work in the bakery? So, he could loaf around without any disturbance
  14. A lazy person also deserves some accolades. They’re very dedicated to doing nothing
  15. If laziness were a movie, you’d be the only cast
  16. You’re too lazy that you will install a snooze in a fire alarm
  17. A lazy person is like a bicycle, always two-tired
  18. The lazy music teacher brought a ladder to class. He needed help to reach high notes
  19. Why did the man become a fan of the football club? Because he was too lazy to play
  20. You’re too lazy that I’m sure you’ll gladly welcome death than work 

Even a Snail Does Things Better Than You 

Everyone knows a snail is one of the slowest animals, so it’s often used in metaphors when describing a lazy person.

So, one of the funny ways to roast a lazy person is by comparing them to a snail. 

However, this one-liner doesn’t just compare them to a snail, it emphasizes that a snail is better than them.

This is a crazy burner that’ll get to them. It’ll work well to call out someone doing things unnecessarily slowly. 

A Lazy Person Always Claims They’re Innocent After All They Did Nothing 

Another funny way to roast a lazy person is with this crazy comment. This is a play on words that’s sure to get the audience laughing.

We often complain when people do nothing, accusing them of being lazy. So, such a person can claim innocence, insisting that they’ve done nothing.

This is a hilarious thing to say during a roast duel, or as a passing comment to a lazy person.

You’re Too Lazy Even to Understand That You’re Too Lazy 

This is another amusing comment to use on a lazy person to roast them.

It’s a play on words that mocks a slothful person, implying that their laziness has made them too lazy to understand that they’ve got a problem.

Moreover, it’s just a funny way to insult them. It’ll work well during a conversation with them or a roast duel.

  • I don’t blame you. Your laziness has affected your ability to understand things
  • Your laziness is now a sickness, it has clouded your sense of reasoning

Being Too Lazy Can Drive One Crazy 

Another amusing comment you can use on someone who avoids chores is, “Being too lazy can drive one crazy.”

This is another humorous line that can work as a passing comment when you find them lazing about.

Also, it’s a rhyming one-liner that’ll work well during a roast duel to show your roasting skill.

If You Want to Get Things Done Quickly, Just Give a Lazy Person 

“If you want to get things done quickly, just give a lazy person” is another interesting line you can use to roast a lazy person.

In this case, you should use it by including the name of the person you want to roast. Also, it’s a funny way to insult them, as it sounds like a compliment, praising them for getting things done quickly.

However, with a sarcastic tone, they won’t miss the underlying insult.

  • You should give this work to Samuel, he’ll be done in a jiffy. He’s too lazy to drag things
  • Mary is the best person for this job. Her laziness is an advantage here

You’re Too Lazy That Even if You Won an Award for the Laziest Person, You’ll Ask Someone to Get It

This is another crazy and interesting way to mock someone who doesn’t like working.

This humorous line taunts them by exaggerating how lazy they are. It implies that their laziness has gotten to a chronic level.

Also, saying that they won’t be able to get their award for the laziest person is a funny way of emphasizing the degree of their laziness. It’s the perfect way to roast them during a roast duel.

If You Were Asked to Visit the Doctor to Cure Your Laziness, You Would Be Too Lazy to Go

Another funny way to taunt a lazy person is with this iconic one-liner.

This punchline is another way to emphasize the degree of their laziness. It’s a funny way of telling them that their laziness is beyond help.

Also, saying that they won’t visit the doctor who has a cure for their laziness indicates how pathetic their situation is. It’ll work well during a roast duel to finish them up.

How Do You Define Procrastination? It’s a Country Filled with Lazy People 

Another humorous way to call out a lazy person is with this crazy remark.

This statement is a play on words that makes fun of someone too lazy to do what’s required of them.

Additionally, it’ll work well as a punchline during a roast battle for someone who loves procrastinating or as a response to someone who postpones doing their work.

You’re Too Lazy That You Won’t Even Attend Your Funeral

Funny Roasts for a Lazy Person 

“You’re too lazy that you won’t even attend your funeral” is another humorous way to poke fun at a lazy person.

This is another hilarious one-liner that you can use to respond to someone showing laziness.

For instance, if you ask your siblings who are fond of neglecting chores to do something and they refuse, this punchline is an adequate response. 

It shows that you’ve gotten tired of their attitude. Also, you can use this line during a roast duel to call them out.

  • I won’t be surprised if I don’t find you at your funeral. You’re the type that’ll be too lazy to leave the mortuary
  • I’m sure your laziness will keep you sleeping when others are crying at your funeral

No One Will Love to Marry a Lazy Gym Instructor, It Won’t Work Out

Another way to jest a lazy person is with this hilarious remark.

This statement will work for a lazy gym instructor. Maybe they don’t like working out, except they’ve got customers.

You can use this line to tease them for their laziness. In addition, it’s a wordplay that’ll get everyone laughing during a roast duel.

A Lazy Person Feels the Alarm Clock Is the Asunder Sent to Destroy Their Marriage to Their Bed

Funny Roasts for a Lazy Person 

One common characteristic of lazy people is their inability to rise with the alarm clock. They’re the type that keeps snoozing the alarm until the last minute.

So, this is an amusing remark you can use to mock them during a roast duel. It’ll work well, especially with a lazy person who always quarrels with their alarm clock.

A Lazy Person Will Make a Terrible Eye Witness. They Can’t Stand Up for Themselves

Another funny one-liner you can use to taunt a lazy person is this comparison with an eyewitness.

Saying that a lazy person can’t be a good eyewitness because they can’t stand up for themselves is a crazy wordplay that emphasizes the degree of their laziness.

It’s a hilarious thing to say in a roast battle to get everyone in fits of laughter.

Why Did the Lazy Man Choose to Work in the Bakery? So, He Could Loaf Around without any Disturbance

Comparing a lazy person to someone who works in a bakery is another funny way to jest them.

This is a funny expression that calls them out for their laziness. It emphasizes that a lazy person will always choose the simple way out of a situation. 

It’s a crazy play on words that’ll get everyone laughing.

A Lazy Person Also Deserves Some Accolades. They’re Very Dedicated to Doing Nothing 

This is another funny way you can mock a lazy person.

This is another wordplay you can use to tease someone who’s avoiding their responsibility. It’ll work well as a comment for your lazy friend or siblings.

Also, it’s a sarcastic statement that sounds like you’re praising them. After all, they’re very good at doing nothing, and that’s something.

If Laziness Were a Movie, You’ll Be the Only Cast

“If laziness were a movie, you’ll be the only cast” is another exciting way to roast someone who doesn’t like working.

It’s a classic insult you can use as a response to their lazy attitude. Also, it emphasizes the degree of their laziness, and you can use it to call them out, implying that their case is very bad.

You’re Too Lazy That You Will Install a Snooze in a Fire Alarm 

“You’re too lazy that you’ll install a snooze in a fire alarm” is another hilarious line that exaggerates how lazy someone is.

It’s an iconic line you can use for someone with an extremely lazy attitude. It emphasizes how lazy they are, implying that their case is too bad since they’ll prefer to snooze a fire alarm instead of taking it to their heels.

Also, it’s a hilarious insult that’ll work well during a roast duel to get everyone laughing.

A Lazy Person Is Like a Bicycle, Always Two-tired

“A lazy person is like a bicycle, always two-tired” is another hilarious comparison you can use to mock a lazy person.

This is another punny expression that implies that a lazy person is always tired. Of course, one of the excuses lazy people give is that they’re too tired.

Whatever you ask them to do and whenever you ask them, they’ll always claim tiredness. So, this is the perfect line for a lazy person you know who uses this tactic.

The Lazy Music Teacher Brought a Ladder to Class. He Needed Help to Reach High Notes

Another interesting way to mock a lazy person is with this hilarious example of a music teacher.

Saying that a music teacher brought a ladder to class to help him reach high notes is just a funny way to make a mockery of a lazy person.

It emphasizes that a lazy person is always too lazy, even to use what they have.

Why Did the Man Become a Fan of the Football Club? Because He Was too Lazy to Play

This is another funny one-liner you can use to tease a lazy person.

Saying that one becomes a fan of a football club because they’re too lazy to play is just another hilarious way of jesting a lazy person. 

Also, you can use it to tease a fan of a football club, who does nothing but talk about his club and football.

You’re Too Lazy That I’m Sure You’ll Gladly Welcome Death Than Work 

Another perfect way to make fun of someone who doesn’t like working is with this crazy remark.

This is a classic burner that’ll throw them off balance. Implying that they’ll choose death over work is a funny exaggeration they’ll relate to.

Also, it’s the perfect way to call them out for their slothfulness.

Final Thoughts

Lazy people can be frustrating to live with. If you are always around someone who neglects their duties, you’re bound to get angry and take it out on them.

With this article, you don’t have to find things to say to call out a lazy person. So, feel free to see these hilarious roast lines to make fun of and call out a lazy person.


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