20 Funny Roasts For Your Science Teacher

Funny Roasts For Your Science Teacher

Civilization was made by science. Those same wheels are in motion, grinding endlessly towards more innovation, thanks to science. 

The first person to explain the nature of this wheel to us is the science teacher. They exposed the various laws and their significance. 

And we are thankful to them for this immeasurable contribution to our education. 

But we will roast them if we get the chance. 

This article contains 20 funny roasts for the science teacher. There’re puns, wordplays and many more. If you’ve been thinking of how to roast your science teacher, here’s your chance to get it right. 

Dig in. 

20 Funny Roasts For Your Science Teacher

1. Why did the science teacher always carry a pencil to class?

Funny Roasts For Your Science Teacher

This roast is the event opener. It comes in smooth and gentle. Pencils have graphite, a form of carbon, which is a fundamental element in chemistry. And as you know, if there’s anyone who talks about scientific elements all day for a living, it’s science teachers. There’s a play on the word element


  • Why did the science teacher always carry a pencil to class? Because he wanted to draw his students into the world of science.


  • Why did the science teacher always carry a pencil to class? To make sure his class notes had a good “element” of humor.


2. What did the science teacher say when a student forgot their periodic table?

The periodic table is a vital tool in chemistry, and the joke plays on the importance of having it during class. It is what the log table is to mathematics.

Or the constitution to lawyers. In this roast, begin your roast by pointing these similarities out. 

  • What did the science teacher say when a student forgot their periodic table? He said, Without the periodic table, you’re sodium funny!


  • What did the science teacher say when a student forgot their periodic table? His response was, You must have left your chemistry jokes at home too!

3. How does a science teacher organize their teaching materials?

This funny roast plays on the systematic nature of science, especially in organizing information.

Paint a scenario for your audience: the teacher organizing his desk using the same arrangements on the periodic table. 

  • How does a science teacher organize their teaching materials? With a periodic filing system.


  • How does a science teacher organize their teaching materials? In a controlled and precise manner—it’s the scientific way!

4. Why did the science teacher break up with the agric teacher?

This roast plays on the idea of different branches of science having their unique perspectives. This roast would be even more appropriate if there’s a real life friendship that ended between the science and agric teacher.

While your aim may be to make others laugh, be careful to respect their boundaries in this case. There’s a play on space or outer space in the first example. In the second example, the wordplay is on cell

  • Why did the science teacher break up with the agric teacher? Because he needed space.


  • Why did the science teacher break up with the agric teacher? Their relationship was no longer cell-good.

5. What did the science teacher say when a student was struggling with physics?

Funny Roasts For Your Science Teacher

Physics concepts can be challenging, and this joke pokes fun at that. But in doing that there are several wordplays: there’s time and motion. And then there’s Newton’s law as the basics of science. 

  • What did the science teacher say when a student was struggling with physics? He said, don’t worry, it’s just a matter of time and motion!


What did the science teacher say when a student was struggling with physics? His advice was, when in doubt, go back to the basics—Newton’s laws are the real force!

6. Why did the science teacher always bring a tape to the classroom?

Every student desires to elevate in the pursuit of knowledge. This funny roast plays on the idea of reaching new heights in scientific knowledge. The tape signifies the upward movement of knowledge. 

  • Why did the science teacher always bring a tape to the classroom? To elevate the discussion to a higher level.


  • Why did the science teacher always bring a tape to the classroom? He believed in raising the bar for education.

7. How does a science teacher celebrate a successful experiment?

Funny Roasts For Your Science Teacher

This humorous take on the joy of a successful scientific experiment is hilarious.

The roast uses puns and plays on words like scientific reaction and molecules. In the second example, the mole-tov is a combination of molecules and Molotov

  • How does a science teacher celebrate a successful experiment? With a big reaction.


  • How does a science teacher celebrate a successful experiment? By throwing a mole-tov cocktail party.

8. Why did the science teacher bring a ladder to the chemistry lab?

Another ladder joke here. This one plays on the idea of working with different elements and reactions.

This time the pun is on the idea of advancement in knowledge. The teacher tries to reach the top shelf of chemical compound or a molecular level. 

  • Why did the science teacher bring a ladder to the chemistry lab? To reach the top shelf of chemical compounds.


  • Why did the science teacher bring a ladder to the chemistry lab? He wanted to take his teaching to another level—a molecular level.

9. How does a science teacher stay calm during chaotic experiments?

This roast plays on the importance of maintaining composure in the face of unpredictability in experiments. You are reminded of experiments in the lab.

You have to wear protective gear like goggles, gloves and lab coats. But what can be even more important is a steady hand. There’s a play on words like stable, and reactions

  • How does a science teacher stay calm during chaotic experiments? By keeping his reactions under control.


  • How does a science teacher stay calm during chaotic experiments? He’s a master at maintaining a stable state of mind.

10. Why did the science teacher always have a positive outlook?

In this roast the wordplay is on the concept of positivity and the positive charge in atoms. The play is on words like: proton and positive.

If you get the chance to use this roast while in a science laboratory, it would be more fun. 

  • Why did the science teacher always have a positive outlook? Because he had a proton attitude.


  • Why did the science teacher always have a positive outlook? He knew that staying positive was the key to unlocking scientific potential.

11. Why did the science teacher always carry a pencil to the classroom?

Another pen joke here for the science teacher. As already noted pencils have graphite, a form of carbon. All science students are exposed to what carbon is early in learning.

This roast says the teacher wants to draw chemical reactions and it’s a fair enough expectation in the circumstance. And of course, a pencil can be used to sketch solutions

  • Why did the science teacher always carry a pencil to the classroom? Because he wanted to draw some chemical reactions!


  • Why did the science teacher always carry a pencil to the classroom? In case he needed to sketch out a solution.

12. How does a science teacher stay cool during exams?

Funny Roasts For Your Science Teacher

Heat transfer is a key concept in physics, and staying cool involves understanding heat dissipation. Several words are played on in this funny roast: conducting, radiation, dissipation.

Again, this roast can be used anywhere but even better in a lab with the science teacher in attendance. 

  • How does a science teacher stay cool during exams? By conducting themselves with calmness!


  • How does a science teacher stay cool during exams? They know how to radiate confidence.

13. What did the science teacher say when a student asked about puns?

If you have been reading RoastHow articles, you likely already know puns involve wordplay. Language is a crucial part of communication in the scientific community.

This roast exemplifies in the play on words like, elementary and chemistry. Get familiar with these words and you’d enjoy playing with them in your roasts. 

  • What did the science teacher say when a student asked about puns? I find puns quite element-ary!


  • What did the science teacher say when a student asked about puns? It’s all about the chemistry between words.

14. Why did the science teacher bring a tape to class?

A tape-science joke here to spice things up. There seems to be no shortage of tape applications for roasts.

You can come up with yours easily too. As usual the use of tape here plays on the idea of reaching high levels of understanding in scientific knowledge. 

  • Why did the science teacher bring a tape to class? To teach the class about molecular heights!

15. How does a science teacher organize a space-themed party?

The trick to getting the gist of this roast is simple. Remember, organization and classification are fundamental in science, including astronomy.

The words played on include: planning-planet and universe. These words call to mind images of planets in astrology. 

  • How does a science teacher organize a space-themed party? By planet-ing everything in advance!


  • How does a science teacher organize a space-themed party? Ensuring the party has a universal appeal.

16. Why did the science teacher become a gardener?

This roast relates to the biology of plants and the nurturing aspect of teaching. The word plays are on words we are all familiar with in agriculture and general gardening. Words like cultivate and blossom

  • Why did the science teacher become a gardener? To cultivate a love for science!


  • Why did the science teacher become a gardener? Because they wanted to see students blossom.

17. What’s a science teacher’s favorite type of dog?

This funny roast combines the idea of classification in biology with a playful twist. The words are fairly easy to identify in the wordplay.

The first example is a play on the word laboratory and the dog called retriever. The second one is a play on the word beaker—a transparent container used in experiments in laboratories. 

  • What’s a science teacher’s favorite type of dog? A lab-retriever!


  • What’s a science teacher’s favorite type of dog? A beaker collie.

18. Why do science teachers never get mad?

Funny Roasts For Your Science Teacher

This humorously implies that the calmness of the science teacher is based on some scientific experiment. The play is on the words controlled hypothesis and experimental design. 

  • Why do science teachers never get mad? Because they always keep a controlled hypothesis!


  • Why do science teachers never get mad? Getting mad doesn’t conform to their experimental design.

19. How does a science teacher encourage their students?

Positive reinforcement is a teaching strategy, and this joke incorporates scientific terminology. Our favorite on this list, this funny roast comes with a positive side to it.

It’s a roast, yet it allows some positive reflection. The play on words like positive energy and positive charge is delightful. 

  • How does a science teacher encourage their students? Saying, You have potential energy!


  • How does a science teacher encourage their students? Reminding them they’re positively charged.

20. What’s a science teacher’s favorite kind of dance?

Use this roast during a party where there’s dancing. If the science teacher is in the crowd, you can playfully single him or her out to deliver this roast.

It’s also the type of funny roast you use privately, perhaps while dancing with the science teacher. She would be delighted to hear this joke on a first date. 

  • What’s a science teacher’s favorite kind of dance? The cha-cha-mistry!


  • What’s a science teacher’s favorite kind of dance? The atomic waltz.

Final Thoughts

In this article we’ve presented you with 20 funny roasts for science teachers. As we always say at RoastHow, be respectful when delivering roasts. Be sure the recipient of your roast can take a joke or too. 


Choice of words are important during roasts. In fact, they’re as important as the joke itself. And if you’re not getting the desired results, don’t be afraid to apologize or try the roast some other time. 


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