20 Funny Roasts for Someone with Acne

Funny Roasts for Someone with Acne

Acne is a skin disease that is common among young adults. It’s part of the growth phase of adolescents, having higher occurrence during puberty.

While it’s a common skin condition, some individuals don’t develop it, and the severity differs among different individuals. 

Roasting people with acne isn’t uncommon, and if you want to jump on the train and make fun of your friend with acne, this article is for you.

I’ll be discussing some funny roasts for someone with acne.

20 Funny Roasts for Someone with Acne

Roasting someone with acne isn’t difficult. You just need to be creative and come up with great one-liners around their condition.

Examples of interesting puns are “Are you from Greece because your face is greecy,” and “Nobody wishes for acne, but a bacteria in cyst.”

Also, “Wow! Pizza Face” is a hilarious nickname for them.

Below are 20 hilarious insults for someone with acne:

  1. It’s a waste of time to arrest someone with acne. They’re very good at breaking out
  2. Why don’t the rich worry about acne? Because they have the pore man to worry about it
  3. Nobody wishes for acne, but a bacteria in cyst
  4. We should lock you in a room to cure your acne. You can break out once you’re done
  5. Why did Archimedes suffer such a great acne breakout? He showered in Greece
  6. Are you from Greece because your face is greecy
  7. What do the bacteria say whenever acne occurs again? I’m bac
  8. How do you know someone who has acne is angry? It’s written all over their face
  9. Wow! Such pizza face
  10. If acne of the back is bacne? What is acne on your face?
  11. Acne is the only thing that visits more regularly than your aunt
  12. You shouldn’t worry about the acne on your face, it makes you an easy spot
  13. Your acne reflects your true beauty
  14. Stop medication and start treating people nicely
  15. Makeup can’t cover your shame
  16. You’re so ugly even the acne is ashamed 
  17. I don’t have a problem with your acne, I’m worried about the face beneath it
  18. Your personality is uglier than those spots on your skin
  19. So if I want to kiss you, how’d that happen?
  20. This acne suits you very well. You should be grateful

It’s a Waste of Time to Arrest Someone with Acne. They’re Very Good at Breaking Out

One of the things to say to roast someone with acne is, “It’s a waste of time to arrest someone with acne. They’re very good at breaking out.”

This is a silly remark that attempts to tease them for the breakouts on their skin. It’s a hilarious play on words that’ll get everyone in fits of laughter.

Also, it’s more appropriate to use this roast line with others around.

Why Don’t the Rich Worry About Acne? Because They Have the Pore Man to Worry About It

Another interesting thing to say to roast someone with acne is, “Why don’t the rich worry about acne? Because they have the pore man to worry about it.”

First, clogged pores on the skin lead to acne. So, this is another fascinating play on words someone with acne will surely relate to. It’s another great one-liner that works with others around. 

Also, you can use this line to make fun of them by referring to them as the poor person.

Nobody Wishes for Acne, But a Bacteria in Cyst

Another excellent wordplay you can use to tease someone with acne is, ‘Nobody wishes for acne, but a bacteria in cyst.”

This is another funny way to roast them. First, bacteria is one of the causes of acne. And cystic acne isn’t an uncommon condition.

So, this is a hilarious line that perfectly describes their condition. It’ll surely get everyone laughing.

We Should Lock You in a Room to Cure Your Acne. You Can Break Out Once You’re Done

“We should lock you in a room to cure your acne. You can break out once you’re done” is another thing to say to make fun of someone who has acne breakouts.

This is another fantastic exploration of your pun skill. It’ll work for someone who isn’t bothered about the acne on their skin.

While it’s a humorous way to tease them, it can also serve to call their minds towards considering treatment, especially if it’s serious.

Why Did Archimedes Suffer Such Great Acne Breakout? He Showered in Greece

Another interesting punchline for someone with acne is, “Why did Archimedes suffer such great acne? He showered in Greece.”

First, Archimedes is a famous Greek mathematician, and very oily skin is one of the main causes of acne.

So, this is another play on words that relates Grease(Greece) to the cause of acne and the home of Archimedes. Be sure you’ll get people to laugh with this line.

Are You from Greece Because Your Face is Greecy

Funny Roasts for Someone with Acne

“Are you from Greece because your face is greecy” is another hilarious line you can use to jest at someone with acne.

This is another punny statement that accuses their face of being too oily. Also, asking if they’re from Greece makes it funnier. 

If you want to make the most of this roast, use it during a roast duel with others around for a good laugh.

  • You must be from Greece, your face tells a lot
  • This acne has disclosed your origin- it’s Greece 

What Do the Bacteria Say Whenever an Acne Occurs Again? I’m Bac

Another crazy thing to say to roast someone who has acne is, “What do the bacteria say whenever an acne occurs again? I’m bac.”

This is a playful way to make fun of someone who is having another acne breakout. It’s a play on words that’ll get to them.

Also, it can work for anyone, whether it’s their first breakout or not.

How Do You Know Someone Who Has Acne is Angry? It’s Written All Over Their Face

Another interesting way to with acne is with this comment, “How do you know someone who has acne is angry? It’s written all over their face.” 

This line makes fun of the spots all over their face. First, for most people, acne may only appear on a few spots on their face, while others have a widespread on the face.

So, this is another punny expression that’d work for someone who has a wide spread of the condition on their face.

Wow! Such Pizza Face

“Pizza Face” is one of the nicknames for someone with acne. So, you can use this expression, “Wow! Such pizza face” to tease someone with this condition.

Also, it’s an interesting one-liner that’d work when you meet them for the first time. It expresses your surprise at seeing such a breakout on their face.

  • Wow! Such a pizza face. It’s beautiful
  • You’ve got such a pretty pizza face 

If Acne of the Back is Bacne? What Is Acne on Your Face?

‘If acne of the back is bacne? What is acne on your face?” is another ridiculous thing to say to someone with acne. 

This statement attempts to roast them by making fun of the spot on their face. It’s a funny thing to say when others are around.

Additionally, to get the most out of this joke, be sure to act curious when using this line.

Acne Is the Only Thing That Visits More Regularly Than Your Aunt 

“Acne is the only thing that visits more regularly than your aunt” is another interesting line you can use to make fun of someone with acne.

This statement teases them about the constant reoccurrence. Of course, Acne occurs very frequently during puberty. For some, it’s sparse, some every month, while others it seems like a permanent condition.

So, you can use this line to make fun of them, implying that the occurrence is very frequent.

  • You receive more visits from acne than you receive from your aunt. Does she not love you enough?
  • Acne must be in love with you to be a regular visitor even more than your best aunt

You Shouldn’t Worry About the Acne on Your Face, It Makes You an Easy Spot

Another excellent way to make fun of someone with acne is, “You shouldn’t worry about the acne on your face, it makes you an easy spot.”

This is another crazy one-liner that sounds like you’re concerned about them. It’s a sarcastic statement you can make in front of people.

Moreover, giving it as a compliment makes it more hilarious.

  • You shouldn’t worry about the acne on your face, it makes you an easy spot for the babes out there
  • Don’t worry. With these spots on your face, you’ll get attention 

Your Acne Reflects Your True Beauty 

“Your acne reflects your true beauty” is another funny way to roast someone with acne.

This sarcastic statement sounds like a compliment, but it’s a crazy punchline that mocks them.

Acne is usually seen as an unattractive condition. So, saying it reflects their true beauty implies that their true beauty is ugliness. In fact, it’s a funny and cunning way to call them ugly.

  • Your acne reflects your true beauty. You should be proud of your face
  • Your acne adds to your beauty. Only that you don’t see it

Stop Medication and Start Treating People Nicely

“Stop medication and start treating people nicely” is another crazy one-liner that you can use to insult someone with acne.

This statement implies that the cause of their acne is their disrespect and unkind treatment to people. So, this roast advises them to stop medication, implying that it’s a waste of time.

Also, this is a hilarious way of calling them out for their wicked act. Believe me, they’ll find a reply difficult.

Makeup Can’t Cover Your Shame

Funny Roasts for Someone with Acne

“Makeup can’t cover your shame” is another thing to say to roast someone with acne.

Many people, especially females with acne, usually use makeup to cover it up. And most of the time it’s very effective.

So, this one-liner makes fun of them by letting them know that make-up won’t help them.

You’re So Ugly Even the Acne Is Ashamed 

“You’re so ugly even the acne is ashamed” is another funny thing to say to roast someone with acne. 

This statement doesn’t just insult them because of the acne, it implies that even without the acne they’re not pretty.

Moreover, saying that acne is shameful is a ridiculous exaggeration that’ll get everyone laughing.

I Don’t Have a Problem with Your Acne, I’m Worried About the Face Beneath It

“I don’t have a problem with your acne, I’m worried about the face beneath it” is another interesting line that works like the above.

This is another silly comment you can use to make fun of someone with acne. It means that the acne isn’t the problem but their face, implying that without the acne the face isn’t something to be proud of.

Your Personality Is Uglier Than Those Spots on Your Skin

Funny Roasts for Someone with Acne

“Your personality is uglier than those spots on skin” is another interesting line you can use to call out someone for their bad character.

This statement will work for someone who has acne, inferring that their personality is more worrisome than their condition.

Additionally, it’s a sarcastic remark that also calls their spot ugly, but less ugly than their behavior.

  • You should worry about your personality and not those spots on your skin
  • You should also visit the doctor to work on your bad character

So if I Want to Kiss You, How’d That Happen?

“So if I want to kiss you, how’d that happen?” is another crazy question to ask someone with acne.

This is a mocking question that makes fun of the acne on their face. It draws attention to how numerous it is.

Also, you can use it to tease your lover or crush before you kiss them.

This Acne Suits You Very Well. You Should Be Grateful 

Another ridiculous thing to say to someone with acne is, “This acne suits you very well. You should be grateful.”

It’s another ironic statement that makes fun of their condition. Also, asking that they should be grateful adds insult to injury.


When next you see your friend with acne, instead of pitying them, have fun with them by teasing them with these hilarious lines.

You’ll find out that it’ll be easier than acting all sympathetic all the time.


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