20 Best Insults for a Nigerian Scammer

Best Insults for a Nigerian Scammer

Scammers whose abode is the prestigious “Giant of Africa”, are not only skilled in hypocrisy, but also good with sweet talking their ‘ clients’ (victim) into wiping out their account just to make themselves rich. 

Well, these criminals will certainly have a slight taste of their own medicine, through the list of 20 best one-liner insults that I have prepared for you to steal the little pride left in them. 

These are great expressions that would come in handy in case one decides to scam you or if you run into one. By the time you’re done reading this article, you would become a word gun to any Nigerian scammer. 

Let’s get started! 

List of 20 Best Insults For a Nigerian Scammer.

  1. I bet that without your iPhone you would have been dead. 
  2. You look like all the designers of the world puked on you. It’s too much. 
  3. Your dreads remind me of your personality, dirty and dark. 
  4. Your WhatsApp must be a board room for fintech names. 
  5. Do Nigerian scammers attend the ‘School of Weed’? You are all a fan.
  6. Your scammer game is weak my friend, try something else. 
  7. Dude, you’re not fooling even my toddler with your free money scam. 
  8. Your scamming skills are about as good as a Nigerian traffic light. 
  9. I’ve heard better scams from Nigerian mimes, bro. 
  10. Your friend looks more like a better con artist than you, my friend.
  11. Your scam is successful as a Nigerian restaurant that only serves vegan food. 
  12. Bro, your scams remind me of Nigerian soccer fans, too subtle. 
  13. You have scammed a lot of people in the past, a lot of people in your head right? 
  14. You’re truly the scammer in the word, ‘Nigerian Scammer’. 
  15. There’s a strong connection between you and the Nigerian police, I bet the prison room is your wedding hall. 
  16. Your scams are as old as your rickled face. 
  17. You live off of stolen money, you aren’t rich, you’re just a thief. 
  18. As a Nigerian scammer, I am positive that lying is a major part of you. 
  19. Your lies are as dirty as the gutters in Lagos, you scammer! 
  20. Not everyone is foolish enough to be scammed by an amateur like you. 

I bet that without your iPhone you would have been dead. 

Nigerian scammers are often believed to use IOS type of phones. It’s the phone that most of them use to commit the atrocities in the country.  

This statement uses a form of hyperbole, to exaggerate the extent at which scammers in Nigeria use an iPhone by insinuating that they possibly could die without it. 

  • Your iPhone must be your oxygen, you aren’t going to survive without it. 
  • IOS phones are the best. A Nigerian Scammer like you doesn’t deserve it.

You look like all the designers of the world puked on you. It’s too much.

 Best Insults for a Nigerian Scammer

Nigerian scammers are usually identified by the excessive amount of designers they have on them. It’s like a designer’s festival from head to toe. 

This expression throws shade at this peculiar quality of theirs by commenting that it’s too much. 

  • Did all the designer brands gather to puke on you? 
  • Must you always wear a fake designer shirt anytime we meet? 

Your dreads remind me of your personality, dirty and dark. 

The reference to the dreads, a popular hairstyle for people who engage in fraudulent acts in Nigeria, is to point out the individual’s personality which is regarded as dark and dirty. 

This would definitely piss off a Nigerian scammer, because it also insults their physical appearance aside from their emotions. 

  • Your dreads are just as dirty as your personality. 
  • Your dark personality is just as dark as your dreads. 

Your WhatsApp status must be a boardroom for fintech names. 

Nigerian scammers obviously would be very knowledgeable about fintech like, Cash app, Paypal, Gift cards and the likes. They post about it constantly on their social media accounts. 

Implying that their Whatsapp status is a boardroom for it just highlights their obsession with these apps. 

  • Your WhatsApp must be the meeting ground for fintech names. 
  • Do you stop posting about fintech? 

Do Nigerian scammers attend the ‘School of Weed’? You are all a fan.

This is an hilarious question to ask a Nigerian scammer. Asking if they attend the ‘School of Weed’ is a jab at the fact that most Nigerian scammers indulge in harmful substances. 

This would make a brilliant punchline in a physical setting with one. 

  • Weed must be a superhero to Nigerian scammers, you all love it. 
  • Could Nigerian scammers not take weed? 

Your scammer game is weak my friend, try something else. 

This is a direct insult to a Nigerian scammer who could be stepping on your toes. 

Every scammer has one story or the other to tell which could be shut right up with a statement like this. Saying that their game is weak is a brutal insult to them for sure. 

  • Your scam game is weak my friend, try something else. 
  • Try something else, this scheme is weak. 

Dude, you’re not fooling even my toddler with your free money scam. 

Every Nigerian scammer always comes with a strategy that if you invest a particular amount, you would earn double or triple of it which some people easily fall for. 

If you’ve caught the scheme and you want to ridicule them, then you could insult them by reducing their scheme to the extent that even a toddler wouldn’t fall for it. 

  • Your free money scam isn’t even going to work on toddlers. 
  • Even a toddler could tell that you’re a liar. 

Your scamming skills are about as good as a Nigerian traffic light. 

This expression uses Nigerian traffic lights known to be inconsistent and unreliable, to poke fun at a Nigerian scammer’s skill. 

This would be a good punchline to make use of on a Nigerian scammer who might be getting on your nerves. 

  • Your scamming skills are just as worse as Nigerian traffic lights. 
  • Nigerian traffic lights are more effective than your scamming skills.

I’ve heard better scams from Nigerian mimes, bro. 

Firstly, Nigerian mimes don’t talk which makes this expression more ridiculous and silly for a Nigerian scammer. 

This is a way of implying that a person basically says trash or is more mute than a Nigerian mime. 

  • I heard a Nigerian mime say better things than your useless scam. 
  • Your scams are making less sense than a Nigerian mime. 

Your friend looks more like a better con artist than you, my friend.

This expression is good if you’re aiming to kill two birds with a stone. 

The stone in this context, is this brutal statement that interprets that a person’s friend looks more of a con artist than the actual person who is claiming to be. 

  • You look more like a con artist than your friend. 
  • Your friend looks like a con artist while you look like his side chick. 

Your scam is successful as a Nigerian restaurant that only serves vegan food. 

Majority of Nigerians are meat lovers which makes it nearly impossible to see a successful vegan restaurant in Nigeria. 

To say that one’s scam is just as successful as a restaurant that stands no chance of making it big, is a brutal insult for a Nigerian scammer. 

  • Have you ever seen a vegan restaurant make it big in Nigeria? It’s just like your scams? 
  • If a vegan restaurant ever makes it in Nigeria then perhaps your scams might stand a chance. 

Bro, your scams remind me of Nigerian soccer fans, too subtle.

 Best Insults for a Nigerian Scammer

The brutality in this statement could make any Nigerian scammer get mad. 

Nigerian soccer fans aren’t as highly populated as they should be, which would mean that the scam wouldn’t be bought by a lot of people as well. 

  • Your scams are just like Nigerian soccer fans, very few. 
  • “The few, the proud”, it’s the same with the number of people who fall for your scams. 

You have scammed a lot of people in the past, a lot of people in your head right? 

If you’re aiming to insult a Nigerian scammer in a mild way, then expression is the best pick. 

To imply that all the people that the person has scammed is in their head, means that they aren’t really a good scammer in reality. 

  • All the people you’ve ever scammed are in your head. 
  • You never successfully scam someone, it’s all in your head.

You’re truly the scammer in the word, ‘Nigerian Scammer’. 

This is a sarcastic praise at a Nigerian scammer who might be shamelessly proud of what they do for a living. 

It’s a way of ridiculing their profession by calling them a straight out scammer. It’s definitely not going to sit well with them. 

  • You’re truly the ‘Nigerian’ in the word, ‘Nigerian scammer’.
  • You are the world’s greatest scammer! 

There’s a strong connection between you and the Nigerian police, I bet the prison room is your wedding hall. 

Nigerian scammers sometimes get busted by the police which is ridiculed as a ‘connection’ in this insult line. 

It’s an hilarious way to say that Nigerian scammers must find the prison room comfortable, because they end up there most of the time. 

  • The prison room must be a second home to you. 
  • I hope you start a family in a Nigerian prison. 

Your scams are as old as your wrinkled face. 

This is a double attack on a Nigerian scammer’s physical appearance and scams. 

Perhaps your target has some sort of physical deficiency, then you could make fun of their scam schemes alongside how they look. It would have a double effect on them  for sure. 

  • Your scams are as old as your ugly wrinkled face. 
  • I find your scams more annoying than your face. 

You live off of stolen money, you aren’t rich, you’re just a thief.

Straightforward and brutal, this is just perfect for a Nigerian scammer. 

A Nigerian scammer obviously is a thief that uses stolen money to live a good life. They shouldn’t be considered rich considering the number of people they made poor just to be called ‘rich’. 

  • You should be called rich, you’re just a thief. 
  • You’re a thief and a scammer, you shouldn’t be called wealthy. 

As a Nigerian scammer, I am positive that lying is a major part of you. 

Of course to scam a person you need to create a false story, that’s part of the scam scheme. 

Nigerian scammers are good with lying about everything which could birth the expression that it’s a major part of them. It’s a creative way to point out the negative part of them which is lying. 

  • You’re made of lies, that’s why you find it easy to scam people. 
  • You sure do know how to lie, you’re sure that it’s not a talent? 

Your lies are as dirty as the gutters in Lagos, you scammer! 

If you’ve ever seen a gutter in Lagos, a state in the country of Nigeria, then you would understand the gravity of this statement. 

By the usage of this comparison, it is clear to see how this would sound insulting to a Nigerian scammer by regarding the lies they tell as dirty. 

  • Your lies are so dirty that the gutters in Lagos are so dirty. 
  • I can’t understand why your lies are so obvious, I can smell it like the gutters in Lagos. 

Not everyone is foolish enough to be scammed by an amateur like you. 

To call a Nigerian scammer who considers him or herself as an expert, an amateur, is a big blow to the face. 

No scammer would find it complimentary that their skills are regarded as ‘amateur’. It could hurt more than being slapped in the face. 

  • You’re an amateur at scamming people, you need extra lessons. 
  • You could do better than tell me those amateur stories, Nigerian scammers!

Final Thoughts

Remember that when using this expression, the right comic tone should be put in place to make it more painful for a Nigerian scammer to hear.

I hope you find these expressions helpful, let me know down in the comment section if you need more of these. 


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