20 Funny Roasts for Someone Who Likes BTS 

Funny Roasts for Someone Who Likes BTS 

If you listen to Korean music then you must have heard about BTS, the seven-member South Korean band that has made waves in the global music industry.

This band has garnered a lot of fans from all over the world, including people who like them for their cute faces.

While there are lots of people who like them and even belong to a fan/army group, there are also others who dislike them for one reason or the other.

If you belong to the group that dislikes them or maybe you’re neutral, but you’d like to roast those who wouldn’t stop gushing over them, you’ll need great one-liners that’d make them turn red.

In this article, you’ll find enough funny insults to roast someone who likes BTS. Keep reading.

20 Funny Roasts for Someone Who Likes BTS 

There are several fantastic ways to make fun of BTS fans. If you’re annoyed by their constant excitement over them, you can throw a punchline that’d shut them up. 

For example, “I’m not unhappy that you worship BTS, but I’m sad that that is only what you’re good at,” “What! Do you think they’d look at you twice?” and “What do you gain by fantasizing over people that don’t give an F about you!”

Below are 20 humorous one-liners for BTS fans:

  1. You should get a job 
  2. What do you gain by fantasizing about people who don’t give an F about you?
  3. Why BTS? You can do better
  4. You only love some cute faces
  5. You should at least look pretty joining the BTS army 
  6. It’s gradually becoming an obsession, soon you’ll lose yourself 
  7. I’m not unhappy that you worship BTS, but I’m sad that that is only what you’re good at
  8. So, You’re an army to some band!
  9. It’s okay to like some cute singers, but it’s crazy bringing them into every conversation
  10. What! Do you think they’d look at you twice?
  11. You should get a life!
  12. How much are you being paid?
  13. Have you ever been to South Korea in your dream?
  14. Is this your best? I’m disappointed
  15. That’s why people stay away from you
  16. Isn’t BTS like behind the scenes?
  17. It must be difficult telling them apart, innit?
  18. Are you sure it’s not the bandwagon effect?
  19. How has loving BTS changed your life?
  20. You don’t even have what it takes 

You Should Get a Job 

Funny Roasts for Someone Who Likes BTS 

“You should get a job” is one of the things to say to someone who likes BTS. This is a savage remark that indicates that they’ve got nothing to do and that’s why they’ve got time to like some band.

Also, it’s a funny way to call out someone who’s always speaking about them or going through their social media. It’s very appropriate for someone you think is obsessed with them.

  • You should get a job they don’t even know you 
  • I understand that being jobless comes with a lot of nonsense 

What Do You Gain by Fantasizing About People That Don’t Give a F About You?

Another suitable line you can use to roast BTS fans is, “What do you gain by fantasizing about people that don’t give an F about you!”

This is another appropriate punchline for someone obsessed with them.

For instance, if they’re always gushing over their internet pictures, repeating their songs, and always bringing them into every conversation.

This action can be very annoying. So, this statement serves to call them to order while roasting them and also expressing your annoyance.

  • You wouldn’t gain anything acting like an idiot over some internet personalities 

Why BTS? You Can Do Better 

“Why BTS? You can do better” is another statement to make to make fun of people who like BTS.

This is a crazy one-liner that roasts them by making fun of the BTS band itself. Using this line to roast a BTS fan will surely get to them, as it implies that the band is nothing to write home about.

Also, this expression expresses your disappointment in their choice. In addition, it encourages them to have a better taste.

  • BTS is nothing, they’re just replicating One Direction
  • It’s your choice, but you can do better with your choice 

You Only Love Some Cute Faces

Another crazy punchline you can use to make fun of a BTS fan is, “You only love some cute faces.”

This is a humorous way of attacking them for their choice of artists. Telling a BTS fan that they only like their cuteness infers that they’re more attracted to their appearance rather than their talent 

Also, this statement suggests that BTS doesn’t have real talent, but rather only cute faces. So, this is a double one-liner that insults the band and also makes fun of their fan. 

  • You only love some cute faces, you know nothing about great music 
  • They’ve all got the faces that you’re attracted to, and that’s all

You Should at Least Look Pretty Before Joining the BTS Army 

“You should at least look pretty before joining the BTS army” is another interesting way to roast a BTS fan.

A fan of someone is also referred to as an army. These sets of people usually have a group where they admire and support their person.

So, you can use this statement to make fun of someone who claims to be a BTS army. It implies that BTS armies should be as cute as BTS themselves. So, it teases them for looking ugly, yet identifying as a fan. 

  • BTS fans are pretty, where exactly do you belong?
  • I’ve never seen an ugly BTS army before, you’re a first

It’s Gradually Becoming an Obsession, Soon You’ll Lose Yourself 

Another strong statement you can use to make fun of a BTS lover is, “It’s gradually becoming an obsession, soon you’ll lose yourself.”

It’s a humorous yet smart way to call them out for their love for BTS. This statement is very appropriate for someone you notice is excessively expressing their love.

You can call them to order with this statement before it turns into an obsession.

I’m Not Unhappy That You Worship BTS, But I’m Sad That That Is Only What You’re Good at

Another thing to say to roast a BTS lover is, “I’m not unhappy that you worship BTS, but I’m sad that that is only what you’re good at.”

This is a funny one-liner that implies that they know nothing else but only being a fan of BTS. It shows your disappointment over it.

Also, this is a suitable roast for someone who knows a lot about them and doesn’t hide it. 

So, You’re an Army to Some Band!

“So you’re an army to some band” is another thing to say to tease someone who likes BTS.

This statement expresses your surprise at them being loyal to a band they probably know only by name and face.

Also, it indicates your disappointment in them for choosing to identify as a fan of some random musical band. This line says a lot about expecting better from them.

  • So, You’re an army to some band! Wow! Congratulations, you’ve completely lost it
  • Wow! I can’t believe you call yourself an army to some faraway band in South Korea.

It’s Okay to Like Some Cute Singers, But It’s Crazy Bringing Them into Every Conversation 

Another hilarious way to call out BTS lovers is, “It’s okay to like some cute singers, but it’s crazy bringing them into every conversation.”

This roast line calls them out for talking about the band all the time. So, it’s appropriate for someone quick to include them in every conversation. It implies that you find it crazy that they act that way.

  • You know you look like a crazy person always talking about BTS
  • Even a mad person will know when something has become boring 

What! Do You Think They’d Look at You Twice?

Another interesting line for BTS fans is, “What! Do you think they’d look at you twice?” 

This is a hilarious statement that expresses your shock at their fantasy. It’s an appropriate way to call out someone who fancies BTS members and probably thinks they’d meet them someday.

You should get a life!

“You should get a life!” is another statement you can use to call someone who loves BTS to order.

This is another hilarious one-liner that indicates that they’re not living right by fantasizing over some band. Also, it’s a suitable roast line for an obsessed BTS fan.

  • You should get a life! You’re living in someone’s else
  • You should get a life! BTS won’t clothe and feed you

How Much Are You Being Paid?

One of the funny ways to make fun of a BTS army is by asking them this question, “How much are you being paid?” 

This is a ridiculous question that implies they’re being paid to be a fan of BTS. Paying fans in the entertainment industry isn’t uncommon.

So, this question attempts to ridicule them by suggesting that they’re probably paid to gush over them. Also, it implies that BTS isn’t good enough for you.

  • How much are you being paid to act all insane over some online band
  • How much are you being paid to sell your dignity?

Have You Ever Been to South Korea in Your Dream?

Another absurd question for BTS lovers is, “Have you ever been to South Korea in your dream?” 

This is an appropriate roast for someone who is a non-Korean or someone who lives far away from South Korea and has never been to the country.

Also, this question doesn’t only make fun of their love, it also teases them for fantasizing about people who are very far away from them.

  • You don’t even know what South Korea looks like, yet you worship a South Korean band 
  • Look at you here, crazy over some people you may never meet even in your next world 

Is This Your Best? I’m Disappointed

Another interesting way to ridicule a fan for their love for BTS is with this remark, “Is this your best? I’m disappointed.” 

This statement clearly expresses your disappointment in their choice. You can also use it to ridicule someone who spends most of their time worshiping BTS either on the internet or physically.

That’s Why People Stay Away from You 

“That’s why people stay away from you” is another thing to say to laugh at a fan of BTS.

This statement implies that their love or obsession with BTS is the reason people avoid them. You can use this roast line to tease someone who doesn’t have friends.

  • People are not friends with you because you have nothing to offer but BTS, BTS, and BTS 

Isn’t BTS Like Behind the Scenes?

Funny Roasts for Someone Who Likes BTS 

Another mocking statement for someone who likes BTS is, “Isn’t BTS like behind the scenes?”

This is another ridiculous question that makes fun of their love for BTS. Also, this statement doesn’t only roast them, it also ridicules BTS by misinterpreting their acronym.

  • Isn’t BTS like behind the scenes? Where are they now
  • Isn’t BTS like behind the scenes? What is there to like?

It Must Be Difficult Telling Them Apart, Innit?

“It must be difficult telling them apart, innit?” is another statement that mocks someone for their love for BTS.

This statement implies that the seven boys look alike. So, using this roast line on a BTS fan makes fun of them for liking a band that they can’t even tell the members apart. 

Are You Sure It’s Not the Bandwagon Effect?

Funny Roasts for Someone Who Likes BTS 

Another mocking statement you can use to roast BTS lovers is, “Are you sure it’s not the bandwagon effect?” 

This statement attempts to make fun of them for liking BTS just because others do. Of course, it isn’t strange that some people love something just because the crowd does.

So, this question calls them out for their misplaced love for BTS.

How Has Loving BTS Changed Your Life?

“How has loving BTS changed your life?” is another thing to say to make fun of a BTS fan.

This one-liner questions their love for BTS, implying that it’s a waste of time and affection.

  • What has being a fan gained you? Just making you look crazy all the time 

You Don’t Even Have What It Takes 

“You don’t even have what it takes” is another way to make fun of a BTS fan.

This statement implies that they’re not fit to like this band or join their army. It’s a sharp one-liner that’ll surely get to them.

  • You don’t even have what it takes to be a fan. Stop deceiving yourself

Final Words

Roasting someone who likes BTS can be interesting if you know the right things to say at the right time.

So, next time you find yourself around some BTS fan who annoys you, this article is just what you need to put them in their place.

Feel free to choose any one-liner to deal with them.


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