20 Funny Roasts for Someone Named Thomas

Funny Roasts for Someone Named Thomas

Do you know anyone named Thomas? If yes, it’s time to roast them.

Thomas is an interesting name not only because one of Jesus’ disciples bore that name, but also because he was known as the doubter.

Also, many famous people were named Thomas. Consequently, bearing the name Thomas is enough to attract jokes thrown at you by strangers and your friends.

In this article, I’ll be discussing interesting roasts for someone named Thomas. Whether you want to tease a friend, a colleague, family or a stranger, this article has got you covered. 

20 Funny Roasts for Someone Named Thomas 

There are many fantastic roast lines for someone named Thomas.

You can create jokes by comparing them to Thomas in the Bible or by relating them to the famous Thomases who invented things.

For example; “What if I tell you you look like my Dog? I won’t anyways, you’ll still doubt me,” “I can see why you’ve got a knack for repetitive failures,” and “The easy way to train your pet is to call him Thomas.”

Below are 20 funny roasts for someone named Thomas:

  1. What if I tell you you look like my Dog? I won’t anyway, you’ll still doubt me
  2. Now, I understand why nobody ever takes you seriously 
  3. You’re very good at living out your name
  4. You’re very insignificant
  5. Until you invent another light bulb, I will never trust anything you say
  6. Do you know the difference between you and Thomas Edison? He knew how to use his brain
  7. I can see why you’ve got a knack for repetitive failures 
  8. At least Thomas Jefferson is someone, who are you?
  9. While other Thomases will continue to be remembered even thousands of years from now, all you do is make people wish they never met you
  10. I’m not a fan of Thomas, he doubts everything, even his existence 
  11. Don’t think that it’s by making an enemy of everyone that you’ll achieve fame
  12. Many call their mistakes “joyful misfortunes” while others get innovative and name them sweet names, like Thomas, just like your parents did
  13. Other Thomases invented beautiful things, you’re here inventing noise 
  14. The easy way to train your pet is to call him Thomas
  15. Why is there never a cute Thomas?
  16. Do you know why Thomas didn’t write a Gospel? He was so dumb that he doubted Jesus was real
  17. You shouldn’t always show everyone your stupid side at first meetings
  18. If I roast you, you’ll still doubt if you were roasted
  19. Why are you different? You so much like darkness
  20. Wow! Another foolish Thomas

What If I Tell You You Look Like My Dog? I Won’t Anyways, You’ll Still Doubt Me 

Funny Roasts for Someone Named Thomas

We’ve all heard of doubting Thomas, one of Jesus’ disciples who initially doubted his resurrection.  

So, one interesting way to roast someone bearing the name, Thomas, is by comparing them to the Thomas in the Bible.

This classic roast stylishly calls them a dog. Also, asking them this ridiculous question and then referring to the doubting case makes it more hilarious. They’ll surely feel attacked.

  • You look like my dog, Tommy, doubt it at your peril
  • I have a dog that looks so much like you. I know you doubt me, but you need to hear the truth 

Now, I Understand Why Nobody Ever Takes You Seriously 

“Now, I understand why nobody ever takes you seriously” is another crazy line to use to roast someone named Thomas.

This roast line is another indirect reference to Thomas in the Bible. It infers that since their name is Thomas, they’re not to be taken seriously. 

  • How can I take you seriously when you never took Jesus Christ seriously?
  • Now, I understand why nobody ever takes you seriously. You’re not different from Jesus’ disciples 

You’re Very Good at Living Out Your Name

“You’re very good at living out your name” is another crazy roast line that infers that the person bearing Thomas behaves like the Thomas in the Bible.

It’s another humorous comparison that makes fun of the person. Also, this statement indirectly calls them unserious.

It’ll work for someone who doesn’t immediately believe what you tell them. 

You’re Very Insignificant

Funny Roasts for Someone Named Thomas

Another insulting statement to make to someone whose name is Thomas is “You’re very insignificant.” This is a classic line that shows no regard for them.

Using this roast line during a roast duel will work appropriately to make nonsense of them.

You can respond with this statement to their Insult, implying that since they’re not important, their insult doesn’t have any effect on you.

  • You’re very insignificant. Just how many times was Thomas mentioned in the bible? 
  • You were only mentioned a few times in the Bible, which shows how irrelevant you and your insults are

Until You Invent Another Light Bulb, I Will Never Trust Anything You Say 

We’ll know Thomas Edison the inventor of the light bulb. He’s famous for the “1000 times trial.”

Telling someone bearing Thomas that you wouldn’t take them seriously until they invent a light bulb is a crazy one-liner that’ll cause some good laughs. 

First, this roast line refers to them as Thomas Edison. Also, it’s a humorous way of rejecting their suggestions. It’ll work during a group conversation to get everyone laughing.

Do You Know the Difference Between You and Thomas Edison? He Knew How to Use His Brain 

Another interesting way to roast someone whose name is Thomas is by comparing them to the famous Thomas Edison.

In this case, this statement directly accuses them of not engaging their brain. It’s a funny comparison that calls them senseless. It’ll work adequately during a roast battle to make nonsense of them.

Also, you can seize the opportunity to roast them when they make a mistake with this iconic comeback.

I Can See Why You’ve Got a Knack for Repetitive Failures 

Funny Roasts for Someone Named Thomas

Another funny way to insult someone named Thomas is with this crazy comment, “I can see why you’ve got a knack for repetitive failures.”

This is an iconic punchline that insults them for a mistake or failure. It refers to “Thomas Edison’s 1000 times attempts” before getting the light bulb correctly.

In addition, it’ll work well as a good comeback during a roast battle or as a response when they do wrong.

  • I can see why you’ve got a knack for repetitive failures. You’re a Thomas after all
  • How many will keep you making the same mistakes? 1000 times?

At Least Thomas Jefferson Is Someone, Who Are You?

As I’ve previously established, comparing someone named Thomas to another famous person bearing Thomas is one exciting way to roast them.

In this case, comparing them to Thomas Jefferson, who was the third president of the USA is another way to get on their nerves. 

This statement makes fun of them as being a nobody, whereas someone with the same name is well-known.

  • We know Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison, and Thomas Aquinas, you’re Thomas who?
  • You’re Thomas who again? Thomas Nothing 

While Other Thomases Will Continue to Be Remembered Even Thousands of Years from Now, All You Do Is Make People Wish They Never Met You 

This line here is another insulting statement for someone named Thomas. It compares them to other famous people who bear the same name.

Also, this statement expresses your annoyance at their behavior. It emphasizes that they don’t leave a good impression on people they come across.

I’m Not a Fan of Thomas, He Doubts Everything, Even His Existence

“I’m not a fan of Thomas, he doubts everything, even his existence” is another funny way to tease someone bearing Thomas.

This statement is another hilarious comparison with Thomas in the Bible. It implies that since they’re Thomas, they’re doubters and so you don’t like them.

  • One secret about Thomas is that he doubts if that is his name 
  • Don’t believe anything Thomas tells you, he doesn’t believe it too

Don’t Think That It’s By Making an Enemy of Everyone That You’ll Achieve Fame 

“Don’t think that it’s by making an enemy of everyone that you’ll achieve fame” is another thing to say to roast someone named  Thomas.

This statement insults them for their bad character. Also, it makes fun of them by suggesting that they’re likely trying to be famous like other Thomas.

  • Going about creating a nuisance won’t get you what you want
  • I can see you want to write your name with other Thomases by being famous for troublemaking 

Many Call Their Mistakes “Joyful Misfortunes” While Others Get Innovative and Name Theirs Sweet Names, Like Thomas, Just Like Your Parents Did

This comment is another exciting roast line you can use to make fun of someone named Thomas.

It directly calls them a mistake. It implies that their parents named them Thomas because they were a mistake.

Also, it’s a crazy one-liner that’ll sting for a long time, as it makes rubbish of them in a funny way.

Other Thomases Invented Beautiful Things, You’re Here Inventing Noise

“Other Thomases invented beautiful things, you’re here inventing noise” is another amusing way to attack someone named Thomas.

This is a very funny way of calling them a noisemaker. It compares them to those famous people, whose name was Thomas, and rubbishes them.

It’s an adequate roast line during a roast duel, implying that their insult is just noise. Also, you can use it to roast an arrogant person. It’ll work well to put them in their place.

  • You’re just an empty barrel. Go and learn from your predecessors
  • I can see you want to be known as Thomas the noisemaker 

The Easy Way to Train Your Pet Is to Call Him Thomas

Another crazy one-liner that’ll cause some uproar is, “The easy way to train your pet is to call him Thomas.” 

This is a funny statement that’ll work during a roast battle to finish someone named Thomas. Also, rubbishing the name Thomas in this manner will surely get to them.

Why Is There Never a Cute Thomas?

Funny Roasts for Someone Named Thomas

One ridiculous question to pose to someone named Thomas is, “Why is there never a cute Thomas?”

This is a funny way of calling them ugly. Also, it expresses your surprise and wonder at seeing another Thomas with an ugly face.

This question will work adequately when someone introduces themselves as Thomas. Casually popping the question will take them unawares and throw everyone in fits of laughter.

  • Why is there never a cute Thomas? This is the sixth Thomas I know with an unattractive face
  • Wow! Another ugly Thomas 

Do You Know Why Thomas Didn’t Write a Gospel? He Was too Dumb That He Doubted Jesus Was Real

Of course, we haven’t heard of the Gospel of Thomas. So, this is another interesting one-liner to tease someone with that name.

This is an appropriate comment to make after they make a mistake or during a roast duel. It’s a humorous way to call them stupid, implying that they’re like the doubting Thomas.

  • You’re too dumb, you couldn’t even write a Gospel
  • Stop behaving stupidly like the doubting Thomas 

You Shouldn’t Always Show Everyone Your Stupid Side at First Meetings

One classic burner that’ll surely hit a Thomas hard is, “You shouldn’t always show everyone your stupid side at first meetings.”

This is a crazy statement that directly calls them stupid. Also, it calls them out for always putting out their dumb character. It assumes that all Thomases are stupid.

If I Roast You, You’ll Still Doubt if You Were Roasted

Another funny way to compare someone named Thomas with the Thomas in the Bible is with this silly comment, “If I roast you, you’ll still doubt if you were roasted.”

It’ll work adequately during a roast duel to finish them up. Once, they throw a line, give this crazy comeback to end the show.

  • If I roast you, you’ll still doubt if you were roasted. So, let’s not continue
  • Is there any need to return your insult since you’ll doubt every truth I say

Why Are You Different? You So Much Love Darkness 

“Why are you different? You so much love darkness” is another absurd thing to ask someone named Thomas.

This is another way of making a comparison to Thomas Edison, implying that while he fought darkness, they like darkness.

It’s a crazy one-liner that’ll throw everyone in fits of laughter. 

Wow! Another Foolish Thomas

“Wow! Another foolish Thomas” is another crazy comment to make to roast someone named Thomas.

This one-liner will work adequately when they make a mistake or when they introduce their name as Thomas. It’s a funny punchline they wouldn’t see coming, as it implies you half expected them to act foolishly.

End Note 

As you can see roasting someone named Thomas can be fun. So, if you’ve got that friend named Thomas or you come across someone with that name, don’t hesitate to throw a light joke their way.

And if you ever run out of punchlines to cause a good laugh, you can always rely on this article to save you.


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