20 Funny Roasts for Someone from Tagalog 

Funny Roasts for Someone from Tagalog 

Do you know someone from Tagalog you’d like to roast? Roasting can be better entertaining if you have a good knowledge of your target.

Knowing their habit, culture and even a bit of their language can help you create funny punchlines. 

Tagalog is a region on the northern island of Luzon in the Philippines. They speak the Tagalog language and have an interesting culture.

So, if you’d like to spice up your time with someone from Tagalog by throwing some harmless jokes, this article is for you. In this guide post, I’ll be discussing some interesting roasts for someone from Tagalog.

20 Funny Roasts for Someone from Tagalog 

There are countless ways to roast someone from Tagalog. Knowing some Tagalog phrases and a bit about them will be very helpful.

Some humorous roasts include: “Tumahimik ka! (Shut up) You’re not special,” “I can smell your lineage poverty from up here,” and “What is a Filipino contortionist? A Manila folder.”

Here are 20 humorous roasts for someone from Tagalog:

  1. Tumahimik ka! (Shut up). You’re not special 
  2. Nakakainis ka! (You’re so annoying!) You sound like the trash you come from
  3. Wow! You speak polished English!
  4. Do you also keep pets you eat?
  5. I can smell your lineage poverty from up here
  6. Wala kang kwenta! (You’re useless!) Go help your family before you help me
  7. Ang payat mo (You’re so skinny) Go eat some food
  8. You’ve got a generational problem of being ugly
  9. What Kind of Filipino are you?
  10. Aren’t you from the nation of servants?
  11. What family do you work for?
  12. Your food tastes like your face!
  13. Whenever I eat a Tagalog meal, I thank God I’m not from that place
  14. You all are still backward
  15. Ang baho mo! (You stink!)
  16. What is a Filipino contortionist? A Manila folder
  17. What sound do horses make in Tagalog? Tagalog-tagalog-tagalog
  18. How do Filipinos ask their friends if they can come with them? Can I Tagalog?
  19. Come on, aren’t you like the rejected Filipinos?
  20. You’re just from a third-world country with no potential 

Tumahimik Ka! (Shut up). You’re not special

One of the things to say to roast someone from Tagalog is, “Tumahimik ka! (Shut up). You’re not special.” 

This is a perfect roast line that blends a popular Tagalog phrase with English. There’s something powerful about insulting someone in their language, especially if you’re not from their place.

So, this is a suitable way to insult someone from Tagalog to get to them well. It can work as a clapback during a roast battle, or when they try to show themselves. It’ll surely show them their place. 

  • Tumahimik ka! (Shut up) You’re not special. You’re just what I’ll use to clean my house
  • Tumahimik ka! (Shut up) You’re not special, but some confused being 

Nakakainis Ka! (You’re so annoying!) You Sound Like the Trash You Come from

“Nakakainis ka! (You’re so annoying!) You sound like the trash you come from” is another thing to say to insult someone from Tagalog.

This is another powerful line that uses their language to make fun of them. It’s appropriate to use during a roast battle to let them know that their insult doesn’t have any effect on you.

Also, it’ll work for someone who’s arrogant and doesn’t mind their business. Using this statement also insults the people of Tagalog, which will hit hard.

  • Nakakainis ka! (You’re so annoying!) You shouldn’t speak to us, you’re not our type

Wow! You speak polished English!

Another thing you can say to perfectly roast someone from Tagalog is, “Wow! You speak polished English!”

This is a funny statement that expresses your surprise at hearing them speak good English. One of the things the Filipinos hate is assuming that they can’t speak good English.

So, making this comment to a Tagalog person is sure to get them. It can work as a response during a roast duel to get everyone laughing.

Imagine responding to an insult with this statement; it’s a powerful punchline they wouldn’t see coming.

  • Wow! So you speak good English! I thought you’re all still backward
  • Wow! Your English is polished but you don’t look polished

Do You Also Keep Pets You Eat?

“Do you also keep pets you eat?” is a crazy question to ask a Filipino.

Asking someone from Tagalog if they eat their pet is an insulting question that’d get to them. 

The Philippines is one of the countries that has a record of eating animals, like dogs and cats; although it’s now illegal. So, one of the ways to quickly offend a Filipino is by asking them if they eat their pets.

It’s a humorous way to tease someone from Tagalog.

  • I can’t talk to people that eat their pets
  • Wow! So you people eat your dogs! That’s unfair!

I Can Smell Your Lineage Poverty from up Here

Another way to make fun of someone from Tagalog is with this derogatory statement, “I can smell your lineage poverty from up here.”

This is a crazy one-liner that doesn’t only roast them but also makes fun of their family line. 

It’ll work as a reply during a roasting contest to shut them up.

Wala Kang Kwenta! (You’re Useless!) Go Help Your Family Before You Help Me

Another insult that’d work for someone who’s from the Tagalog region is, “Wala kang kwenta! (You’re useless!) Go help your family before you help me.” 

This is another crazy one-liner that’ll insult and put them in their place. It’ll work for someone arrogant that goes about giving unsolicited advice.

Ang Payat Mo (You’re So Skinny) Go Eat Some Food

Funny Roasts for Someone from Tagalog 

Another thing to say to make fun of someone from Tagalog is, “Ang payat mo (You’re so skinny) Go eat some food.”

This is another fantastic way to insult them with their language and shut them down during an insult battle. 

Once they insult you, give them this response instead to show that you don’t care about what they’re saying but rather about how skinny they are. It’s something they wouldn’t see coming and will surely sting.

  • Ang payat mo (You’re so skinny) Go eat some food and stop talking nonsense
  • You should go eat some good food to get the energy to properly roast me

You’ve Got a Generational Problem of Being Ugly 

“You’ve got a generational problem of being ugly” is another classic and hilarious punch-line you can use to throw shade at someone from Tagalog.

This comment doesn’t only call them ugly, but it involves their family and family before then, and even one after them. It’s a crazy one-liner that implies that ugliness runs in their blood.

  • Ang pangit mo! (You’re so ugly!) I’m worried about your children 
  • If you’re this ugly, I wonder how your parents would look

What Kind of Filipino Are You?

Another crazy question to put at someone from Tagalog is, “What Kind of Filipino are you?” 

This statement attempts to make fun of their tribe by implying that their kind of Filipino is strange.

If you’re a Filipino, you can try this insult for someone from Tagalog to suggest that they’re different from you guys.

Also, it’s a humorous way to express your surprise at their behavior. You can raise this concern when they don’t act as you expect them.

  • What Kind of Filipino are you? You don’t even represent us we’ll
  • What Kind of Filipino are you? I’m ashamed of you

Aren’t You from the Nation of Servants?

One crazy question to pose to someone from Tagalog to get a crazy reaction is, “Aren’t you from the nation of servants?”

This is a ridiculous question that infers that they’re all maids. One of the quickest ways to anger a Filipino is by assuming they all work as maids.

So, asking this question during a roast battle will surely throw them off balance, and make a clapback difficult.

  • Aren’t you from the nation of servants? You really have no business talking with me
  • Aren’t you from the nation of servants? You should be serving me

What Family Do You Work for?

“What family do you work for?” is another ridiculous question to throw at a Tagalog person.

This is another question that assumes that all of them work as maids. Asking a Tagalog person you’re just meeting for the first time this question will take them unawares.

It’ll seriously roast then that they wouldn’t know what to say in reply. Be sure to show your roasting skills with this one-liner.

Your Food Tastes Like Your Face!

Another statement to make to ridicule someone from Tagalog is, “Your food tastes like your face!” 

This is a stinging remark that makes fun of their food and appearance. You should show a disgusted expression when making this remark to perfectly convey the message.

Also, it’s a sharp statement that’ll sting, as the Filipinos don’t appreciate a mockery of their food.

  • Your food tastes like your face! It’s not pretty 

Whenever I Eat a Tagalog Meal, I Thank God I’m Not from That Place

“Whenever I eat a Tagalog meal, I thank God I’m not from that place” is another statement that makes fun of Tagalog cuisine.

This mocking statement doesn’t only imply that you don’t like that food, it expresses your gratitude for not being indigenous to Tagalog.

It’s a butt-hurt statement you can make during a roast battle to finish them up.

You All Are Still Backward

Another thing to say to tease and taunt someone from Tagalog is, “You all are still backward.”

This is an iconic punchline that implies that they’re not civilized. Also, it makes fun of the whole Tagalog people. This statement will surely get to them.

  • You all are still backward. You’ve nothing to say here
  • You all are still backward! I have nothing to say to you

Ang Baho Mo! (You Stink!)

“Ang baho mo! (You Stink!)” is another thing to say to insult someone from Tagalog.

This Filipino expression will surely get to them, not just because you say they stink but because you’re roasting them in their language.

Also, it’s a crazy one-liner to use to reply to their insult to show that you’re not moved.

  • Ang baho mo! (You stink!) I can’t stand you any longer 
  • Ang baho mo! (You stink!). Do you all stink there?

What Is a Filipino contortionist? A Manila folder

A humorous statement you can use to make fun of someone from Tagalog is, “What is a Filipino contortionist? A Manila folder” 

Since the capital of the Philippines is Manilla, this statement attempts to make fun of them with this illustration.

Also, it’s a play on words that’ll get everyone in fits of laughter; they’re sure to relate to this joke.

What Sound Do Horses Make in Tagalog? Tagalog-Tagalog-Tagalog

Another mocking statement for a Tagalog person is, “What sound do horses make in Tagalog? Tagalog-tagalog-tagalog.” 

This statement mocks them by comparing, “Tagalog” to the sound of a horse. Also, this is something you should say with others around to get everyone in fits of laughter.

How Do Filipinos Ask Their Friends if They Can Come with Them? Can I Tagalog

Funny Roasts for Someone from Tagalog 

“How does a Filipino ask their friends if they can come with them? Can I Tagalog” is another insane roast line you can use on a Tagalog person.

This is another hilarious play on words that mocks the “Tagalog” name. It’ll get everyone laughing, as it’ll surely hit close to home.

Come on, Aren’t You Like the Rejected Filipinos?

Another insane comment to roast someone from Tagalog is, “Come on, aren’t you like the rejected Filipinos?” 

This statement implies that they’re not a recognized part of the Philippines. You can use this statement to mock and shut them up during a roast duel.

  • Come on, aren’t you like the rejected Filipinos? You’ve got nothing to say here
  • Come on, aren’t you like the rejected Filipinos? What do you think you know?

You’re Just from a Third World Country with no Potential 

“You’re just from a third-world country with no potential” is another insane one-liner that’ll hurt a Filipino.

Using this statement on a Tagalog person will surely sting, as it doesn’t only insult them, but the entire Philippines.

Also, it’s a classic roast line that can shut them up during a roast battle.

Final Verdict

To roast a Tagalog person is quite easy. With the above examples, you can see that you don’t need much effort, just a good sense of humor to make fun of them.

If you don’t know how to start, that’s why you have this article as a guide.


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