20 Best Insults for a Gen Z

Gen Z is known for being tech-savvy, independent, and socially conscious. They are often characterized as being less optimistic and more pragmatic than previous generations.

They also tend to be more entrepreneurial, with many Gen Z-ers choosing to start their businesses instead of working traditional jobs.

This article is for you if you want to have a long-lasting laugh at young folks who think being a Gen Z is the only reason for being smarter and socially inclined.

Table of Contents

Here Are 20 Insults For Someone Who is a GenZ

  1. When he was arrested they asked his dad who his best friend was. He said it was a phone.
  2. His brother asked him to state a valid reason why he lied, He said AI convinced him.
  3. Your mum knew the only way she could make you do all the house chores was to threaten to check your Google history
  4. Your mum said the only time you come out is when Forex takes all your savings
  5. We thought we needed to call the pastor again until we found out you were doing a TikTok challenge.
  6. He wore the new crazy pants to the board meeting, the manager said we don’t have a psychiatric hospital.
  7. She rejected you repeatedly because the only time you have something meaningful to say is when the discussion is about the latest episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians
  8. We call ur girlfriend our neighbor who just moved to town because she won’t stop talking about cheap liposuction
  9. Remember we started calling you “Ask Google” when you couldn’t stop interfering in older kids’ discussions.
  10. Your parents wasted four years trying to make your grades college-worthy, but we both know opening a Twitch account is the only thing that can save your life.
  11. The group said you have been missing for days, I said they would find you online.
  12. I heard you were disowned because you like taking selfies with your dad snoring.
  13. They told me you were unteachable, I told them to leave you and that your best teacher is called pain.
  14. The only reason your competitors’ brand is growing and yours isn’t, is because you can’t seem to mind your business.
  15. Whenever you go through a breakup, your elder brothers always report your Twitter account.
  16. If Siri was programmed to say one thing she would love to tell you, it would be “Get a life”.
  17. The only reason we follow your page is that you always pose in your pictures like you are looking for food.
  18. The only way you can stop being unlucky in a relationship is if you can find a way to delete Tinder from your brain.
  19. I told your sister the reason you always get lost is because you rely on Google Maps rather than your God-given own.
  20. You are so used to makeup that I could not recognize you in your best clothes

When he was arrested they asked his dad who his best friend was, he said it was a phone.

Gen Zs are more acquainted with their phone than any other human being they are supposed to relate with, and this is because the phone is more useful to them than some friends may tend to be.

Therefore, a phone can be sarcastically called a best friend of Gen Z because it plays the role of a best friend for them.

Insult them this way:

  • The only person that will come to your birthday is your phone if it can grow legs since you refused to make friends.

how to insult a genz

His brother asked him to state a valid reason why he lied, He said AI convinced him.

Gen Z folks do make use of AI these days, and AI can be a very good conversing program, which can tell the user a lot of things they ask it.

This insult portrays Gen Z folk, who got confused and misinterpreted the advice given to him by an AI bot.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • Since AI has replaced your conscience, I won’t be surprised if you decide to receive an order from it, before you make any sense.

Your mum knew the only way she could make you do all the house chores was to threaten to check your Google history

A Gen Z Google history usually contains x-rated content, and weird things youthful exorbitant can make Gen Z folk do in this era.

Therefore, their Google history is like a personal space they don’t want anybody, especially their parents, to see because they might get grounded for a long time.

Try not to laugh when delivering this insult:

  • You are the only person in the world whose search history could make him a slave who is contended with how he is being treated.
  • Your sister said whenever she is angry with you, she makes you bark like a dog because of the screenshot of your Google search she threatens you with.

Your mum said the only time you come out is when Forex takes all your savings

Forex is one of the online platforms where you make money in this era. It is easy to make money when you trade on the right signal and it is easy to lose all of your money in the blink of an eye when you least expect it.

Look away when delivering this insult:

  • When I see you come to the crib to hang out with us, I laugh discreetly “This guy is broke again”.

We thought we needed to call the pastor again until we found out you were doing a TikTok challenge.

TikTok is arguably one of the most viral content-making apps in this present generation, all a Gen Z needs to do is go viral either by doing a challenge or creating ingenious content.

The challenges are sometimes so extreme and weird to do, and maybe worrying to witness by a person who does not know that it is a TikTok challenge that is being done.

Wear a little smile when delivering this insult:

  • You look like a spineless Hen trying to take cover from incoming slippers thrown at it.
  • You are the only person who knows how to make money but does not know if he will live to spend it or not.

how to insult a genz

He wore the new crazy pants to the board meeting, the manager said we said we don’t have a psychiatric hospital

Wearing crazy pants to a board meeting can be said to be absurd, the proper dress code for a meeting in a corporate organization is a shirt or trousers, or a gown for ladies, anything else can be said to be against corporate conduct and dress code.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • Whenever you dress wrong for the occasion it makes me wonder if your brain is filled with wires that are sparking.

She rejected you repeatedly because the only time you have something meaningful to say is when the discussion is about the latest episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Keeping Up with the Kardashians is one of the biggest reality shows in the USA and Gen Z folks take their time to follow up, and the only time they are interested in a conversation is when they involve reality shows or a trending episode on Twitter.

Wear a little smile when delivering this insult:

  • Whenever you want to open your mouth on sensitive matters, I am always sweating and gasping for air.
  •  The reason I did not introduce you to my new girl is so that you won’t disgrace both of us.

We call ur girlfriend our neighbor who just moved to town because she won’t stop talking about cheap liposuction.

This insult portrays a guy’s Gen Z girlfriend who is obsessed with liposuction, and because she is always trying to chip into conversations, facts about affordable liposuction.

Whenever they go out the boyfriend and his friends refer to her as their neighbor who just came to town, so if she starts talking about affordable liposuction it will carry no consequence on the image of the boyfriend and his friends.

Insult them this way:

  • If there is liposuction of the brain I would use my college school fee to do it for you and your girlfriend.

Remember we started calling you “Ask Google” when you couldn’t stop interfering in older kids’ discussions.

Gen Z folks get most of their facts on Google, and they are so reliant on it, that whenever they want to argue, they argue based on such facts gathered from Google.

This insult is perfect for a friend or an opponent who always uses phrases like “Ask Google” “I checked it on Google” and “Go and check it on Google”.

Look away when delivering this insult:

  • I am sure the reason you always have a C in the exams is because you can’t read a textbook, you prefer to ask Google.
  • Google has done more research for you than you can do on your own even if you were to do Ph.D. 20 times.

Your parents wasted four years trying to make your grades college-worthy, but we both know opening a Twitch account is the only thing that can save your life

Gen Zs are often advised to get a very good grade in school so that they can get a scholarship to college, but some people don’t want that, and no matter how their parents want it, they can’t just be serious enough to get good grades, because some may want to venture into sport or entertainment.

Wear a smile when delivering this insult:

  • We all know you are a joke, so why not get paid for being you effortlessly?

The group said you have been missing for days, I said they would find you online

One of those predominant things about Gen Z folks is accessing the internet and using social media apps such as TikTok and Twitter.

Most Gen Z folks care about their social media presence as much as they care about their daily life, so if a person travels out of the country, you will be able to reach them online no matter where they go.

Insult them this way:

  • The only reason you can save for your business is that you spend your money accessing the internet just to interfere in another person’s business.

how to insult a genz

I heard you were disowned because you like taking selfies with your dad snoring.

Gen Z folks are so used to taking pictures of anything, including things you don’t expect them to take pictures of, and they do all this so that they can post it on social media platforms, and engage people in the comment section.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • Your siblings hate you because you made your parent create a no-phone policy in the house
  • We don’t take him to the Zoo again because you always make us popular

They told me you were unteachable, I told them to leave you and that your best teacher is called pain.

One of the characteristics of Gen Z is being rigid, full of themselves, and believing that they know it all, they believe that they have a vaster knowledge than older folks of different generations, therefore making it hard for teachers or their parents to connect with them.

Smile a bit when delivering this insult:

  • My girlfriend asked why you are always scared of people. I told her that once upon a time you couldn’t stop talking until you lost one tooth.

The only reason your competitors’ brand is growing and yours isn’t, is because you can’t seem to mind your business.

Gen Z folks make a lot of mistakes because they can’t seem to focus on their life, which affects them on many business decisions, including building a brand.

This insult points out the fact that, when a Gen Z is supposed to focus on building his brand, he prefers to focus on how much his competitor is spending in nightclubs, and how much his competitor’s latest car costs.

Which may affect his mindset, and prevent him from building his brand.

Look away when delivering this insult:

  • They told me to tell the truth that is why I told them I would pick an iPhone over a scholarship.

Whenever you go through a breakup, your elder brothers always report your Twitter account.

One of the common things about Gen Z folks is that they love online sympathy, even if they know they will be mocked, they just want their followers to know everything that is going on.

One of the subjects they always post about is love, they don’t need to say much, they can just possess a broken heart and followers will flood their comment section saying a lot of things.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • The only reason your followers ask why you are heartbroken is because they are bored and they want to laugh at your misery.
  • Whenever you post a broken heart smiley I am always like “Next he got used again”.

If Siri was programmed to say one thing she would love to tell you, it would be “Get a life”.

Siri and Alexa are some of the artificial intelligence programs on devices that are programmed to make daily life and tasks easier for humans. This insult envisages that if Siri was allowed to say one thing to their Gen Z users it would be “get a life” because of their over-dependence.

Wear a little smile when delivering this insult:

  • Now that Siri and Alexa’s creators want to create a blacklist for users, I know you will make the top 3 for the first time in your life.

The only reason we follow your page is that you always pose in your pictures like you are looking for food.

Maintaining a social presence online means owning an account on two to three of the most used social media apps.

Gen Z folks post some outrageous pictures all in the name of clickbait because it is a trend and it is perceived as a normal thing people do these days.

Insult them this way:

  • I hope Elon Musk pays you soon because it is obvious in your posted pictures that you don’t use your money to eat.

how to insult a genz

The only way you can stop being unlucky in a relationship is if you can find a way to delete Tinder from your brain.

Some Gen Z folks frequent Tinder so much on the site that some find love there and some just can’t stop going there looking for different selfish adventures.

Look away when delivering this insult:

  • The reason I don’t close my eyes when I pray for your love life is because I don’t trust that you won’t be on Tinder then

I told your sister the reason you always get lost is because you rely on Google Maps rather than your God-given own.

Google Maps is so efficient in this era that Tesla cars can self-drive and take you to a destination you don’t know.

Google can be quite disadvantageous in remote areas especially where a new road has just been constructed, thereby misleading people who are too reliant on it.

Deliver your insult this way:

  • Try to use your brain once in a while so that you won’t be the one to discover vampires or cannibals who would eat your dull brain.
  • I heard someone saying that there should be a Google map in houses and I immediately knew it was you.

You are so used to makeup that I could not recognize you in your best clothes.

Makeup and cosmetics are so rampant these days that whenever such people who use them are without makeup they look astonishingly different.

If you have an opponent in this category, this is the perfect insult for them.

Try not to smile when delivering this insult:

  • When the police came to arrest you, I told them you might be the suspect because you were looking different than you were yesterday.
  • You look like my wicked economics teacher whenever you are not in makeup.

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