20 Funny Roasts for Someone With a Perm

how to roast someone with a perm

If you have someone with a perm and you wish to tease them or go on a word banter but don’t know how to come up with great comebacks, hair-raising statements, witty words, one-liners, or puns; This article is for you.

I understand that sometimes when in a word banter with someone, it’s difficult to come up with great comebacks especially when you are in the heat of the argument.

That is why I have prepared for you the best and light-hearted jokes you can use to roast someone with a perm.

Here are 20 Funny Roasts for Someone with a Perm

There are plenty of hair-raising statements, good punchlines, and one-liners you can use to tease someone with a perm.

For instance, you can tease them like this: “Is your hair on a permanent vacation, or did it just decide to live in the ’80s forever”…

  1. Your perm is like a tornado warning – a lot of chaos, and everyone’s seeking shelter
  2. I’ve seen more organized chaos in a toddler’s finger painting than in your perm
  3. I didn’t realize we were bringing back the poodle chic – nice touch with the perm.”
  4. Did your hair go through a perm-a-nent rebellion, or is it just practicing for a stand-up comedy career?”
  5. Your perm lacks manner like its owner
  6. Does your brain get permed too? It seems to lack the ability to think straight.
  7. I won’t judge you by your looks; you are a straight person but your hair isn’t.
  8. If Superman had the time you use in making your hair perm, he would have saved the whole world.
  9. Your hair is a good appetizer. It reminds me of noodles.
  10. My worst nightmare is going broke; yours is not having a curly hair
  11. The last time you took your job as seriously as your hair, you almost made it to Forbes.
  12.  Perm hair and more worries
  13. Perm hair and no savings
  14. Your hair scares you more than a rollercoaster.
  15. I hope your perm has its own agent because it’s stealing the spotlight in every room.
  16. Your perm is a daily reminder that life is full of twists, turns, and tangles.
  17. Perm hair and a good sense of humour
  18. Your perm is like a topographical map of curls – every twist tells a story or at least a bad hair day saga.
  19. Your perm is like a complex math problem.
  20. Your perm looks like a field of wheat caught in a windstorm.

Your perm is like a tornado warning – a lot of chaos, and everyone’s seeking shelter.

For a perm hair, the waves and curls are always so prominent that they appear like a lot of disruptions, with this idea you have you can use it to get at people with a perm.

Instead of using bland words, this roast is more suitable for you to use to appear more like a professional.

For instance, you are in a word banter with permed hair and they are gaining more grounds, flipping their hair thinking they have won; just let out this classic burner and watch them her roasted:

  • You should stop flipping your hair while talking; a lot of chaos is going on and everyone is seeking shelter.
  • I don’t know which is more disastrous right now; your hair or the earthquake happening.

I’ve seen more organized chaos in a toddler’s finger painting than in your perm

Another way to roast someone with a perm is using this savage line, most suitable when you are in a roast fight with that person.

It describes how disorganized their hair looks, and expressing yourself with this roast will sting the most. I bet such people would have to take some pause before they can fully recover to plan a comeback.

Here is how to deliver your roast appropriately:

  • Do you call this perm? Even a toddler’s painting is more organized than this chaos on you.
  • Your perm deserves to be crowned the Queen of Chaos.

how to roast someone with a perm

I didn’t realize we were bringing back the poodle chic – nice touch with the perm.

Imagine your friend came to show off his new hairstyle and elevate the boring atmosphere with this roast.

Here, not only are you making fun of their hairstyle, but you are also trying to tell him he looks like a poodle with the hairstyle. The only difference is that you are saying it in a light mood and intending to generate laughter.

For instance,  you can touch his hair playfully and say:

  • I didn’t realize we were bringing back the poodle chic – nice touch with the perm.
  • Hope my poodle didn’t see ya. I don’t want it mistaking you for its lost relative.

how to roast someone with a perm

Did your hair go through a perm-a-nent rebellion, or is it just practicing for a stand-up comedy career?”

Another brilliant roast for the guys who easily decode brainy humor! If you need a witty wordplay to roast your guy with a perm “Did your hair go through a perm-a-nent rebellion, or is it just practicing for a stand-up comedy career?” is the perfect roast to use.

The wordplay on “perm” suggests that permed hair people have a permanent rebellion and wittingly attached its firm appearance to building up for a career in stand-up comedy.

A piece of advice; This roast is so superb so don’t waste it on someone who doesn’t understand witty statements or puns.

You can break the roast down for easier comprehension:

  • I heard your hair went through a perm-a-nent rebellion. Congrats!

Your perm lacks manner like its owner

Put a disrespectful neighbor with a perm using this one-liner: Your perm lacks manners like its owner.

This is another way to completely roast someone with perm hair especially when they are rude to you.

Below are some examples:

  • Your perm exudes more rudeness than you.
  • It is heartbreaking that your perm lacks manners as much as you do!

Does your brain get permed too? It seems to lack the ability to think straight

how to roast someone with a perm

If you have an annoying sibling who is only after her perm and doesn’t take any other thing seriously, you can roast them with this expression; Does your brain get permed too? It seems to lack the ability to think straight…

By this, you are trying to pinpoint her negligence towards things that matter in her life.

  • Seeing your approach to things, I am starting to believe that your brain also got permed.

I won’t judge you by your looks; you are a straight person but your hair isn’t.

“I won’t judge you by your looks; you are a straight person but your hair isn’t” is another way to playfully roast your friend with a perm, especially in the case he is a guy but he acts like a lady.

Not only are you making fun of their hair, but you are also teasing them about their effeminate personality in a lighter mood.

  • If I were to judge by your looks, I would say you are not straight.

If Superman had the time you use in making your hair perm, he would have saved the whole world.

This roast here is great to use to tease someone you know who takes time when they go to the salon to perm their hair.

This one-liner is used to indirectly make fun of their hairstyles as a time-taking activity.

  • Superman only needs half the time you use in perming your hair to be the world’s hero.
  • Your makes you no friend of punctuality.

Your hair is a good appetizer. It reminds me of noodles

If you want to poke fun at someone with a perm such that they almost feel like throwing pillows at you, this is the perfect roast to use for them.

It is a very humorous tease you can use for your bestie or girlfriend of your junior sister.

  • Someone get me an egg. I have noodles sprouting on Jane’s head already.

how to roast someone with a perm

My worst nightmare is going broke; yours is not having curly hair

If you have a friend who is overly obsessed with her perm like her life depends on it, throw a subtle shade at her using this roast.

This statement expresses your irritation towards their obsession with their perm, only that it is in a joking manner.

Make use of this example to deliver your roast well:

  • We both stay awake all night but yours is for a different reason and it is that you dread the day you will not have curly hair.

The last time you took your job as seriously as your hair, you almost made it to Forbes.

Perhaps you want to get at someone with a perm who is also an unserious fellow, this exaggerated statement is a perfect roast for such a person.

It means that the person is only dedicated towards their perm and looking good but nonchalant in other areas of their life.

Be sure it will hit perfectly when you say your roast this way:

  • If you had taken your job seriously like the way you do with your hair, by now you would have succeeded Elon Musk as the richest man in the world
  • If you had given your job the same energy you give your hair you wouldn’t have been retrenched.

Perm hair and more worries

You see, people with a perm have a lot to worry about; from hair care products and tips to maintaining their curls. So when next you are in banter with a permed hair fella, roast him like this:

  • Permed hair carries all the worries of the world on their head.
  • Waves? No! That is all the worries of the world woven into styles.

Perm hair and no savings

One skill you must possess as someone who delivers roast is to know how to convince or manipulate the minds of your listeners.

Convince your audience to believe that people with permed hair spend all their savings on perming their hair for some minutes before adding “just a joke” to it.

This will surely induce more laughter from the audience and put you in the position of a professional in the roast game.

Mount up the stage and say something like:

  • Ever wonder where all perm-haired savings go? On their hair!
  • Perm-haired people only save for the last… which is their perm!

Your hair scares you more than a rollercoaster

Your perm-haired friend has been adjourning your rollercoaster date and you wish to get at her funnily, your hair scares you more than the rollercoaster is a sweet way to salvage them.

This one-liner makes fun more lightly of people with perm hair as being uncomfortable or insecure with activities that will disassemble their looks.

Here’s a different way to use this roast:

  • No more excuses; I’m aware your hair scares you more than the rollercoaster itself.

how to roast someone with a perm

I hope your perm has its own agent because it’s stealing the spotlight in every room

If you want to tease someone with perm hair, make use of this ironic roast.

This roast draws a sharp contrast to what is going on at the moment. In this instance, perm hair fella knows he is nowhere in the spotlight of the show, yet you roasted him with this statement this will certainly hit differently and draw laughter from him.

Here are different ways to use this roast:

  • Look at you! You are just the center of attraction at the party tonight.
  • Hope you came with your own security agent? In case someone plans to kidnap you for stealing the show

Your perm is a daily reminder that life is full of twists, turns, and tangles.

I saved this punchline for last and that is what you should also do. Make your counterpart wonder if you still have some missiles then without notice, drop this one and feel the air of disbelief rent the room.

Here’s a different way to use this roast:

  • Your perm is a daily proof that life is full of twists, turns, and tangles.

Deliver this roast and watch your gees hail you with their “woooowww”

Perm hair and a good sense of humor

If you want to roast someone with a perm such that you are trying to pinpoint the funny and silly way they act, say a roast about their perm having a good sense of humor.

You can say your roast like this:

  • Your perm gave you a good sense of humor, you should try to consider being a clown as a full-time career.

Your perm is like a topographical map of curls – every twist tells a story or at least a bad hair day saga

Another best roast and great comeback you should save for the last is this sarcastic statement.

Get yourself to the top of the roast game with this sweet savage.

Here is an example:

  • Your perm is a topographical map of curls- every twist, a tale of a bad hair day fiasco.

Your perm is like a complex math problem

Now you are leading your counterpart in the roast game, use this roast to sustain that position but first be sure you deliver it in a complex way like this:

  • Your perm is like a complex math problem – it adds volume, subtracts sleekness, and multiplies the laughter.

Sleek! I can hear everyone shouting  “Man, you good”

Your perm looks like a field of wheat caught in a windstorm

Yes! Your perm-haired friend is now groaning inside, still with no mercy say this final roast:

  • Your perm looks like a field of wheat caught in a windstorm.

Then watch him roasted completely.  Game over,  and you won!

You are welcome…

A good roast is capable of inducing laughter everywhere so be sure you follow duly the roasts listed here and the illustrations on how to deliver them excellently.

Don’t forget to keep your roast in the mildest form you can.

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