20 Funny Roasts for a Loud Person

Funny Roasts for a Loud Person

There is just that one person amongst your clique of friends ( I call it the odd one) who can’t seem to use their indoor voice or subdued tone.

Whether they’re in a crowded room or just chatting with a friend, they are shouting at the top of their voice or screaming, and they call it a conversation. No guy, this is a presentation….

Well, I know how intolerable and annoying loud people can be.

Trust me I have been there and that is why I have compiled 20 funny roasts to use if you are looking for a way to get them to tone it down a notch.

Or you just want to make them laugh. In either ways, below is a list of funny roasts for the loudest person you know that will either make them laugh or groan. 

Here are 20 funny roasts for a loud person

  1. I asked myself “why does he make such a loud noise” then I looked at your big, wide mouth and I got the answer.
  2. I’ve heard quieter hurricanes than you.
  3. Are you paid by the decibel?
  4. Your voice is like an alarm clock, annoying and impossible to ignore.
  5. Did you eat a megaphone for breakfast?
  6. I’m surprised you haven’t shattered any windows with your volume.
  7.  Your voice is so loud, even satellites are getting interference.
  8. If silence is golden, you’re bankrupt.
  9. Whispering is a foreign language to you, isn’t it?
  10. I bet even your shadow wears earplugs.
  11. Heard you were arrested last night and on your file it was written ” The guy who caused Earthquake with his voice in DC”
  12. Your voice could wake the dead. Are you auditioning for a zombie role?
  13. I’ve not seen a woofer that makes more noise than you.
  14. I bet your vocal cords are just permanently set to “shout”?
  15. You could drown out a jet engine with your voice.
  16.  The neighbors probably know your life story by now, thanks to your booming voice.
  17. You have the voice of a rock star, just without the talent.
  18. Everytime with you is a fight against the urge to use duct tape on you.
  19.  I bet even the mute button avoids you.
  20. I’m surprised your echo hasn’t filed a noise complaint yet.

1. I asked myself “why does he make such a loud noise” then I looked at your big, wide mouth and I got the answer.

Funny Roasts for a Loud Person

A humorous assumption that your noisy friend is loud because he has a big mouth is a creative way to roast your friend and also poke fun at them.

This statement will not only work well in cautioning them to stop being loud but will also send everyone rolling in laughter. 

You know it will even hit the more if the person you are roasting fits the big mouth description 100%. I bet they will stop right on the track to reflect on their bad habits.

  • Your big wide mouth looks like Ken Wood, the funny thing is your mouth delivers.

2. I’ve heard quieter hurricanes than you.

If you want to shun a loud person in a sarcastic manner then “I have heard quieter hurricanes than you” is a go-to witty one liner to use on them.

The more effective the roast if they understand sarcasm because with this statement, you are creatively saying they are very loud and irritating.

This roast can be used to get the attention of a loud person and can be used to quiet them.

  • Among all the noisy natural disasters you top the list .

3. Are you paid by the decibel?

“Are you paid by the decibel” is a very hilarious and symbolic expression to use on a loud person. Decibel is a term used to refer to a degree of loudness.

Inferring that perhaps they are paid by decibels is a great way to inform them about being loud because most of them feign ignorance about their awareness that they are loud.

 Also, it is a crafty way to make them confused and lost in the comprehension of what you have just said.

  • Sperm whales might feel intimated by your loud voice 

4. Your voice is like an alarm clock, annoying and impossible to ignore.

As earlier stated, the piercing or high-pitch tone of a loud person can be annoying especially when you have warned them to stop and they prove unyielding.

Well, it’s not bad to offer them your piece of opinion about them. This certainly will set them straight, and pass the right message they intentionally choose to ignore.

No, you don’t hate them. You are just saying how you feel which isn’t a bad idea after all. 

  • Your voice is like a bad dream, annoying with a recurring haunting feeling.

5. Did you eat a megaphone for breakfast?

You know It isn’t a roast if it doesn’t make you laugh at the thought of saying it or evoke laughter from your audience.

Take them on a laughing streak with this funny roast. More effective if tap or three more of your friends are gathered around a loud person.

A practical illustration of how you can use it is being timely when Mr. Loud wants to air his opinion, stop him abruptly by saying:

  • Shhhhh! Did you eat a microphone for breakfast?

6. I’m surprised you haven’t shattered any windows with your volume.

Funny Roasts for a Loud Person

A savage comment to use for your noisy friend! Here is a funny way to remind them they are loud, and suitable for them if they are a constant visitor at your residence.

By using this statement for them, you are implying that their loud pitched voice is destructive.

You can even stop them from coming to your house in a crafty way by saying:

  • My building almost collapsed from your loud voice.

7.  Your voice is so loud, even satellites are getting interference.

This roast is a funny roast to express your displeasure towards a loud person. It uses exaggeration techniques to draw humorous effect on the listeners. Also, it is a good roast to poke fun at your noisy friend.

  • You are natural, walking EMP.

8. If silence is golden, you’re bankrupt.

Here is a subtle shade on a loud person. Perhaps a loud person comes to you for an honest opinion, to tell him what you think about him, then that moment is the perfect moment to use this roast.

With this roast, you have wittingly told them that they are too loud and on the sensible side, they need to change their ill manners.

  • If silence were a crime, you would have been the first to escape jail terms.

9. Whispering is a foreign language to you, isn’t it?

This is for that adamant person who doesn’t take corrections.

You guys needed to say something confidential but their voice is giving you two away and that which is confidential might soon get to your boss’ ears, and eventually land the both of you into trouble.

Well, the roast above can be used to keep them in check. It’s just a creative way of saying “you are shouting.

You can do better by talking in subdued tones”. After all, the person whom they are addressing is just right in front of them.

  • The last time you whispered I heard you fell sick.

10. I bet even your shadow wears earplugs.

Another exaggerated comment to pass on someone who is loud is ” I bet even your shadow wears earplugs”. This is to describe the extent at which they talk at the top of their voices. 

It’s a hilarious comment to incite laughter amongst your friends and to make fun of a loud person.

  • Without earplugs, your shadows would have been deaf. 

11. Heard you were arrested last night and on your file it was written ” The guy who caused Earthquake with his voice in DC”

If you find yourself in a roast banter with a loud person then the roast above is a suitable stage roast to draw laughter from your listeners.

Not only will you lighten the atmosphere, you will also be winning the hearts of more followers to your sides.

  • I heard your voice is so loud, it gives babies nightmares.

12. Your voice could wake the dead. Are you auditioning for a zombie role?

Still in the roast banter with them? Go even hard on them using this roast to savage them. Trust me, they will forget that they are in a roast banter with you and even join you in laughing at themselves.

  • With such voice, you are the perfect cast for the series “Walking Dead”

13. I’ve not seen a woofer that makes more noise than you.

This roast is for you if you have a sibling that has a high-pitched voice. The next time they are in your room speaking like there is a microphone in their vocal chords, use this roast to scald them.

Trust me when I say they will freeze on the next statement they are about to utter.

  • I have came across so many loud woofers, but your voice is in it’s own league, and also the loudest.

14. I bet your vocal cords are just permanently set to “shout”?

Show a loud person how creative you are by telling them in different ways that they are loud, and watch them being awed. 

Some of these loud people are just noisy. They lack wits or sarcasm. 

When next you come in contact with them, give them an unexpected remark.

I bet they were expecting the usual ” you are just too loud” but with this, you are taking them by surprise and causing them to shut up temporarily.

  • I am sure you have a strange vocal cord, that is suppose to belong to three people, guess that why you are so loud.

15. You could drown out a jet engine with your voice.

Another sarcastic comment to taunt someone with a loud voice. By exaggerating that their voice can drown a jet engine, you humorously make fun of them and take a low jab on them.

  • You are so loud jet engines could only try to mimic you.

16.  The neighbors probably know your life story by now, thanks to your booming voice.

This is another funny roast to say to a loud person. People that are loud obviously have no secrets because 50% of the secrets are divulged when they are having conversations with their friends or colleagues. 

Use this comment to sting your loud friend, and let’s hope they curb themselves from being loud.

  • You are so loud, you could only gossip if you are the only occupant on earth and you are talking to yourself.

17. You have the voice of a rock star, just without the talent.

This good tease laced with humor is for your loud friend who is a singer. Saying they have the voice of a rock star without talent Is a witty way of saying they make noise in the guise of melody.

This is so apt for someone who doesn’t have a voice but loves to sing.

  • You have the aura of a rock star, only you couldn’t different between screaming and singing.

18. Everytime with you is a fight against the urge to use duct tape on you.

Here is a roast to scorch a loud person. Again, Iet me reinstate that loud people can be annoying and if you are the hot tempered, inpatient type, you would always feel like shouting at them to shut up.

Next time you feel the urge to scream at them to stop talking, use this witty roast instead to ease yourself of the distress they might make you pass through.

  • Everytime am with you I fight the urge to silence you forever.

19. I bet even the mute button avoids you.

Another creative toast to dismiss your siblings who don’t know how to keep his voice low when they are concerned with you. This roast when used is even more effective and taunting than a slap.

  • If you were a dictionary, words like mute, silence, quiet would be missing.

20. I’m surprised your echo hasn’t filed a noise complaint yet.

A final roast smack on an obstinate loud person. By using this roast, you are creatively telling them that they have overused their welcome and you are finding them unbearable.

 Use this roast to dismiss or shun them.

  • Immediately you talk the quiet peace in the neighborhood goes on a vacation.


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