10 Funny Roasts for Someone from Turkey

Funny Roasts for Someone from Turkey

Do you know someone from Turkey and you want to roast them?

The Turks are great people you’d like to know. So, If you plan on visiting the country, it’s best you read and ask questions about their culture. 

While you can enjoy your stay there, as they’re very generous people, especially to visitors, respecting their culture is very important because there are certain things they don’t tolerate.

So, if you’ve got a Turkish friend or you’ll be visiting the country, and you’d like to tease someone from there, this article has got you covered. 

In this post, I’ll be discussing some interesting roasts for someone from Turkey.

10 Funny Roasts for Someone from Turkey 

There are numerous ways to roast someone from Turkey. However, it’s important to note that while you may be having fun, these people may take offense.

So, before roasting a Turkish person, especially if you’re in their country, ensure they understand the humor. Or better still, make sure they’re friends and families who understand you.

Some interesting roast lines include: “The only time a Turk is useful is during Thanksgiving,” “How many camels have you seen today?” and “I can’t date someone from Turkey, they’re yet to fix their identity crisis.”

That being said, here are 10 hilarious roasts for someone from Turkey:

  1. The only time a Turk is useful is during Thanksgiving
  2. Don’t worry, I’m waiting for November to roast you 
  3. A Turkey has more use than you
  4. I can’t date someone from Turkey, they’re yet to fix their identity crisis
  5. You’re Turkish, no wonder you sound barbaric!
  6. I heard a male Turk is called a “gobbler”
  7. How many camels have you seen today?
  8. Wow! You’re wearing shorts!
  9. You don’t look Turkish
  10. How can I listen to you, you still live in a desert

The Only Time a Turk Is Useful Is During Thanksgiving

One of the interesting ways to roast someone from Turkey is with this line, “The only time a Turk is useful is during Thanksgiving.”

This statement is a funny way of comparing them to the bird, turkey. During Thanksgiving, turkey is the common animal used for meat. So, this is a play on words that’ll cause everyone to laugh.

Also, it’s a playful jab that’ll get to them, as it implies that their only use is during Thanksgiving.

  • We don’t need you now until November 
  • A Turkish person is only useful once a year 

Don’t Worry, I’m Waiting for November to Roast You 

Funny Roasts for Someone from Turkey

Another thing to say to roast someone from Turkey is, “Don’t worry, I’m waiting for November to roast you.”

This is a clever and savage reply to give to them during a roast battle. Also, this statement implies that you don’t want to respond to their insult.

But, it’s a sarcastic comment that compares them to a turkey that’ll be roasted during Thanksgiving. Not everyone will get this joke, but if they do, they’re sure to find this very hilarious.

  • I won’t bother about roasting you, a lot of people are waiting to do that
  • The roaster will soon be roasted 

A Turkey Has More Use Than You 

“A Turkey has more use than you” is another hilarious thing to say to insult someone from Turkey.

This is another ridiculous comparison that’ll get to them. Using this one-liner doesn’t only compare them to a turkey, it gives the bird more value than them. 

Also, this is a crazy one-liner you can use as a defense during a roast duel. Additionally, you can use it to scold someone that misbehaves.

  • You shouldn’t talk to me. A turkey is more beneficial than you
  • I’ll choose a turkey ten times over you

I Can’t Date Someone from Turkey, They’re Yet to Fix Their Identity Crisis 

Another annoying comment you can make to tease a Turkish person is, “I can’t date someone from Turkey, they’re yet to fix their identity crisis.” 

This is a ridiculous statement that draws attention to their dislike for being referred to as Arabs. First, the Turks don’t identify as Arabians and don’t like to be referred to as one, regarding language, food, and culture.

So, using this one-liner will get to them, as it suggests they’re yet to know where they belong.

  • I can’t date someone from Turkey. They’ve got different identities
  •  I can’t date someone from Turkey. They’re confused people 

You’re Turkish, No Wonder You Sound Barbaric!

Funny Roasts for Someone from Turkey

“You’re Turkish, no wonder you sound barbaric” is another thing to say to insult someone from Turkey.

This is another crazy one-liner that’ll surely hit a Turk very hard. Also, this statement suggests that there’s a general notion about Turkish people being barbarians.

The Turks don’t take this insinuation lightly. So, using this one-liner implies that their behavior conforms to that perception. 

  • Wow! I heard Turks are barbarians, and you have confirmed it

I Heard a Male Turk Is Called a “Gobbler”

Another comment you can use to roast someone from Turkey is, “I heard a male Turk is called a ‘gobbler'” 

First, male turkeys are referred to as “gobblers.” So, this is another expression that compares them to a turkey.

Also, this is an appropriate roast one-liner for a male. It’s a funny way of calling them a turkey. 

  • I heard a male Turk is called a “gobbler.” Is that true?

How Many Camels Have You Seen Today?

Another way to insult a Turk is by asking this question, “How many camels have you seen today?”

This is a funny question that implies that they live in a desert. Generally, one of the ways to offend a Turkish person is by implying that they live in a desert.

Then being vocal about it by asking them questions like this will get to them. So, this is a perfect roast line that will sting.

  • Wow! Are you Turkish? You must own a camel then?
  • Do you keep camels? I’d love to visit 

Wow! You’re Wearing Shorts!

Another hilarious remark that makes fun of someone from Turkey is, “Wow! You’re wearing shorts!” 

This statement expresses your surprise at seeing them in shorts. Culturally, the Turkish people value modesty. Also, the majority are Muslim, and decency is part of their culture.

Therefore, they are known for their Islamic garment, the burqa, which covers their whole body and is worn by women. 

However, with civilization, people are evolving, and you’ll find people with Western clothing, including shorts.

So, this roast line mocks them by suggesting that they’re not meant to wear shorts.

  • Wow! You’re wearing shorts! Isn’t it a sin?
  • Wow! You’re wearing shorts! You are gradually losing the Turkey in you

You Don’t Look Turkish

“You don’t look Turkish” is another thing to say to make fun of someone from Turkey.

This is a comment that a Turk won’t take lightly. Also, using this statement implies that they probably look Arabian, and this is something that’ll get to them.

So, you can make this remark to tease a Turk to get a reaction from them.

  • You don’t look Turkish, you’ll pass for a Turkish Arabian
  • “You don’t look Turkish. I’ll easily confuse you for a barbarian

How Can I Listen to You, You Still Live in a Desert 

Funny Roasts for Someone from Turkey

Another thing to say to perfectly roast someone from Turkey is, “How can I listen to you, you still live in a desert.”

This is a crazy statement that implies that they’re still backward. Also, it makes fun of them and disregards their opinion because of that implication.

It’s something a Turk wouldn’t like to hear. Additionally, it’s a great roast line for a roast duel, as it indicates that you’re not bothered by their insult. Rather, it turns the joke back on them.

  • You’ve got nothing to say to me, you’re still back in time
  • What has someone living in a desert got to contribute?

Final Words 

Roasting a Turkish person can be fun with the right roast line and tone. If you’ve got someone from Turkey you’d like to roast like a turkey, the above examples are a good place to start.

Feel free to use them as a guide to sharpen your roasting skills.


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